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21          <th colspan="3" align="center">Adding the Replication Framework to
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38            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="repmgr_init_example_c"></a>Adding the Replication Framework to
40                    <span>SimpleTxn</span>
41            </h2>
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46      <p>
47                    We now use the methods described above to add partial
48                    support to the 
50                    <tt class="literal">SimpleTxn</tt> 
51                    example that we presented in 
52                    <a href="txnapp.html">Transactional Application</a>.
53                    That is, in this section we will:
54            </p>
55      <div class="itemizedlist">
56        <ul type="disc">
57          <li>
58            <p>
59                                    Enhance our command line options to
60                                    accept information of interest to a
61                                    replicated application.
62                            </p>
63          </li>
64          <li>
65            <p>
66                                    Configure our environment handle to use
67                                    replication and the replication framework.
68                            </p>
69          </li>
70          <li>
71            <p>
72                                    Minimally configure the replication framework.
73                            </p>
74          </li>
75          <li>
76            <p>
77                                    Start replication.
78                            </p>
79          </li>
80        </ul>
81      </div>
82      <p>
83                Note that when we are done with this section, we will be
84                only partially ready to run the application. Some critical
85                pieces will be missing; specifically, we will not yet be
86                handling the differences between a master and a
87                replica. (We do that in the next chapter).
88            </p>
89      <p>
90                Also, note that in the following code fragments, additions
91                and changes to the code are marked in <b class="userinput"><tt>bold</tt></b>.
92            </p>
93      <p>
94                    To begin, we copy the 
96                    <tt class="literal">SimpleTxn</tt> 
97                    code to a new file called
98                    <tt class="literal">RepMgr.cpp</tt>.
102                    <span>
103                            Having done that, we must make some significant
104                            changes to our 
105                            <tt class="classname">RepConfigInfo</tt>
106                            class because now we will be using it to
107                            maintain a lot more information.
108                    </span>
109            </p>
110      <p>
111                First, we create a new structure,
112                <tt class="literal">RepHostInfoObj</tt>, which we use to store
113                host and port information for all "other" servers
114                identified to the application via the
115                <tt class="literal">-o</tt> command line option. This structure
116                is chain-able, which makes cleaning up at program shutdown
117                time easier.
118            </p>
119      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
120#include &lt;iostream&gt;
122<b class="userinput"><tt>// Chain-able struct used to store host information.
123typedef struct RepHostInfoObj{
124    char* host;
125    int port;
126    RepHostInfoObj* next; // used for chaining multiple "other" hosts.
127} REP_HOST_INFO; </tt></b></pre>
128      <p>
129        Next, we update our <tt class="classname">RepConfigInfo</tt> class
130        definition to manage a lot more information and a new method.
132      <pre class="programlisting">class RepConfigInfo {
134    RepConfigInfo();
135    virtual ~RepConfigInfo();
137    <b class="userinput"><tt>void addOtherHost(char* host, int port);</tt></b>
139    <b class="userinput"><tt>u_int32_t start_policy;</tt></b>
140    char* home;
141    <b class="userinput"><tt>bool got_listen_address;
142    REP_HOST_INFO this_host;
143    int totalsites;
144    int priority;
145    // used to store a set of optional other hosts.
146    REP_HOST_INFO *other_hosts;</tt></b>
147}; </pre>
148      <p>
149        Then, we update our constructor to initialize our new variables.
151      <pre class="programlisting">RepConfigInfo::RepConfigInfo()
153    <b class="userinput"><tt>start_policy = DB_REP_ELECTION;</tt></b>
154    home = "TESTDIR";
155    <b class="userinput"><tt>got_listen_address = false;
156    totalsites = 0;
157    priority = 100;
158    other_hosts = NULL;</tt></b>
159} </pre>
160      <p>
161        Next, we implement our new method, <tt class="methodname">RepConfigInfo::addOtherHost</tt>,
162        which is used to create <tt class="literal">RepHostInfoObj</tt> instances and add them to
163        the chain of "other" hosts.
165      <pre class="programlisting">
166        <b class="userinput">
167          <tt>RepConfigInfo::addOtherHost(char* host, int port)
169    REP_HOST_INFO *newinfo;
170    newinfo = (REP_HOST_INFO*)malloc(sizeof(REP_HOST_INFO));
171    newinfo-&gt;host = host;
172    newinfo-&gt;port = port;
173    if (other_hosts == NULL) {
174        other_hosts = newinfo;
175        newinfo-&gt;next = NULL;
176    } else {
177        newinfo-&gt;next = other_hosts;
178        other_hosts = newinfo;
179    }
180} </tt>
181        </b>
182      </pre>
183      <p>
184        Having done that, we update our class destructor to release the <tt class="literal">RepHostInfoObj</tt>
185        chain of objects at class destruction time.
187      <pre class="programlisting">RepConfigInfo::~RepConfigInfo()
189    <b class="userinput"><tt>// release any other_hosts structs.
190    if (other_hosts != NULL) {
191        REP_HOST_INFO *CurItem = other_hosts;
192        while (CurItem-&gt;next != NULL)
193        {
194            REP_HOST_INFO *TmpItem = CurItem;
195            free(CurItem);
196            CurItem = TmpItem;
197        }
198        free(CurItem);
199    }
200    other_hosts = NULL;</tt></b>
201} </pre>
202      <p>
203        Having completed our update to the
204        <tt class="classname">RepConfigInfo</tt> 
206        class, we can now start making
207        changes to the main portion of our program. We begin by changing
208        the program's name. 
210      <pre class="programlisting">using std::cout;
211using std::cin;
212using std::cerr;
213using std::endl;
214using std::flush;
216#define CACHESIZE   (10 * 1024 * 1024)
217#define DATABASE    "quote.db"
219<b class="userinput"><tt>const char *progname = "RepMgr";</tt></b> </pre>
220      <p>
221        Next we update our usage function. The application will continue to
222        accept the <tt class="literal">-h</tt> parameter so that we can identify
223        the environment home directory used by this application. However,
224        we also add the 
226      <div class="itemizedlist">
227        <ul type="disc">
228          <li>
229            <p>
230                    <tt class="literal">-m</tt> parameter which allows us to
231                    identify the host and port used by this application to
232                    listen for replication messages.
233                </p>
234          </li>
235          <li>
236            <p>
237                        <tt class="literal">-o</tt> parameter which allows us to
238                        specify other replicas.
239                </p>
240          </li>
241          <li>
242            <p>
243                        <tt class="literal">-n</tt> parameter which allows us to
244                        identify the number of sites in this replication
245                        group.
246                </p>
247          </li>
248          <li>
249            <p>
250                    <tt class="literal">-p</tt> option, which is used to identify
251                    this replica's priority (recall that the priority is
252                    used as a tie breaker for elections)
253                </p>
254          </li>
255        </ul>
256      </div>
257      <pre class="programlisting">class RepMgr
260    // Constructor.
261    RepMgr();
262    // Initialization method. Creates and opens our environment handle.
263    int init(RepConfigInfo* config);
264    // The doloop is where all the work is performed.
265    int doloop();
266    // terminate() provides our shutdown code.
267    int terminate();
270    // disable copy constructor.
271    RepMgr(const RepMgr &amp;);
272    void operator = (const RepMgr &amp;);
274    // internal data members.
275    RepConfigInfo   *app_config;
276    DbEnv           dbenv;
278    // private methods.
279    // print_stocks() is used to display the contents of our database.
280    static int print_stocks(Db *dbp);
283static void usage()
285    cerr &lt;&lt; "usage: " &lt;&lt; progname &lt;&lt; endl
286         &lt;&lt; "[-h home]<b class="userinput"><tt>[-o host:port][-m host:port]</tt></b>"
287         <b class="userinput"><tt>&lt;&lt; "[-n nsites][-p priority]" &lt;&lt; endl;</tt></b>
289    cerr <b class="userinput"><tt>&lt;&lt; "\t -m host:port (required; m stands for me)" &lt;&lt; endl
290         &lt;&lt; "\t -o host:port (optional; o stands for other; any "
291         &lt;&lt; "number of these may be specified)" &lt;&lt; endl</tt></b>
292         &lt;&lt; "\t -h home directory" &lt;&lt; endl
293         <b class="userinput"><tt>&lt;&lt; "\t -n nsites (optional; number of sites in replication "
294         &lt;&lt; "group; defaults to 0" &lt;&lt; endl
295         &lt;&lt; "\t  in which case we try to dynamically compute the "
296         &lt;&lt; "number of sites in" &lt;&lt; endl
297         &lt;&lt; "\t  the replication group)" &lt;&lt; endl
298         &lt;&lt; "\t -p priority (optional: defaults to 100)" &lt;&lt; endl;</tt></b>
300    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
301} </pre>
302      <p>
303        Now we can begin working on our <tt class="literal">main()</tt> function.
304        We begin by adding a couple of variables that we will use to
305        collect TCP/IP host and port information. 
310      <pre class="programlisting">int main(int argc, char **argv)
312    RepConfigInfo config;
313    char ch<b class="userinput"><tt>, *portstr, *tmphost;
314    int tmpport;</tt></b>
315    int ret; </pre>
316      <p>
317        Now we collect our command line arguments. As we do so, we will
318        configure host and port information as required, and we will
319        configure the application's election priority if necessary.
321      <pre class="programlisting">    // Extract the command line parameters
322    while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "h:<b class="userinput"><tt>m:n:o:p:</tt></b>")) != EOF) {
323        switch (ch) {
324        case 'h':
325            config.home = optarg;
326            break;
327        <b class="userinput"><tt>case 'm':
328            config.this_host.host = strtok(optarg, ":");
329            if ((portstr = strtok(NULL, ":")) == NULL) {
330                cerr &lt;&lt; "Bad host specification." &lt;&lt; endl;
331                usage();
332            }
333            config.this_host.port = (unsigned short)atoi(portstr);
334            config.got_listen_address = true;
335            break;
336        case 'n':
337            config.totalsites = atoi(optarg);
338            break;
339        case 'o':
340            tmphost = strtok(optarg, ":");
341            if ((portstr = strtok(NULL, ":")) == NULL) {
342                cerr &lt;&lt; "Bad host specification." &lt;&lt; endl;
343                usage();
344            }
345            tmpport = (unsigned short)atoi(portstr);
346            config.addOtherHost(tmphost, tmpport);
347            break;
348        case 'p':
349            config.priority = atoi(optarg);
350            break;</tt></b>
351        case '?':
352        default:
353            usage();
354        }
355    }
357    // Error check command line.
358    if ((!config.got_listen_address) || config.home == NULL)
359        usage(); </pre>
360      <p>
361        Having done that, the remainder of our <tt class="function">main()</tt>
362        function is left unchanged:
364      <pre class="programlisting">    RepMgr runner;
365    try {
366        if((ret = runner.init(&amp;config)) != 0)
367            goto err;
368        if((ret = runner.doloop()) != 0)
369            goto err;
370    } catch (DbException dbe) {
371        cerr &lt;&lt; "Caught an exception during initialization or"
372            &lt;&lt; " processing: " &lt;&lt; dbe.what() &lt;&lt; endl;
373    }
375    runner.terminate();
376    return 0;
377}  </pre>
378      <p>
379        Now we need to update our 
380            <tt class="methodname">RepMgr::init()</tt>
382        method. Our updates are at first related to configuring
383        replication. First, we need to update the method so that we can 
384        identify the local site to the environment handle (that is, the site identified by the 
385<tt class="literal">-m</tt> command line option):
387      <pre class="programlisting">RepMgr::RepMgr() : app_config(0), dbenv(0)
391int RepMgr::init(RepConfigInfo *config)
393    int ret = 0;
395    app_config = config;
397    dbenv.set_errfile(stderr);
398    dbenv.set_errpfx(progname);
400    <b class="userinput"><tt>if ((ret = dbenv.repmgr_set_local_site(app_config-&gt;this_host.host,
401        app_config-&gt;this_host.port, 0)) != 0) {
402        cerr &lt;&lt; "Could not set listen address to host:port "
403             &lt;&lt; app_config-&gt;this_host.host &lt;&lt; ":"
404             &lt;&lt; app_config-&gt;this_host.port
405             &lt;&lt; "error: " &lt;&lt; ret &lt;&lt; endl;
406    }</tt></b> </pre>
407      <p>
408    And we also add code to allow us to identify "other" sites to the environment handle (that is,
409the sites that we identify using the <tt class="literal">-o</tt> command line
410option). To do this, we iterate over each of the "other" sites provided to
411us using the <tt class="literal">-o</tt> command line option, and we add each one
412individually in turn:     
414      <pre class="programlisting">    <b class="userinput"><tt>for ( REP_HOST_INFO *cur = app_config-&gt;other_hosts; cur != NULL;
415        cur = cur-&gt;next) {
416        if ((ret = dbenv.repmgr_add_remote_site(cur-&gt;host, cur-&gt;port,
417                                                NULL, 0)) != 0) {
418                cerr &lt;&lt; "could not add site." &lt;&lt; endl
419        }
420    } </tt></b> </pre>
421      <p>
422    And then we need code to allow us to identify the total number of sites
423    in this replication group, and to set the environment's priority.
425      <pre class="programlisting">    <b class="userinput"><tt>if (app_config-&gt;totalsites &gt; 0) {
426        try {
427            if ((ret = dbenv.rep_set_nsites(app_config-&gt;totalsites)) != 0)
428                dbenv.err(ret, "set_nsites");
429        } catch (DbException dbe) {
430            cerr &lt;&lt; "rep_set_nsites call failed. Continuing." &lt;&lt; endl;
431        }
432    } 
433    dbenv.rep_set_priority(app_config-&gt;priority); </tt></b> </pre>
434      <p>
437            <span>We can now open our environment. Note that the flags</span>
441            we use to open the environment are slightly different for a
442            replicated application than they are for a non-replicated
443            application. Namely, replication requires the
444            <span>
445            <tt class="literal">DB_INIT_REP</tt> flag. 
446            </span>
449    </p>
450      <p>
451            Also, because we are using the replication framework, we must prepare
452            our environment for threaded usage. For this reason, we also
453            need the <tt class="literal">DB_THREAD</tt> flag.
454    </p>
455      <pre class="programlisting">    dbenv.set_cachesize(0, CACHESIZE, 0);
456    dbenv.set_flags(DB_TXN_NOSYNC, 1);
458    try {
459        dbenv.open(app_config-&gt;home, 
460            DB_CREATE | 
461            DB_RECOVER |
462            <b class="userinput"><tt>DB_THREAD | 
463            DB_INIT_REP |</tt></b>
464            DB_INIT_LOCK | 
465            DB_INIT_LOG |
466            DB_INIT_MPOOL | 
467            DB_INIT_TXN, 
468            0);
469    } catch(DbException dbe) {
470        cerr  &lt;&lt; "Caught an exception during DB environment open." &lt;&lt; endl
471              &lt;&lt; "Ensure that the home directory is created prior to starting"
472              &lt;&lt; " the application." &lt;&lt; endl;
473        ret = ENOENT;
474        goto err;
475    }</pre>
476      <p>
477        Finally, we start replication before we exit this method.
478        Immediately after exiting this method, our application will go into
479        the 
480        <tt class="methodname">RepMgr::doloop()</tt>
482        method, which is where
483       the bulk of our application's work is performed. We update that
484       method in the next chapter. 
486      <pre class="programlisting">    if ((ret = dbenv.repmgr_start(3, app_config-&gt;start_policy)) != 0)
487        goto err;
490    return ret;
491} </pre>
492      <p>
493        This completes our replication updates for the moment. We are not as
494        yet ready to actually run this program; there remains a few
495        critical pieces left to add to it. However, the work that we
496        performed in this section represents a solid foundation for the
497        remainder of our replication work.
498    </p>
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