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6<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Synchronizing with a master</title>
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12<td><b><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Berkeley DB Replication</dl></b></td>
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15<p align=center><b>Synchronizing with a master</b></p>
16<p>When a client detects a new replication group master, the client must
17synchronize with the new master before the client can process new
18database changes.  Synchronizing is a heavyweight operation which can
19place a burden on both the client and the master.  There are several
20controls an application can use to reduce the synchronization burden.</p>
21<b>Delaying client synchronization</b>
22<p>When a replication group has a new master, either as specified by the
23application or as a result of winning an election, all clients in the
24replication group must synchronize with the new master.  This can
25strain the resources of the new master since a large number of clients
26may be attempting to communicate with and transfer records from the
27master.  Client applications wanting to delay client synchronization
28should call the <a href="../../api_c/rep_config.html">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_config</a> method with the
29<a href="../../api_c/rep_config.html#DB_REP_CONF_DELAYCLIENT">DB_REP_CONF_DELAYCLIENT</a> flag.  The application will be
30notified of the establishment of the new master as usual, but the
31client will not proceed to synchronize with the new master.</p>
32<p>Applications learn of a new master via the
33<a href="../../api_c/env_event_notify.html#DB_EVENT_REP_NEWMASTER">DB_EVENT_REP_NEWMASTER</a> event.</p>
34<p>Client applications choosing to delay synchronization in this manner are
35responsible for synchronizing the client environment at some future time
36using the <a href="../../api_c/rep_sync.html">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_sync</a> method.</p>
37<b>Client-to-client synchronization</b>
38<p>Instead of synchronizing with the new master, it is sometimes possible
39for a client to synchronize with another client.  Berkeley DB initiates
40synchronization at the client by sending a request message via the
41transport call-back function of the communication infrastructure.  The
42message is destined for the master site, but is also marked with a
43<a href="../../api_c/rep_transport.html#DB_REP_ANYWHERE">DB_REP_ANYWHERE</a> flag.  The application may choose to send such
44a request to another client, or to ignore the flag, sending it to its
45indicated destination.</p>
46<p>Furthermore, when the other client receives such a request it may be
47unable to satisfy it.  In this case it will reply to the requesting
48client, telling it that it is unable to provide the requested
49information.  The requesting client will then re-issue the request.
50Additionally, if the original request never reaches the other client,
51the requesting client will again re-issue the request.  In either of
52these cases the message will be marked with the <a href="../../api_c/rep_transport.html#DB_REP_REREQUEST">DB_REP_REREQUEST</a>
53flag.  The application may continue trying to find another client to
54service the request, or it may give up and simply send it to the master
55(that is, the environment ID explicitly specified to the transport
57<p>Applications written to the Base replication API have complete freedom
58in choosing where to send these <a href="../../api_c/rep_transport.html#DB_REP_ANYWHERE">DB_REP_ANYWHERE</a> requests, and
59in deciding how to handle <a href="../../api_c/rep_transport.html#DB_REP_REREQUEST">DB_REP_REREQUEST</a>.</p>
60<p>Replication Manager allows an application to designate one remote site
61(called its "peer") to receive client-to-client requests, via the
62flags parameter to the <a href="../../api_c/repmgr_remote_site.html">DB_ENV-&gt;repmgr_add_remote_site</a> method.  Replication
63Manager will always first try to send requests marked with the
64<a href="../../api_c/rep_transport.html#DB_REP_ANYWHERE">DB_REP_ANYWHERE</a> flag to its peer, if available.  However, it
65will always send a <a href="../../api_c/rep_transport.html#DB_REP_REREQUEST">DB_REP_REREQUEST</a> to the master site.</p>
66<p>The delayed synchronization and client-to-client synchronization
67features allow applications to do load balancing within replication
68groups.  For example, consider a replication group with 5 sites, A, B,
69C, D and E.  Site E just crashed, and site A was elected master.  Sites
70C and D have been configured for delayed synchronization.  When site B
71is notified that site A is a new master, it immediately synchronizes.
72When B finishes synchronizing with the master, the application calls the
73<a href="../../api_c/rep_sync.html">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_sync</a> method on sites C and D to cause them to synchronize as well.
74Sites C and D (and E, when it has finished rebooting) can send their
75requests to site B, and B then bears the brunt of the work and
76network traffic for synchronization, making master site A available to
77handle the normal application load and any write requests paused by
78the election.</p>
79<b>Blocked client operations</b>
80<p>Clients in the process of synchronizing with the master block access to
81Berkeley DB operations.  By default, most Berkeley DB methods will block until
82client synchronization is complete, and then the method call proceeds.</p>
83<p>Client applications which cannot wait and would prefer an immediate
84error return instead of blocking, should call the
85<a href="../../api_c/rep_config.html">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_config</a> method with the <a href="../../api_c/rep_config.html#DB_REP_CONF_NOWAIT">DB_REP_CONF_NOWAIT</a> flag.  This
86configuration causes <a href="../../api_c/db_class.html">DB</a> method calls to immediately return a
87<a href="../../api_c/db_put.html#DB_REP_LOCKOUT">DB_REP_LOCKOUT</a> error instead of blocking, if the client is
88currently synchronizing with the master.</p>
89<b>Clients too far out-of-date to synchronize</b>
90<p>Clients attempting to synchronize with the master may discover that
91synchronization is not possible because the client no longer has any
92overlapping information with the master site.  By default, the master and
93client automatically detect this state and perform an internal initialization
94of the client.  Because internal initialization requires transfer of
95entire databases to the client, it can take a relatively long period of
96time and may require database handles to be reopened in the client
98<p>Client applications which cannot wait or would prefer
99to do a hot backup instead of performing internal initialization, should
100call the <a href="../../api_c/rep_config.html">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_config</a> method with the <a href="../../api_c/rep_config.html#DB_REP_CONF_NOAUTOINIT">DB_REP_CONF_NOAUTOINIT</a>
101flag.  This configuration flag causes Berkeley DB to return
102<a href="../../api_c/rep_message.html#DB_REP_JOIN_FAILURE">DB_REP_JOIN_FAILURE</a> to the application instead of performing
103internal initialization.</p>
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106<p><font size=1>Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.</font>