1Attribute VB_Name = "VBUnzBas"
2Option Explicit
4'-- Please Do Not Remove These Comment Lines!
6'-- Sample VB 5 / VB 6 code to drive unzip32.dll
7'-- Contributed to the Info-ZIP project by Mike Le Voi
9'-- Contact me at: mlevoi@modemss.brisnet.org.au
11'-- Visit my home page at: http://modemss.brisnet.org.au/~mlevoi
13'-- Use this code at your own risk. Nothing implied or warranted
14'-- to work on your machine :-)
17'-- This Source Code Is Freely Available From The Info-ZIP Project
18'-- Web Server At:
19'-- ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/infozip.html
21'-- A Very Special Thanks To Mr. Mike Le Voi
22'-- And Mr. Mike White
23'-- And The Fine People Of The Info-ZIP Group
24'-- For Letting Me Use And Modify Their Original
25'-- Visual Basic 5.0 Code! Thank You Mike Le Voi.
26'-- For Your Hard Work In Helping Me Get This To Work!!!
29'-- Contributed To The Info-ZIP Project By Raymond L. King.
30'-- Modified June 21, 1998
31'-- By Raymond L. King
32'-- Custom Software Designers
34'-- Contact Me At: king@ntplx.net
35'-- ICQ 434355
36'-- Or Visit Our Home Page At: http://www.ntplx.net/~king
40'-- Modified August 17, 1998
41'--  by Christian Spieler
42'--  (implemented sort of a "real" user interface)
43'-- Modified May 11, 2003
44'--  by Christian Spieler
45'--  (use late binding for referencing the common dialog)
46'-- Modified February 01, 2008
47'--  by Christian Spieler
48'--  (adapted DLL interface changes, fixed UZDLLPass callback)
49'-- Modified December 08, 2008 to December 30, 2008
50'--  by Ed Gordon
51'--  Updated sample project for UnZip 6.0 unzip32.dll
52'--  (support UnZip 6.0 flags and structures)
53'-- Modified January 03, 2009
54'--  by Christian Spieler
55'--  (better solution for overwrite_all handling, use Double
56'--  instead of Currency to stay safe against number overflow,
57'--  corrected UZDLLServ_I32() calling interface,
58'--  removed code that is unsupported under VB5)
62'-- Expected Version data for the DLL compatibility check
64'   For consistency of the version checking algorithm, the version number
65'   constants "UzDLL_MinVer" and "UzDLL_MaxAPI" have to fullfil the
66'   condition "UzDLL_MinVer <= "UzDLL_MaxAPI".
67'   Version data supplied by a specific UnZip DLL always obey the
68'   relation  "UzDLL Version" >= "UzDLL API".
70'Oldest UnZip DLL version that is supported by this program
71Private Const cUzDLL_MinVer_Major As Byte = 6
72Private Const cUzDLL_MinVer_Minor As Byte = 0
73Private Const cUzDLL_MinVer_Revis As Byte = 0
75'Last (newest) UnZip DLL API version that is known (and supported)
76'by this program
77Private Const cUzDLL_MaxAPI_Major As Byte = 6
78Private Const cUzDLL_MaxAPI_Minor As Byte = 0
79Private Const cUzDLL_MaxAPI_Revis As Byte = 0
81'Current structure version ID of the DCLIST structure layout
82Private Const cUz_DCLStructVer As Long = &H600
84'-- C Style argv
85Private Type UNZIPnames
86  uzFiles(0 To 99) As String
87End Type
89'-- Callback Large "String"
90Private Type UNZIPCBChar
91  ch(32800) As Byte
92End Type
94'-- Callback Small "String"
95Private Type UNZIPCBCh
96  ch(256) As Byte
97End Type
99'-- UNZIP32.DLL DCL Structure
100Private Type DCLIST
101  StructVersID      As Long    ' Currently version &H600 of this structure
102  ExtractOnlyNewer  As Long    ' 1 = Extract Only Newer/New, Else 0
103  SpaceToUnderscore As Long    ' 1 = Convert Space To Underscore, Else 0
104  PromptToOverwrite As Long    ' 1 = Prompt To Overwrite Required, Else 0
105  fQuiet            As Long    ' 2 = No Messages, 1 = Less, 0 = All
106  ncflag            As Long    ' 1 = Write To Stdout, Else 0
107  ntflag            As Long    ' 1 = Test Zip File, Else 0
108  nvflag            As Long    ' 0 = Extract, 1 = List Zip Contents
109  nfflag            As Long    ' 1 = Extract Only Newer Over Existing, Else 0
110  nzflag            As Long    ' 1 = Display Zip File Comment, Else 0
111  ndflag            As Long    ' 0 = Junk paths, 1 = safe path components only, 2 = all
112  noflag            As Long    ' 1 = Overwrite Files, Else 0
113  naflag            As Long    ' 1 = Convert CR To CRLF, Else 0
114  nZIflag           As Long    ' 1 = Zip Info Verbose, Else 0
115  B_flag            As Long    ' 1 = Backup existing files, Else 0
116  C_flag            As Long    ' 1 = Case Insensitivity, 0 = Case Sensitivity
117  D_flag            As Long    ' Timestamp restoration, 0 = All, 1 = Files, 2 = None
118  U_flag            As Long    ' 0 = Unicode enabled, 1 = Escape chars, 2 = No Unicode
119  fPrivilege        As Long    ' 1 = ACL, 2 = Privileges
120  Zip               As String  ' The Zip Filename To Extract Files
121  ExtractDir        As String  ' The Extraction Directory, NULL If Extracting To Current Dir
122End Type
124'-- UNZIP32.DLL Userfunctions Structure
125Private Type USERFUNCTION
126  UZDLLPrnt         As Long     ' Pointer To Apps Print Function
127  UZDLLSND          As Long     ' Pointer To Apps Sound Function
128  UZDLLREPLACE      As Long     ' Pointer To Apps Replace Function
129  UZDLLPASSWORD     As Long     ' Pointer To Apps Password Function
130  ' 64-bit versions (VB6 does not support passing 64-bit values!)
131  UZDLLMESSAGE      As Long     ' Pointer To Apps Message Function (Not Used!)
132  UZDLLSERVICE      As Long     ' Pointer To Apps Service Function (Not Used!)
133  ' 32-bit versions
134  UZDLLMESSAGE_I32  As Long     ' Pointer To Apps Message Function
135  UZDLLSERVICE_I32  As Long     ' Pointer To Apps Service Function
136  ' All 64-bit values passed as low and high parts!
137  TotalSizeComp_Lo  As Long     ' Total Size Of Zip Archive (low 32 bits)
138  TotalSizeComp_Hi  As Long     ' Total Size Of Zip Archive (high 32 bits)
139  TotalSize_Lo      As Long     ' Total Size Of All Files In Archive (low 32)
140  TotalSize_Hi      As Long     ' Total Size Of All Files In Archive (high 32)
141  NumMembers_Lo     As Long     ' Total Number Of All Files In The Archive (low 32)
142  NumMembers_Hi     As Long     ' Total Number Of All Files In The Archive (high 32)
143  CompFactor        As Long     ' Compression Factor
144  cchComment        As Integer  ' Flag If Archive Has A Comment!
145End Type
147'-- UNZIP32.DLL Version Structure
148Private Type UZPVER2
149  structlen       As Long         ' Length Of The Structure Being Passed
150  flag            As Long         ' Bit 0: is_beta  bit 1: uses_zlib
151  beta            As String * 10  ' e.g., "g BETA" or ""
152  date            As String * 20  ' e.g., "4 Sep 95" (beta) or "4 September 1995"
153  zlib            As String * 10  ' e.g., "1.0.5" or NULL
154  unzip(1 To 4)   As Byte         ' Version Type Unzip
155  zipinfo(1 To 4) As Byte         ' Version Type Zip Info
156  os2dll          As Long         ' Version Type OS2 DLL
157  windll(1 To 4)  As Byte         ' Version Type Windows DLL
158  dllapimin(1 To 4) As Byte       ' Version Type DLL API minimum compatibility
159End Type
161'-- This assumes UNZIP32.DLL is somewhere on your execution path!
162'-- The term "execution path" means a search in the following locations,
163'-- in the listed sequence (for more details look up the documentation
164'-- of the LoadLibrary() Win32 API call):
165'--  1) the directory from which the VB6 application was loaded,
166'--  2) your current working directory in effect when the VB6 program
167'--     tries to access a first API call of UNZIP32.DLL,
168'--  3) the Windows "SYSTEM32" (only NT/2K/XP...) and "SYSTEM" directories,
169'--     and the Windows directory,
170'--  4) the folder list of your command path (e.g. check the environment
171'--     variable PATH as set in a console window started from scratch).
172'-- Normally, the Windows system directory is on your command path,
173'-- so installing the UNZIP32.DLL in the Windows System Directory
174'-- should always work.
176'-- WARNING:
177'-- When a VB6 program is run in the VB6 IDE, the "directory from which the
178'-- application was loaded" is the
179'--  ===>>> directory where VB6.EXE is stored (!!!),
180'-- not the storage directory of the VB project file
181'-- (the folder returned by "App.Path").
182'-- When a compiled VB6 program is run, the "application load directory"
183'-- is identical with the folder reported by "App.Path".
185Private Declare Function Wiz_SingleEntryUnzip Lib "unzip32.dll" _
186  (ByVal ifnc As Long, ByRef ifnv As UNZIPnames, _
187   ByVal xfnc As Long, ByRef xfnv As UNZIPnames, _
188   dcll As DCLIST, Userf As USERFUNCTION) As Long
190Private Declare Function UzpVersion2 Lib "unzip32.dll" _
191  (uzpv As UZPVER2) As Long
193'-- Private variable holding the API version id as reported by the
194'-- loaded UnZip DLL
195Private m_UzDllApiVers As Long
197'-- Private Variables For Structure Access
198Private UZDCL  As DCLIST
200Private UZVER2 As UZPVER2
202'-- Public Variables For Setting The
203'-- UNZIP32.DLL DCLIST Structure
204'-- These Must Be Set Before The Actual Call To VBUnZip32
205Public uExtractOnlyNewer As Long     ' 1 = Extract Only Newer/New, Else 0
206Public uSpaceUnderScore  As Long     ' 1 = Convert Space To Underscore, Else 0
207Public uPromptOverWrite  As Long     ' 1 = Prompt To Overwrite Required, Else 0
208Public uQuiet            As Long     ' 2 = No Messages, 1 = Less, 0 = All
209Public uWriteStdOut      As Long     ' 1 = Write To Stdout, Else 0
210Public uTestZip          As Long     ' 1 = Test Zip File, Else 0
211Public uExtractList      As Long     ' 0 = Extract, 1 = List Contents
212Public uFreshenExisting  As Long     ' 1 = Update Existing by Newer, Else 0
213Public uDisplayComment   As Long     ' 1 = Display Zip File Comment, Else 0
214Public uHonorDirectories As Long     ' 1 = Honor Directories, Else 0
215Public uOverWriteFiles   As Long     ' 1 = Overwrite Files, Else 0
216Public uConvertCR_CRLF   As Long     ' 1 = Convert CR To CRLF, Else 0
217Public uVerbose          As Long     ' 1 = Zip Info Verbose
218Public uCaseSensitivity  As Long     ' 1 = Case Insensitivity, 0 = Case Sensitivity
219Public uPrivilege        As Long     ' 1 = ACL, 2 = Privileges, Else 0
220Public uZipFileName      As String   ' The Zip File Name
221Public uExtractDir       As String   ' Extraction Directory, Null If Current Directory
223'-- Public Program Variables
224Public uZipNumber    As Long         ' Zip File Number
225Public uNumberFiles  As Long         ' Number Of Files
226Public uNumberXFiles As Long         ' Number Of Extracted Files
227Public uZipMessage   As String       ' For Zip Message
228Public uZipInfo      As String       ' For Zip Information
229Public uZipNames     As UNZIPnames   ' Names Of Files To Unzip
230Public uExcludeNames As UNZIPnames   ' Names Of Zip Files To Exclude
231Public uVbSkip       As Boolean      ' For DLL Password Function
233'-- Puts A Function Pointer In A Structure
234'-- For Callbacks.
235Public Function FnPtr(ByVal lp As Long) As Long
237  FnPtr = lp
239End Function
241'-- Callback For UNZIP32.DLL - Receive Message Function
242Public Sub UZReceiveDLLMessage_I32( _
243    ByVal ucsize_lo As Long, _
244    ByVal ucsize_hi As Long, _
245    ByVal csiz_lo As Long, _
246    ByVal csiz_hi As Long, _
247    ByVal cfactor As Integer, _
248    ByVal mo As Integer, _
249    ByVal dy As Integer, _
250    ByVal yr As Integer, _
251    ByVal hh As Integer, _
252    ByVal mm As Integer, _
253    ByVal c As Byte, _
254    ByRef fname As UNZIPCBCh, _
255    ByRef meth As UNZIPCBCh, _
256    ByVal crc As Long, _
257    ByVal fCrypt As Byte)
259  Dim s0     As String
260  Dim xx     As Long
261  Dim cCh    As Byte
262  Dim strout As String * 80
263  Dim ucsize As Double
264  Dim csiz   As Double
266  '-- Always implement a runtime error handler in Callback Routines!
267  On Error Resume Next
269  '------------------------------------------------
270  '-- This Is Where The Received Messages Are
271  '-- Printed Out And Displayed.
272  '-- You Can Modify Below!
273  '------------------------------------------------
275  strout = Space$(80)
277  '-- For Zip Message Printing
278  If uZipNumber = 0 Then
279    Mid$(strout, 1, 50) = "Filename:"
280    Mid$(strout, 53, 4) = "Size"
281    Mid$(strout, 62, 4) = "Date"
282    Mid$(strout, 71, 4) = "Time"
283    uZipMessage = strout & vbNewLine
284    strout = Space$(80)
285  End If
287  s0 = ""
289  '-- Do Not Change This For Next!!!
290  For xx = 0 To UBound(fname.ch)
291    If fname.ch(xx) = 0 Then Exit For
292    s0 = s0 & Chr$(fname.ch(xx))
293  Next
295  ucsize = CnvI64Struct2Dbl(ucsize_lo, ucsize_hi)
296  csiz = CnvI64Struct2Dbl(csiz_lo, csiz_hi)
298  '-- Assign Zip Information For Printing
299  Mid$(strout, 1, 50) = Mid$(s0, 1, 50)
300  Mid$(strout, 51, 9) = Right$("        " & CStr(ucsize), 9)
301  Mid$(strout, 62, 3) = Right$("0" & Trim$(CStr(mo)), 2) & "/"
302  Mid$(strout, 65, 3) = Right$("0" & Trim$(CStr(dy)), 2) & "/"
303  Mid$(strout, 68, 2) = Right$("0" & Trim$(CStr(yr)), 2)
304  Mid$(strout, 72, 3) = Right$(Str$(hh), 2) & ":"
305  Mid$(strout, 75, 2) = Right$("0" & Trim$(CStr(mm)), 2)
307  ' Mid$(strout, 77, 2) = Right$(" " & CStr(cfactor), 2)
308  ' Mid$(strout, 80, 8) = Right$("        " & CStr(csiz), 8)
309  ' s0 = ""
310  ' For xx = 0 To 255
311  '     If meth.ch(xx) = 0 Then Exit For
312  '     s0 = s0 & Chr$(meth.ch(xx))
313  ' Next xx
315  '-- Do Not Modify Below!!!
316  uZipMessage = uZipMessage & strout & vbNewLine
317  uZipNumber = uZipNumber + 1
319End Sub
321'-- Callback For UNZIP32.DLL - Print Message Function
322Public Function UZDLLPrnt(ByRef fname As UNZIPCBChar, ByVal x As Long) As Long
324  Dim s0 As String
325  Dim xx As Long
326  Dim cCh As Byte
328  '-- Always implement a runtime error handler in Callback Routines!
329  On Error Resume Next
331  s0 = ""
333  '-- Gets The UNZIP32.DLL Message For Displaying.
334  For xx = 0 To x - 1
335    cCh = fname.ch(xx)
336    Select Case cCh
337    Case 0
338      Exit For
339    Case 10
340      s0 = s0 & vbNewLine     ' Damn UNIX :-)
341    Case 92 ' = Asc("\")
342      s0 = s0 & "/"
343    Case Else
344      s0 = s0 & Chr$(cCh)
345    End Select
346  Next
348  '-- Assign Zip Information
349  uZipInfo = uZipInfo & s0
351  UZDLLPrnt = 0
353End Function
355'-- Callback For UNZIP32.DLL - DLL Service Function
356Public Function UZDLLServ_I32(ByRef mname As UNZIPCBChar, _
357         ByVal lUcSiz_Lo As Long, ByVal lUcSiz_Hi As Long) As Long
359  Dim UcSiz As Double
360  Dim s0 As String
361  Dim xx As Long
363  '-- Always implement a runtime error handler in Callback Routines!
364  On Error Resume Next
366  ' Parameters lUcSiz_Lo and lUcSiz_Hi contain the uncompressed size
367  ' of the extracted archive entry.
368  ' This information may be used for some kind of progress display...
369  UcSiz = CnvI64Struct2Dbl(lUcSiz_Lo, lUcSiz_Hi)
371  s0 = ""
372  '-- Get Zip32.DLL Message For processing
373  For xx = 0 To UBound(mname.ch)
374    If mname.ch(xx) = 0 Then Exit For
375    s0 = s0 & Chr$(mname.ch(xx))
376  Next
377  ' At this point, s0 contains the message passed from the DLL
378  ' (like the current file being extracted)
379  ' It is up to the developer to code something useful here :)
381  UZDLLServ_I32 = 0 ' Setting this to 1 will abort the zip!
383End Function
385'-- Callback For UNZIP32.DLL - Password Function
386Public Function UZDLLPass(ByRef pwbuf As UNZIPCBCh, _
387  ByVal bufsiz As Long, ByRef promptmsg As UNZIPCBCh, _
388  ByRef entryname As UNZIPCBCh) As Long
390  Dim prompt     As String
391  Dim xx         As Long
392  Dim szpassword As String
394  '-- Always implement a runtime error handler in Callback Routines!
395  On Error Resume Next
397  UZDLLPass = -1  'IZ_PW_CANCEL
399  If uVbSkip Then Exit Function
401  '-- Get the Password prompt
402  For xx = 0 To UBound(promptmsg.ch)
403    If promptmsg.ch(xx) = 0 Then Exit For
404    prompt = prompt & Chr$(promptmsg.ch(xx))
405  Next
406  If Len(prompt) = 0 Then
407    prompt = "Please Enter The Password!"
408  Else
409    prompt = prompt & " "
410    For xx = 0 To UBound(entryname.ch)
411      If entryname.ch(xx) = 0 Then Exit For
412      prompt = prompt & Chr$(entryname.ch(xx))
413    Next
414  End If
416  '-- Get The Zip File Password
417  Do
418    szpassword = InputBox(prompt)
419    If Len(szpassword) < bufsiz Then Exit Do
420    ' -- Entered password exceeds UnZip's password buffer size
421    If MsgBox("The supplied password exceeds the maximum password length " _
422            & CStr(bufsiz - 1) & " supported by the UnZip DLL." _
423            , vbExclamation + vbRetryCancel, "UnZip password too long") _
424         = vbCancel Then
425      szpassword = ""
426      Exit Do
427    End If
428  Loop
430  '-- No Password So Exit The Function
431  If Len(szpassword) = 0 Then
432    uVbSkip = True
433    Exit Function
434  End If
436  '-- Zip File Password So Process It
437  For xx = 0 To bufsiz - 1
438    pwbuf.ch(xx) = 0
439  Next
440  '-- Password length has already been checked, so
441  '-- it will fit into the communication buffer.
442  For xx = 0 To Len(szpassword) - 1
443    pwbuf.ch(xx) = Asc(Mid$(szpassword, xx + 1, 1))
444  Next
446  pwbuf.ch(xx) = 0 ' Put Null Terminator For C
448  UZDLLPass = 0   ' IZ_PW_ENTERED
450End Function
452'-- Callback For UNZIP32.DLL - Report Function To Overwrite Files.
453'-- This Function Will Display A MsgBox Asking The User
454'-- If They Would Like To Overwrite The Files.
455Public Function UZDLLReplacePrmt(ByRef fname As UNZIPCBChar, _
456                                 ByVal fnbufsiz As Long) As Long
458  Dim s0 As String
459  Dim xx As Long
460  Dim cCh As Byte
461  Dim bufmax As Long
463  '-- Always implement a runtime error handler in Callback Routines!
464  On Error Resume Next
466  UZDLLReplacePrmt = 100   ' 100 = Do Not Overwrite - Keep Asking User
467  s0 = ""
468  bufmax = UBound(fname.ch)
469  If bufmax >= fnbufsiz Then bufmax = fnbufsiz - 1
471  For xx = 0 To bufmax
472    cCh = fname.ch(xx)
473    Select Case cCh
474    Case 0
475      Exit For
476    Case 92 ' = Asc("\")
477      s0 = s0 & "/"
478    Case Else
479      s0 = s0 & Chr$(cCh)
480    End Select
481  Next
483  '-- This Is The MsgBox Code
484  xx = MsgBox("Overwrite """ & s0 & """ ?", vbExclamation Or vbYesNoCancel, _
485              "VBUnZip32 - File Already Exists!")
486  Select Case xx
487  Case vbYes
488    UZDLLReplacePrmt = 102    ' 102 = Overwrite, 103 = Overwrite All
489  Case vbCancel
490    UZDLLReplacePrmt = 104    ' 104 = Overwrite None
491  Case Else
492    'keep the default as set at function entry.
493  End Select
495End Function
497'-- ASCIIZ To String Function
498Public Function szTrim(szString As String) As String
500  Dim pos As Long
502  pos = InStr(szString, vbNullChar)
504  Select Case pos
505    Case Is > 1
506      szTrim = Trim$(Left$(szString, pos - 1))
507    Case 1
508      szTrim = ""
509    Case Else
510      szTrim = Trim$(szString)
511  End Select
513End Function
515'-- convert a 64-bit int divided in two Int32 variables into
516'-- a single 64-bit floating-point value
517Private Function CnvI64Struct2Dbl(ByVal lInt64Lo As Long, lInt64Hi As Long) As Double
518  If lInt64Lo < 0 Then
519    CnvI64Struct2Dbl = 2# ^ 32 + CDbl(lInt64Lo)
520  Else
521    CnvI64Struct2Dbl = CDbl(lInt64Lo)
522  End If
523  CnvI64Struct2Dbl = CnvI64Struct2Dbl + (2# ^ 32) * CDbl(lInt64Hi)
524End Function
526'-- Concatenate a "structured" version number into a single integer value,
527'-- to facilitate version number comparisons
528'-- (In case the practically used NumMajor numbers will ever exceed 128, it
529'-- should be considered to use the number type "Double" to store the
530'-- concatenated number. "Double" can store signed integer numbers up to a
531'-- width of 52 bits without loss of precision.)
532Private Function ConcatVersNums(ByVal NumMajor As Byte, ByVal NumMinor As Byte _
533                              , ByVal NumRevis As Byte, ByVal NumBuild As Byte) As Long
534  If (NumMajor And &H80) <> 0 Then
535    ConcatVersNums = (NumMajor And &H7F) * (2 ^ 24) Or &H80000000
536  Else
537    ConcatVersNums = NumMajor * (2 ^ 24)
538  End If
539  ConcatVersNums = ConcatVersNums _
540                 + NumMinor * (2 ^ 16) _
541                 + NumRevis * (2 ^ 8) _
542                 + NumBuild
543End Function
545'-- Helper function to provide a printable version number string, using the
546'-- current formatting rule for version number display as implemented in UnZip.
547Private Function VersNumsToTxt(ByVal NumMajor As Byte, ByVal NumMinor As Byte _
548                             , ByVal NumRevis As Byte) As String
549  VersNumsToTxt = CStr(NumMajor) & "." & Hex$(NumMinor)
550  If NumRevis <> 0 Then VersNumsToTxt = VersNumsToTxt & Hex$(NumRevis)
551End Function
553'-- Helper function to convert a "concatenated" version id into a printable
554'-- version number string, using the current formatting rule for version number
555'-- display as implemented in UnZip.
556Private Function VersIDToTxt(ByVal VersionID As Long) As String
557  Dim lNumTemp As Long
559  lNumTemp = VersionID \ (2 ^ 24)
560  If lNumTemp < 0 Then lNumTemp = 256 + lNumTemp
561  VersIDToTxt = CStr(lNumTemp) & "." _
562             & Hex$((VersionID And &HFF0000) \ &H10000)
563  lNumTemp = (VersionID And &HFF00&) \ &H100
564  If lNumTemp <> 0 Then VersIDToTxt = VersIDToTxt & Hex$(lNumTemp)
565End Function
567'-- Main UNZIP32.DLL UnZip32 Subroutine
568'-- (WARNING!) Do Not Change!
569Public Sub VBUnZip32()
571  Dim retcode As Long
572  Dim MsgStr As String
573  Dim TotalSizeComp As Double
574  Dim TotalSize As Double
575  Dim NumMembers As Double
577  '-- Set The UNZIP32.DLL Options
578  '-- (WARNING!) Do Not Change
579  UZDCL.StructVersID = cUz_DCLStructVer      ' Current version of this structure
580  UZDCL.ExtractOnlyNewer = uExtractOnlyNewer ' 1 = Extract Only Newer/New
581  UZDCL.SpaceToUnderscore = uSpaceUnderScore ' 1 = Convert Space To Underscore
582  UZDCL.PromptToOverwrite = uPromptOverWrite ' 1 = Prompt To Overwrite Required
583  UZDCL.fQuiet = uQuiet                      ' 2 = No Messages 1 = Less 0 = All
584  UZDCL.ncflag = uWriteStdOut                ' 1 = Write To Stdout
585  UZDCL.ntflag = uTestZip                    ' 1 = Test Zip File
586  UZDCL.nvflag = uExtractList                ' 0 = Extract 1 = List Contents
587  UZDCL.nfflag = uFreshenExisting            ' 1 = Update Existing by Newer
588  UZDCL.nzflag = uDisplayComment             ' 1 = Display Zip File Comment
589  UZDCL.ndflag = uHonorDirectories           ' 1 = Honour Directories
590  UZDCL.noflag = uOverWriteFiles             ' 1 = Overwrite Files
591  UZDCL.naflag = uConvertCR_CRLF             ' 1 = Convert CR To CRLF
592  UZDCL.nZIflag = uVerbose                   ' 1 = Zip Info Verbose
593  UZDCL.C_flag = uCaseSensitivity            ' 1 = Case insensitivity, 0 = Case Sensitivity
594  UZDCL.fPrivilege = uPrivilege              ' 1 = ACL 2 = Priv
595  UZDCL.Zip = uZipFileName                   ' ZIP Filename
596  UZDCL.ExtractDir = uExtractDir             ' Extraction Directory, NULL If Extracting
597                                             ' To Current Directory
599  '-- Set Callback Addresses
600  '-- (WARNING!!!) Do Not Change
601  UZUSER.UZDLLPrnt = FnPtr(AddressOf UZDLLPrnt)
602  UZUSER.UZDLLSND = 0&    '-- Not Supported
603  UZUSER.UZDLLREPLACE = FnPtr(AddressOf UZDLLReplacePrmt)
605  UZUSER.UZDLLMESSAGE_I32 = FnPtr(AddressOf UZReceiveDLLMessage_I32)
606  UZUSER.UZDLLSERVICE_I32 = FnPtr(AddressOf UZDLLServ_I32)
608  '-- Set UNZIP32.DLL Version Space
609  '-- (WARNING!!!) Do Not Change
610  With UZVER2
611    .structlen = Len(UZVER2)
612    .beta = String$(10, vbNullChar)
613    .date = String$(20, vbNullChar)
614    .zlib = String$(10, vbNullChar)
615  End With
617  '-- Get Version
618  retcode = UzpVersion2(UZVER2)
619  If retcode <> 0 Then
620    MsgBox "Incompatible DLL version discovered!" & vbNewLine _
621         & "The UnZip DLL requires a version structure of length " _
622         & CStr(retcode) & ", but the VB frontend expects the DLL to need " _
623         & Len(UZVER2) & "bytes." & vbNewLine _
624         & vbNewLine & "The program cannot continue." _
625         , vbCritical + vbOKOnly, App.Title
626    Exit Sub
627  End If
629  ' Check that the DLL version is sufficiently recent
630  If (ConcatVersNums(UZVER2.unzip(1), UZVER2.unzip(2) _
631                  , UZVER2.unzip(3), UZVER2.unzip(4)) < _
632      ConcatVersNums(cUzDLL_MinVer_Major, cUzDLL_MinVer_Minor _
633                  , cUzDLL_MinVer_Revis, 0)) Then
634    ' The found UnZip DLL is too old!
635    MsgBox "Incompatible old DLL version discovered!" & vbNewLine _
636         & "This program requires an UnZip DLL version of at least " _
637         & VersNumsToTxt(cUzDLL_MinVer_Major, cUzDLL_MinVer_Minor, cUzDLL_MinVer_Revis) _
638         & ", but the version reported by the found DLL is only " _
639         & VersNumsToTxt(UZVER2.unzip(1), UZVER2.unzip(2), UZVER2.unzip(3)) _
640         & "." & vbNewLine _
641         & vbNewLine & "The program cannot continue." _
642         , vbCritical + vbOKOnly, App.Title
643    Exit Sub
644  End If
646  ' Concatenate the DLL API version info into a single version id variable.
647  ' This variable may be used later on to switch between different
648  ' known variants of specific API calls or API structures.
649  m_UzDllApiVers = ConcatVersNums(UZVER2.dllapimin(1), UZVER2.dllapimin(2) _
650                                , UZVER2.dllapimin(3), UZVER2.dllapimin(4))
651  ' check that the DLL API version is not too new
652  If (m_UzDllApiVers > _
653      ConcatVersNums(cUzDLL_MaxAPI_Major, cUzDLL_MaxAPI_Minor _
654                  , cUzDLL_MaxAPI_Revis, 0)) Then
655    ' The found UnZip DLL is too new!
656    MsgBox "DLL version with incompatible API discovered!" & vbNewLine _
657         & "This program can only handle UnZip DLL API versions up to " _
658         & VersNumsToTxt(cUzDLL_MaxAPI_Major, cUzDLL_MaxAPI_Minor, cUzDLL_MaxAPI_Revis) _
659         & ", but the found DLL reports a newer API version of " _
660         & VersIDToTxt(m_UzDllApiVers) & "." & vbNewLine _
661         & vbNewLine & "The program cannot continue." _
662         , vbCritical + vbOKOnly, App.Title
663    Exit Sub
664  End If
666  '--------------------------------------
667  '-- You Can Change This For Displaying
668  '-- The Version Information!
669  '--------------------------------------
670  MsgStr$ = "DLL Date: " & szTrim(UZVER2.date)
671  MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine$ & "Zip Info: " _
672       & VersNumsToTxt(UZVER2.zipinfo(1), UZVER2.zipinfo(2), UZVER2.zipinfo(3))
673  MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine$ & "DLL Version: " _
674       & VersNumsToTxt(UZVER2.windll(1), UZVER2.windll(2), UZVER2.windll(3))
675  MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine$ & "DLL API Compatibility: " _
676       & VersIDToTxt(m_UzDllApiVers)
677  MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine$ & "--------------"
678  '-- End Of Version Information.
680  '-- Go UnZip The Files! (Do Not Change Below!!!)
681  '-- This Is The Actual UnZip Routine
682  retcode = Wiz_SingleEntryUnzip(uNumberFiles, uZipNames, uNumberXFiles, _
683                                 uExcludeNames, UZDCL, UZUSER)
684  '---------------------------------------------------------------
686  '-- If There Is An Error Display A MsgBox!
687  If retcode <> 0 Then _
688    MsgBox "UnZip DLL call returned error code #" & CStr(retcode) _
689          , vbExclamation, App.Title
691  '-- Add up 64-bit values
692  TotalSizeComp = CnvI64Struct2Dbl(UZUSER.TotalSizeComp_Lo, _
693                                   UZUSER.TotalSizeComp_Hi)
694  TotalSize = CnvI64Struct2Dbl(UZUSER.TotalSize_Lo, _
695                               UZUSER.TotalSize_Hi)
696  NumMembers = CnvI64Struct2Dbl(UZUSER.NumMembers_Lo, _
697                                UZUSER.NumMembers_Hi)
699  '-- You Can Change This As Needed!
700  '-- For Compression Information
701  MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine & _
702       "Only Shows If uExtractList = 1 List Contents"
703  MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine & "--------------"
704  MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine & "Comment         : " & UZUSER.cchComment
705  MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine & "Total Size Comp : " _
706                    & Format$(TotalSizeComp, "#,0")
707  MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine & "Total Size      : " _
708                    & Format$(TotalSize, "#,0")
709  MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine & "Compress Factor : %" & UZUSER.CompFactor
710  MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine & "Num Of Members  : " & NumMembers
711  MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine & "--------------"
713  VBUnzFrm.txtMsgOut.Text = VBUnzFrm.txtMsgOut.Text & MsgStr$ & vbNewLine
714End Sub