_fini __cxa_finalize __deregister_frame_info __register_frame_info _Jv_RegisterClasses id3_version id3_copyright id3_author id3_build id3_ucs4_length id3_ucs4_size id3_ucs4_latin1size id3_ucs4_utf16size id3_ucs4_utf8size id3_ucs4_latin1duplicate malloc id3_latin1_encode id3_ucs4_utf16duplicate id3_utf16_encode id3_ucs4_utf8duplicate id3_utf8_encode id3_ucs4_copy id3_ucs4_duplicate id3_ucs4_putnumber id3_ucs4_getnumber id3_ucs4_empty id3_latin1_length id3_latin1_size id3_latin1_copy id3_latin1_duplicate id3_latin1_decodechar id3_latin1_encodechar id3_latin1_decode id3_latin1_ucs4duplicate id3_latin1_put id3_latin1_get id3_latin1_serialize id3_latin1_deserialize free id3_utf16_length id3_utf16_size id3_utf16_decodechar id3_utf16_encodechar id3_utf16_decode id3_utf16_ucs4duplicate id3_utf16_put id3_utf16_get id3_utf16_serialize id3_utf16_deserialize id3_utf8_length id3_utf8_size id3_utf8_decodechar id3_utf8_encodechar id3_utf8_decode id3_utf8_ucs4duplicate id3_utf8_put id3_utf8_get id3_utf8_serialize id3_utf8_deserialize id3_parse_int __assert id3_parse_uint id3_parse_syncsafe id3_parse_immediate id3_parse_latin1 memchr memcpy id3_parse_string id3_parse_binary id3_render_immediate id3_render_syncsafe id3_render_int id3_render_binary id3_render_latin1 id3_render_string id3_render_padding memset id3_render_paddedstring id3_field_init strcpy id3_field_finish id3_field_type id3_field_parse realloc id3_field_render id3_field_setint id3_field_settextencoding id3_field_setlatin1 id3_field_setfulllatin1 id3_field_setstring id3_field_setfullstring id3_field_setstrings id3_field_addstring id3_field_setlanguage strlen id3_field_setframeid id3_frame_validid id3_field_setbinarydata id3_field_getint id3_field_getlatin1 id3_field_getfulllatin1 id3_field_getstring id3_field_getfullstring id3_field_getnstrings id3_field_getstrings id3_field_getframeid id3_field_getbinarydata id3_frametype_lookup strncmp id3_frametype_text id3_frametype_url id3_frametype_experimental id3_frametype_unknown id3_frametype_obsolete id3_compat_lookup id3_compat_fixup strcmp id3_tag_findframe id3_frame_new id3_tag_attachframe id3_frame_delete id3_genre_index id3_genre_name id3_genre_number id3_frame_addref id3_frame_delref id3_frame_field id3_frame_parse id3_util_deunsynchronise id3_util_decompress id3_frame_render id3_util_compress id3_util_unsynchronise id3_crc_calculate compress2 uncompress id3_tag_new id3_tag_addref id3_tag_delref id3_tag_version id3_tag_options id3_tag_setlength id3_tag_clearframes id3_tag_delete id3_tag_detachframe id3_tag_query id3_tag_parse id3_tag_render qsort fgetpos fread fsetpos ftell strdup fseek rewind clearerr id3_file_open fopen fclose id3_file_fdopen dup2 id3_file_close id3_file_tag id3_file_update fwrite fflush fileno ftruncate libz.so.1 raise libgcc_s.so.1 libc.so.0 _edata __bss_start __bss_start__ __bss_end__ __end__ _end libid3tag.so.0 
ID3 Tag Library 0.15.0 (beta) Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc. Underbit Technologies, Inc. <info@underbit.com> id3_parse_int id3_parse_uint id3_parse_syncsafe id3_parse_immediate bytes >= 1 && bytes <= 4 parse.c bytes == 4 || bytes == 5 value bytes == 8 || bytes == 4 || bytes == 3 id3_render_immediate id3_render_syncsafe id3_render_int id3_render_paddedstring render.c length <= 30 id3_field_init id3_field_finish id3_field_type id3_field_parse id3_field_render id3_field_setint id3_field_settextencoding id3_field_setlatin1 id3_field_setfulllatin1 id3_field_setstring id3_field_setfullstring id3_field_setstrings id3_field_addstring id3_field_setlanguage id3_field_setframeid id3_field_setbinarydata id3_field_getint id3_field_getlatin1 id3_field_getfulllatin1 id3_field_getstring id3_field_getfullstring id3_field_getnstrings id3_field_getstrings id3_field_getframeid id3_field_getbinarydata field field.c XXXX field && encoding field && length field->binary.length == 0 || field->binary.data + /1 5 4E" > / ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Unknown text information frame Unknown URL link frame Experimental frame Unknown frame Obsolete frame ENCR Encryption method registration POPM Popularimeter WCOM Commercial information SEEK Seek frame USER Terms of use GEOB General encapsulated object TCOM Composer COMR Commercial frame COMM Comments TCON Content type PCNT Play counter POSS Position synchronisation frame ETCO Event timing codes TPE2 Band/orchestra/accompaniment SYTC Synchronised tempo codes TENC Encoded by TDOR Original release time OWNE Ownership frame AENC Audio encryption TDEN Encoding time TSSE Software/hardware and settings used for encoding TRSN Internet radio station name SYLT Synchronised lyric/text WOAR Official artist/performer webpage TSST Set subtitle TOWN File owner/licensee TRSO Internet radio station owner TLEN Length WPUB Publishers official webpage TSOT Title sort order TOFN Original filename TSRC ISRC (international standard recording code) TMED Media type RVRB Reverb TOLY Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s) TOPE Original artist(s)/performer(s) TPRO Produced notice TPUB Publisher WPAY Payment TPOS Part of a set WORS Official Internet radio station homepage TMOO Mood TRCK Track number/position in set TKEY Initial key TDLY Playlist delay RVA2 Relative volume adjustment (2) TDRC Recording time USLT Unsynchronised lyric/text transcription WOAF Official audio file webpage TDTG Tagging time SIGN Signature frame WOAS Official audio source webpage TPE1 Lead performer(s)/soloist(s) TALB Album/movie/show title TSOA Album sort order TLAN Language(s) TPE3 Conductor/performer refinement WCOP Copyright/legal information TPE4 Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by TMCL Musician credits list TBPM BPM (beats per minute) TDRL Release time TOAL Original album/movie/show title TSOP Performer sort order ZOBS EQU2 Equalisation (2) TCOP Copyright message LINK Linked information GRID Group identification registration PRIV Private frame TFLT File type MLLT MPEG location lookup table TEXT Lyricist/text writer UFID Unique file identifier APIC Attached picture ASPI Audio seek point index TIT2 Title/songname/content description WXXX User defined URL link frame MCDI Music CD identifier TIPL Involved people list TXXX User defined text information frame RBUF Recommended buffer size TIT1 Content group description TIT3 Subtitle/description refinement translate_TCON @: / *> 4 / ! 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GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 20031005 (Debian prerelease) GCC: (Buildroot 2012.02) 4.5.3
.shstrtab .hash .dynsym .dynstr .rel.dyn .rel.plt .init .text .fini .rodata .eh_frame .init_array .fini_array .jcr .data.rel.ro .dynamic .got .data .bss .comment .ARM.attributes