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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter��3.��The DB Replication Framework</th>
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31          <div>
32            <h2 class="title"><a id="repapp"></a>Chapter��3.��The DB Replication Framework</h2>
33          </div>
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36      </div>
37      <div class="toc">
38        <p>
39          <b>Table of Contents</b>
40        </p>
41        <dl>
42          <dt>
43            <span class="sect1">
44              <a href="repapp.html#rep_init_code">
45                Starting and Stopping Replication
46            </a>
47            </span>
48          </dt>
49          <dd>
50            <dl>
51              <dt>
52                <span class="sect2">
53                  <a href="repapp.html#election_flags">Managing Election Policies</a>
54                </span>
55              </dt>
56              <dt>
57                <span class="sect2">
58                  <a href="repapp.html#thread_count">Selecting the Number of Threads</a>
59                </span>
60              </dt>
61            </dl>
62          </dd>
63          <dt>
64            <span class="sect1">
65              <a href="repmgr_init_example_c.html">Adding the Replication Framework to
67                    SimpleTxn
68            </a>
69            </span>
70          </dt>
71          <dt>
72            <span class="sect1">
73              <a href="fwrkpermmessage.html">Permanent Message Handling</a>
74            </span>
75          </dt>
76          <dd>
77            <dl>
78              <dt>
79                <span class="sect2">
80                  <a href="fwrkpermmessage.html#fmwrkpermpolicy">Identifying Permanent Message Policies</a>
81                </span>
82              </dt>
83              <dt>
84                <span class="sect2">
85                  <a href="fwrkpermmessage.html#fmwrkpermtimeout">Setting the Permanent Message Timeout</a>
86                </span>
87              </dt>
88              <dt>
89                <span class="sect2">
90                  <a href="fwrkpermmessage.html#perm2fmwrkexample">Adding a Permanent Message Policy to 
92                            RepMgr
94                    </a>
95                </span>
96              </dt>
97            </dl>
98          </dd>
99          <dt>
100            <span class="sect1">
101              <a href="electiontimes.html">Managing Election Times</a>
102            </span>
103          </dt>
104          <dd>
105            <dl>
106              <dt>
107                <span class="sect2">
108                  <a href="electiontimes.html#electiontimeout">Managing Election Timeouts</a>
109                </span>
110              </dt>
111              <dt>
112                <span class="sect2">
113                  <a href="electiontimes.html#electretrytime">Managing Election Retry Times</a>
114                </span>
115              </dt>
116            </dl>
117          </dd>
118          <dt>
119            <span class="sect1">
120              <a href="fmwrkconnectretry.html">Managing Connection Retries</a>
121            </span>
122          </dt>
123          <dt>
124            <span class="sect1">
125              <a href="heartbeats.html">Managing Heartbeats</a>
126            </span>
127          </dt>
128        </dl>
129      </div>
130      <p>
131        The easiest way to add replication to your transactional
132        application is to use the replication framework. The replication framework provides a comprehensive 
133        communications layer that enables replication. For a brief listing
134        of the replication framework's feature set, see 
135        <a href="apioverview.html#repframeworkoverview">Replication Framework Overview</a>.
136    </p>
137      <p>
138        To use the replication framework, you make use of special methods off the
140        <span><tt class="classname">DbEnv</tt> class.</span>
141        That is: 
142    </p>
143      <div class="orderedlist">
144        <ol type="1">
145          <li>
146            <p>
147                                    Create an environment handle as normal.
148                            </p>
149          </li>
150          <li>
151            <p>
152                                    Configure your environment handle as
153                                    needed (e.g. set the error file and
154                                    error prefix values, if desired).
155                            </p>
156          </li>
157          <li>
158            <p>
159                                    Use the replication framework replication methods to
160                                    configure the replication framework. Using these
161                                    methods causes DB to know that you
162                                    are using the replication framework.
163                            </p>
164            <p>
165                                    Configuring the replication framework 
166                                    entails setting its replication
167                                    priority, setting the TCP/IP address
168                                    that this replication environment will use for
169                                    incoming replication messages, identify
170                                    TCP/IP addresses of other replication
171                                    environments, setting the number of
172                                    replication environments in the
173                                    replication group, and so forth. These actions are
174                                    discussed throughout the remainder of
175                                    this chapter.
176                            </p>
177          </li>
178          <li>
179            <p>
180                                    Open your environment handle. When you
181                                    do this, be sure to specify 
183                                    <span><tt class="literal">DB_INIT_REP</tt> and
184                                    <tt class="literal">DB_THREAD</tt> to your
185                                    open flags. (This is in addition to the
186                                    flags that you normally use for a
187                                    single-threaded transactional
188                                    application).  The first of these causes
189                                    replication to be initialized for the
190                                    application. The second causes your
191                                    environment handle to be free-threaded
192                                    (thread safe). Both flags are required
193                                    for replication framework usage.
194                                    </span>
197                            </p>
198          </li>
199          <li>
200            <p>
201                                    Start replication by calling
203                                    <span><tt class="methodname">DbEnv::repmgr_start()</tt>.</span>
205                            </p>
206          </li>
207          <li>
208            <p>
209                                    Open your databases as needed. Masters
210                                    must open their databases for read
211                                    and write activity. Replicas can open
212                                    their databases for read-only activity, but
213                                    doing so means they must re-open the
214                                    databases if the replica ever becomes a
215                                    master.  Either way, replicas should never attempt to
216                                    write to the database(s) directly.
217                            </p>
218          </li>
219        </ol>
220      </div>
221      <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
222        <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
223        <p>
224                            The replication framework allows you to only use one
225                            environment handle per process.
226                    </p>
227      </div>
228      <p>
229                    When you are ready to shut down your application: 
230            </p>
231      <div class="orderedlist">
232        <ol type="1">
233          <li>
234            <p>
235                                    Close your databases
236                            </p>
237          </li>
238          <li>
239            <p>
240                                    Close your environment. This causes
241                                    replication to stop as well.
242                            </p>
243          </li>
244        </ol>
245      </div>
246      <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
247        <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
248        <p>
249                            Before you can use the replication framework, you may have to
250                            enable it in your DB library. This is
251                            <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span> a requirement for
252                            Microsoft Windows systems, or Unix systems that
253                            use pthread mutexes by default. Other systems,
254                            notably BSD and BSD-derived systems (such as
255                            Mac OS X), must enable the replication framework when you
256                            configure the DB build.
257                    </p>
258        <p>
259                            You do this by <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span>
260                            disabling replication and by configuring the
261                            library with POSIX threads support. In other
262                            words, replication must be turned on in the
263                            build (it is by default), and POSIX thread
264                            support must be enabled if it is not already by
265                            default.  To do this, use the
266                            <tt class="literal">--enable-pthread_api</tt> switch
267                            on the configure script.
268                    </p>
269        <p>
270                        For example:
271                    </p>
272        <pre class="programlisting">../dist/configure --enable-pthread-api</pre>
273      </div>
274      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
275        <div class="titlepage">
276          <div>
277            <div>
278              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="rep_init_code"></a>
279                Starting and Stopping Replication
280            </h2>
281            </div>
282          </div>
283          <div></div>
284        </div>
285        <p>
286                    As described above, you introduce replication to an
287                    application by starting with a transactional
288                    application, performing some basic replication
289                    configuration, and then starting replication using 
291                    <span><tt class="methodname">DbEnv::repmgr_start()</tt>.</span>
293            </p>
294        <p>
295                    You stop replication by closing your environment
296                    cleanly, as is normal for an DB application.
297            </p>
298        <p>
299                For example, the following code fragment initializes, then
300                stops and starts replication. Note that other replication
301                activities are omitted for brevity.
302            </p>
303        <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
305/* Use a 10mb cache */
306#define CACHESIZE   (10 * 1024 * 1024)
310    DbEnv *dbenv;            /* Environment handle. */
311    const char *progname;     /* Program name. */
312    const char *envHome;      /* Environment home directory. */
313    const char *listen_host;  /* A TCP/IP hostname. */
314    const char *other_host;   /* A TCP/IP hostname. */
315    u_int16 listen_port;      /* A TCP/IP port. */
316    u_int16 other_port;       /* A TCP/IP port. */
318    /* Initialize variables */
319    dbenv = NULL;
320    progname = "example_replication";
321    envHome = "ENVIRONMENT_HOME";
322    listen_host = "mymachine.sleepycat.com";
323    listen_port = 5001;
324    other_host = "anothermachine.sleepycat.com";
325    other_port = 4555;
327    try {
328        /* Create the environment handle */
329        dbenv = new DbEnv(0);
331        /*
332         * Configure the environment handle. Here we configure 
333         * asynchronous transactional commits for performance reasons. 
334         */
335        dbenv-&gt;set_errfile(stderr);
336        dbenv-&gt;set_errpfx(progname);
337        (void)dbenv-&gt;set_cachesize(0, CACHESIZE, 0);
338        (void)dbenv-&gt;set_flags(DB_TXN_NOSYNC, 1);
340        /*
341         * Configure the local address. This is the local hostname and 
342         * port that this replication participant will use to receive 
343         * incoming replication messages. Note that this can be performed 
344         * only once for the application. It is required.
345         */
346       dbenv-&gt;repmgr_set_local_site(listen_host, listen_port, 0);
348       /*
349        * Set this application's priority. This is used for elections.
350        *
351        * Set this number to a positive integer, or 0 if you do not want
352        * this site to be able to become a master.
353        */
354        dbenv-&gt;rep_set_priority(100);
356        /*
357         * Add a site to the list of replication environments known to 
358         * this application. 
359         */
360         dbenv-&gt;repmgr_add_remote_site(dbenv, other_host, other_port, 
361                                       NULL, 0);
363        /*
364         * Identify the number of sites in the replication group. This is
365         * necessary so that elections and permanent message handling can 
366         * be performed correctly.
367         */
368         dbenv-&gt;repmgr_set_nsites(dbenv, 2);
370        /* Open the environment handle. Note that we add DB_THREAD and
371         * DB_INIT_REP to the list of flags. These are required.
372         */
373         dbenv-&gt;open(home, DB_CREATE | DB_RECOVER |
374                           DB_INIT_LOCK | DB_INIT_LOG |
375                           DB_INIT_MPOOL | DB_INIT_TXN  |
376                           DB_THREAD | DB_INIT_REP,
377                           0);
379        /* Start the replication framework such that it uses 3 threads. */
380         dbenv-&gt;repmgr_start(3, DB_REP_ELECTION);
382       /* Sleep to give ourselves time to find a master */
383        sleep(5);
385       /*
386        **********************************************************
387        *** All other application code goes here, including  *****
388        *** database opens                                   *****
389        **********************************************************
390        */
393    } catch (DbException &amp;de) {
394        /* Error handling goes here */
395    }
397    /* Close out the application here.
398    try {
399        /* 
400         * Make sure all your database handles are closed 
401         *  (omitted from this example). 
402         */
404        /* Close the environment */
405        if (dbenv != NULL)
406            (void)dbenv-&gt;close(dbenv, 0);
408    } catch (DbException &amp;de) {
409        /* Error handling goes here */
410    }
412    /* All done */ </pre>
413        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
414          <div class="titlepage">
415            <div>
416              <div>
417                <h3 class="title"><a id="election_flags"></a>Managing Election Policies</h3>
418              </div>
419            </div>
420            <div></div>
421          </div>
422          <p>
423                Before continuing, it is worth taking a look at the
425                <span>
426                startup election flags accepted by 
428                <span><tt class="methodname">DbEnv::repgmr_start()</tt>.</span>
429                These flags control how your replication application will
430                behave when it first starts up.
431                </span>
434            </p>
435          <p>
436                    In the previous example, we specified 
437                        <tt class="literal">DB_REP_ELECTION</tt>
439                    when we started replication. This causes the
440                    application to try to find a master upon startup. If it
441                    cannot, it calls for an election. In the event an
442                    election is held, the environment receiving the most number of
443                    votes will become the master.
444            </p>
445          <p>
446                    There's some important points to make here:
447            </p>
448          <div class="itemizedlist">
449            <ul type="disc">
450              <li>
451                <p>
452                                    This 
453                                    <span>flag</span> 
455                                    only requires that other
456                                    environments in the replication group
457                                    participate in the vote. There is no
458                                    requirement that
459                                    <span class="emphasis"><em>all</em></span> such
460                                    environments participate. In other
461                                    words, if an environment
462                                    starts up, it can call for an
463                                    election, and select a master, even 
464                                    if all other environment have not yet
465                                    joined the  replication group.
466                            </p>
467              </li>
468              <li>
469                <p>
470                                    It only requires a simple majority of
471                                    participating environments to elect a master. The number of
472                                    environments used to calculate the simple
473                                    majority is based on the value set for
476                                    <span><tt class="methodname">DbEnv::rep_set_nsites()</tt>.</span>
480                                    This is always true of elections held using the replication framework.
481                            </p>
482              </li>
483              <li>
484                <p>
485                                    As always, the environment participating in the election with the most
486                                    up-to-date log files is selected as
487                                    master. If an environment with better log files
488                                    has not yet joined the replication
489                                    group, it may not become the master.
490                            </p>
491              </li>
492            </ul>
493          </div>
494          <p>
495                    Any one of these points may be enough to cause a
496                    less-than-optimum environment to be selected as master.
497                    Therefore, to give you a better degree of control over
498                    which environment becomes a master at application startup,
499                    the replication framework offers the following start-up
500                                    <span>flags:</span> 
502            </p>
503          <div class="informaltable">
504            <table border="1" width="80%">
505              <colgroup>
506                <col />
507                <col />
508              </colgroup>
509              <thead>
510                <tr>
511                  <th>Flag</th>
512                  <th>Description</th>
513                </tr>
514              </thead>
515              <tbody>
516                <tr>
517                  <td>
518                    <tt class="literal">DB_REP_MASTER</tt>
519                  </td>
520                  <td>
521                    <p>
522                   The application starts up and declares itself to be a master
523                   without calling for an election. It is an error for more
524                   than one environment to start up using this flag, or for
525                   an environment
526                   to use this flag when a master already exists. 
527                   </p>
528                    <p>
529                           Note that no replication group should
530                           <span class="emphasis"><em>ever</em></span> operate with more than
531                           one master.
532                   </p>
533                    <p>
534                           In the event that a environment attempts to become a
535                           master when a master already exists, the
536                           replication code will resolve the problem by
537                           holding an election. Note, however, that there
538                           is always a possibility of data loss in the face
539                           of duplicate masters, because once a master is
540                           selected, the environment that loses the election will
541                           have to roll back any transactions committed
542                           until it is in sync with the "real" master.
543                   </p>
544                  </td>
545                </tr>
546                <tr>
547                  <td>
548                    <tt class="literal">DB_REP_CLIENT</tt>
549                  </td>
550                  <td>
551                    <p>
552                                  The application starts up and declares
553                                  itself to be a replica without calling for
554                                  an election. Note that the application
555                                  can still become a master if a subsequent
556                                  application starts up, calls for an
557                                  election, and this application is elected
558                                  master.
559                          </p>
560                  </td>
561                </tr>
562                <tr>
563                  <td>
564                    <tt class="literal">DB_REP_ELECTION</tt>
565                  </td>
566                  <td>
567                    <p>
568                          As described above, the application starts up,
569                          looks for a master, and if one is not found calls
570                          for an election.
571                          </p>
572                  </td>
573                </tr>
574                <tr>
575                  <td>
576                    <tt class="literal">DB_REP_FULL_ELECTION</tt>
577                  </td>
578                  <td>
579                    <p>
580                                  Identical to
581                                  <tt class="literal">DB_REP_ELECTION</tt>
583                                  except that the election requires all
584                                  known members of the replication group to
585                                  participate. If a given environment has not yet
586                                  started but it is included in the
587                                  replication group count (using
589                                  <span><tt class="methodname">DbEnv::rep_set_nsites()</tt>)</span>
591                                  then a master can not be elected.
592                          </p>
593                  </td>
594                </tr>
595              </tbody>
596            </table>
597          </div>
598        </div>
599        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
600          <div class="titlepage">
601            <div>
602              <div>
603                <h3 class="title"><a id="thread_count"></a>Selecting the Number of Threads</h3>
604              </div>
605            </div>
606            <div></div>
607          </div>
608          <p>
609                    Under the hood, the replication framework is threaded and you can
610                    control the number of threads used to process messages received from
611                    other replicas. The threads that the replication framework uses are:
612            </p>
613          <div class="itemizedlist">
614            <ul type="disc">
615              <li>
616                <p>
617                                    Incoming message thread. This thread
618                                    receives messages from the site's
619                                    socket and passes those messages to
620                                    message processing threads (see below)
621                                    for handling.
622                            </p>
623              </li>
624              <li>
625                <p>
626                                    Outgoing message thread. Outgoing
627                                    are performed in whatever thread
628                                    performed a write to the database(s).
629                                    That is, the thread that called, for
630                                    example, 
632                                    <tt class="methodname">Db::put()</tt>
634                                    is the thread that writes replication messages
635                                    about that fact to the socket. 
636                            </p>
637                <p>
638                                    Note that if this write activity would
639                                    cause the thread to be blocked due to
640                                    some condition on the socket, the replication framework
641                                    will hand the outgoing message to the
642                                    incoming message thread, and it will
643                                    then write the message to the socket.
644                                    This prevents your database write
645                                    threads from blocking due to abnormal
646                                    network I/O conditions.
647                            </p>
648              </li>
649              <li>
650                <p>
651                                    Message processing threads are
652                                    responsible for parsing and then
653                                    responding to incoming replication
654                                    messages. Typically, a response will
655                                    include write activity to your
656                                    database(s), so these threads can be
657                                    busy performing disk I/O.
658                            </p>
659              </li>
660            </ul>
661          </div>
662          <p>
663                    Of these threads, the only ones that you have any
664                    configuration control over are the message processing
665                    threads. In this case, you can determine how many
666                    of these threads you want to run.
667            </p>
668          <p>
669                    It is always a bit of an art to decide on a thread count,
670                    but the short answer is you probably do not need more
671                    than three threads here, and it is likely that one will
672                    suffice. That said, the best thing to do is set your
673                    thread count to a fairly low number and then increase
674                    it if it appears that your application will benefit
675                    from the additional threads.
676            </p>
677        </div>
678      </div>
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