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6<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Mapping the terrain: theory and practice</title>
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12<td><b><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Introduction</dl></b></td>
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15<p align=center><b>Mapping the terrain: theory and practice</b></p>
16<p>The first step in selecting a database system is figuring out what the
17choices are. Decades of research and real-world deployment have produced
18countless systems. We need to organize them somehow to reduce the number
19of options.</p>
20<p>One obvious way to group systems is to use the common labels that
21vendors apply to them. The buzzwords here include "network,"
22"relational," "object-oriented," and "embedded," with some
23cross-fertilization like "object-relational" and "embedded network".
24Understanding the buzzwords is important. Each has some grounding in
25theory, but has also evolved into a practical label for categorizing
26systems that work in a certain way.</p>
27<p>All database systems, regardless of the buzzwords that apply to them,
28provide a few common services.  All of them store data, for example.
29We'll begin by exploring the common services that all systems provide,
30and then examine the differences among the different kinds of systems.</p>
31<b>Data access and data management</b>
32<p>Fundamentally, database systems provide two services.</p>
33<p>The first service is <i>data access</i>. Data access means adding
34new data to the database (inserting), finding data of interest
35(searching), changing data already stored (updating), and removing data
36from the database (deleting). All databases provide these services. How
37they work varies from category to category, and depends on the record
38structure that the database supports.</p>
39<p>Each record in a database is a collection of values. For example, the
40record for a Web site customer might include a name, email address,
41shipping address, and payment information. Records are usually stored
42in tables.  Each table holds records of the same kind. For example, the
43<b>customer</b> table at an e-commerce Web site might store the
44customer records for every person who shopped at the site. Often,
45database records have a different structure from the structures or
46instances supported by the programming language in which an application
47is written. As a result, working with records can mean:</p>
48<p><ul type=disc>
49<li>using database operations like searches and updates on records; and
50<li>converting between programming language structures and database record
51types in the application.
53<p>The second service is <i>data management</i>. Data management is
54more complicated than data access. Providing good data management
55services is the hard part of building a database system.  When you
56choose a database system to use in an application you build, making sure
57it supports the data management services you need is critical.</p>
58<p>Data management services include allowing multiple users to work on the
59database simultaneously (concurrency), allowing multiple records to be
60changed instantaneously (transactions), and surviving application and
61system crashes (recovery). Different database systems offer different
62data management services.  Data management services are entirely
63independent of the data access services listed above. For example,
64nothing about relational database theory requires that the system
65support transactions, but most commercial relational systems do.</p>
66<p>Concurrency means that multiple users can operate on the database at
67the same time. Support for concurrency ranges from none (single-user
68access only) to complete (many readers and writers working
70<p>Transactions permit users to make multiple changes appear at once.  For
71example, a transfer of funds between bank accounts needs to be a
72transaction because the balance in one account is reduced and the
73balance in the other increases. If the reduction happened before the
74increase, than a poorly-timed system crash could leave the customer
75poorer; if the bank used the opposite order, then the same system crash
76could make the customer richer. Obviously, both the customer and the
77bank are best served if both operations happen at the same instant.</p>
78<p>Transactions have well-defined properties in database systems. They are
79<i>atomic</i>, so that the changes happen all at once or not at all.
80They are <i>consistent</i>, so that the database is in a legal state
81when the transaction begins and when it ends. They are typically
82<i>isolated</i>, which means that any other users in the database
83cannot interfere with them while they are in progress. And they are
84<i>durable</i>, so that if the system or application crashes after
85a transaction finishes, the changes are not lost. Together, the
86properties of <i>atomicity</i>, <i>consistency</i>,
87<i>isolation</i>, and <i>durability</i> are known as the ACID
89<p>As is the case for concurrency, support for transactions varies among
90databases. Some offer atomicity without making guarantees about
91durability.  Some ignore isolatability, especially in single-user
92systems; there's no need to isolate other users from the effects of
93changes when there are no other users.</p>
94<p>Another important data management service is recovery. Strictly
95speaking, recovery is a procedure that the system carries out when it
96starts up. The purpose of recovery is to guarantee that the database is
97complete and usable. This is most important after a system or
98application crash, when the database may have been damaged. The recovery
99process guarantees that the internal structure of the database is good.
100Recovery usually means that any completed transactions are checked, and
101any lost changes are reapplied to the database.  At the end of the
102recovery process, applications can use the database as if there had been
103no interruption in service.</p>
104<p>Finally, there are a number of data management services that permit
105copying of data. For example, most database systems are able to import
106data from other sources, and to export it for use elsewhere.  Also, most
107systems provide some way to back up databases and to restore in the
108event of a system failure that damages the database. Many commercial
109systems allow <i>hot backups</i>, so that users can back up
110databases while they are in use. Many applications must run without
111interruption, and cannot be shut down for backups.</p>
112<p>A particular database system may provide other data management services.
113Some provide browsers that show database structure and contents. Some
114include tools that enforce data integrity rules, such as the rule that
115no employee can have a negative salary.  These data management services
116are not common to all systems, however. Concurrency, recovery, and
117transactions are the data management services that most database vendors
119<p>Deciding what kind of database to use means understanding the data
120access and data management services that your application needs.  Berkeley DB
121is an embedded database that supports fairly simple data access with a
122rich set of data management services. To highlight its strengths and
123weaknesses, we can compare it to other database system categories.</p>
124<b>Relational databases</b>
125<p>Relational databases are probably the best-known database variant,
126because of the success of companies like Oracle. Relational databases
127are based on the mathematical field of set theory.  The term "relation"
128is really just a synonym for "set" -- a relation is just a set of
129records or, in our terminology, a table. One of the main innovations in
130early relational systems was to insulate the programmer from the
131physical organization of the database. Rather than walking through
132arrays of records or traversing pointers, programmers make statements
133about tables in a high-level language, and the system executes those
135<p>Relational databases operate on <i>tuples</i>, or records, composed
136of values of several different data types, including integers, character
137strings, and others. Operations include searching for records whose
138values satisfy some criteria, updating records, and so on.</p>
139<p>Virtually all relational databases use the Structured Query Language,
140or SQL. This language permits people and computer programs to work with
141the database by writing simple statements. The database engine reads
142those statements and determines how to satisfy them on the tables in
143the database.</p>
144<p>SQL is the main practical advantage of relational database systems.
145Rather than writing a computer program to find records of interest, the
146relational system user can just type a query in a simple syntax, and
147let the engine do the work. This gives users enormous flexibility; they
148do not need to decide in advance what kind of searches they want to do,
149and they do not need expensive programmers to find the data they need.
150Learning SQL requires some effort, but it's much simpler than a
151full-blown high-level programming language for most purposes. And there
152are a lot of programmers who have already learned SQL.</p>
153<b>Object-oriented databases</b>
154<p>Object-oriented databases are less common than relational systems, but
155are still fairly widespread. Most object-oriented databases were
156originally conceived as persistent storage systems closely wedded to
157particular high-level programming languages like C++. With the spread
158of Java, most now support more than one programming language, but
159object-oriented database systems fundamentally provide the same class
160and method abstractions as do object-oriented programming languages.</p>
161<p>Many object-oriented systems allow applications to operate on objects
162uniformly, whether they are in memory or on disk. These systems create
163the illusion that all objects are in memory all the time.  The advantage
164to object-oriented programmers who simply want object storage and
165retrieval is clear. They need never be aware of whether an object is in
166memory or not.  The application simply uses objects, and the database
167system moves them between disk and memory transparently.  All of the
168operations on an object, and all its behavior, are determined by the
169programming language.</p>
170<p>Object-oriented databases aren't nearly as widely deployed as relational
171systems. In order to attract developers who understand relational
172systems, many of the object-oriented systems have added support for
173query languages very much like SQL. In practice, though, object-oriented
174databases are mostly used for persistent storage of objects in C++ and
175Java programs.</p>
176<b>Network databases</b>
177<p>The "network model" is a fairly old technique for managing and
178navigating application data. Network databases are designed to make
179pointer traversal very fast. Every record stored in a network database
180is allowed to contain pointers to other records. These pointers are
181generally physical addresses, so fetching the record to which it refers
182just means reading it from disk by its disk address.</p>
183<p>Network database systems generally permit records to contain integers,
184floating point numbers, and character strings, as well as references to
185other records. An application can search for records of interest. After
186retrieving a record, the application can fetch any record to which it
187refers, quickly.</p>
188<p>Pointer traversal is fast because most network systems use physical disk
189addresses as pointers. When the application wants to fetch a record,
190the database system uses the address to fetch exactly the right string
191of bytes from the disk. This requires only a single disk access in all
192cases. Other systems, by contrast, often must do more than one disk read
193to find a particular record.</p>
194<p>The key advantage of the network model is also its main drawback. The
195fact that pointer traversal is so fast means that applications that do
196it will run well. On the other hand, storing pointers all over the
197database makes it very hard to reorganize the database. In effect, once
198you store a pointer to a record, it is difficult to move that record
199elsewhere.  Some network databases handle this by leaving forwarding
200pointers behind, but this defeats the speed advantage of doing a single
201disk access in the first place. Other network databases find, and fix,
202all the pointers to a record when it moves, but this makes
203reorganization very expensive. Reorganization is often necessary in
204databases, since adding and deleting records over time will consume
205space that cannot be reclaimed without reorganizing. Without periodic
206reorganization to compact network databases, they can end up with a
207considerable amount of wasted space.</p>
208<b>Clients and servers</b>
209<p>Database vendors have two choices for system architecture. They can
210build a server to which remote clients connect, and do all the database
211management inside the server. Alternatively, they can provide a module
212that links directly into the application, and does all database
213management locally.  In either case, the application developer needs
214some way of communicating with the database (generally, an Application
215Programming Interface (API) that does work in the process or that
216communicates with a server to get work done).</p>
217<p>Almost all commercial database products are implemented as servers, and
218applications connect to them as clients. Servers have several features
219that make them attractive.</p>
220<p>First, because all of the data is managed by a separate process, and
221possibly on a separate machine, it's easy to isolate the database server
222from bugs and crashes in the application.</p>
223<p>Second, because some database products (particularly relational engines)
224are quite large, splitting them off as separate server processes keeps
225applications small, which uses less disk space and memory. Relational
226engines include code to parse SQL statements, to analyze them and
227produce plans for execution, to optimize the plans, and to execute
229<p>Finally, by storing all the data in one place and managing it with a
230single server, it's easier for organizations to back up, protect, and
231set policies on their databases. The enterprise databases for large
232companies often have several full-time administrators caring for them,
233making certain that applications run quickly, granting and denying
234access to users, and making backups.</p>
235<p>However, centralized administration can be a disadvantage in some cases.
236In particular, if a programmer wants to build an application that uses
237a database for storage of important information, then shipping and
238supporting the application is much harder. The end user needs to install
239and administer a separate database server, and the programmer must
240support not just one product, but two. Adding a server process to the
241application creates new opportunity for installation mistakes and
242run-time problems.</p>
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