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32            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="processingloop"></a>Processing Loop</h2>
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37      <p>
38                        Typically the central part of any replication application
39                        is some sort of a continuous loop that constantly
40                        checks the state of the environment (whether it is a
41                        replica or a master), opens and/or closes the
42                        databases as is necessary, and performs other useful
43                        work. A loop such as this one must of necessity
44                        take special care to know whether it is operating
45                        on a master or a replica environment because all of its
46                        activities are dependent upon that state.
47                  </p>
48      <p>
49                          The flow of activities through the loop will
50                          generally be as follows:
51                  </p>
52      <div class="orderedlist">
53        <ol type="1">
54          <li>
55            <p>
56                                          Check whether the environment has
57                                          changed state. If it has, you
58                                          might want to reopen your
59                                          database handles, especially if
60                                          you opened your replica's
61                                          database handles as read-only. 
62                                          In this case, you might need to
63                                          reopen them as read-write.
64                                          However, if you always open your
65                                          database handles as read-write,
66                                          then it is not automatically necessary to
67                                          reopen the databases due to a
68                                          state change.  Instead, you
69                                          could check for a
70                                          <span>
71                                            <tt class="literal">DB_REP_HANDLE_DEAD</tt>
72                                            return code
73                                          </span>
76                                          when you use your
77                                          database handle(s). If you see
78                                          this, then you need to reopen
79                                          your database handle(s). 
80                                  </p>
81          </li>
82          <li>
83            <p>
84                                          If the databases are closed,
85                                          create new database handles,
86                                          configure the handle as is
87                                          appropriate, and then open the
88                                          databases. Note that handle
89                                          configuration will be different,
90                                          depending on whether the handle
91                                          is opened as a replica or a
92                                          master. At a minimum, the master
93                                          should be opened with database
94                                          creation privileges, whereas the
95                                          replica does not need to be. You
96                                          must also open the master such
97                                          that its databases are
98                                          read-write. You
99                                          <span class="emphasis"><em>can</em></span> open
100                                          replicas with read-only
101                                          databases, so long as you are
102                                          prepared to closed and the reopen
103                                          the handle in the event the
104                                          client becomes a master.
105                                  </p>
106            <p>
107                                          Also, note that if the local
108                                          environment 
109                                          is a replica, then it is possible
110                                          that databases do not currently
111                                          exist. In this case, the database
112                                          open attempts will fail. Your
113                                          code will have to take this
114                                          corner case into account
115                                          (described below).
116                                  </p>
117          </li>
118          <li>
119            <p>
120                                        Once the databases are opened,
121                                        check to see if the local
122                                        environment is a
123                                        master. If it is, do whatever it is
124                                        a master should do for your
125                                        application.
126                                  </p>
127            <p>
128                                          Remember that the code for your
129                                          master should include some way
130                                          for you to tell the master 
131                                          to exit gracefully.
132                                  </p>
133          </li>
134          <li>
135            <p>
136                                          If the local environment is not a
137                                          master, then do whatever it is
138                                          your replica environments should do.
139                                          Again, like the code for your
140                                          master environments, you should provide
141                                          a way for your replicas to exit
142                                          the processing loop gracefully.
143                                  </p>
144          </li>
145        </ol>
146      </div>
147      <p>
148                          The following code fragment illustrates
149                          these points (note that we fill out this
150                          fragment with a working example 
151                          next in this chapter):
152                  </p>
153      <pre class="programlisting">/* loop to manage replication activities */
155Db *dbp;
156int ret;
157APP_DATA *app_data;
158u_int32_t flags;
160dbp = NULL;
161ret = 0;
164 * Remember that for this to work, an APP_DATA struct would have first
165 * had to been set to the environment handle's app_private data
166 * member. (dbenv is presumable declared and opened in another part of
167 * the code.)
168 */
169app_data = dbenv-&gt;get_app_private();
173 * Infinite loop. We exit depending on how the master and replica code
174 * is written.
175 */
176for (;;) {
177    /* If dbp is not opened, we need to open it. */
178    if (dbp == NULL) {
179        /* 
180         * Create the handle and then configure it. Before you open
181         * it, you have to decide what open flags to use:
182         */
183         flags = DB_AUTO_COMMIT;
184         if (app_data-&gt;is_master)
185            flags |= DB_CREATE
186        /*
187         * Now you can open your database handle, passing to it the
188         * flags selected above. 
189         *
190         * One thing to watch out for is a case where the databases 
191         * you are trying to open do not yet exist. This can happen 
192         * for replicas where the databases are being opened 
193         * read-only. If this happens, ENOENT is returned by the 
194         * open() call.
195         */
196         try {
197            dbp-&gt;open(NULL, DATABASE, NULL, DB_BTREE,
198                    app_data-&gt;is_master ? DB_CREATE | DB_AUTO_COMMIT :
199                    DB_AUTO_COMMIT, 0);
200         } catch(DbException dbe) {
201            if (dbe.get_errno() == ENOENT) {
202                cout &lt;&lt; "No stock db available yet - retrying." &lt;&lt; endl;
203                try {
204                    dbp-&gt;close(0);
205                } catch (DbException dbe2) {
206                    cout &lt;&lt; "Unexpected error closing after failed" &lt;&lt;
207                            " open, message: " &lt;&lt; dbe2.what() &lt;&lt; endl;
208                    dbp = NULL;
209                    goto err;
210                 }
211                 dbp = NULL;
212                 sleep(SLEEPTIME);
213                 continue;
214            } else {
215                dbenv.err(ret, "DB-&gt;open");
216                throw dbe;
217            }
218         }
219    }
221    /*
222     * Now that the databases have been opened, continue with general
223     * processing, depending on whether we are a master or a replica.
224     */
225     if (app_data-&gt;is_master) {
226        /* 
227         * Do master stuff here. Don't forget to include a way to
228         * gracefully exit the loop. */
229         */
230     } else {
231        /* 
232         * Do replica stuff here. As is the case with the master
233         * code, be sure to include a way to gracefully exit the
234         * loop. 
235         */
236     }
237} </pre>
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