__cxa_finalize __deregister_frame_info __register_frame_info _Jv_RegisterClasses av_freep avio_read avio_seek avio_rl32 av_new_packet memcpy av_free_packet av_get_packet av_malloc avformat_new_stream avpriv_set_pts_info av_realloc memset av_log av_free avio_write avio_w8 avio_flush av_destruct_packet av_crc_get_table av_crc avpriv_ac3_parse_header avpriv_mpeg4audio_get_config avpriv_copy_pce_data avio_rb16 av_mallocz avpriv_adx_decode_header avio_r8 avio_rb32 av_dict_set avio_rb64 ldexp av_get_bits_per_sample avio_wb32 avio_wl32 avio_wb16 avio_wb64 av_register_all avcodec_register_all av_register_output_format av_register_input_format av_register_rtp_dynamic_payload_handlers av_register_rdt_dynamic_payload_handlers memcmp avio_rl16 av_log_ask_for_sample strncmp av_index_search_timestamp av_add_index_entry avio_size av_rescale_rnd av_init_packet av_read_frame strstr strcmp av_opt_set av_strlcpy avformat_close_input __ctype_b_loc av_strstart atoi av_gettime avio_close avio_open2 avformat_alloc_context av_probe_input_buffer avformat_open_input avcodec_copy_context avformat_free_context usleep av_strlcat av_rc4_init av_rc4_crypt av_des_init av_des_crypt av_packet_new_side_data av_shrink_packet avio_rl64 __assert avio_get_str16le avpriv_new_chapter avio_seek_time av_rescale av_reduce strlen av_convert_lang_to avio_wl16 av_dict_get avio_wl64 avio_open_dyn_buf avio_put_str16le avio_close_dyn_buf avcodec_find_encoder strchr sscanf av_rescale_q av_fast_realloc qsort av_fifo_free av_fifo_alloc av_fifo_size av_fifo_generic_read av_fifo_generic_write av_fifo_realloc2 avio_alloc_context av_probe_input_format2 av_read_packet avformat_seek_file avpriv_dv_init_demux av_strcasecmp av_div_q avpriv_dv_get_packet avpriv_dv_produce_packet av_mul_q lrintf avio_put_str strcpy av_opt_set_defaults av_protocol_next avio_enum_protocols url_get_max_packet_size url_get_filename av_register_protocol2 strspn url_alloc url_seek url_connect av_opt_free av_opt_set_dict url_open url_close url_open_protocol url_exist avio_check url_filesize url_get_file_handle avio_set_interrupt_cb url_interrupt_cb url_set_interrupt_cb url_read url_write url_read_complete av_url_read_pause av_url_read_seek init_put_byte av_alloc_put_byte url_feof url_ferror put_le32 put_be32 put_nbyte url_fsize url_fprintf vsnprintf put_flush_packet put_strz put_le64 put_be64 put_le16 put_be16 avio_wl24 put_le24 avio_wb24 put_be24 put_tag get_checksum init_checksum url_fdopen get_partial_buffer get_buffer url_fgetc avio_get_str get_strz avio_get_str16be get_be64 get_be32 get_be16 avio_rb24 get_be24 get_le64 get_le32 get_le16 avio_rl24 get_le24 get_byte url_fseek url_ftell url_fskip url_setbufsize avio_open url_fopen url_fclose url_fileno avio_printf url_fgets url_fget_max_packet_size avio_pause av_url_read_fpause av_url_read_fseek url_open_buf url_close_buf url_open_dyn_buf ffio_open_dyn_packet_buf url_open_dyn_packet_buf url_close_dyn_buf bsearch av_default_item_name strcspn av_adler32_update av_aes_crypt memmove av_aes_init av_aes_size av_append_packet avpriv_dv_frame_profile avpriv_dv_codec_profile av_fifo_drain __aeabi_d2lz av_strdup ffm_read_write_index lseek64 ffm_write_write_index ffm_set_write_index abort strtol __errno_location fstat64 open64 avpriv_flac_parse_block_header avpriv_flac_parse_streaminfo avpriv_flac_is_extradata_valid av_url_split avpriv_frame_rate_tab av_interleave_packet_per_dts strrchr atoll av_strncasecmp strtoll getenv av_stristart av_stristr av_strlcatf av_md5_update av_get_random_seed av_md5_init av_md5_final av_base64_encode av_md5_size av_fast_malloc av_get_frame_filename av_get_pix_fmt av_parse_video_size av_parse_video_rate av_filename_number_test av_guess_image2_codec avpriv_mpa_freq_tab avpriv_copy_bits avpriv_align_put_bits ff_log2_tab inflateInit_ inflate inflateEnd av_lzo1x_decode __aeabi_d2ulz avpriv_mpeg4audio_sample_rates av_d2q avcodec_get_type memchr avpriv_split_xiph_headers av_get_bytes_per_sample av_lfg_init fwrite stdout av_metadata_get av_metadata_set2 av_metadata_conv av_metadata_free av_dict_free av_metadata_copy av_dict_copy avpriv_ac3_channel_layout_tab uncompress gmtime strftime av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels av_match_ext avcodec_alloc_context3 av_write_trailer avpriv_mpa_decode_header avpriv_mpegaudio_decode_header av_new_program av_log_missing_feature avpriv_mpv_find_start_code avpriv_lock_avformat avpriv_unlock_avformat poll av_tree_insert av_tree_node_size av_tree_enumerate av_tree_destroy av_tree_find av_gcd av_codec_get_id avpriv_mpa_bitrate_tab avpriv_dirac_parse_sequence_header avcodec_set_dimensions __ctype_toupper_loc av_xiphlacing av_des_mac av_log_get_level av_iformat_next av_oformat_next avformat_get_class ff_inet_aton ff_socket_nonblock fcntl64 avpicture_get_size av_base64_decode av_md5_sum av_sha_init av_sha_update av_sha_final av_sha_size strncat av_opt_get_int gethostname av_guess_format av_opt_get avformat_write_header recvfrom av_find_info_tag ff_rtp_get_local_rtp_port ff_rtp_get_local_rtcp_port strtoul getaddrinfo freeaddrinfo av_parse_time avcodec_find_decoder getnameinfo getsockname ff_rtsp_parse_line getpeername av_sdp_create av_find_input_format av_opt_flag_is_set av_bitstream_filter_init av_bitstream_filter_filter av_bitstream_filter_close avf_sdp_create av_compare_ts av_parser_close floor avpriv_aac_parse_header send recv socket bind listen accept getsockopt gai_strerror setsockopt sendto fputc av_get_pix_fmt_name avcodec_is_open avcodec_get_frame_defaults avcodec_decode_video2 avcodec_decode_audio4 avcodec_open2 avcodec_string avformat_version avformat_configuration avformat_license av_guess_codec av_grow_packet av_probe_input_format av_find_default_stream_index av_update_cur_dts av_parser_init av_parser_parse2 av_compare_mod av_dup_packet av_gen_search av_seek_frame_binary av_seek_frame avpriv_toupper4 av_codec_get_tag avformat_find_stream_info avcodec_close av_find_stream_info av_find_best_stream av_read_play av_read_pause av_close_input_stream av_close_input_file av_set_parameters av_get_codec_tag_string av_write_header av_write_frame av_interleaved_write_frame av_dump_format gettimeofday parse_date av_open_input_file av_open_input_stream av_hex_dump av_hex_dump_log av_pkt_dump av_pkt_dump2 av_pkt_dump_log av_pkt_dump_log2 av_set_pts_info av_new_stream strptime av_timegm avformat_query_codec avformat_network_init avformat_network_deinit avformat_get_riff_video_tags avformat_get_riff_audio_tags avcodec_get_chroma_sub_sample libavcodec.so.53 libavutil.so.51 libm.so.0 libz.so.1 raise __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0 libgcc_s.so.1 libpthread.so.0 libc.so.0 libavformat.so.53 LIBAVFORMAT_53 GCC_3.5 LIBAVUTIL_51 LIBAVCODEC_53 
current_track too large audio header invalid 4xm 4X Technologies format extradata not set Too less memory for prev_pkt. a64 a64 - video for Commodore 64 a64, A64 aac raw ADTS AAC raw AC-3 raw E-AC-3 MPEG-4 AOT %d is not allowed in ADTS Escape sample rate index illegal in ADTS 960/120 MDCT window is not allowed in ADTS Scalable configurations are not allowed in ADTS Extension flag is not allowed in ADTS ADTS frame size too large: %u (max %d) audio/aac aac,adts adx CRI ADX Channels %d not supported! aea MD STUDIO audio NONE NONE NONE NONE fl32 fl64 alaw ulaw P MAC3 P MAC6 P GSM G726 twos sowt ima4 P QDM2 P Qclp title author copyright comment file is not seekable could not find COMM tag or invalid block_align value aiff Audio IFF NONE NONE NONE NONE fl32 fl64 alaw ulaw P MAC3 P MAC6 P GSM G726 twos sowt ima4 P QDM2 P Qclp AIFC AIFF block align not set could not compute bits per sample audio/aiff aif,aiff,afc,aifc #!AMR #!AMR-WB !%)/3;= amr 3GPP AMR file format audio/amr max_pages != 256 anm Deluxe Paint Animation CRYO_APC apc CRYO APC format Unsupported file version - %d.%02d No frames in the file! Too many frames: %u Number of seek entries is less than number of frames: %zu vs. %u Decoding file - v%d.%02d, compression level %u ape Monkey's Audio ape,apl,mac Invalid APE tag key '%s'. APETAGEX Unsupported tag version. (>=%d) Tag size is way too big Too many tag fields (%d) APE Tag is a header Now receiving variant %d No longer receiving variant %d METHOD= URI= IV= BANDWIDTH= #EXTM3U #EXT-X-STREAM-INF: #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION: #EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE: Unable to read key file %s Unable to open key file %s crypto+%s crypto:%s key iv #EXT-X-KEY: AES-128 0x 0X #EXT-X-ENDLIST #EXTINF: # Empty playlist variant_bitrate skipping %d segments ahead, expired from playlists applehttp Apple HTTP Live Streaming format skipping %d segments ahead, expired from playlist opening %s Unable to open %s applehttp+ applehttp:// http:// Unsupported url %s 0& u f b l G Se Se r 2C iR [Z@ i M[ _\D+ W U[ _\D+P a M[ _\D+ N[ _\D+ W U[ _\D+ Y Y H 3& u f b l@R 1 H AR 1 H 6& u f b l _. Se Se@ ^ P 3 I e : G @ ,p q C 1 (E = " [wH g D L Q Se FC| K )9> A\ "# U n )"& L 5 ~ ( "# U nWM/AlbumArtist album_artist WM/AlbumTitle album Author artist Description WM/Composer composer WM/EncodedBy encoded_by WM/EncodingSettings encoder WM/Genre genre WM/Language language WM/OriginalFilename filename WM/PartOfSet disc WM/Publisher publisher WM/Tool WM/TrackNumber track WM/Track WM/MediaStationCallSign service_provider WM/MediaStationName service_name ff_asf_parse_packet asf_read_packet 3 I ff asf bad header %x at:%lld ff asf bad non zero invalid packet_length %d at:%lld invalid padsize %d at:%lld invalid packet header length %d for pktlen %d-%d at %lld ret>=0 libavformat/asfdec.c packet_obj_size invalid unexpected packet_replic_size of %d packet_replic_size is invalid packet_frag_size is invalid (%d-%d) ff asf skip %d (unknown stream) ignoring invalid packet_obj_size (%d %d %d %d) freeing incomplete packet size %d, new %d Cannot append palette to packet packet fragment position invalid %u,%u not in %u discarding ms fart pkt.size != ds_packet_size * ds_span (%d %d %d) offset + asf_st->ds_chunk_size <= asf_st->pkt.size idx+1 <= asf_st->pkt.size / asf_st->ds_chunk_size asf->packet_size_left < 17 || asf->packet_segments < 1 %llu Unsupported value type %d in tag %s. AspectRatioX AspectRatioY asf_read_pts failed itime:0x%llx, pct:%d, ict:%d pktnum:%d, pktct:%d pts: %lld SEEKTO: %lld too many streams Ext DRM protected stream detected, decoding will likely fail! Digital signature detected, decoding will likely fail! gpos mismatch our pos=%llu, end=%llu asf ASF format flush_packet put_payload_parsing_info asf_write_packet MP4S M4S2 MP43 asf->packet_timestamp_end >= asf->packet_timestamp_start libavformat/asfenc.c padsize>=0 packet_hdr_size <= asf->packet_size_left pts != 0x8000000000000000LL Windows Media Audio V8 rating video/x-ms-asf asf,wmv,wma asf_stream @B %*[^,],%d:%d:%d%*c%d [Script Info] [Events] Advanced SubStation Alpha subtitle format Exactly one ASS/SSA stream is needed. text/x-ssa ass,ssa could not determine bits per sample au SUN AU format audio/basic could not compute sample size RIFFAVI RIFFAVIXRIFFAVI ON2 ON2fRIFFAMV avi_read_seek Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec avi_read_header avi_read_packet @B @B GAB2 ODML index invalid Too deeply nested ODML indexes Invalid stream + prefix combination, assuming audio. stream_index>= 0 libavformat/avidec.c stream_index == 0 (int64_t)st2->time_base.num*ast2->rate == (int64_t)st2->time_base.den*ast2->scale creation_time model maker This file has been generated by a totally broken muxer. %*3s%*[ ]%3s%*[ ]%2d%*[ ]%8s%*[ ]%4d %.4d-%.2d-%.2d %s stream_index < s->nb_streams scale/rate is %u/%u which is invalid. (This file has been generated by broken software.) unknown stream type %X 1:1 BottomUp sample size (%d) != block align (%d) Axan Something went wrong during header parsing, I will ignore it and try to continue anyway. non-interleaved AVI without index, switching to interleaved non-interleaved AVI best_ast->remaining <= best_ast->packet_size Failed to allocate data for palette st->index_entries avi AVI format strn RIFF LIST idx1 AVIX movi AVI does not support >%d streams AVI hdrl strh Subtitle streams other than DivX XSUB are not supported by the AVI muxer. strf JUNK vprp video/x-msvideo NULL abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+-. file URLContext aar abk ace ach ada ady afa afh afr ain aka akk alb ale alg alt amh ang anp apa ara arc arg arm arn arp art arw asm ast ath aus ava ave awa " aym aze bad % bai & bak bal ( bam ban * baq bas , bat - bej . bel bem 0 ben ber 2 bho 3 bih bik 5 bin 6 bis bla 8 bnt 9 bos bra ; bre btk = bua > bug ? bul bur byn B cad C cai D car E cat cau G ceb H cel I cha chb K che chg M chi chk O chm P chn Q cho R chp S chr T chu chv chy W cmc X cop Y cor Q cos cpe \ cpf ] cpp ^ cre crh ` crp a csb b cus c cze dak e dan dar g day h del i den j dgr k din l div doi n dra o dsb p dua q dum r dut dyu t dzo efi v egy w eka x elx y eng enm { epo est ewe ewo  fan fao & fat fij % fil fin $ fiu fon fre frm fro frr frs fry ( ful # fur gaa gay gba gem geo ger gez gil gla * gle ) glg + glv . gmh goh gon gor got grb grc gre grn , gsw guj - gwi hai hat 4 hau / haw heb 0 her 7 hil him hin 1 hit hmn hmo 2 hrv 3 hsb hun 5 hup iba ibo ; ice ido > iii < ijo iku A ile : ilo ina 8 inc ind 9 ine inh ipk = ira iro ita @ jav C jbo jpn B jpr jrb kaa kab kac kal I kam kan K kar kas N kau M kaw kaz H kbd kha khi khm J kho kik F kin kir R kmb kok kom P kon E kor L kos kpe krc krl kro kru kua G kum kur O kut lad lah lam lao X lat S lav [ lez lim V lin W lit Y lol loz ltz T lua lub Z lug U lui lun luo lus mac mad mag mah ] mai mak mal ` man mao map mar b mas may mdf mdr men mga mic min mis mkh mlg \ mlt d mnc mni mno moh mon a mos ! mul " mun # mus $ mwl % mwr & myn ' myv ( nah ) nai * nap + nau f nav o nbl n nde h ndo j nds 1 nep i new 3 nia 4 nic 5 niu 6 nno l nob g nog 9 non : nor m nqo < nso = nub > nwc ? nya p nym A nyn B nyo C nzi D oci q oji r ori t orm s osa I oss u ota K oto L paa M pag N pal O pam P pan v pap R pau S peo T per phi V phn W pli w pol x pon Z por z pra \ pro ] pus y que { raj ` rap a rar b roa c roh | rom e rum run } rup h rus  sad j sag sah l sai m sal n sam o san sas q sat r scn s sco t sel u sem v sga w sgn x shn y sid z sin sio | sit } sla ~ slo slv sma sme smi smj smn smo sms sna snd snk sog som son sot spa srd srn srp srr ssa ssw suk sun sus sux swa swe syc syr tah tai tam tat tel tem ter tet tgk tgl tha tib tig tir tiv tkl tlh tli tmh tog ton tpi tsi tsn tso tuk tum tup tur tut tvl twi tyv udm uga uig ukr umb und urd uzb vai ven vie vol vot wak wal war was wel wen wln wol xal xho yao yap yid yor ypk zap zbl zen zha znd zul zun zxx zza bod ces cym deu ell eus ! fas " fra ' hye 6 isl ? kat D mkd _ mri ^ msa c mya e nld k ron ~ slk sqi zho aa ab ae ! af ak am an ar as av ay # az $ ba ' be / bg @ bh 4 bi 7 bm ) bn 1 bo br < bs : ca F ce L ch J co [ cr _ cs d cu U cv V cy da f de dv m dz u ee ~ el en z eo | es et } eu + fa U ff fi fj fo fr fy ga gd gl gn gu gv ha he hi ho hr ht hu hy hz ia id ie ig ii ik io is it iu ja jv ka kg ki kj kk kl km kn ko kr ks ku kv kw Z ky la lb lg li ln lo lt lu lv mg mh mi mk ml mn mr ms mt my A na , nb 8 nd / ne 2 ng 0 nl s nn 7 no ; nr . nv - ny @ oc E oj F om H or G os J pa Q pi X pl Y ps ^ pt [ qu _ rm d rn g ro f ru i rw sa p sc sd se sg k si { sk  sl sm sn so sq sr ss st su sv sw ta te tg th ti tk tl tn to tr ts tt tw ty ug uk ur uz ve vi vo wa wo xh yi yo za zh N zu This avs pretend to be %dx%d when the avs format is supposed to be 318x198 only. avs AVS format reached terminating character but not all frames read. unknown block (character = %c, decimal = %d, hex = %x)!!! bethsoftvid Bethesda Softworks VID format bfi Brute Force & Ignorance could not find index entry for frame %lld frame %lld: audio size in header (%u) > size of packet left (%u) invalid header: more than 1000000 frames invalid header: largest frame size greater than file size invalid header: invalid fps (%d/%d) invalid header: more than 256 audio tracks (%d) invalid frame index table bink Bink Reported audio size %d is bigger than packet size (%d) bmv Discworld II BMV invalid palette size %u too many frames in block c93 Interplay C93 P caa P 3-ca P cala 4ami P 3CAM P 6CAM P 3pm. P 2pm.-P 1pm. wala walu P plcQ P 2MDQ P CMDQ desc chunk not present invalid AAC magic cookie invalid ALAC magic cookie error reading packet table skipping CAF chunk: %08X (%c%c%c%c) Missing packet table. It is required when block size or frame size are variable. caf Apple Core Audio Format cavsvideo raw Chinese AVS video cavsvideo demuxer cdg CD Graphics Format concat: | concat CRC=0x%08x crc CRC testing format crypto+ crypto: Key or IV not set Only decryption is supported currently Unable to open input crypto AES decryption key AES decryption initialization vector Packet size too large for s302m. (%d > 65535) daud D-Cinema audio format 302 Too large chunk size: %d skipping %d bytes of end-of-frame marker chunk Invalid magic for DFA Zero FPS reported, defaulting to 10 dfa Chronomaster DFA dirac raw Dirac dirac demuxer dnxhd raw DNxHD (SMPTE VC-3) dnxhd demuxer dsicin Delphine Software International CIN format dts raw DTS D } Cannot find DV header. Can't determine profile of DV input stream. Unrecognized audio sample rate index (%d) stype %d is invalid dv DV video format dv,dif P Q R S P Q R S P Q R S P Q R S P Q R S P Q R S P Q R S P Q R S P Q R S P Q R S P Q R S P Q R S Can't process DV frame #%d. Insufficient audio data or severe sync problem. Can't process DV frame #%d. Insufficient video data or severe sync problem. Can't initialize DV format! Make sure that you supply exactly two streams: video: 25fps or 29.97fps, audio: 2ch/48kHz/PCM (50Mbps allows an optional second audio stream) Frame size is too big: %d Unknown tag %c%c%c%c File contains no frames ??? %d frame(s) dxa DXA unknown header 0x%04x ea_cdata Electronic Arts cdata unknown 1SNh headerid unsupported stream type; audio compression_type=%i unknown SCHl headerid entered audio subheader revision (element 0x80) set to 0x%08x num_channels (element 0x82) set to 0x%08x compression_type (element 0x83) set to 0x%08x sample_rate (element 0x84) set to %i num_samples (element 0x85) set to 0x%08x element 0x%02x set to 0x%08x exited audio subheader revision2 (element 0xA0) set to 0x%08x end of header block reached (within audio subheader) end of header block reached header element 0x%02x set to 0x%08x unsupported stream type; revision=%i unsupported stream type; revision2=%i unsupported stream type; compression_type=%i Unsupported number of channels: %d Unsupported sample rate: %d Invalid number of bytes per sample: %d ea Electronic Arts Multimedia Format resyncing cannot find FFM syncword invalid stream index %d ffm FFM (AVserver live feed) format tex^qComp Abort at %s:%d libavformat/ffmenc.c ; @B ;FFMETADATA [STREAM] [CHAPTER] TIMEBASE=%d/%d START=%lld Expected chapter start timestamp, found %s. END=%lld Expected chapter end timestamp, found %s. ffmetadata FFmpeg metadata in text format TIMEBASE=%d/%d START=%lld END=%lld ffmeta pipe: file: magic number not found unsupported packing method filmstrip Adobe Filmstrip flm only PIX_FMT_RGBA is supported error parsing VorbisComment metadata fLaC raw FLAC unable to rewrite FLAC header. Libav Lavf53.21.1 audio/x-flac fLaC "File with no specified width/height. Trying 640x480. Failed to peek at preamble Invalid or unsupported magic chunk in file flic FLI/FLC/FLX animation format true false keyframes metadatacreator MEGA times filepositions Invalid keyframes object, skipping. duration videodatarate audiodatarate filesize width height framerate videocodecid audiosamplerate audiosamplesize stereo audiocodecid %.f onMetaData skipping flv packet: type %d, size %d, flags %d invalid stream Unsupported audio codec (%x) Unsupported video codec (%x) negative cts, previous timestamps might be wrong Broken FLV file, which says no streams present, this might fail FLV format flv_write_packet X ^ ] P P $P &P flv only supports wideband (16kHz) Speex audio flv only supports mono Speex audio flv does not support that sample rate, choose from (44100, 22050, 11025). codec not compatible with flv video codec %X not compatible with flv enc->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO libavformat/flvenc.c Packets are not in the proper order with respect to DTS Warning: Speex stream has more than 8 frames per packet. Adobe Flash Player cannot handle this! video codec not compatible with flv FLV video/x-flv %d, %lld, %d, 0x%08x framecrc framecrc testing format 3 f 3 33 3f 3 3 3 f f3 ff f f f 3 f 3 f 3 f 3 3 33 f3 3 3 33 33333f33 33 33 3f 3f33ff3f 3f 3f 3 3 33 f3 3 3 3 3 33 f3 3 3 3 3 33 f3 3 3 f f 3f ff f f f3 f33f3ff3 f3 f3 ff ff3fffff ff ff f f 3f ff f f f f 3f ff f f f f 3f ff f f 3 f 3 33 3f 3 3 3 f f3 ff f f f 3 f 3 f 3 f 3 f 3 33 3f 3 3 3 f f3 ff f f f 3 f 3 f 3 f 3 f 3 33 3f 3 3 3 f f3 ff f f f 3 f 3 f 3 f ERROR: gif only handles the rgb24 pixel format. Use -pix_fmt rgb24. GIF 89a NETSCAPE2.0 gif GIF Animation image/gif GIF muxer loop Number of times to loop the output. tcp Gopher protocol type '%c' not supported yet! gopher gsm raw GSM gsm demuxer sample_rate 2 ` 0u too many index entries %u (%x) invalid index length sync lost invalid media packet length invalid first and last sample values map packet not found unknown version or invalid map preamble material data longer than map data track description longer than map data invalid track type %x invalid track id %x invalid track description length specified sync lost in header UMF packet too short UMF packet missing gxf GXF format P ` 2 @ ` 8 Ver 1 Br %.6f Ipg 1 Ppi %d Bpiop %d Pix 0 Cf %d Cg %d Sl %d nl16 %d Vi 1 f1 1 EXT:/PDR/default/ES. could not realloc map offsets EXT:/PDR/default/ could not reallocate flt entries gxf muxer does not support streamed output, patch welcome only 16 BIT PCM LE allowed for now only 48000hz sampling rate is allowed only mono tracks are allowed video stream must be the first track unsupported video resolution, gxf muxer only accepts PAL or NTSC resolutions currently video codec not supported raw H.261 h261 demuxer raw H.263 h263 demuxer h264 raw H.264 video format h26l,h264,264 h264 demuxer 0 %x HTTP error %d %s Location Content-Length Content-Range bytes Accept-Ranges bytes Transfer-Encoding chunked WWW-Authenticate Authentication-Info Proxy-Authenticate Connection close Proxy- CONNECT CONNECT %s HTTP/1.1 Host: %s Connection: close %s%s tls POST GET Transfer-Encoding: chunked http_proxy no_proxy https User-Agent: User-Agent: %s Accept: Accept: */* Range: Range: bytes=%lld- Connection: Connection: close Host: Host: %s %s %s HTTP/1.1 %s%s%s%s%s No trailing CRLF found in HTTP header. http httpproxy chunked_post use chunked transfer-encoding for posts headers custom HTTP headers, can override built in default headers nextnonce= realm= opaque= algorithm= qop= Basic Digest auth Authorization: Basic MD5 MD5-sess auth-int Authorization: Digest username="%s" ,realm="%s" ,nonce="%s" ,uri="%s" ,response="%s" ,algorithm=%s ,opaque="%s" ,qop="%s" ,cnonce="%s" ,nc=%s Blues Classic Rock Country Dance Disco Grunge Hip-Hop Jazz Metal New Age Oldies Other R&B Rap Reggae Techno Industrial Alternative Ska Death Metal Pranks Soundtrack Euro-Techno Ambient Trip-Hop Vocal Jazz+Funk Fusion Trance Classical Instrumental Acid House Game Sound Clip Gospel Noise AlternRock Bass Soul Punk Space Meditative Instrumental Pop Instrumental Rock Ethnic Gothic Darkwave Techno-Industrial Electronic Pop-Folk Eurodance Dream Southern Rock Comedy Cult Gangsta Top 40 Christian Rap Pop/Funk Jungle Native American Cabaret New Wave Psychadelic Rave Showtunes Trailer Lo-Fi Tribal Acid Punk Acid Jazz Polka Retro Musical Rock & Roll Hard Rock Folk-Rock National Folk Swing Fast Fusion Bebob Latin Revival Celtic Bluegrass Avantgarde Gothic Rock Progressive Rock Psychedelic Rock Symphonic Rock Slow Rock Big Band Chorus Easy Listening Acoustic Humour Speech Chanson Opera Chamber Music Sonata Symphony Booty Bass Primus Porn Groove Satire Slow Jam Club Tango Samba Folklore Ballad Power Ballad Rhythmic Soul Freestyle Duet Punk Rock Drum Solo A capella Euro-House Dance Hall Goa Drum & Bass Club-House Hardcore Terror Indie BritPop Negerpunk Polsk Punk Beat Christian Gangsta Heavy Metal Black Metal Crossover Contemporary Christian Christian Rock Merengue Salsa Thrash Metal Anime JPop SynthPop TALBTBPMTCOMTCONTCOPTDLYTENCTEXTTFLTTIT1TIT2TIT3TKEYTLANTLENTMEDTOALTOFNTOLYTOPETOWNTPE1TPE2TPE3TPE4TPOSTPUBTRCKTRSNTRSOTSRCTSSE TDENTDORTDRCTDRLTDTGTIPLTMCLTMOOTPROTSOATSOPTSOTTSST TDATTIMETORYTRDATSIZTYER Error opening memory stream Cannot read BOM value, input too short Incorrect BOM value Unknown encoding Failed to alloc %zu bytes Failed to alloc %d bytes Error reading GEOB frame, data truncated. GEOB Error reading frame %s, skipped GEO version invalid extended header length compression Invalid size in frame %s, skipping the rest of tag. Invalid empty frame %s, skipping. Skipping encrypted/compressed ID3v2 frame %s. TCON TCO (%d) TXXX TXX invalid frame id, assuming padding ID3v2.%d tag skipped, cannot handle %s TYER TYE TDAT TDA -%.2s-%.2s TIME TIM %.2s:%.2s TALB TCOM TCOP TENC TIT2 TLAN TPE1 TPE2 TPE3 performer TPOS TPUB TRCK TSSE TDRL TDRC TDEN TSOA album-sort TSOP artist-sort TSOT title-sort TAL TT2 TEN TP1 TP2 TP3 TRK idcin id Cinematic format unknown RoQ chunk (%04X) RoQ raw id RoQ format roq Invalid CMAP chunk size %d cannot allocate metadata tag %s! unknown compression method IFF IFF format @ ` ` ` Could not open file : %s No such pixel format: %s. Could not parse video size: %s. Could not parse framerate: %s. Could not get frame filename number %d from pattern '%s' malformed JPEG 2000 codestream image2 image2 sequence image2pipe piped image2 sequence bmp,dpx,jpeg,jpg,ljpg,pam,pbm,pcx,pgm,pgmyuv,png,ppm,sgi,tga,tif,tiff,jp2 jpeg jpg ljpg png mng ppm pnm pgm pgmyuv pbm pam mpg1-img mpg2-img mpg4-img ffv1-img bmp tga tiff tif sgi ptx pcx sun ras im1 im8 im24 sunras jp2 jpc dpx pic image2 demuxer image2pipe demuxer pixel_format video_size 25 Ingenient packet: size=%d, width=%d, height=%d, unk1=%d unk2=%d ingenient raw Ingenient MJPEG cgi ingenient demuxer Interplay MVE File Can not read audio packet beforeaudio codec is known ipmovie Interplay MVE format eng fra ger ita dut sve spa dan por nor heb jpn ara fin gre ice mlt tur hr chi urd hin tha kor lit pol hun est lav fo rus chi iri alb ron ces slk slv yid sr mac bul ukr bel uzb kaz aze aze arm geo mol kir tgk tuk mon pus kur kas snd tib nep san mar ben asm guj pa ori mal kan tam tel bur khm lao vie ind tgl may may amh tir orm som swa run mlg epo wel baq cat lat que grn aym tat uig dzo jav P P P ! P " 0P $ p ! P @ 0P @ a ` b c d e P f P g P h P i P i j P k l ? m Z n H y P P P p P raw yuv2 AVUI 2vuy yuvs L555 L565 B565 24BG BGRA RGBA ABGR b16g b48r DVOO R10k R10g r210 v210 v410 jpeg mjpa AVDJ dmb1 mjpb SVQ1 svq1 svqi SVQ3 mp4v DIVX XVID 3IV2 h263 s263 dvcp dvc dvpp dv5p dv5n AVdv AVd1 dvhq dvhp dvh1 dvh2 dvh4 dvh5 dvh6 dvh3 VP31+ rpza, cvid1 8BPS2 smc 8 rle . WRLE< qdrw WRAW avc1 ai5p ai5q ai52 ai53 ai55 ai56 ai1p ai1q ai12 ai13 ai15 ai16 m1v1 mpeg m2v1 hdv1 hdv2 hdv3 hdv4 hdv5 hdv6 hdv7 hdv8 hdv9 hdva mx5n mx5p mx4n mx4p mx3n mx3p xd54 xd55 xd59 xd5a xd5b xd5c xd5d xd5e xd5f xdv1 xdv2 xdv3 xdv4 xdv5 xdv6 xdv7 xdv8 xdv9 xdva xdvb xdvc xdvd xdve xdvf xdhd xdh2 AVmpZ mjp2_ tga b tiffc gif ? png H vc-1Y avs2y dracf AVdn H263 3IVD AV1x AVuph sgi dpx apch apcn apcs apco ap4h P mp4a P ac-3 P sac3 ima4 P alac samr sawb P dtsc P DTS P vdva P dvca P agsm P MAC3 P MAC6-P .mp1 P .mp2 P .mp3 P U sm$P nmos alaw fl32 fl32 fl64 fl64 ulaw twos sowt lpcm in24 in24 in32 in32 sowt raw NONE P Qclp P Qclq P sqcp P QDM25P QDMC&P spex P WMA2 p text p tx3g IMA_ADPCM_Sound ISS Funcom ISS format failed to grow packet Truncated packet! Read %d of %d bytes iv8 A format generated by IndigoVision 8000 video server Invalid frame rate ivf On2 IVF Format supports only exactly one video stream Currently only VP8 is supported! DKIF VP80 unsupported audio codec Compression by John M Phillips Copyright (C) 1995 The Bitmap Brothers Ltd. jv Bitmap Brothers JV V Muxing MPEG-4 AOT %d in LATM is not supported ADTS header detected - ADTS will not be incorrectly muxed into LATM latm audio/MP4A-LATM LATM/LOAS muxer smc-interval StreamMuxConfig interval. invalid or unsupported frame_type packet size exceeds maximum lmlm4 lmlm4 raw format LEITCH checksum error got audio packet, but no audio stream present only tightly packed PCM currently supported only 16-, 20-, 24- and 32-bit PCM currently supported video doesn't seem to be PAL or NTSC. guessing PAL got packet with illegal stream index %u got audio packet without having an audio stream audio packet too large (%i > %i) expected %d B size header, got %d record: %x = %i-%02i-%02i expire: %x = %i-%02i-%02i VBI data not yet supported lxf VR native stream format (LXF) m4v raw MPEG-4 video format m4v demuxer A_AAC P A_AC3 P A_DTS P A_EAC3 +P A_FLAC P A_MLP P A_MPEG/L2 P A_MPEG/L1 P A_MPEG/L3 P A_PCM/FLOAT/IEEE A_PCM/FLOAT/IEEE A_PCM/INT/BIG A_PCM/INT/BIG A_PCM/INT/BIG A_PCM/INT/LIT A_PCM/INT/LIT A_PCM/INT/LIT A_PCM/INT/LIT A_QUICKTIME/QDM2 P A_REAL/14_4 0 A_REAL/28_8 0 A_REAL/ATRC !P A_REAL/COOK P A_REAL/SIPR ,P A_TRUEHD /P A_TTA1 P A_VORBIS P A_WAVPACK4 P S_TEXT/UTF8 p S_TEXT/UTF8 p S_TEXT/ASCII p S_TEXT/ASS p S_TEXT/SSA p S_ASS p S_SSA p S_VOBSUB p S_HDMV/PGS p V_DIRAC y V_MJPEG V_MPEG1 V_MPEG2 V_MPEG4/ISO/ASP V_MPEG4/ISO/AP V_MPEG4/ISO/SP V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC V_MPEG4/MS/V3 V_REAL/RV10 V_REAL/RV20 V_REAL/RV30 F V_REAL/RV40 G V_SNOW 9 V_THEORA V_UNCOMPRESSED V_VP8 text/plain p image/gif c image/jpeg image/png ? image/tiff b application/x-truetype-font application/x-font LEAD_PERFORMER PART_NUMBER h 0! > ; * @B D { AW M aD s F nF `F \F ~F S S # T T $ . ( T T T T T S T @ @ x db xS c h 2 c c c |C TB UB Skipping invalid tag with no TagName. %s/%s - Read error at pos. %llu (0x%llx) Invalid EBML number size tag 0x%02x at pos %llu (0x%llx) 1.2.5 Unknown entry 0x%X Invalid length 0x%llx > 0x%llx for syntax element %i File moves beyond max. allowed depth (%d) Invalid element Read error Max EBML element depth (%d) reached, cannot parse further. webm EBML header using unsupported features (EBML version %llu, doctype %s, doc version %llu) Unknown or unsupported track type %llu Multiple combined encodings not supported Unsupported encoding type Failed to decode codec private data V_MS/VFW/FOURCC A_MS/ACM V_QUICKTIME SBR TTA1 Unknown/unsupported CodecID %s. incomplete attachment mimetype Unknown EBML doctype '%s' EBML block data error Invalid track number %d Invalid stream %llu or size %u Corrupt int4 RM-style audio packet size Corrupt sipr RM-style audio packet size Corrupt generic RM-style audio packet size Invalid packet size Dialogue: %s,%d:%02d:%02d.%02d,%d:%02d:%02d.%02d,%s Working around broken index. matroska,webm Matroska/WebM file format MAIN LC SSR (none) eng ;Writing block at offset %llu, size %d, pts %lld, dts %lld, duration %d, flags %d %*[^,],%d:%d:%d%*c%d,%d:%d:%d%*c%d Dialogue: %d, %lld,%d, Writing block at offset %llu, size %d, pts %lld, duration %d Error parsing AAC extradata, unable to determine samplerate. Only VP8 video and Vorbis audio are supported for WebM. stereo_mode Subtitle codec %d is not supported. Only audio, video, and subtitles are supported for Matroska. Extradata corrupt. No bmp codec ID found. No wav codec ID found. Can't write packet with unknown timestamp %d:%2d:%2d%*1[,.]%3d --> %d:%2d:%2d%*1[,.]%3d Could not write cached audio packet ret:%d end duration = %llu Starting new cluster at offset %llu bytes, pts %llu Attachment stream %d has no filename tag. Attachment stream %d has no mimetype tag and it cannot be deduced from the codec id. Matroska file format video/x-matroska mkv WebM file format video/webm audio/x-matroska mka MD5= Insuffient size for md5 context %d, %lld, %d, %02x md5 MD5 testing format framemd5 Per-frame MD5 testing format md5: Insuffient size for MD5 context unknown chunk type 0x%x mm American Laser Games MM format @ + "V D ATR MIDI like format found, unsupported Unsupported SMAF chunk %08x Invalid sample rate Unexpected SMAF chunk %08x CNTI VN:libavcodec, Awa Unsupported sample rate %d mmf Yamaha SMAF application/vnd.smaf Corrupt stream (invalid ASF header, size=%d) Corrupt stream (header chunksize %lld is invalid) Corrupt stream (too large pkt_len %d) Corrupt stream (too many A/V streams) Corrupt stream (next stream name length is not in the buffer) Corrupt stream (next extension system info length is not in the buffer) Corrupt stream (the last extension system info length is invalid) Read data packet header failed! Strange chunk type %d Read ext header failed! Asf header packet len = %d exceed the asf header buf size %d Recv asf header data len %d != expected len %d Data packet length %d exceeds the in_buffer size %zu Read data packet failed! Chunk length %d exceed packet length %d Other packet len = %d exceed the in_buffer size %zu Read other chunk type data failed! Accept: */* User-Agent: NSPlayer/ Host: %s:%d Pragma: no-cache,rate=1.000000,stream-time=0,stream-offset=0:0,request-context=%u,max-duration=0 Pragma: xClientGUID={c77e7400-738a-11d2-9add-0020af0a3278} Connection: Close Get http header data failed! ffff:%d:0 Accept: */* User-Agent: NSPlayer/ Host: %s:%d Pragma: no-cache,rate=1.000000,request-context=%u Pragma: xPlayStrm=1 Pragma: xClientGUID={c77e7400-738a-11d2-9add-0020af0a3278} Pragma: stream-switch-count=%d Pragma: stream-switch-entry=%s Connection: Close Build play request failed! Stream ended! Stream changed! Failed to get new header! Recv other type packet %d mmsh The server closed the connection Error reading packet header: %d (%s) The server closed the connection Reading command packet length failed: %d (%s) Incoming packet length %d exceeds bufsize %zu Reading pkt data (length=%d) failed: %d (%s) Server sent a message with packet type 0x%x and error status code 0x%08x Data length %d is invalid or too large (max=%zu) Failed to read packet data of size %d: %d (%s) Failed to write data of length %d: %d (%s) Corrupt stream (unexpected packet type 0x%x, expected 0x%x) Incoming pktlen %d is larger than ASF pktsize %d \\%d.%d.%d.%d\%s\%d TCP NSPlayer/; {%s}; Host: %s 7E667F5D-A661-495E-A512-F55686DDA178 The server does not support MMST (try MMSH or RTSP) mmst " "! `" " d" e" " " " +" " H" " & R S % x D 9 : ! 0 1 e^ e^ GH7z^U |w f 3 f 3 f 3 f f f ff f3 f 3 3 3 3f 33 3 f 3 f 3 f 3 f 3 f f f ff f3 f 3 3 3 3f 33 3 f 3 f 3 f 3 f 3 f f f ff f3 f 3 3 3 3f 33 3 f 3 f f f f ff 3f f f f f ff 3f f f f f ff 3f ff ff ff fffff3ff f3 f3 f3 f3ff33f3 f f f f ff 3f 3 3 3 3 f3 33 3 3 3 3 f3 33 3 3 3 3 f3 33 3f 3f 3f 3ff3f33f 33 33 33 33f33333 3 3 3 3 f3 33 f 3 f 3 f 3 f f f ff f3 f 3 3 3 3f 33 3 f 3 w U D " w U D " w U D " wwwUUUDDD""" sample aspect ratio already set to %d:%d, ignoring 'pasp' atom (%d:%d) root stream %d, offset 0x%llx: partial file could not find corresponding trex multiple edit list entries, a/v desync might occur, patch welcome Invalid sample field size %d unknown compression for cmov atom ! SVQ3 could not find corresponding track id %d ../ Unknown MOV field order 0x%04x unsupported version %d %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S qt ISO: File Type Major Brand: %.4s major_brand minor_version compatible_brands %d/%d volume %s, len %d filename %s, len %d nlvl from %d, nlvl to %d type %d, len %d path %s dir %s error reading header: %d moov atom not found Referenced QT chapter track not found Chapter %d not found in file stream %d, missing mandatory atoms, broken header stream %d, timescale not set wrong sample count error unaligned chunk wrong chunk count %d stream %d, error opening alias: path='%s', dir='%s', filename='%s', volume='%s', nlvl_from=%d, nlvl_to=%d description synopsis show episode_id network episode_sort season_number media_type hd_video gapless_playback %s-%s stsd multiple fourcc not supported avc1 Planar Y'CbCr 8-bit 4:2:0 mp4s dv demux context init error mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 QuickTime/MPEG-4/Motion JPEG 2000 format d e r l t x |  d e w { d e r t x |  d e f j h i g ` q r k l 3 s t m 7 u v w x n 7 7 y z { | 7 } 7 7 7 & ? ? o 7 7 p 3 ~  ? ? ` V ' . avc1 mp4v P mp4a P alac P ac-3 p tx3g p text s263 avc1 mp4v P mp4a samr sawb p tx3g yuvs 2vuy - raw . L555 , L565 + B565 b16g raw 24BG raw BGRA RGBA ABGR ) b48r0 a=control:streamid=%d fatal error, input is not a single packet, implement a AVParser for it pts has no value stss stps 3gp6 3gp4 3g2b 3g2a M4V M4A wide free muxer does not support non seekable output 3gp 3g2 mov ipod PSP mode need one video and one audio stream The RTP_HINT flag is deprecated, enable it via the -movflags rtphint muxer option instead. Warning, extension is not .m4a nor .m4v Quicktime/Ipod might not play the file unsupported height for dv codec Using MS style video codec tag, the file may be unplayable! Using MS style audio codec tag, the file may be unplayable! track %d: could not find tag, codec not currently supported in container D-10/IMX must use 720x608 or 720x512 video resolution WARNING codec timebase is very high. If duration is too long, file may not be playable by quicktime. Specify a shorter timebase or choose different container. track %d: codec block align is not set track %d: codec frame size is not set track %d: output format does not support sample rate %dhz track %d: muxing mp3 at %dhz is not supported mhlr url DataHandler dhlr vide VideoHandler soun SoundHandler text SubtitleHandler hint HintHandler sbtl yrrc albm %s- FATAL error, file duration too long for timebase, this file will not be playable with quicktime. Choose a different timebase or a different container format lpcm not writing 'chan' tag due to lack of channel information Lavc53.35.0 2006/04/01 11:11:11 perf titl gnre dscp cprt ART nam aut alb day swr des gen cpy aART wrt cmt grp grouping lyr lyrics desc ldes tvsh tven tvnn MOV format 3GP format application/mp4 PSP MP4 format mp4,psp 3GP2 format iPod H.264 MP4 format m4v,m4a mov muxer tgp muxer mp4 muxer psp muxer tg2 muxer ipod muxer movflags MOV muxer flags rtphint Add RTP hint tracks rtpflags RTP muxer flags Use MP4A-LATM packetization instead of MPEG4-GENERIC for AAC skip_iods Skip writing iods atom. iods_audio_profile iods audio profile atom. iods_video_profile iods video profile atom. Unable to initialize hinting of stream %d TAG mp3 MPEG audio layer 2/3 mp2,mp3,m2a ID3 Unsupported sample rate. Unsupported number of channels. mp2 MPEG audio layer 2 audio/x-mpeg mp2,m2a MPEG audio layer 3 MP3 muxer id3v2_version Select ID3v2 version to write. Currently 3 and 4 are supported. write_id3v1 Enable ID3v1 writing. ID3v1 tags are written in UTF-8 which may not be supported by most software. D } Not a Musepack file Can demux Musepack SV7, got version %02X Too many frames, seeking is not possible Cannot allocate seektable Container reports no frames mpc Musepack D } No seek table at given position Seek table is too big Not a Musepack8 file Unknown stream version %d Stream header not found mpc8 Musepack SV8 w D } ofdec Further flags set but no bytes left pes_ext %X is invalid Unknown 0x1bd sub-stream MPEG-PS format flush_packet output_packet mpeg_mux_end Invalid packet size %d VBV buffer size not set, muxing may fail payload_size - stuffing_size <= av_fifo_size(stream->fifo) libavformat/mpegenc.c avail_data>0 packet too large, ignoring buffer limits to mux it buffer underflow i=%d bufi=%d size=%d av_fifo_size(stream->fifo) > 0 avail_space >= s->packet_size || ignore_constraints av_fifo_size(stream->fifo) == trailer_size av_fifo_size(stream->fifo) == 0 MPEG-1 System format video/mpeg mpg,mpeg vcd MPEG-1 System format (VCD) vob MPEG-2 PS format (VOB) svcd dvd MPEG-2 PS format (DVD VOB) mpeg muxer vcd muxer vob muxer svcd muxer dvd muxer muxrate preload Initial demux-decode delay in microseconds. P P P 4P y H P P /P +P p P P j P z +P { P V p Y p drac y AC-3 P BSSD max resync size reached, could not find sync byte stream=%d stream_type=%x pid=%x prog_reg_desc=%.4s HDMV PES packet size mismatch Continuity check failed for pid %d expected %d got %d Tag %x length violation new length %d bytes remaining %d Maximum MP4 descriptor level exceeded Found tag %x expected %x Predefined SLConfigDescriptor pid %x is not PES Unable to seek back to the start DVB sub with multiple IDs MPEG-2 transport stream format mpegtsraw MPEG-2 raw transport stream format mpegtsraw demuxer Compute exact PCR for each transport stream packet. Service01 Invalid stream id %d, must be less than 8191 Duplicate stream id %d frame size not set muxrate VBR, muxrate %d, pcr every %d pkts, sdt every %d, pat/pmt every %d pkts dts < pcr, TS is invalid first pts value must set H.264 bitstream malformed, no startcode found, use -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb aac bitstream not in adts format and extradata missing video/x-mpegts ts,m2t MPEGTS muxer mpegts_transport_stream_id Set transport_stream_id field. mpegts_original_network_id Set original_network_id field. mpegts_service_id Set service_id field. mpegts_pmt_start_pid Set the first pid of the PMT. mpegts_start_pid Set the first pid. pes_payload_size Minimum PES packet payload in bytes mpegvideo raw MPEG video mpegvideo demuxer Content-type: image/jpeg --%s avserver --%s mpjpeg MIME multipart JPEG format multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=avserver mjpg Could not find valid start. msnwctcp MSN TCP Webcam stream MTV files without audio are not supported MTV MTV format unhandled version (%d,%d) mvi Motion Pixels MVI format A B G R A R G B B G R B G R A R G B ? F R G B ) R r G g B b ) R G B * r R g G b B - F R G B + R G B R G B A P +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 Z +4  +4 f +4 2 +4 +4 +4  +4 ~ +4 +4 P +4 P +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 CHUKCHUKCHUKCHUK +4 ~ +4 ` +4 A +4 +4 @ P +4 +4 unsupported primer pack item length %d probably incorrect decryption key invalid encoded triplet error reading D-10 aes3 frame error getting stream index %d could not find header partition pack key local tag %#04x with 0 size error reading header metadata could not resolve material track strong ref could not resolve material track sequence strong ref material track %d: no corresponding source package found could not resolve source track strong ref material track %d: no corresponding source track found could not allocate stream could not resolve source track sequence strong ref could not resolve sub descriptor strong ref source track %d: stream %d, no descriptor found broken encrypted mxf file only frame wrapped mappings are correctly supported no material package found Material eXchange Format D$/%M ) +4 S ( +4 S Q +4 S B +4 S H +4 S G +4 S +4 +4  +4 +4 S +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 < +4 ; +4 ; +4 ; +4 ; +4 ; +4 ; +4 ; +4 < +4 < +4 < +4 < +4 < +4 < +4 +4 +4 ' +4 ? +4 D +4 D +4 D +4 D +4 G +4 H +4 H +4 K +4 0 K +4 H +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 ? +4 0 +4 0 +4 0 +4 2 +4 2 +4 2 +4 2 +4 2 +4 2 +4 2 +4 2 +4 3 +4 3 +4 = +4 = +4 = +4 = +4 = +4 ? +4 0 ? +4 ? +4 ? +4 ? +4 ? +4 ? +4 ? +4 +4 +4 = +4 = +4 B A B A B 0u +4 +4 d +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 C package type:%d edit units count %d missing frames 0.0.0 essence container count:%d video stream must be first track unsupported video frame rate error MXF D-10 only support 30/40/50 mbit/s only 48khz is implemented MXF D-10 only support one audio track MXF D-10 only support 16 or 24 bits le audio track %d: could not find essence container ul, codec not currently supported in container could not allocate index entries frame %d %d:%d:%d%c%d error parsing mpeg2 frame could not get mpeg2 profile and level cannot fill d-10 video packet application/mxf mxf_d10 Material eXchange Format, D-10 Mapping Found EOI before SOI, skipping MXF mxg MxPEG clip file format Next packet size is zero nc NC camera feed format Using network protocols without global network initialization. Please use avformat_network_init(), this will become mandatory later. VP3 VP30 VP31\ VP5 \ VP50] VP6 ] VP60] VP61] VP62 XVID RGB3 P MP3 P AAC P AACP&P SPX PCM nsv Nullsoft Streaming Video null raw null video format p UTF8 p SSA p DVDS p DVBS RGB BGR RGB BGR BGR RGB BGR RGB RGB BGR BGR RGB RGBA BGRA ABGR ARGB RGB BGR 411P 422P 422P 440P 440P 444P 444P B1W0 B0W1 BGR RGB BGR RGB B4BY R4BY BGR0 RGB0 0BGR 0RGB Y3 3Y Y3 3Y Y3 3Y Y1 1Y Y3 3Y Y3 3Y Y3 3Y Y4 Y2 default dub original comment lyrics karaoke X-CreationTime CreationTime SourceFilename X-Language X-Disposition disposition X-Replaces replaces X-Depends depends X-Uses uses X-UsesFont usesfont read_seek nut_read_timestamp decode_main_header find_and_decode_index nut_read_header %llu-%llu %lld-%lld sp libavformat/nutdec.c SP: %lld no syncpoint at backptr pos UTF-8 Error stream_id_plus1 is (%lld) invalid stream id for info packet Disposition unknown disposition type '%s' Uses Depends Replaces info header checksum mismatch sync point checksum mismatch read_timestamp(X,%d,%lld,%lld) nut->next_startcode == 0 read_timestamp failed. nut->last_syncpoint_pos == *pos_arg return %lld %lld Last frame must have been damaged %lld > %lld + %d Error *stream_id is (%lld) header_idx invalid frame size > 2max_distance and no checksum syncing from %lld sync No main startcode found. Error tmp is (%lld) Error stream_count is (%lld) max_distance %d Error nut->time_base_count is (%lld) Error nut->time_base[i].num is (%lld) Error nut->time_base[i].den is (%lld) time base invalid illegal count %d at %d illegal stream number nut->frame_code['N'].flags == FLAG_INVALID Error nut->header_count is (%lld) Error nut->header_len[i] is (%lld) invalid elision header nut->header_len[0]==0 main header checksum mismatch Not all stream headers found. Error stream_id is (%lld) unknown stream class (%d) Unknown codec tag '0x%04x' for stream number %d Error stc->time_base_id is (%lld) Error stc->msb_pts_shift is (%lld) Error stc->decode_delay is (%lld) Error st->codec->extradata_size is (%lld) Error st->codec->width is (%lld) Error st->codec->height is (%lld) invalid aspect ratio %d/%d Error st->codec->sample_rate is (%lld) Error st->codec->channels is (%lld) stream header %d checksum mismatch no index at the end Error syncpoint_count is (%lld) index overflow A index overflow B keyframe before first syncpoint in index n<=syncpoint_count+1 index checksum mismatch nut->next_startcode == (0xE4ADEECA4569ULL + (((uint64_t)('N'<<8) + 'K')<<48)) EOF before video frames NUT format nut/multimedia container No codec tag defined for stream %d video/x-nut Video packet in file without video stream! Audio packet in file without audio stream! NuppelVideo MythTVVideo nuv NuppelVideo format OggS ogg, can't find sync word Page at %lld is missing granule Codec not found Ogg @B @B vorbis theora Unsupported codec id in stream %d No extradata present Error writing FLAC headers Error writing Speex headers Extradata corrupted theora kfgshift %d, vrev %d application/ogg ogg,ogv,spx CELT BBCD KW-DIRAC FLAC video audio text Direct Show Samples embedded in Ogg skeleton fishead Unknown skeleton version %d.%d fisbone Speex Too old or unsupported Theora (%x) Invalid time base in theora stream, assuming 25 FPS theora out-of-memory error. skipping VorbisComment tag. CHAPTER%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d NAME %ti bytes of comment header remain truncated comment header, %i comments not found vorbis @ r !P *P P EA3 ea3 EA3 EKB Mismatching RID Couldn't find the EA3 header ! File is encrypted OMG_LSI OMG_BKLSI No encryption header found Invalid GEOB data size: %u Unknown version in encryption header KEYRING Invalid encryption header RID: %.8x %s: %s IV CBC-MAC EK Unsupported sample rate Unsupported codec ATRAC3+! Unsupported codec %d! Sony OpenMG audio oma,omg,aa3 Sample rate %d not supported in OpenMG audio ATRAC3 in OMA is only supported with 2 channels ATRAC3: Unsupported extradata size OMA: unsupported codec tag %d for write audio/x-oma AVFormatContext probesize set probing size set mux rate packetsize set packet size fflags ignidx ignore index genpts generate pts nofillin do not fill in missing values that can be exactly calculated noparse disable AVParsers, this needs nofillin too igndts ignore dts add rtp hinting (deprecated, use the -movflags rtphint option instead) discardcorrupt discard corrupted frames analyzeduration how many microseconds are analyzed to estimate duration cryptokey indexmem max memory used for timestamp index (per stream) rtbufsize max memory used for buffering real-time frames fdebug print specific debug info max_delay maximum muxing or demuxing delay in microseconds fpsprobesize number of frames used to probe fps f_err_detect set error detection flags (deprecated; use err_detect, save via avconv) err_detect set error detection flags crccheck verify embedded CRCs bitstream detect bitstream specification deviations buffer detect improper bitstream length explode abort decoding on minor error detection f64be PCM 64 bit floating-point big-endian format f64le PCM 64 bit floating-point little-endian format f32be PCM 32 bit floating-point big-endian format f32le PCM 32 bit floating-point little-endian format s32be PCM signed 32 bit big-endian format s32le PCM signed 32 bit little-endian format s24be PCM signed 24 bit big-endian format s24le PCM signed 24 bit little-endian format s16be PCM signed 16 bit big-endian format s16le PCM signed 16 bit little-endian format sw s8 PCM signed 8 bit format sb u32be PCM unsigned 32 bit big-endian format u32le PCM unsigned 32 bit little-endian format u24be PCM unsigned 24 bit big-endian format u24le PCM unsigned 24 bit little-endian format u16be PCM unsigned 16 bit big-endian format u16le PCM unsigned 16 bit little-endian format uw u8 PCM unsigned 8 bit format ub alaw PCM A-law format mulaw PCM mu-law format ul f64be demuxer f64le demuxer f32be demuxer f32le demuxer s32be demuxer s32le demuxer s24be demuxer s24le demuxer s16be demuxer s16le demuxer s8 demuxer u32be demuxer u32le demuxer u24be demuxer u24le demuxer u16be demuxer u16le demuxer u8 demuxer alaw demuxer mulaw demuxer channels pmpm Cannot (re)allocate packet buffer Unsupported video format AAC is not yet correctly supported Unsupported audio format pmp Playstation Portable PMP format Invalid parameters %d %d %d missmatching sector_count Unknown sector type %02X psxstr Sony Playstation STR format invalid syncword invalid streamid expected reserved byte to be 0x55 invalid payload length %u expected signaled PES packet, trying to recover audio data corruption pva TechnoTrend PVA file and stream format m^ _ ~ u+| I ^ < _ v F sjQ QLCMfmt Data chunk is too small. Packet size is too small. Padding should be 0. EVRC codec is not supported. SMV codec is not supported. Unknown codec GUID. Unknown entry %d=>%d in rate-map-table. qcp QCP format could not seek to frame %d error reading video packet error reading audio packet error reading atom error parsing 'red1' atom could not find 'red1' atom error reading end atom error reading 'rdvo' atom error parsing 'rdvo' atom r3d REDCODE R3D format Couldn't parse video size. g722 raw G.722 g722,722 raw LOAS/LATM raw MJPEG video mjpg,mjpeg mlp raw MLP truehd raw TrueHD thd shn raw Shorten vc1 raw VC-1 mjpeg demuxer vc1 demuxer audio/x-ac3 drc audio/x-dca audio/x-eac3 audio/G722 video/x-h261 video/x-h263 cavs video/x-mjpeg srt SubRip subtitle format application/x-subrip mpeg1video raw MPEG-1 video video/x-mpeg mpg,mpeg,m1v mpeg2video raw MPEG-2 video m2v rawvideo raw video format yuv,rgb yuv,cif,qcif,rgb rawvideo demuxer A string describing frame size, such as 640x480 or hd720. yuv420p t S g p 'f r c q p W T OpaqueData:buffer; StartTime:integer; ASMRuleBook:string; 01d0a8e3 stream=%d;rule=%d,stream=%d;rule=%d %*1[Aa]verage%*1[Bb]andwidth=%d H264 h264 X264 x264 avc1 DAVC VSSH H263 X263 T263 L263 VX1K ZyGo M263 H263 I263 H261 U263 viv1 FMP4 DIVX DX50 XVID MP4S M4S2 DIV1 BLZ0 mp4v UMP4 WV1F SEDG RMP4 3IV2 WAWV FFDS FVFW DCOD MVXM PM4V SMP4 DXGM VIDM M4T3 GEOX HDX4 DMK2 DIGI INMC EPHV EM4A M4CC SN40 VSPX ULDX GEOV SIPP XVIX DreX MP43 DIV3 MPG3 DIV5 DIV6 DIV4 DVX3 AP41 COL1 COL0 MP42 DIV2 MPG4 MP41 WMV1 WMV2 dvsd dvhd dvh1 dvsl dv25 dv50 cdvc CDVH CDV5 dvc dvcs dvh1 mpg1 mpg2 mpg2 MPEG PIM1 PIM2 VCR2 DVR MMES LMP2 slif EM2V M701 mpgv MJPG LJPG dmb1 mjpa LJPG JPGL MJLS MJPG MJLS jpeg IJPG AVRn ACDV QIVG SLMJ CJPG IJLV MVJP AVI1 AVI2 MTSJ ZJPG MMJP HFYUE FFVH CYUV I420 YUY2 Y422 V422 YUNV UYNV UYNY uyv1 2Vu1 2vuy yuvs yuv2 P422 YV12 YV16 YV24 UYVY VYUY IYUV Y800 Y8 HDYC YVU9 VDTZ Y411 NV12 NV21 Y41B Y42B YUV9 YVU9 auv2 FRWU R10k r210 v210 v410 IV31 IV32r IV41s IV50 VP31 VP30\ VP50] VP60] VP61] VP62^ VP6F^ FLV4 VP80 ASV1! ASV2$ VCR1" FFV1* Xxant LM20. mrle. . / MSVC/ msvc/ CRAM/ cram/ WHAM/ wham, cvid4 DUCK4 PVEZ6 MSZH7 ZLIB9 SNOW# 4XMV FLV1X FSV1 svq1: tscc; ULTI= VIXL> QPEG> Q1.0> Q1.1I WMV3 WMVPH WVC1H WMVA WVP2J LOCOK WNV1L AASCM RT21N FPS1 theoO TM20Q CSCDS ZMBVW KMVCY CAVSZ mjp2Z MJ2CZ LJ2CZ LJ2K[ VMnc_ tga ? MPNG? PNG1% CLJRy drac+ azpr+ RPZA+ rpza SP54 AURA AUR2 dpx KGV1 LAGS ULRA ULRG ULY0 ULY2 VBLE xtor 'P P " P 1 E P P P U W X a b i "P u P ,P 0 P ` P a (P b )P c !P p P P P P 4P P P ul P mp P CA &P P FS P oV RAWA P LAME P MP3 IARL IART ICMS ICMT ICOP ICRD ICRP IDIM IDPI IENG IGNR IKEY ILGT ILNG IMED INAM IPLT IPRD IPRT ISBJ ISFT ISHP ISRC ISRF ITCH requested bits_per_coded_sample (%d) and actually stored (%d) differ too big INFO subchunk out of memory, unable to read INFO tag premature end of file while reading INFO tag IART ICMT ICOP ICRD IGNR ILNG INAM IPRD IPRT ISFT ITCH rl2 RL2 format RV10 RV20 RVTRF RV30G RV40 P dnet 0 lpcJ 0 28_8 P cook!P atrc,P sipr P raac P racp ? , Z Q V : $ D ' I 5 E 9 X " G . ^ 6 K 2 F!\#J&U(8*W+A-;0O1]3Y7_=LCSMP % Index size %d (%d pkts) is wrong, should be %d. DATA tag in middle of chunk, file may be broken. codecdata_length too large bad SIPR file flavor %d sub_packet_size is invalid Unknown interleaver %X Unsupported video codec Invalid stream index %d for index at pos %lld Nr. of packets in packet index for stream index %d exceeds filesize (%lld at %lld = %d) Non-linear index detected, not supported rm RealMedia format rdt RDT demuxer audio/x-pn-realaudio The Audio Stream video/x-pn-realvideo The Video Stream .ra Int0 Invalid codec tag application/vnd.rn-realmedia rm,ra ARMovie RPL video format %i not supported yet! RPL audio format %i not supported yet! Don't know how to split frames for video format %i. Video stream will be broken! %lld , %lld ; %lld rpl RPL/ARMovie format ADPCM in RSO not implemented rso Lego Mindstorms RSO format Output file is too big (%lld bytes >= 64kB) RSO only supports mono Sample rate must be < 65536 number %g bool %d string '%s' NULL { } %s: %g chunk size bytes read server bandwidth client bandwidth audio packet video packet Flex shared stream Flex shared object Flex shared message notification shared object invoke metadata unknown RTMP packet type '%s'(%d) for channel %d, timestamp %d, extra field %d size %d Server BW = %d Client BW = %d %02X _error _result onStatus onMetaData Genuine Adobe Flash Player 001 J h . ~Wn ]-) o 6 1 Genuine Adobe Flash Media Server 001 J h . ~Wn ]-) o 6 1 FLV UnPublishing stream... FCUnpublish Deleting stream... deleteStream @setDataFrame Chunk size change packet is not 4 bytes long (%d) Incorrect chunk size %d New chunk size = %d Client bandwidth report packet is less than 4 bytes long (%d) Client bandwidth = %d Server error: %s Releasing stream... releaseStream FCPublish stream... FCPublish Creating stream... createStream Unexpected reply on connect() Sending play command for '%s' play Sending publish command for '%s' live level error code NetStream.Play.Start NetStream.Play.Stop NetStream.Play.UnpublishNotify NetStream.Publish.Start Sending bytes read report Cannot open connection %s Handshaking... Cannot read RTMP handshake response Server version %d.%d.%d.%d Server response validating failed Signature mismatch ondemand .f4v .mp4 mp4: Proto = %s, path = %s, app = %s, fname = %s /%s connect app %s %d,%d,%d,%d LNX FMLE/3.0 (compatible; %s) nonprivate flashVer tcUrl fpad capabilities audioCodecs videoCodecs videoFunction /ondemand/ rtmp PCMU @ GSM @ G723 @ DVI4 @ DVI4 > LPC @ PCMA @ G722 @ L16 D L16 D QCELP P @ CN @ MPA P MPA P G728 @ DVI4 + DVI4 "V G729 @ CelB _ JPEG _ nv _ H261 _ MPV _ MPV _ ! MP2T _ " H263 _ payload_type RTP: PT=%02x: bad cseq %04x expected=%04x RTP: missed %d packets MP2T Invalid length for RTCP SR packet RTP: dropping old packet received too late Failed to allocate data for FMTP. $(.2:< Bad codec ID Only mono AMR is supported No speech data found Out of memory Too little speech data in the RTP packet Too much speech data in the RTP packet? fmtp: Unsupported RTP/AMR configuration! AMR fmtp attribute %s had nonstandard empty value octet-align interleaving stream: pgmpu:data:application/vnd.ms.wms-hdr.asfv1;base64, Failed to fix invalid RTSP-MS/ASF min_pktsize Too short H.263 RTP packet nal size exceeds length: %d %d Consumed more bytes than we got! (%d) Unhandled type (%d) (See RFC for implementation details Undefined type (%d) framesize: cliprect: packetization-mode RTP Packetization Mode: %d Interleaved RTP mode is not supported yet. profile-level-id RTP Profile IDC: %x Profile IOP: %x Level: %x sprop-parameter-sets Unable to allocate memory for extradata! Extradata set to %p (size: %d)! No data available yet Malformed LATM packet config Unsupported LATM config (%d,%d,%d,%d) cpresent RTP MP4A-LATM with in-band configuration SizeLength IndexLength IndexDeltaLength StreamType mode # Invalid interleave size %d Invalid interleave index %d/%d Out of sequence config - dropping queue frma QDM2 QDCA RTP-X-QT with payload description split over several packets RTP-X-QT with packet specific info RTP-X-QT with packing scheme 2 SEQH Invalid VP8 data passed Received no start marker; dropping frame Invalid VP8AU length RTP VP8 payload implementation is incompatible with the latest spec drafts. sampling YCbCr-4:2:0 YCbCr-4:4:2 YCbCr-4:4:4 Unsupported pixel format %s delivery-method configuration-uri configuration Invalid %td byte packed header. Unimplemented number of headers: %d packed headers, %d headers Bad packed header lengths (%d,%d,%td,%d) Out of memory while decoding SDP configuration. Packet too large No more data to return Not enough data to return Out of memory. Invalid %d byte packet Invalid packet length %d in %d byte packet Unimplemented Xiph SDP configuration change detected Unimplemented RTP Xiph packet settings (%d,%d,%d) RTP timestamps don't match! Received packet without a start fragment; dropping. Error occurred when getting fragment buffer. @B @B Cannot respect max delay: frame size = 0 RTP max payload size too small for AMR Only mono is supported Unsupported codec %x libavformat/rtpenc.c rtp RTP output format RTP muxer Specify RTP payload type Sending NAL %x of len %d M=%d NAL size %d > %d & ? ttl rtcpport localport localrtpport localrtcpport pkt_size udp localport=%d ttl=%d pkt_size=%d rtp: c=IN IP %s %s RTSP/1.0 CSeq: %d If-Match: Session: %s Content-Length: %d tunneling of RTSP requests with content data not supported ;, url seq rtptime /;, ;, x-pn-tng x-real-rdt =;, client_port server_port interleaved destination source npt= ; (null) IN IP4 IP6 application control: rtsp:// rtpmap: / audio codec set to: %s audio samplerate set to: %i audio channels set to: %i video codec set to: %s range: IsRealDataType:integer; SampleRate:integer; ?localport=%d&ttl=%d&connect=%d Received too short packet Unsupported RTP version packet received Unable to receive RTP payload type %d without an SDP file describing it Guessing on RTP content - if not received properly you need an SDP file describing it v=0 c=IN IP%d %s m=%s %d RTP/AVP %d SDP: %s Session: ;timeout= Content-Length: Transport: CSeq: Range: RealChallenge1: Server: Notice: X-Notice: Location: WWW-Authenticate: Authentication-Info: Content-Base: DESCRIBE RTP-Info: PLAY Public: GET_PARAMETER OPTIONS x-Accept-Dynamic-Rate: CSeq %d expected, %d received. Received BYE for stream %d (%d/%d) method %s failed: %d%s RTP/AVP /rtx ?localport=%d Unable to open an input RTP port %s/UDP; unicast; client_port=%d -%d %s/TCP; interleaved=%d-%d %s/UDP;multicast ;mode=receive ;mode=play Transport: %s x-Dynamic-Rate: 0 If-Match: %s RealChallenge2: %s, sd=%s SETUP Nonmatching transport in server reply ?connect=1 ?ttl=%d filter_src Options passed via URL are deprecated, use -rtsp_transport and -rtsp_flags instead. Unsupported lower transport method, only UDP and TCP are supported for output. rtsp %08x%08x x-sessioncookie: %s Accept: application/x-rtsp-tunnelled Pragma: no-cache Cache-Control: no-cache x-sessioncookie: %s Content-Type: application/x-rtsp-tunnelled Pragma: no-cache Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Length: 32767 Expires: Sun, 9 Jan 1972 00:00:00 GMT ClientChallenge: 9e26d33f2984236010ef6253fb1887f7 PlayerStarttime: [28/03/2003:22:50:23 00:00] CompanyID: KnKV4M4I/B2FjJ1TToLycw== GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 WMServer/ Status %d: Redirecting to %s initial_pause Don't start playing the stream immediately rtsp_transport RTSP transport protocols UDP udp_multicast UDP multicast HTTP tunneling rtsp_flags RTSP flags Only receive packets from the negotiated peer IP allowed_media_types Media types to accept from the server Video Audio Data SDP RTP input format SDP demuxer RTP demuxer sdp_flags SDP flags rtp_flags RTP flags @B @B PAUSE hello state=%d Range: npt=%lld.%03lld- TEARDOWN rtsp: Unsubscribe: %s SET_PARAMETER Subscribe: UDP timeout, retrying with TCP * Accept: application/sdp Require: com.real.retain-entity-for-setup RTSP demuxer RTSP input format Range: npt=0.000- RECORD ANNOUNCE Content-Type: application/sdp /streamid=%d RTSP output format RTSP muxer sap: Unsupported SAP version packet received Received stream deletion announcement application/sdp v=0 Unsupported mime type %s temp.sdp sap SAP input format announce_port same_port announce_addr Unable to resolve %s ff0e::2:7ffe Host %s resolved to unsupported address family ?ttl=%d&connect=1 Unsupported protocol family Announcement too large to send in one packet SAP output format SAUCE00 COMNT Unsupported Xiph codec ID Not enough memory for configuration string YCbCr-4:2:2 m=%s %d RTP/AVP %d c=IN %s %s/%d c=IN %s %s b=AS:%d Too much extradata! h264_mp4toannexb Cannot open the h264_mp4toannexb BSF! Cannot allocate memory for the parameter sets. ; sprop-parameter-sets= Cannot Base64-encode %td %td! a=rtpmap:%d H264/90000 a=fmtp:%d packetization-mode=1%s a=rtpmap:%d H263-2000/90000 a=framesize:%d %d-%d Cannot allocate memory for the config info. ; config= a=rtpmap:%d MP4V-ES/90000 a=fmtp:%d profile-level-id=1%s a=rtpmap:%d MP4A-LATM/%d/%d a=fmtp:%d profile-level-id=%d;cpresent=0;config=%s a=rtpmap:%d MPEG4-GENERIC/%d/%d a=fmtp:%d profile-level-id=1;mode=AAC-hbr;sizelength=13;indexlength=3;indexdeltalength=3%s AAC with no global headers is currently not supported. a=rtpmap:%d L16/%d/%d a=rtpmap:%d PCMU/%d/%d a=rtpmap:%d PCMA/%d/%d a=rtpmap:%d AMR/%d/%d a=fmtp:%d octet-align=1 a=rtpmap:%d AMR-WB/%d/%d a=fmtp:%d octet-align=1 Vorbis configuration info missing a=rtpmap:%d vorbis/%d/%d a=fmtp:%d configuration=%s Theora configuation info missing Unsupported pixel format. a=rtpmap:%d theora/90000 a=fmtp:%d delivery-method=inline; width=%d; height=%d; sampling=%s; configuration=%s a=rtpmap:%d VP8/90000 a=rtpmap:%d G722/%d/%d a=rtpmap:%d G726-%d/%d No Name ::1 v=%d o=- %d %d IN %s %s s=%s t=%d %d a=tool:libavformat 53.21.1 raw video is using unhandled %dbpp film_cpk Sega FILM/CPK format @B Next segment starts at %d %lld More than a single video stream present, expect issues decoding it. format %s not supported. segment segment muxer segment_format container format used for the segments segment_time segment length in seconds segment_list output the segment list segment_list_size maximum number of playlist entries dispatching %s frame with %d bytes and pts %lld vmd->frame_count * vmd->frames_per_block too large vmd Sierra VMD format Not a VBV file Header chunk is missing Header chunk size is incorrect Incorrect header version 'BODY' chunk is missing siff Beam Software SIFF vb,son $(,048<AEIMQUY]aeimquy} Invalid palette update, offset=%d length=%d extends beyond palette size Invalid audio part size treesize too large Too many frames: %i Cannot allocate %i bytes of extradata smk Smacker video JFIF APCM NONE SMJPEG unknown chunk %x unknown version %d error when reading comment multiple audio streams not supported multiple video streams not supported unknown header %x smjpeg Loki SDL MJPEG SMJPEG more than >2 streams are not supported = unsupported video codec sol Sierra SOL format invalid comment size (%u) invalid sample rate (%f) truncating fractional part of sample rate (%f) sox SoX native format invalid codec; use pcm_s32le or pcm_s32be Invalid AAC packet in IEC 61937 Data type 0x%04x in IEC 61937 is Packet does not end to a 16-bit boundary. codec change in IEC 61937 spdif IEC 61937 (compressed data in S/PDIF) $ V ; I w BI; I w @ > } + "V D . ] w Wrong MPEG file format version: %i layer: %i extension: %i bitrate is too high type=%x len=%i pkt_offset=%i codec not supported TrueHD frame too big, %d bytes Wrong AAC file format %i samples in AAC frame not supported stray DTS-HD frame bad DTS syncword 0x%x HD mode not supported for this format Unknown DTS sample rate for HD DTS-HD bitrate too high, temporarily sending core only %i samples in DTS frame not supported Unrecognized large DTS frame. Specified HD rate of %d Hz would require an impossible repetition period of %d for the current DTS stream (blocks = %d, sample rate = %d) IEC 61937 (used on S/PDIF - IEC958) spdif_flags IEC 61937 encapsulation flags be output in big-endian format (for use as s16be) dtshd_rate mux complete DTS frames in HD mode at the specified IEC958 rate (in Hz, default 0=disabled) dtshd_fallback_time min secs to strip HD for after an overflow (-1: till the end, default 60) %d:%2d:%2d%*1[,.]%3d --> %*d:%*2d:%*2d%*1[,.]%3d %*d:%*2d:%*2d%*1[,.]%*3d --> %*d:%*2d:%*2d%*1[,.]%3d ^ P Compressed SWF format not supported swf Flash format put_swf_end_tag ^ tag_len < 0x3f libavformat/swfenc.c warning: Flash Player limit of 16000 frames reached audio fifo too small to mux audio essence audio frame size not set SWF muxer only supports MP3 SWF muxer only supports VP6, FLV1 and MJPEG FWS avm2 swf does not support that sample rate, choose from (44100, 22050, 11025). application/x-shockwave-flash Flash 9 (AVM2) format listen timeout Failed to resolve hostname %s: %s TCP connection to %s:%d failed: %s thp THP tiertexseq Tiertex Limited SEQ format invalid sample rate invalid audio chunk size unsupported compression method %d unsupported features 0x%02x tmv 8088flex TMV nonsense samplerate nonsense datalen totalframes too large extradata_size too large tta True Audio tty Tele-typewriter ans,art,asc,diz,ice,nfo,txt,vt TTY demuxer chars_per_frame marker does not match unknown chunk id %i txd Renderware TeXture Dictionary setsockopt(IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP): %s setsockopt(IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP): %s udp_resolve_host: %s connect: %s reuse buffer_size localaddr socket: %s getnameinfo: %s setsockopt(IP_MULTICAST_TTL): %s setsockopt(IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS): %s setsockopt(IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP): %s setsockopt(IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP): %s setsockopt(SO_SNDBUF): %s setsockopt(SO_RECVBUF): %s @B @B @B @B @B ff_add_index_entry read_frame_internal ff_gen_search ff_seek_frame_binary seek_frame_generic @B < @B ff_interleave_add_packet @B @B 0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF%08x %02x %c %dx%d channel standard mpeg2ts_compute_pcr Application provided invalid, non monotonically increasing dts to muxer in stream %d: %lld >= %lld pts < dts in stream %d invalid dts/pts combination threads Stream #%d.%d [0x%x] (%s) , %d, %d/%d : %s , PAR %d:%d DAR %d:%d , %3.2f %s fps , %1.0f %s , %1.0fk %s tbr tbn tbc (default) (dub) (original) (comment) (lyrics) (karaoke) (forced) (hearing impaired) (visual impaired) (clean effects) %sMetadata: %s %-16s: %s --prefix=/usr --arch=arm --target-os=linux --cc=arm-brcm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-gcc --enable-cross-compile --disable-static --enable-shared libavformat license: LGPL version 2.1 or later Format detected only with low score of %d, misdetection possible! Probed with size=%d and score=%d Dropped corrupted packet (stream = %d) probing stream %d Probe with size=%d, packets=%d detected %s with score=%d probed stream %d index==0 || ie[-1].timestamp < timestamp libavformat/utils.c st->cur_len == 0 Invalid timestamps stream=%d, pts=%lld, dts=%lld, size=%d av_read_packet stream=%d, pts=%lld, dts=%lld, size=%d, duration=%d, flags=%d read_frame_internal stream=%d, pts=%lld, dts=%lld, size=%d, duration=%d, flags=%d Assertion %s failed at %s:%d pktl pos_limit <= pos_max read_timestamp() failed in the middle index==0 index < st->nb_index_entries e->timestamp >= target_ts interrupted All info found Probe buffer size limit %d reached decoding for stream %d failed Could not find codec parameters (%s) max_analyze_duration reached start time is not set in estimate_timings_from_pts Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate no streams sample rate not set time base not set dimensions not set Aspect ratio mismatch between encoder and muxer layer Tag %s/0x%08x incompatible with output codec id '%d' Codec for stream %d does not use global headers but container format requires global headers !*next_point stream index %d is not valid Output Input from %s #%d, %s, %s '%s': Duration: %02d:%02d:%02d.%02d N/A , start: %d.%06d , bitrate: %d kb/s Chapter #%d.%d: start %f, end %f Program %d %s No Program %0*d Custom AVIOContext makes no sense and will be ignored with AVFMT_NOFILE format. stream #%d: keyframe=%d duration=%0.3f dts= %0.3f pts= size=%d st:%d removing common factor %d from timebase st:%d has too large timebase, reducing Ignoring attempt to set invalid timebase for st:%d %s:// %s@ [ :%d .. %Y - %m - %d %T %Y - %m - %dT%T Zero FPS specified, defaulting to 1 FPS vc1test VC-1 test bitstream format Only WMV3 is accepted! rcv VC-1 test bitstream Creative Voice File unknown header size: %d Ignoring mid-stream change in audio codec unknown codec tag Creative Voice file format audio/x-voc ALBUMARTIST TRACKNUMBER DISCNUMBER Malformed header COMM tag not found! Mode not suported: %d Hz, %d kb/s. 97012000 00052200 vqf Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) TwinVQ vqf,vql,vqe (c) ARNG arranger AUTH BAND band CDCT conductor COMT FILE GENR LABL MUSC NOTE note PROD producer PRSN personnel REMX remixer SING singer WORD words riff. ( wave O data O fmt O WAVE RF64 ds64 wav_write_packet: NOPTS NONE %s codec not supported in WAVE format fact bext originator originator_reference origination_date origination_time time_reference umid coding_history 0x%016llX%016llX%016llX%016llX 0x%016llX%016llX%016llX%016llX0x%016llX%016llX%016llX%016llX negative data_size and/or sample_count in ds64: data_size = %lld, sample_count = %lld found more than one 'fmt ' tag found no 'fmt ' tag before the 'data' tag too short LIST no 'data' tag found could not find wave guid could not find fmt guid could not find data guid WAV format audio/x-wav w64 Sony Wave64 format WAV muxer write_bext Write BEXT chunk. Subtitle time! inglish: %s doytsch: %s fronsay: %s unrecognized WC3 chunk: %c%c%c%c (0x%02X%02X%02X%02X) wc3movie Wing Commander III movie format audio chunk without any audio header information found Skipping unknown chunk 0x%08X note: unknown chunk seen (%c%c%c%c) wsaud Westwood Studios audio format wsvqa Westwood Studios VQA format 7I N ^ t YppD ; !=( F o G \Q o 9g_ J ( s jauds 8 q X V UYZ d ? "1 8 q 6 OR S p P , m F _l +P - B ; P + m F _l vids 8 q v* m F _l 8 q & m F _l m F _l 4 qA i I L X ^" v* * 6 C m d &*l _E K G = y J k C m xa #- OE [ ~ ^ { F i ( :GB4K l0 $ y G P] fh S AM u H ] cA ,O2"; P 3_ F | T PI B = i K A 6' } [mf D x [ IC eZ) ~ ^ V 0@O >R0b [/ {`O / L " GqF l e : 2d ) @ c( v g \L B z m A2A L ! 2 Q r H ! Ce G 4F & \ h <+I } Q . 0dB . r ` C ?os ; D jNL[ 8K >!{ R c6 ~ ^ p LM s ~ ^ ~ ^ ~ ^ t i m e l i n e t a b l e . 0 . e n t r i e s . l e g a c y _ a t t r i b Z m J " 8 St a b l e . 0 . e n t r i e s . t i m e t i m e l i n e . t a b l e . 0 . e n t r i e s . E v e n t s image/jpeg unsupported file allocation table depth (0x%x) reported file length (0x%llx) exceeds number of available sectors (0x%llx) unknown guid %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x, expected dir_entry_guid; remaining directory entries ignored filename exceeds buffer size; remaining directory entries ignored format buffer size underflow unknown formattype:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x MPEG1WAVEFORMATEX underflow unknown subtype:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x unknown media type, mediatype:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x, subtype:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x, formattype:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x DVB scrambled stream detected (st:%d), decoding will likely fail nar NAR unsupported chunk:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x root directory size exceeds sector size timeline data missing unknown guid %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x, expected metadata_guid; remaining metadata entries ignored %i WM/EncodingTime WM/MediaOriginalBroadcastDateTime WM/WMRVEncodeTime WM/WMRVEndTime WM/WMRVExpirationDate WM/WMRVBitrate %f %lli %08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x WM/Picture unsupported metadata entry; key:%s, type:%d, length:0x%x wtv Windows Television (WTV) p @ % + . > "V ] } D X w Incorrect block size %i Unsupported version %03X Cannot determine additional parameters Insufficient channel information Invalid channel info size %d Cannot determine custom sampling rate Bits per sample differ, this block: %i, header block: %i Channels differ, this block: %i, header block: %i Sampling rate differ, this block: %i, header block: %i Incorrect block size %d wv WavPack xa Maxis XA File Format xobX Found uncommon version %d Unsupported 5.1 ADPCM audio stream (0x%04X) Invalid parameters for audio track %d. xmv Microsoft XMV unexpected codec (tag 0x04%x; id %d) unexpected extradata (%d bytes) Invalid channel count: %d Invalid bits_per_coded_sample: %d two dpds chunks present dpds chunk size %lld not divisible by 4 dpds chunk size %lld invalid XWMA xwma Microsoft xWMA YO YOP has invalid header yop Psygnosis YOP Format YUV4MPEG2 FRAME ERROR: Only rawvideo supported. Warning: generating rarely used 4:1:1 YUV stream, some mjpegtools might not work. ERROR: yuv4mpeg only handles yuv444p, yuv422p, yuv420p, yuv411p and gray pixel formats. Use -pix_fmt to select one. 420jpeg 420mpeg2 420paldv 411 422 444alpha Cannot handle 4:4:4:4 YUV4MPEG stream. 444 mono YUV4MPEG stream contains an unknown pixel format. YUV4MPEG stream contains mixed interlaced and non-interlaced frames. YUV4MPEG has invalid header. YSCSS= 420JPEG 420MPEG2 420PALDV Cmono C411 XYSCSS=411 C420paldv XYSCSS=420PALDV C420mpeg2 XYSCSS=420MPEG2 C420jpeg XYSCSS=420JPEG C422 XYSCSS=422 C444 XYSCSS=444 %s W%d H%d F%d:%d I%c A%d:%d%s Error. YUV4MPEG stream header write failed. yuv4mpegpipe YUV4MPEG pipe format y4m
, 4 8 ( P P h: P X9 h: P < X9 h: < +P D P x $ ( t $ $ 8 < D ( $ |. < D , 8 < / P D ( 0 | X d P X 8 ( $& 8 L 6 |3 . 0 K XA w b i o k ` ( 8 (M P d @ 2 D ( 8 (M P d @ 2 @ l d @ l d a h a p , p d! h! x! d! t 3 d! h! t $ 3 % % @ t % % & % ( P 4 l d 4 7 7 0 < < = < p8 |8 A A B 8 8 F $H F : : I <M K J P: T: pS Q Q P: : : 8T W U < < 0 Y ] Z HY $6 : 8< D< f 9 h: Y @ p< t< Ph g p< < j h p < < ( k (l k $= Dn |l Pl ` = = s Ds = = = = r r x> |> t u <t > > v 9 h: y > > v 9 h: f > > P hw y w ? $? ({ X9 h: ? P ? ? h| <~ 0 |} < ? ? ? ? 0 lC pC ( , C C X C F F 8 d H HG LG H d H HG LG ( HG H P 8 l 4 XH dH XH dH H | \ D' 4 \g 4 H I I H I I P I hI l h: I P I hI I I P \ T @J HJ H l O L O O L O O ( H | @ > L L <O HO ( $ DR HR XR DR ( x% T% R * * * * R R L- , R P T T 01 8 5 3 5 T T T ,Y K (_ @ X W ` 9 h: X h W <b 9 h: $X ,X c 9 h: DX @ Z } l g | e l ` Z m f te Te l f f ( d f f ( h f f f @ ' < \g `g \ h h ( 0 p h h ( 0 p h h h ( , h h ( , Tj `j 9 tj j j x (t ,t t t P H t t @ E l t t t X u u | <v Dv <v P v v (y ,y T x d 8G v Ly Py 9 h: Ly < P x4 H5 06 P @ d 8 @ H p < 0 0 P @ d 8 @ $ P @ d 8 @ H l d d ( ( 0 4 \ P H L X H p H L < $ @ p H 8 4 ` Q 4 0 n ( ( t @ P x | @ M @ x | @ @K @ @ P x | @ ,M ` @ P x | @ 4M @ x | @ HK @ P x | @ PK Pn r Xm Xm $ ( P < 0 P < 0 P $ L! D% 0 8/ $ X P 4 X W , 0 X P 4 X W L P L X P 4 X W @ h P L X P 4 X W ` p t p X P 4 X W P 4 @ h g i t\ t T ` @ v i t\ t P 4 H X p P x 9 h: 8 d $ t l < , , t l p ` X D ( d p ` d p . ( t | d . ( ? TA ? E F E I 4 8 H DS R H 4H T \ lW H Z tz \p Z [ @U l d t H P < @ U l d t 0 4 \ ` X L 0 x P 4 t 4 ` ( V | !P d < 8W | , 4 : $ D ` h : $ d : $ : $ : $ 0 8 : $ ` h : $ : $ $ : $ D : $ d : $ 8 < D : $ l t : $ : $ : $ : $ $ 4 < : $ h D l p : $ d : $ 0_ : $ , 4 < ` h < < < < 0 8 < ` h < < < < 8 < < D < l t < < < < 4 < h < l p < 0_ < < l X $ , |# " 0 D$ * @* ( 8 < + - , 8 < t0 5 2 `1 0 l t : h: <v X9 h: <v 4P 9 h: X9 h: P X9 h: /P X9 h: P 9 h: H P < < > > $ y < > > > f < ? $? ( ? P < < 4 < +P < l t D l < X W P X < h W ` h < $X ,X $X < 8< D< p Y < Ly Py Ly < x < P < < p /P < < < , @ < , : < H x-pn-realvideo ? ? ? d= x-pn-realaudio ? ? ? d= x-pn-multirate-realvideo-live ? ? ? d= x-pn-multirate-realaudio-live ? ? ? d= X @Y tX Z $l $} hi ] $ hi T P X 0o , d D @ $ o $p 8 X-MP3-draft-00 P AMR AMR-WB x-asf-pf H x-asf-pf H G726-16 ( G726-24 P G726-32 x G726-40 H263-1998 H263-2000 H264 t T D MP4A-LATM P t l t MP4V-ES mpeg4-generic P p 8 x-Purevoice P X-QDM L X \ X-QT L T p X-QT L T p X-QUICKTIME L T p X-QUICKTIME L T p X-SV3V-ES l# ! ! VP8 & L& t# theora & & d+ + vorbis P & & d+ + h D0 L7 ,0 $ N L L L |L * \( (U  ~ D `( T ~ d % ) @ ( % ,* P < X A * * p @ H * + P $ A 2 2 8 $ h H 2 2 8 A 3 3 ` | 4 4 4 ( 4 5 5 @ < 6 6 ( L$ H# d 6 6 4* `) ( @ \} 5 5 7 7 4- - - $ 7 7 P/ / / $ 7 7 7 4 3 2 h8 p8 $; 6 9 h8 ; h8 L P @ = < K K I = = @ L R L = = X? = @ P c ] xT ? x? X? @ P c ] xT R k Tk j j j ? ? T o (q p ? ? s x xv t @ @ y { hz z A A } ~ \~ } A A A 4 l (A ! A A D H 4 l ` N N O P O O O ( O I R HR Q O O T S X 0 4O O O O O hZ X X 4O P P Ld _ 0^ \ P hT TT `T hT 8 ph g Df $! hT TT 8 <e `s y e lT pT 8 d | y e d d d ,U 8U `   U U < l V V 0 @` D` 0 H 0b 4b @ d X <b @b b b X t c c @ , x d $d X $ , d Tg dg ( |g Tg dg X |g
GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 20031005 (Debian prerelease) GCC: (Buildroot 2012.02) 4.5.3
.shstrtab .hash .dynsym .dynstr .gnu.version .gnu.version_d .gnu.version_r .rel.dyn .rel.plt .init .text .fini .rodata .ARM.exidx .eh_frame .init_array .fini_array .jcr .data.rel.ro .dynamic .got .data .bss .comment .ARM.attributes