1                                                           -*- text -*-
3*** NOTE: as of version 1.12, the building of Wget on Windows using
4*** these supplied Makefiles, is severely broken. HOWEVER, it is
5*** currently possible to build Wget on Windows using the standard
6    Unix-y "./configure && make", under MinGW + MSYS, though there are
7    some rough edges when you go beyond the basic build.
9    We expect to support this method for building Wget more fully in
10    future releases; the degree to which other Windows build methods
11    will be supported is not currently clear, as the cost of their
12    maintenance has grown significantly.
15You can configure the Windows port of Wget by running configure.bat (in
16the main Wget directory).  You can run it with no arguments to see the
17list of possible options.  Run it with the option corresponding to the
18compiler you intend to use to build Wget and follow the (brief)
19instructions printed on the screen.  The instructions bellow are for
20building Wget with Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC); you may need to make
21appropriate substitutions for your compiler and build environment;
22currently wget can be built at least with Visual Studio/.Net, the free
23Borland compiler, and the free mingw environment.  The instructions do
24*not* apply to the Cygwin environment, on which Wget is built with the
25procedure described in the INSTALL file in the top-level directory.
27To build Wget with MSVC run configure.bat (in the main Wget directory)
28with the argument --msvc, and then run nmake.  At a certain point in time
29Wget exposed some compiler bugs in MSVC 5.0; later Wget started to
30expose (at least http.c, retr.c) some other compiler bugs in MSVC 6.0
31SP6 (cl.exe version 12) which could/can be worked around by compiling
32completely without optimization or at least partially (by using
33#pragma optimize("g",on) and "off" around offending functions).
34However, read the rest of this document before continuing.
36For MSVC the current default is to build Wget with SSL support.  For this
37to work, you will need to have OpenSSL installed.  First, get OpenSSL
38(http://www.openssl.org), compile it and install the relevant headers and
39libraries where your compiler can find them; currently this could mean
40(presuming default installation directories for MSVC 6.0) copy (from the
41compiled OpenSSL directory) the whole inc32\openssl directory and its
42contents to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include\openssl",
43and from out32dll (in the OpenSSL directory) the two needed libraries
44(libeay32.lib and ssleay32.lib) to
45"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\lib".  These locations
46aren't exactly the best but will get you started if you don't know where
47to place these headers and libraries, you should find similar paths for
48later compiler versions. Usually at run-time some OpenSSL
49libraries (currently ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll) will need to be
50available in your environment PATH.
52If you don't want to/can't compile Wget with OpenSSL comment SSL related
53lines in windows\Makefile.src; then follow the normal instructions
54(configure.bat and so on).
56If you want to build the help file you will need a copy of makeinfo to
57convert wget.texi to rtf and html.  I've made a copy available at
58<URL:ftp://sunsite.dk/projects/wget/makeinfo.zip>.  This copy of
59makeinfo is from the miktxt 1.10 archive available from ctan.  You also
60will need perl 5, one possibility is ActivePerl (currently free) from
61<URL:http://www.activestate.com>; you need to locate the download and
62install instructions for the current version available (since the
63packages and installation instructions change from time to time).
65Windows contributors:
67* Darko Budor <dbudor@zesoi.fer.hr> -- the initial work on the Windows
68  port;
70* Tim Charron <tcharron@interlog.com> -- additional cleanup and
71  contribution of the (now retired) Watcom makefile;
73* John Burden <john@futuresguide.com> -- cleanup of the VC++ makefile
74  to get a clean build with VC++ 5.0 on Windows 95;
76* Douglas E. Wegscheid -- maintains configure.bat and various Windows
77  makefiles.
79* Herold Heiko -- numerous build reports and fixes.
81* Gisle Vanem -- many Windows-related improvements to the source and
82  the build system.