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32            <h2 class="title"><a id="introduction"></a>Chapter��1.��Introduction</h2>
33          </div>
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37      <div class="toc">
38        <p>
39          <b>Table of Contents</b>
40        </p>
41        <dl>
42          <dt>
43            <span class="sect1">
44              <a href="introduction.html#txnintro">Transaction Benefits</a>
45            </span>
46          </dt>
47          <dd>
48            <dl>
49              <dt>
50                <span class="sect2">
51                  <a href="introduction.html#sysfailure">A Note on System Failure</a>
52                </span>
53              </dt>
54              <dt>
55                <span class="sect2">
56                  <a href="introduction.html#apireq">Application Requirements</a>
57                </span>
58              </dt>
59              <dt>
60                <span class="sect2">
61                  <a href="introduction.html#multithread-intro">Multi-threaded 
62        and Multi-process
63        Applications</a>
64                </span>
65              </dt>
66            </dl>
67          </dd>
68          <dt>
69            <span class="sect1">
70              <a href="recovery-intro.html">Recoverability</a>
71            </span>
72          </dt>
73          <dt>
74            <span class="sect1">
75              <a href="perftune-intro.html">Performance Tuning</a>
76            </span>
77          </dt>
78        </dl>
79      </div>
80      <p>
81    This book provides a thorough introduction and discussion on transactions as
82    used with Berkeley DB (DB).  It begins by offering a general overview to
83    transactions, the guarantees they provide, and the general application
84    infrastructure required to obtain full transactional protection for your
85    data. 
86  </p>
87      <p>
88    This book also provides detailed examples on how to write a
89    transactional application. Both single threaded and multi-threaded <span>(as well as multi-process
90    applications)</span> are discussed. A detailed description of various
91    backup and recovery strategies is included in this manual, as is a
92    discussion on performance considerations for your transactional application.
93  </p>
94      <p>
95    You should understand the concepts from the
96        <span>
97                <i class="citetitle">Getting Started with Berkeley DB</i>
98        </span>
101     guide before reading this book.
102  </p>
103      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
104        <div class="titlepage">
105          <div>
106            <div>
107              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="txnintro"></a>Transaction Benefits</h2>
108            </div>
109          </div>
110          <div></div>
111        </div>
112        <p>
113        Transactions offer your application's data protection from
114        application or system failures.  That is, DB transactions offer 
115        your application full ACID support:
116    </p>
117        <div class="itemizedlist">
118          <ul type="disc">
119            <li>
120              <p>
121                <span class="bold"><b>A</b></span>tomicity
122            </p>
123              <p>
124                Multiple database operations are treated as a single unit of
125                work.  Once committed, all write operations performed under 
126                the protection of the transaction are saved to your databases.
127                Further, in the event that you abort a transaction, all write
128                operations performed during the transaction are discarded.
129                In this event, your database is left in the state it was in
130                before the transaction began, regardless of the number or
131                type of write operations you may have performed during the
132                course of the transaction.
133            </p>
134              <p>
135                Note that DB transactions can span one or more
136                database handles. 
137            </p>
138            </li>
139            <li>
140              <p>
141                <span class="bold"><b>C</b></span>onsistency
142            </p>
143              <p>
144                Your databases will never see a partially completed
145                transaction. This is true even if your application fails while there are
146                in-progress transactions. If the application or system fails,
147                then either all of the database changes appear when the
148                application next runs, or none of them appear.
149            </p>
150              <p>
151                In other words, whatever consistency requirements your application has will never be violated by DB.
152                If, for example, your application requires every record to include an employee ID, and your
153                code faithfully adds that ID to its database records, then DB will never
154                violate that consistency requirement. The ID will remain in the database records until such a time as your
155                application chooses to delete it.
156            </p>
157            </li>
158            <li>
159              <p>
160                <span class="bold"><b>I</b></span>solation
161            </p>
162              <p>
163                While a transaction is in progress, your databases will appear
164                to the transaction as if there are no other operations 
165                occurring outside of the transaction. That is, operations
166                wrapped inside a transaction will always have a clean and
167                consistent view of your databases. They never have to see
168                updates currently in progress under the protection of another transaction. 
169                Note, however, that isolation guarantees can be 
171                 relaxed from the default setting.   See 
172                <a href="isolation.html">Isolation</a>
173                for more information.
174            </p>
175            </li>
176            <li>
177              <p>
178                <span class="bold"><b>D</b></span>urability
179            </p>
180              <p>
181                Once committed to your databases, your modifications will
182                persist even in the event of an application or system failure.
183                Note that like isolation, your durability guarantee can be
184                relaxed. See <a href="usingtxns.html#nodurabletxn">Non-Durable Transactions</a>
185                for more information.
186            </p>
187            </li>
188          </ul>
189        </div>
190        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
191          <div class="titlepage">
192            <div>
193              <div>
194                <h3 class="title"><a id="sysfailure"></a>A Note on System Failure</h3>
195              </div>
196            </div>
197            <div></div>
198          </div>
199          <p>
200            From time to time this manual mentions that transactions protect your data against 'system or application 
201            failure.' This is
202            true up to a certain extent. However, not all failures are created equal and no data protection 
203            mechanism can protect you against every conceivable way a computing system can find to die.
204        </p>
205          <p>
206            Generally, when this book talks about protection against failures, it means that 
207            transactions offer protection against
208            the likeliest culprits for system and application crashes. So long as your data modifications have been
209            committed to disk, those modifications should persist even if your application or OS subsequently fails.
210            And, even if the application or OS fails in the middle of a transaction commit (or abort), the data on disk
211            should be either in a consistent state, or there should be enough data available to bring 
212            your databases into a consistent state (via a recovery procedure, for example). You may, however, 
213            lose whatever data you were committing at the
214            time of the failure, but your databases will be otherwise unaffected.
215        </p>
216          <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
217            <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
218            <p>
219                    Be aware that many disks have a disk write cache and on
220                    some systems it is enabled by default.  This means that
221                    a transaction can have committed, and to your
222                    application the data may appear to reside on disk, but
223                    the data may in fact reside only in the write cache at
224                    that time. This means that if the disk write cache is
225                    enabled and there is no battery backup for it, data can
226                    be lost after an OS crash even when maximum durability
227                    mode is in use.  For maximum durability, disable the
228                    disk write cache or use a disk write cache with a
229                    battery backup.
230                </p>
231          </div>
232          <p>
233            Of course, if your <span class="emphasis"><em>disk</em></span> fails, then the transactional benefits described in this book
234            are only as good as the backups you have taken. 
237            <span>
238                By spreading your data and log files across separate disks,
239                you can minimize the risk of data loss due to a disk failure, but even in this case it is possible to
240                conjure a scenario where even this protection is insufficient (a fire in the machine room, for example) and
241                you must go to your backups for protection.
242            </span>
243        </p>
244          <p>
245            Finally, by following the programming examples shown in this book, you can write your code so as to protect
246            your data in the event that your code crashes. However, no programming API can protect you against logic
247            failures in your own code; transactions cannot protect you from simply writing the wrong thing to your
248            databases.
249        </p>
250        </div>
251        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
252          <div class="titlepage">
253            <div>
254              <div>
255                <h3 class="title"><a id="apireq"></a>Application Requirements</h3>
256              </div>
257            </div>
258            <div></div>
259          </div>
260          <p>
261            In order to use transactions, your application has certain
262            requirements beyond what is required of non-transactional protected
263            applications.  They are:
264        </p>
265          <div class="itemizedlist">
266            <ul type="disc">
267              <li>
268                <p>
269                    Environments.
270                </p>
271                <p>
272                    Environments are optional for non-transactional
273                    applications, but they are required for transactional
274                    applications.
275                </p>
276                <p>
277                    Environments are optional for non-transactional
278                    applications that use the base API, but they are required for transactional
279                    applications. (Of course, applications that use the
280                    DPL always require the DPL.)
281                </p>
282                <p>
283                    Environment usage is described in detail in 
284                    <a href="usingtxns.html">Transaction Basics</a>.
285                </p>
286              </li>
287              <li>
288                <p>
289                    Transaction subsystem.
290                </p>
291                <p>
292                    In order to use transactions, you must explicitly
293                    enable the transactional subsystem for your
294                    application, and this must be done at the time that
295                    your environment is first created. 
296                </p>
297              </li>
298              <li>
299                <p>
300                    Logging subsystem.
301                </p>
302                <p>
303                    The logging subsystem is required for recovery purposes, but
304                    its usage also means your application may require a
305                    little more administrative effort than it does when logging
306                    is not in use. See <a href="filemanagement.html">Managing DB Files</a> for more information.
307                </p>
308              </li>
309              <li>
310                <p>
312                    <span>DbTxn</span>
315                    handles.
316                </p>
317                <p>
318                    In order to obtain the atomicity guarantee offered by
319                    the transactional subsystem (that is, combine multiple
320                    operations in a single unit of work), your application must use
321                    transaction handles.  These handles are obtained from your 
323                    <span>DbEnv</span>
326                    objects. They should normally be short-lived, and their usage is 
327                    reasonably simple. To complete a transaction and save
328                    the work it performed, you 
329                    call its <tt class="methodname">commit()</tt> method. To
330                    complete a transaction and discard its work, you call its
331                    <tt class="methodname">abort()</tt> method.
332                </p>
333                <p>
334                    In addition, it is possible to use auto commit if you want
335                    to transactional protect a single write operation. Auto
336                    commit allows a transaction to be used without 
337                    obtaining an explicit transaction handle. See 
338                    <a href="autocommit.html">Auto Commit</a>
339                    for information on how to use auto commit.
340                </p>
341              </li>
342              <li>
343                <p>
344                    <span>Database</span>
346                    open requirements.
347                </p>
348                <p>
350                    <span>In addition to using 
351                    environments and initializing the
352                    correct subsystems, your</span>
354                    application must transaction protect the database
356                    opens<span>,
357                    and any secondary index associations,</span> 
359                    if subsequent operations on the databases are to be transaction
360                    protected. The database open and secondary index
361                    association are commonly transaction protected using
362                    auto commit.
363                </p>
364              </li>
365              <li>
366                <p>
367                    Deadlock detection.
368                </p>
369                <p>
370                    Typically transactional applications use multiple
371                    threads of control when accessing the database. Any
372                    time multiple threads are used on a single resource,
373                    the potential for lock contention arises. In turn, lock
374                    contention can lead to deadlocks. See
375                    <a href="blocking_deadlocks.html">Locks, Blocks, and Deadlocks</a>
376                    for more information.
377                </p>
378                <p>
379                    Therefore, transactional applications must frequently
380                    include code for detecting and responding to deadlocks.
381                    Note that this requirement is not
382                    <span class="emphasis"><em>specific</em></span> to transactions
383                    ��� you can certainly write concurrent
384                    non-transactional DB applications. Further, not
385                    every transactional application uses concurrency and
386                    so not every transactional application must
387                    manage deadlocks. Still, deadlock management is so
388                    frequently a characteristic of transactional
389                    applications that we discuss it in this
390                    book. See <a href="txnconcurrency.html">Concurrency</a>
391                    for more information.
392                </p>
393              </li>
394            </ul>
395          </div>
396        </div>
397        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
398          <div class="titlepage">
399            <div>
400              <div>
401                <h3 class="title"><a id="multithread-intro"></a>Multi-threaded 
402        <span>and Multi-process</span>
403        Applications</h3>
404              </div>
405            </div>
406            <div></div>
407          </div>
408          <p>
409            DB is designed to support multi-threaded  <span>and
410            multi-process</span> applications, but their usage means
411            you must pay careful attention to issues of concurrency.
412            Transactions help your application's concurrency by providing various levels of
413            isolation for your threads of control. In addition, DB
414            provides mechanisms that allow you to detect and respond to
415            deadlocks (but strictly speaking, this is not limited to just
416            transactional applications).
417        </p>
418          <p>
419            <span class="emphasis"><em>Isolation</em></span> means that database modifications made by
420            one transaction will not normally be seen by readers from another
421            transaction until the first commits its changes.  Different threads 
422            use different transaction handles, so
423            this mechanism is normally used to provide isolation between
424            database operations performed by different threads.
425        </p>
426          <p>
427            Note that DB supports different isolation levels. For example,
428            you can configure your application to see uncommitted reads, which means
429            that one transaction can see data that has been modified but not yet
430            committed by another transaction. Doing this might mean your
431            transaction reads data "dirtied" by another transaction, 
432            but which subsequently might change before that
433            other transaction commits its changes.
434            On the other hand, lowering your isolation
435            requirements means that your application can experience
436            improved throughput due to reduced lock contention.
437        </p>
438          <p>
439            For more information on concurrency, on managing isolation
440            levels, and on deadlock detection, see <a href="txnconcurrency.html">Concurrency</a>.
441        </p>
442        </div>
443      </div>
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