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20          <th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter��2.��
21		The Basic Program
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36            <h2 class="title"><a id="BasicProgram"></a>Chapter��2.��
37		The Basic Program
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43      <div class="toc">
44        <p>
45          <b>Table of Contents</b>
46        </p>
47        <dl>
48          <dt>
49            <span class="sect1">
50              <a href="BasicProgram.html#keyandvalueclasses">
51		Defining Serialized Key and Value Classes
52	</a>
53            </span>
54          </dt>
55          <dt>
56            <span class="sect1">
57              <a href="opendbenvironment.html">
58		Opening and Closing the Database Environment
59	</a>
60            </span>
61          </dt>
62          <dt>
63            <span class="sect1">
64              <a href="openclasscatalog.html">
65		Opening and Closing the Class Catalog
66	</a>
67            </span>
68          </dt>
69          <dt>
70            <span class="sect1">
71              <a href="opendatabases.html">
72		Opening and Closing Databases
73	</a>
74            </span>
75          </dt>
76          <dt>
77            <span class="sect1">
78              <a href="createbindingscollections.html">
79		Creating Bindings and Collections
80	</a>
81            </span>
82          </dt>
83          <dt>
84            <span class="sect1">
85              <a href="implementingmain.html">
86		Implementing the Main Program
87	</a>
88            </span>
89          </dt>
90          <dt>
91            <span class="sect1">
92              <a href="usingtransactions.html">
93		Using Transactions
94	</a>
95            </span>
96          </dt>
97          <dt>
98            <span class="sect1">
99              <a href="addingdatabaseitems.html">
100		Adding Database Items
101	</a>
102            </span>
103          </dt>
104          <dt>
105            <span class="sect1">
106              <a href="retrievingdatabaseitems.html">
107		Retrieving Database Items
108	</a>
109            </span>
110          </dt>
111          <dt>
112            <span class="sect1">
113              <a href="handlingexceptions.html">
114		Handling Exceptions
115	</a>
116            </span>
117          </dt>
118        </dl>
119      </div>
120      <p>
121    The Basic example is a minimal implementation of the shipment
122	program. It writes and reads the part, supplier and shipment
123	databases.
125      <p>
126    The complete source of the final version of the example program
127	is included in the Berkeley DB distribution.
129      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
130        <div class="titlepage">
131          <div>
132            <div>
133              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="keyandvalueclasses"></a>
134		Defining Serialized Key and Value Classes
135	</h2>
136            </div>
137          </div>
138          <div></div>
139        </div>
140        <p>
141    The key and value classes for each type of shipment record ���
142	Parts, Suppliers and Shipments ��� are defined as ordinary Java
143	classes. In this example the serialized form of the key and value
144	objects is stored directly in the database. Therefore these classes
145	must implement the standard Java java.io.Serializable interface. A
146	compact form of Java serialization is used that does not duplicate
147	the class description in each record. Instead the class
148	descriptions are stored in the class catalog store, which is
149	described in the next section. But in all other respects, standard
150	Java serialization is used.
152        <p>
153    An important point is that instances of these classes are passed
154	and returned by value, not by reference, when they are stored and
155	retrieved from the database. This means that changing a key or
156	value object does not automatically change the database. The object
157	must be explicitly stored in the database after changing it. To
158	emphasize this point the key and value classes defined here have no
159	field setter methods. Setter methods can be defined, but it is
160	important to remember that calling a setter method will not cause
161	the change to be stored in the database. How to store and retrieve
162	objects in the database will be described later.
164        <p>
165    Each key and value class contains a toString method that is used
166	to output the contents of the object in the example program. This
167	is meant for illustration only and is not required for database
168	objects in general.
170        <p>
171    Notice that the key and value classes defined below do not
172	contain any references to <tt class="literal">com.sleepycat</tt> packages. An
173	important characteristic of these classes is that they are
174	independent of the database. Therefore, they may be easily used in
175	other contexts and may be defined in a way that is compatible with
176	other tools and libraries.
178        <p>
179    The <tt class="classname">PartKey</tt> class contains only the Part's Number field.
181        <p>
182    Note that <tt class="classname">PartKey</tt> (as well as <tt class="classname">SupplierKey</tt> below)
183	contain only a single String field. Instead of defining a specific
184	class for each type of key, the String class by itself could have
185	been used. Specific key classes were used to illustrate strong
186	typing and for consistency in the example. The use of a plain
187	String as an index key is illustrated in the next example program.
188	It is up to the developer to use either primitive Java classes such
189	as String and Integer, or strongly typed classes. When
190	there is the possibility that fields will be added later to a key
191	or value, a specific class should be used.
194        <a id="cb_partkey"></a>
195        <pre class="programlisting"><b class="userinput"><tt>import java.io.Serializable;
197public class PartKey implements Serializable
199    private String number;
201    public PartKey(String number) {
202        this.number = number;
203    }
205    public final String getNumber() {
206        return number;
207    }
209    public String toString() {
210        return "[PartKey: number=" + number + ']';
211    }
212}</tt></b> </pre>
213        <p>
214    The <tt class="classname">PartData</tt> class contains the Part's Name, Color,
215	Weight and City fields.
217        <a id="cb_partdata"></a>
218        <pre class="programlisting"><b class="userinput"><tt>import java.io.Serializable;
220public class PartData implements Serializable
222    private String name;
223    private String color;
224    private Weight weight;
225    private String city;
227    public PartData(String name, String color, Weight weight, String city)
228    {
229        this.name = name;
230        this.color = color;
231        this.weight = weight;
232        this.city = city;
233    }
235    public final String getName()
236    {
237        return name;
238    }
240    public final String getColor()
241    {
242        return color;
243    }
245    public final Weight getWeight()
246    {
247        return weight;
248    }
250    public final String getCity()
251    {
252        return city;
253    }
255    public String toString()
256    {
257        return "[PartData: name=" + name +
258               " color=" + color +
259               " weight=" + weight +
260               " city=" + city + ']';
261    }
262}</tt></b> </pre>
263        <p>
264    The <tt class="classname">Weight</tt> class is also defined here, and is used as the
265	type of the Part's Weight field. Just as in standard Java
266	serialization, nothing special is needed to store nested objects as
267	long as they are all Serializable.
269        <a id="cb_weight"></a>
270        <pre class="programlisting"><b class="userinput"><tt>import java.io.Serializable;
272public class Weight implements Serializable
274    public final static String GRAMS = "grams";
275    public final static String OUNCES = "ounces";
277    private double amount;
278    private String units;
280    public Weight(double amount, String units)
281    {
282        this.amount = amount;
283        this.units = units;
284    }
286    public final double getAmount()
287    {
288        return amount;
289    }
291    public final String getUnits()
292    {
293        return units;
294    }
296    public String toString()
297    {
298        return "[" + amount + ' ' + units + ']';
299    }
300}</tt></b> </pre>
301        <p>
302    The <tt class="classname">SupplierKey</tt> class contains the Supplier's Number
303	field.
305        <a id="cb_supplierkey"></a>
306        <pre class="programlisting"><b class="userinput"><tt>import java.io.Serializable;
308public class SupplierKey implements Serializable
310    private String number;
312    public SupplierKey(String number)
313    {
314        this.number = number;
315    }
317    public final String getNumber()
318    {
319        return number;
320    }
322    public String toString()
323    {
324        return "[SupplierKey: number=" + number + ']';
325    }
326}</tt></b> </pre>
327        <p>
328    The <tt class="classname">SupplierData</tt> class contains the Supplier's Name,
329	Status and City fields.
331        <a id="cb_supplierdata"></a>
332        <pre class="programlisting"><b class="userinput"><tt>import java.io.Serializable;
334public class SupplierData implements Serializable
336    private String name;
337    private int status;
338    private String city;
340    public SupplierData(String name, int status, String city)
341    {
342        this.name = name;
343        this.status = status;
344        this.city = city;
345    }
347    public final String getName()
348    {
349        return name;
350    }
352    public final int getStatus()
353    {
354        return status;
355    }
357    public final String getCity()
358    {
359        return city;
360    }
362    public String toString()
363    {
364        return "[SupplierData: name=" + name +
365               " status=" + status +
366               " city=" + city + ']';
367    }
369	</pre>
370        <p>
371    The <tt class="classname">ShipmentKey</tt> class contains the keys of both the Part
372	and Supplier.
374        <a id="cb_shipmentkey"></a>
375        <pre class="programlisting"><b class="userinput"><tt>import java.io.Serializable;
377public class ShipmentKey implements Serializable
379    private String partNumber;
380    private String supplierNumber;
382    public ShipmentKey(String partNumber, String supplierNumber)
383    {
384        this.partNumber = partNumber;
385        this.supplierNumber = supplierNumber;
386    }
388    public final String getPartNumber()
389    {
390        return partNumber;
391    }
393    public final String getSupplierNumber()
394    {
395        return supplierNumber;
396    }
398    public String toString()
399    {
400        return "[ShipmentKey: supplier=" + supplierNumber +
401                " part=" + partNumber + ']';
402    }
403}</tt></b> </pre>
404        <p>
405    The <tt class="classname">ShipmentData</tt> class contains only the Shipment's
406	Quantity field. Like <tt class="classname">PartKey</tt> and <tt class="classname">SupplierKey</tt>,
407	<tt class="classname">ShipmentData</tt> contains only a single primitive field.
408	Therefore the Integer class could have been used instead of
409	defining a specific value class.
411        <a id="cb_shipmentdata"></a>
412        <pre class="programlisting"><b class="userinput"><tt>import java.io.Serializable;
414public class ShipmentData implements Serializable
416    private int quantity;
418    public ShipmentData(int quantity)
419    {
420        this.quantity = quantity;
421    }
423    public final int getQuantity()
424    {
425        return quantity;
426    }
428    public String toString()
429    {
430        return "[ShipmentData: quantity=" + quantity + ']';
431    }
432}</tt></b> </pre>
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