avahi-browse 1 User Manuals
avahi-browse - Browse for mDNS/DNS-SD services using the Avahi daemon
avahi-browse [options] service-type avahi-browse [options] --all avahi-browse [options] --browse-domains avahi-browse [options] --dump-db avahi-browse-domains [options] \f1
Browse for mDNS/DNS-SD network services and browsing domains using the Avahi daemon.
Specify a DNS-SD service type (e.g. _http._tcp) to browse for on the command line, or -a\f1 to browse for all available service types. Items that appear on the network are prefixed with "+", items that disappear are prefixed with "-". If --resolve\f1 is passed items that are resolved are prefixed with "=".

-a | --all\f1 Browse for all service types registered on the LAN, not just the one specified on the command line.

-D | --browse-domains\f1 Browse for browsing domains instead for services. avahi-browse-domains is equivalent to avahi-browse --browse-domains

-d | --domain=\f1 DOMAIN\f1 Browse in the specified domain. If omitted avahi-browse will browse in the default browsing domain (usually .local)

-v | --verbose\f1 Enable verbose mode.

-t | --terminate\f1 Terminate after dumping a more or less complete list.

-c | --cache\f1 Terminate after dumping all entries available in the cache.

-l | --ignore-local\f1 Ignore local services, show only remote services.

-r | --resolve\f1 Automatically resolve services found.

-f | --no-fail\f1 Don't fail if the daemon is not found running. Instead, wait until it appears. If it disconnects, try to reconnect.

-p | --parsable\f1 Make output easily parsable for usage in scripts. If enabled fields are seperated by semicolons (;), service names are escaped. It is recommended to combine this with --no-db-lookup\f1.

-k | --no-db-lookup\f1 Don't lookup services types in service type database.

-b | --dump-db\f1 Dump the service type database (may be combined with -k)

-h | --help\f1 Show help.

-V | --version\f1 Show version information.

The Avahi Developers <avahi (at) lists (dot) freedesktop (dot) org>; Avahi is available from http://avahi.org/\f1
avahi-publish(1)\f1, avahi-resolve(1)\f1, avahi-daemon(8)\f1
This man page was written using xml2man(1)\f1 by Oliver Kurth.