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32            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="recovery"></a>Recovery Procedures</h2>
33          </div>
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35        <div></div>
36      </div>
37      <p>
38           DB supports two types of recovery: 
39        </p>
40      <div class="itemizedlist">
41        <ul type="disc">
42          <li>
43            <p>
44                    Normal recovery, which is run when your environment is
45                    opened upon application startup, examines only those
46                    log records needed to bring the databases to a consistent
47                    state since the last checkpoint.  Normal recovery
48                    starts with any logs used by any transactions active at
49                    the time of the last checkpoint, and examines all logs
50                    from then to the current logs.
51                </p>
52          </li>
53          <li>
54            <p>
55                    Catastrophic recovery, which is performed in the same
56                    way that normal recovery is except that it examines
57                    all available log files. You use catastrophic recovery
58                    to restore your databases from a previously created backup.
59                </p>
60          </li>
61        </ul>
62      </div>
63      <p>
64            Of these two, normal recovery should be considered a routine
65            matter; in fact you should run normal
66            recovery whenever you start up your application.
67        </p>
68      <p>
69            Catastrophic recovery is run whenever you have lost or
70            corrupted your database files and you want to restore from a
71            backup.  You also run catastrophic recovery when
72            you create a hot backup
73            (see <a href="hotfailover.html">Using Hot Failovers</a> for more information).
74        </p>
75      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
76        <div class="titlepage">
77          <div>
78            <div>
79              <h3 class="title"><a id="normalrecovery"></a>Normal Recovery</h3>
80            </div>
81          </div>
82          <div></div>
83        </div>
84        <p>
85                Normal recovery examines the contents of your environment's
86                log files, and uses this information to ensure that your
87                database files are consistent relative to the
88                information contained in the log files. 
89            </p>
90        <p>
91               Normal recovery also recreates your environment's region files. 
92               This has the desired effect of clearing any unreleased locks
93               that your application may have held at the time of an
94               unclean application shutdown.
95            </p>
96        <p>
97                Normal recovery is run only against those log files created
98                since the time of your last checkpoint. For this reason,
99                your recovery time is dependent on how much data has been
100                written since the last checkpoint, and therefore on how
101                much log file information there is to examine. If you run
102                checkpoints infrequently, then normal recovery can
103                take a relatively long time.
104            </p>
105        <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
106          <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
107          <p>
108                You should run normal recovery every
109                time you perform application startup.
110            </p>
111        </div>
112        <p>
113                To run normal recovery:
114            </p>
115        <div class="itemizedlist">
116          <ul type="disc">
117            <li>
118              <p>
119                        Make sure all your environment handles are closed.
120                    </p>
121            </li>
122            <li>
123              <p>
124                        Normal recovery <span class="emphasis"><em>must
125                        be</em></span> single-threaded.
126                    </p>
127            </li>
128            <li>
129              <p>
130                        Specify <tt class="literal">true</tt> to 
131                        <tt class="methodname">EnvironmentConfig.setRunRecovery()</tt>
132                        when you open your environment.
133                    </p>
134            </li>
135          </ul>
136        </div>
137        <p>
138                You can also run recovery by pausing or shutting down your
139                application and using the <span><b class="command">db_recover</b></span>
140                command line utility.
141            </p>
142        <p>
143                For example:
144            </p>
145        <pre class="programlisting">package db.txn;
147import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException;
148import com.sleepycat.db.Environment;
149import com.sleepycat.db.EnvironmentConfig;
151import java.io.File;
152import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
158Environment myEnv = null;
159try {
160    EnvironmentConfig myEnvConfig = new EnvironmentConfig();
161    myEnvConfig.setInitializeCache(true);
162    myEnvConfig.setInitializeLocking(true);
163    myEnvConfig.setInitializeLogging(true);
164    myEnvConfig.setTransactional(true);
166    // Run normal recovery
167    myEnvConfig.setRunRecovery(true);
169    myEnv = new Environment(new File("/my/env/home"),
170                              myEnvConfig);
172    // All other operations are identical from here. Notice, however,
173    // that we have not created any other threads of control before
174    // recovery is complete. You want to run recovery for
175    // the first thread in your application that opens an environment,
176    // but not for any subsequent threads. 
178} catch (DatabaseException de) {
179    // Exception handling goes here
180} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
181     // Exception handling goes here
183      </div>
184      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
185        <div class="titlepage">
186          <div>
187            <div>
188              <h3 class="title"><a id="catastrophicrecovery"></a>Catastrophic Recovery</h3>
189            </div>
190          </div>
191          <div></div>
192        </div>
193        <p>
194                Use catastrophic recovery when you are
195                recovering your databases from a previously created backup.
196                Note that to restore your databases from a previous backup, you
197                should copy the backup to a new environment directory, and
198                then run catastrophic recovery.  Failure to do so can lead to 
199                the internal database structures being out of sync with your log files.
200            </p>
201        <p>
202                Catastrophic recovery must  be run single-threaded.
203            </p>
204        <p>
205                To run catastrophic recovery:
206            </p>
207        <div class="itemizedlist">
208          <ul type="disc">
209            <li>
210              <p>
211                        Shutdown all database operations.
212                    </p>
213            </li>
214            <li>
215              <p>
216                        Restore the backup to an empty directory.
217                    </p>
218            </li>
219            <li>
220              <p>
221                        Specify <tt class="literal">true</tt> to 
222                        <tt class="methodname">EnvironmentConfig.setRunRecoveryFatal()</tt>
223                        when you open your environment. This environment
224                        open must be single-threaded.
225                    </p>
226            </li>
227          </ul>
228        </div>
229        <p>
230                You can also run recovery by pausing or shutting down your
231                application and using the <span><b class="command">db_recover</b></span>
232                command line utility with the the <tt class="literal">-c</tt> option.
233            </p>
234        <p>
235                Note that catastrophic recovery examines every available
236                log file ��� not just those log files created since the
237                last checkpoint as is the case for normal recovery. For this reason, 
238                catastrophic recovery is likely to take longer than does
239                normal recovery.
240            </p>
241        <p>
242                For example:
243            </p>
244        <pre class="programlisting">package db.txn;
246import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException;
247import com.sleepycat.db.Environment;
248import com.sleepycat.db.EnvironmentConfig;
250import java.io.File;
251import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
257Environment myEnv = null;
258try {
259    EnvironmentConfig myEnvConfig = new EnvironmentConfig();
260    myEnvConfig.setInitializeCache(true);
261    myEnvConfig.setInitializeLocking(true);
262    myEnvConfig.setInitializeLogging(true);
263    myEnvConfig.setTransactional(true);
265    // Run catastrophic recovery
266    <b class="userinput"><tt>myEnvConfig.setRunFatalRecovery(true);</tt></b>
268    myEnv = new Environment(new File("/my/env/home"),
269                              myEnvConfig);
271} catch (DatabaseException de) {
272    // Exception handling goes here
273} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
274     // Exception handling goes here
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