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15          <th colspan="3" align="center">Writing In-Memory Berkeley DB Applications</th>
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24            <h1 class="title"><a id="id793397"></a>Writing In-Memory Berkeley DB Applications</h1>
25          </div>
26          <div>
27            <div class="legalnotice">
28              <p class="legalnotice-title">
29                <b>Legal Notice</b>
30              </p>
31              <p>
32        This documentation is distributed under an open source license.
33        You may review the terms of this license at:
34        <a href="http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/berkeley-db/htdocs/oslicense.html" target="_top">http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/berkeley-db/htdocs/oslicense.html</a>
37    </p>
38              <p>
39            Oracle, Berkeley DB,
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43            Sleepycat are trademarks or registered trademarks of
44            Oracle. All rights to these marks are reserved.
45            No third-party use is permitted without the
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47    </p>
48              <p>
49        To obtain a copy of this document's original source code, please
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51        <a href="http://forums.oracle.com/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=271" target="_top">http://forums.oracle.com/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=271</a>
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58            <p class="pubdate">4/25/2008</p>
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64      <div class="toc">
65        <p>
66          <b>Table of Contents</b>
67        </p>
68        <dl>
69          <dt>
70            <span class="sect1">
71              <a href="index.html#intro">Introduction</a>
72            </span>
73          </dt>
74          <dt>
75            <span class="sect1">
76              <a href="index.html#resources">Resources to be Managed</a>
77            </span>
78          </dt>
79          <dt>
80            <span class="sect1">
81              <a href="index.html#strategies">Strategies</a>
82            </span>
83          </dt>
84          <dt>
85            <span class="sect1">
86              <a href="index.html#dbfiles">Keeping the Database in Memory</a>
87            </span>
88          </dt>
89          <dt>
90            <span class="sect1">
91              <a href="index.html#env">Keeping Environments in Memory</a>
92            </span>
93          </dt>
94          <dt>
95            <span class="sect1">
96              <a href="index.html#cachesize">Sizing the Cache</a>
97            </span>
98          </dt>
99          <dd>
100            <dl>
101              <dt>
102                <span class="sect2">
103                  <a href="index.html#dbcachesize-db">Specifying a Cache Size using the
104                                Database Handle</a>
105                </span>
106              </dt>
107              <dt>
108                <span class="sect2">
109                  <a href="index.html#dbcachesize-env">Specifying a Cache Size using the
110                                Environment Handle</a>
111                </span>
112              </dt>
113            </dl>
114          </dd>
115          <dt>
116            <span class="sect1">
117              <a href="index.html#mpool-nofile">Keeping Temporary Overflow Pages in Memory</a>
118            </span>
119          </dt>
120          <dt>
121            <span class="sect1">
122              <a href="index.html#logs">Keeping Logs in Memory</a>
123            </span>
124          </dt>
125          <dt>
126            <span class="sect1">
127              <a href="index.html#example_in-mem">Example In-Memory Application</a>
128            </span>
129          </dt>
130        </dl>
131      </div>
132      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
133        <div class="titlepage">
134          <div>
135            <div>
136              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="intro"></a>Introduction</h2>
137            </div>
138          </div>
139          <div></div>
140        </div>
141        <p>
142                This document describes how to write a DB application
143                that keeps its data entirely in memory. That is, the
144                application writes no data to disk. For this reason,
145                in-memory only applications typically discard all 
146                data durability guarantees.
147        </p>
148        <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
149          <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
150          <p>
151                        This document assume familiarity with the
152                        <i class="citetitle">Getting Started with Berkeley DB</i> guide. If
153                        you are using environments or transactions, then
154                        you should also have an understanding of the
155                        concepts in <i class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Getting Started with Transaction Processing</i>
156                        guide.
157                </p>
158        </div>
159        <p>
160                There are several reasons why you might want to write an
161                in-memory only DB application. For platforms on which a
162                disk drive is available to back your data, an in-memory
163                application might be desirable from a performance
164                perspective. In this case, the data that your application
165                manages might be generated during run-time and so is of no
166                interest across application startups.
167        </p>
168        <p>
169                Other platforms are disk-less. In this case, an in-memory only
170                configuration is the only possible choice. Note that this
171                document's primary focus is disk-less systems for which an
172                on-disk filesystem is not available. 
173        </p>
174      </div>
175      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
176        <div class="titlepage">
177          <div>
178            <div>
179              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="resources"></a>Resources to be Managed</h2>
180            </div>
181          </div>
182          <div></div>
183        </div>
184        <p>
185                        Before continuing, it is worthwhile to briefly
186                        describe the DB resources that must be managed
187                        if you are going to configure an in-memory only
188                        DB application. These are resources that are by
189                        default persisted on disk, or backed by a
190                        filesystem on disk. Some configuration is therefore
191                        required to keep these resources in-memory only.
192                </p>
193        <p>
194                        Note that you can configure only some of these
195                        resources to be held in-memory, and allow others to
196                        be backed by disk. This might be desireable for
197                        some applications that wish to improve application
198                        performance by, for example, eliminating disk I/O
199                        for some, but not all, of these resources. However,
200                        for the purpose of this document, we assume you
201                        want to configure all of these resources to be held
202                        in memory.
203                </p>
204        <p>
205                        Managing these resources for an in-memory
206                        application is described in detail later in this
207                        article.
208                </p>
209        <div class="itemizedlist">
210          <ul type="disc">
211            <li>
212              <p>
213                                        Database files
214                                </p>
215              <p>
216                                        Normally, DB stores your
217                                        database data within on-disk files.
218                                        For an entirely in-memory
219                                        application, you are required to turn
220                                        off this behavior.
221                                </p>
222            </li>
223            <li>
224              <p>
225                                        Environment region files
226                                </p>
227              <p>
228                                        DB environments manage region
229                                        files for a variety of purposes.
230                                        Normally these are backed by the
231                                        filesystem, but by using the
232                                        appropriate configuration option
233                                        you can cause region files to
234                                        reside in memory only.
235                                </p>
236            </li>
237            <li>
238              <p>
239                                        Database cache
240                                </p>
241              <p>
242                                        The DB cache must be configured
243                                        large enough to hold all your data
244                                        in memory. If you do not size your
245                                        cache large enough, then DB
246                                        will attempt to write pages to
247                                        disk. In a disk-less system, this
248                                        will result in an abnormal
249                                        termination of your program.
250                                </p>
251            </li>
252            <li>
253              <p>
254                                        Logs
255                                </p>
256              <p>
257                                        DB logs describe the write activity
258                                        that has occurred in your application.
259                                        They are used for a number of purposes,
260                                        such as recovery operations for
261                                        applications that are seeking data
262                                        durability guarantees.
263                                </p>
264              <p>
265                                        For in-memory applications that do not
266                                        care about durability guarantees, logs
267                                        are still required if you want
268                                        transactional benefits other than
269                                        durability (such as isolation
270                                        and atomicity). This is because DB's
271                                        transactional subsystem requires logs,
272                                        even if you want to discard all data
273                                        durability guarantees.
274                                </p>
275              <p>
276                                        If this describes your application, you
277                                        must enable logs but configure them to
278                                        reside only within memory.
279                                </p>
280            </li>
281            <li>
282              <p>
283                                        Temporary overflow pages
284                                </p>
285              <p>
286                                        You must disallow backing temporary
287                                        database files with the
288                                        filesystem. This is mostly a
289                                        configuration option, but it is
290                                        also dependent upon sizing your
291                                        cache correctly.
292                                </p>
293            </li>
294          </ul>
295        </div>
296      </div>
297      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
298        <div class="titlepage">
299          <div>
300            <div>
301              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="strategies"></a>Strategies</h2>
302            </div>
303          </div>
304          <div></div>
305        </div>
306        <p>
307                        DB is an extremely flexible product that can be
308                        adapted to suit almost any data management
309                        requirements. This means that you can configure
310                        DB to operate entirely within memory, but still
311                        retain some data durability guarantees or even
312                        throw away all durability guarantees.
313                </p>
314        <p>
315                        Data durability guarantees describe how persistent
316                        your data is. That is, once you have made a change
317                        to the data stored in your database, how much of a
318                        guarantee do you require that that modification
319                        will persist (not be lost)? There are a great many
320                        options here. For the absolute best durability guarantee, you
321                        should fully transaction-protect your data and
322                        allow your data to be written to disk upon each
323                        transaction commit. Of course, this guarantee is
324                        not available for disk-less systems.
325                </p>
326        <p>
327                        At the opposite end of the spectrum, you can throw
328                        away all your data once your application is done
329                        with it (for example, at application shutdown).
330                        This is a good option if you are using DB only
331                        as a kind of caching mechanism. In this case, you
332                        obviously must either generate your data entirely
333                        during runtime, or obtain it from some remote
334                        location during application startup.
335                </p>
336        <p>
337                        There are also durability options that exist somewhere in
338                        between these two extremes. For example, disk-less
339                        systems are sometimes backed by some kind of flash
340                        memory (e.g. compact flash cards). These
341                        platforms may want to limit the number of writes 
342                        applied to the backing media because it is capable 
343                        of accepting only a limited number of writes before it must
344                        be replaced.  For this reason, you might want to 
345                        limit data writes to the flash media only during
346                        specific moments during your application's
347                        runtime; for example, only at application shutdown.
348                </p>
349        <p>
350                        The point here is to be aware that a great many
351                        options are available to you when writing an
352                        in-memory only application. That said, the focus of
353                        this document is strictly disk-less systems; that
354                        is, systems that provide no means by which 
355                        data can be written to persistent media. 
356                 </p>
357      </div>
358      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
359        <div class="titlepage">
360          <div>
361            <div>
362              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="dbfiles"></a>Keeping the Database in Memory</h2>
363            </div>
364          </div>
365          <div></div>
366        </div>
367        <p>
368                        Normally DB databases are backed by the
369                        filesystem. For in-memory applications, such as
370                        is required on disk-less systems, you can cause your
371                        database to only reside in-memory. That is,
372                        their contents are stored entirely within DB's
373                        cache.
374                </p>
375        <p>
376                        There are two requirements for keeping your
377                        database(s) in-memory.
378                        The first is to size your cache such that it is big
379                        enough to hold all your data in-memory. If your
380                        cache fills up, then DB will return
381                        <tt class="literal">ENOMEM</tt> on the next operation
382                        that requests additional pages in the cache. As with all errors while
383                        updating a database, the current transaction must be aborted. If the update
384                        was being done without a transaction, then the application must close its
385                        environment and database handles, reopen them, and then refresh the database
386                        from some backup data source.
387                </p>
388        <p>
389                        For information on setting the cache size, see
390                        <a href="index.html#cachesize">Sizing the Cache</a>.
391                </p>
392        <p>
393                        Beyond cache sizing, you also must tell DB not
394                        to back your database with an on-disk file. You do
395                        this by NOT providing a database file name
396                        when you open the database. Note that the database
397                        file name is different from the database name; you
398                        can name your in-memory databases even if you
399                        are not storing them in an on-disk file.
400                </p>
401        <p>
402                        For example:
403                </p>
404        <pre class="programlisting">#include "db.h"
408    int ret, ret_c;
409    const char *db_name = "in_mem_db1";
410    u_int32_t db_flags;  /* For open flags */
411    DB *dbp;             /* Database handle */
415   /* Initialize the DB handle */
416    ret = db_create(&amp;dbp, NULL, 0);
417    if (ret != 0) {
418        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating database handle: %s\n",
419                    db_strerror(ret));
420        goto err;
421    }
423    db_flags = DB_CREATE;       /* If it doesn't exist, create it */
425    /* 
426     * Open the database. Note that the file name is NULL. 
427     * This forces the database to be stored in the cache only.
428     * Also note that the database has a name, even though its
429     * file name is NULL.
430     */
431    ret = dbp-&gt;open(dbp,        /* Pointer to the database */
432                    NULL,       /* Txn pointer */
433                    <b class="userinput"><tt>NULL,</tt></b>       /* File name is not specified on purpose */
434                    db_name,    /* Logical db name. */
435                    DB_BTREE,   /* Database type (using btree) */
436                    db_flags,   /* Open flags */
437                    0);         /* File mode. Using defaults */
438    if (ret != 0) {
439        dbp-&gt;err(dbp, ret, "Database open failed");
440        goto err;
441    }
444    /* Close the database */
445    if (dbp != NULL) {
446        ret_c = dbp-&gt;close(dbp, 0);
447        if (ret_c != 0) {
448            fprintf(stderr, "%s database close failed.\n",
449                 db_strerror(ret_c));
450            ret = ret_c
451        }
452    } </pre>
453      </div>
454      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
455        <div class="titlepage">
456          <div>
457            <div>
458              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="env"></a>Keeping Environments in Memory</h2>
459            </div>
460          </div>
461          <div></div>
462        </div>
463        <p>
464                        Like databases, DB environments are usually backed by the filesystem. In
465                        fact, a big part of what environments do is identify the location on disk
466                        where resources (such as log and database files) are kept.
467                </p>
468        <p>
469                        However, environments are also used for managing resources, such as
470                        obtaining new transactions, so they are useful even when building an
471                        in-memory application. Therefore, if you are going to use an environment for
472                        your in-memory DB application, you must configure it such that it does
473                        not want to use the filesystem. There are two things you need to do here.
474                </p>
475        <p>
476                        First, when you open your environment, do NOT identify a home directory. To
477                        accomplish this, you must:
478                </p>
479        <div class="itemizedlist">
480          <ul type="disc">
481            <li>
482              <p>
483                                        NOT provide a value for the <tt class="literal">db_home</tt>
484                                        parameter on the
485                                        <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;open()</tt>
486                                        method.
487                                </p>
488            </li>
489            <li>
490              <p>
491                                        NOT have a DB_HOME environment variable set.
492                                </p>
493            </li>
494            <li>
495              <p>
496                                        NOT call any of the methods that affect file naming
497                                        (<tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_data_dir()</tt>,
498                                        <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_lg_dir()</tt>, or
499                                        <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_tmp_dir()</tt>).
500                                </p>
501            </li>
502          </ul>
503        </div>
504        <p>
505                        Beyond this, you must also ensure that regions are
506                        backed by heap memory
507                        instead of by the filesystem or system shared memory. You do this when you
508                        open your environment by specifying the <tt class="literal">DB_PRIVATE</tt> flag.
509                        Note that the use of <tt class="literal">DB_PRIVATE</tt> means that other processes
510                        cannot share the environment. Consequently, your in-memory only application
511                        must be a single-process, although it can be multi-threaded.
512                </p>
513        <p>
514                        For example:
515                </p>
516        <pre class="programlisting">#include "db.h"
520    int ret, ret_c;
521    u_int32_t env_flags;  /* For open flags */
522    DB_ENV *envp;         /* Environment handle */
526   /* Initialize the ENV handle */
527    ret = db_env_create(&amp;envp, 0);
528    if (ret != 0) {
529        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating environment handle: %s\n",
530                    db_strerror(ret));
531        goto err;
532    }
535    /* 
536     * Environment flags. These are for a non-threaded
537     * in-memory application.
538     */
539    env_flags =
540      DB_CREATE     |  /* Create the environment if it does not exist */ 
541      DB_INIT_LOCK  |  /* Initialize the locking subsystem */
542      DB_INIT_LOG   |  /* Initialize the logging subsystem */
543      DB_INIT_TXN   |  /* Initialize the transactional subsystem. This
544                        * also turns on logging. */
545      DB_INIT_MPOOL |  /* Initialize the memory pool (in-memory cache) */
546      <b class="userinput"><tt>DB_PRIVATE    |  /* Region files are not backed by the filesystem. 
547                        * Instead, they are backed by heap memory.  */</tt></b>
549   /* 
550    * Now open the environment. Notice that we do not provide a location 
551    * for the environment's home directory. This is required for an 
552    * in-memory only application.
553    */
554    ret = envp-&gt;open(envp, <b class="userinput"><tt>NULL</tt></b>, env_flags, 0);
555    if (ret != 0) {
556        fprintf(stderr, "Error opening environment: %s\n",
557            db_strerror(ret));
558        goto err;
559    } 
562    /* Close the environment */
563    if (envp != NULL) {
564        ret_c = envp-&gt;close(envp, 0);
565        if (ret_c != 0) {
566            fprintf(stderr, "environment close failed: %s\n",
567                 db_strerror(ret_c));
568            ret = ret_c
569        }
570    }</pre>
571      </div>
572      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
573        <div class="titlepage">
574          <div>
575            <div>
576              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="cachesize"></a>Sizing the Cache</h2>
577            </div>
578          </div>
579          <div></div>
580        </div>
581        <p>
582                        One of the most important considerations for an
583                        in-memory application is to ensure that your
584                        database cache is large enough. In a normal
585                        application that is not in-memory, the cache
586                        provides a mechanism by which frequently-used
587                        data can be accessed without resorting to disk I/O.
588                        For an in-memory application, the cache is the only
589                        location your data can exist so it is critical that
590                        you make the cache large enough for your data set.
591                </p>
592        <p>
593                        You specify the size of your cache at application
594                        startup. Obviously you should not specify a size
595                        that is larger than available memory. Note that the
596                        size you specify for your cache is actually a
597                        <span class="emphasis"><em>maximum</em></span> size; DB will only 
598                        use memory as required so if you specify a cache
599                        size of 1 GB but your data set is only ever 10 MB
600                        in size, then 10 MB is what DB will use.
601                </p>
602        <p>
603                        Note that if you specify a cache size less than
604                        500 MB, then the cache size is automatically
605                        increased by 25% to account for internal overhead
606                        purposes.
607                </p>
608        <p>
609                        There are two ways to specify a cache size,
610                        depending on whether you are using a database
611                        environment.
612                </p>
613        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
614          <div class="titlepage">
615            <div>
616              <div>
617                <h3 class="title"><a id="dbcachesize-db"></a>Specifying a Cache Size using the
618                                Database Handle</h3>
619              </div>
620            </div>
621            <div></div>
622          </div>
623          <p>
624                                To select a cache size using the database
625                                handle, use the
626                                <tt class="methodname">DB-&gt;set_cachesize()</tt>
627                                method. Note that you cannot use this
628                                method after the database has been opened.
629                        </p>
630          <p>
631                                Also, if you are using a database environment,
632                                it is an error to use this method. See
633                                the next section for details on
634                                selecting your cache size.
635                        </p>
636          <p>
637                                The following code fragment creates a
638                                database handle, sets the cache size to
639                                10 MB and then opens the database:
640                        </p>
641          <pre class="programlisting">#include "db.h"
645    int ret, ret_c;
646    const char *db_name = "in_mem_db1";
647    u_int32_t db_flags;  /* For open flags */
648    DB *dbp;             /* Database handle */
652   /* Initialize the DB handle */
653    ret = db_create(&amp;dbp, NULL, 0);
654    if (ret != 0) {
655        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating database handle: %s\n",
656                    db_strerror(ret));
657        goto err;
658    }
660    <b class="userinput"><tt>/*************************************************************/
661    /*************************************************************/
662    /*************  Set the cache size here **********************/
663    /*************************************************************/
664    /*************************************************************/
666    ret = dbp-&gt;set_cachesize(dbp, 
667                             0,     /* 0 gigabytes */
668              10 * 1024 * 1024,     /* 10 megabytes */
669                            1);     /* Create 1 cache. All memory will 
670                                     * be allocated contiguously. */
671    if (ret != 0) {
672        dbp-&gt;err(dbp, ret, "Database open failed");
673        goto err;
674    }</tt></b>
677    db_flags = DB_CREATE;       /* If it doesn't exist, create it */
678    ret = dbp-&gt;open(dbp,        /* Pointer to the database */
679                    NULL,       /* Txn pointer */
680                    NULL,       /* File name is not specified on purpose */
681                    db_name,    /* Logical db name */
682                    DB_BTREE,   /* Database type (using btree) */
683                    db_flags,   /* Open flags */
684                    0);         /* File mode. Using defaults */
685    if (ret != 0) {
686        dbp-&gt;err(dbp, ret, "Database open failed");
687        goto err;
688    }
691    /* Close the database */
692    if (dbp != NULL) {
693        ret_c = dbp-&gt;close(dbp, 0);
694        if (ret_c != 0) {
695            fprintf(stderr, "%s database close failed.\n",
696                 db_strerror(ret_c));
697            ret = ret_c
698        }
699    } </pre>
700        </div>
701        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
702          <div class="titlepage">
703            <div>
704              <div>
705                <h3 class="title"><a id="dbcachesize-env"></a>Specifying a Cache Size using the
706                                Environment Handle</h3>
707              </div>
708            </div>
709            <div></div>
710          </div>
711          <p>
712                                To select a cache size using the
713                                environment handle, use the
714                                <tt class="methodname">ENV-&gt;set_cachesize()</tt>
715                                method. Note that you cannot use this
716                                method after the environment has been opened.
717                        </p>
718          <p>
719                                The following code fragment creates an
720                                environment handle, sets the cache size to
721                                10 MB and then opens the environment: Once
722                                opened, you can use the environment when
723                                you open your database(s). This means all
724                                your databases will use the same
725                                cache.
726                        </p>
727          <pre class="programlisting">#include "db.h"
731    int ret, ret_c;
732    u_int32_t env_flags;  /* For open flags */
733    DB_ENV *envp;         /* Environment handle */
737   /* Initialize the ENV handle */
738    ret = db_env_create(&amp;envp, 0);
739    if (ret != 0) {
740        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating environment handle: %s\n",
741                    db_strerror(ret));
742        goto err;
743    }
745    <b class="userinput"><tt>/*************************************************************/
746    /*************************************************************/
747    /*************  Set the cache size here **********************/
748    /*************************************************************/
749    /*************************************************************/
751    ret = 
752        envp-&gt;set_cachesize(envp, 
753                               0,    /* 0 gigabytes */
754                10 * 1024 * 1024,    /* 10 megabytes */
755                              1);    /* Create 1 cache. All memory will 
756                                      * be allocated contiguously. */
757    if (ret != 0) {
758        envp-&gt;err(envp, ret, "Environment open failed");
759        goto err;
760    }</tt></b>
762    /* 
763     * Environment flags. These are for a non-threaded
764     * in-memory application.
765     */
766    env_flags =
767      DB_CREATE     |  /* Create the environment if it does not exist */ 
768      DB_INIT_LOCK  |  /* Initialize the locking subsystem */
769      DB_INIT_LOG   |  /* Initialize the logging subsystem */
770      DB_INIT_TXN   |  /* Initialize the transactional subsystem. This
771                        * also turns on logging. */
772      DB_INIT_MPOOL |  /* Initialize the memory pool (in-memory cache) */
773      DB_PRIVATE    |  /* Region files are not backed by the filesystem. 
774                        * Instead, they are backed by heap memory.  */
776   /* 
777    * Now open the environment. Notice that we do not provide a location 
778    * for the environment's home directory. This is required for an 
779    * in-memory only application.
780    */
781    ret = envp-&gt;open(envp, NULL, env_flags, 0);
782    if (ret != 0) {
783        fprintf(stderr, "Error opening environment: %s\n",
784            db_strerror(ret));
785        goto err;
786    } 
789    /* Close the environment */
790    if (envp != NULL) {
791        ret_c = envp-&gt;close(envp, 0);
792        if (ret_c != 0) {
793            fprintf(stderr, "environment close failed: %s\n",
794                 db_strerror(ret_c));
795            ret = ret_c
796        }
797    } </pre>
798        </div>
799      </div>
800      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
801        <div class="titlepage">
802          <div>
803            <div>
804              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="mpool-nofile"></a>Keeping Temporary Overflow Pages in Memory</h2>
805            </div>
806          </div>
807          <div></div>
808        </div>
809        <p>
810                        Normally, when a database is opened, a temporary
811                        file is opened on-disk to back the database. This
812                        file is used if the database grows so large that it
813                        fills the entire cache. At that time, database
814                        pages that do not fit into the in-memory cache file
815                        are written temporarily to this file.
816                </p>
817        <p>
818                        For disk-less systems, you should configure your
819                        databases so that this temporary file is not
820                        created. When you do this, any attempt to create
821                        new database pages once the cache is full will
822                        fail.
823                </p>
824        <p>
825                        You configure this option on a per-database handle
826                        basis. That means you must configure this for every
827                        in-memory database that your application uses.
828                </p>
829        <p>
830                        To set this option, obtain the
831                        <tt class="literal">DB_MPOOLFILE</tt> field from you
832                        <tt class="literal">DB</tt> and then configure
833                        <tt class="literal">DB_MPOOL_NOFILE</tt> using the
834                        <tt class="methodname">DB_MPOOLFILE-&gt;set_flags()</tt>
835                        method.
836                </p>
837        <p>
838                        For example:
839                </p>
840        <pre class="programlisting">#include "db.h"
844    int ret, ret_c;
845    u_int32_t env_flags;  /* For open flags */
846    DB_ENV *envp;         /* Environment handle */
850    /* 
851     * Configure the cache file. This can be done
852     * at any point in the application's life once the
853     * DB handle has been created.
854     */
855    mpf = dbp-&gt;get_mpf(dbp);
856    ret = mpf-&gt;set_flags(mpf, DB_MPOOL_NOFILE, 1);
858    if (ret != 0) {
859        fprintf(stderr, 
860          "Attempt failed to configure for no backing of temp files: %s\n",
861                    db_strerror(ret));
862        goto err;
863    } </pre>
864      </div>
865      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
866        <div class="titlepage">
867          <div>
868            <div>
869              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="logs"></a>Keeping Logs in Memory</h2>
870            </div>
871          </div>
872          <div></div>
873        </div>
874        <p>
875                    DB logs describe the write activity that has occurred in
876                    your application. For a purely in-memory application, logs
877                    should be used only if you wish to transaction-protect your
878                    database writes as logs are required by the DB
879                    transactional subsystem.
880                 </p>
881        <p>
882                    Note that transactions provide a number of guarantees. One
883                    of these is not interesting to a purely in-memory
884                    application (data durability). However, other transaction
885                    guarantees such as isolation and atomicity might be of
886                    interest to your application.
887                 </p>
888        <p>
889                        If this is the case for your application, then you must
890                        configure your logs to be kept entirely in-memory. You
891                        do this by setting a configuration option that prevents
892                        DB from writing log data to disk.
893                        Do this by setting the <tt class="literal">DB_LOG_IN_MEMORY</tt> flag using the
894                        <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;log_set_config()</tt> method.
895                </p>
896        <p>
897                        In addition, you must configure your log buffer size so that it is capable
898                        of holding all log information that can accumulate during your longest
899                        running transaction. That is, make sure the in-memory log buffer is large
900                        enough that no transaction will ever span the entire buffer. Also, avoid a
901                        state where the in-memory buffer is full and no space can be freed because a
902                        transaction that started the first log "file" is still active.
903                </p>
904        <p>
905                        How much log buffer space is required is a function of the number of
906                        transactions you have running concurrently, how long they last, and how much
907                        write activity occurs within them. When in-memory logging is configured, the
908                        default log buffer space is 1 MB. 
909                </p>
910        <p>
911                        You set your log buffer space using the
912                        <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_lg_bsize()</tt>.
913                </p>
914        <p>
915                        For example, the following code fragment configure in-memory log usage, and
916                        it configures the log buffer size to 10 MB:
917                </p>
918        <pre class="programlisting">#include "db.h"
922    int ret, ret_c;
923    u_int32_t env_flags;  /* For open flags */
924    DB_ENV *envp;         /* Environment handle */
928   /* Initialize the ENV handle */
929    ret = db_env_create(&amp;envp, 0);
930    if (ret != 0) {
931        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating environment handle: %s\n",
932                    db_strerror(ret));
933        goto err;
934    }
936    /* 
937     * Environment flags. These are for a non-threaded
938     * in-memory application.
939     */
940    env_flags =
941      DB_CREATE     |  /* Create the environment if it does not exist */ 
942      DB_INIT_LOCK  |  /* Initialize the locking subsystem */
943      DB_INIT_LOG   |  /* Initialize the logging subsystem */
944      DB_INIT_TXN   |  /* Initialize the transactional subsystem. This
945                        * also turns on logging. */
946      DB_INIT_MPOOL |  /* Initialize the memory pool (in-memory cache) */
947      DB_PRIVATE    |  /* Region files are not backed by the filesystem. 
948                        * Instead, they are backed by heap memory.  */
951    <b class="userinput"><tt>/* Specify in-memory logging */
952    ret = envp-&gt;log_set_config(envp, DB_LOG_IN_MEMORY, 1);
953    if (ret != 0) {
954        fprintf(stderr, "Error setting log subsystem to in-memory: %s\n",
955            db_strerror(ret));
956        goto err;
957    }
959    /* 
960     * Specify the size of the in-memory log buffer. 
961     */
962    ret = envp-&gt;set_lg_bsize(envp, 10 * 1024 * 1024);
963    if (ret != 0) {
964        fprintf(stderr, "Error increasing the log buffer size: %s\n",
965            db_strerror(ret));
966        goto err;
967    }</tt></b>
969   /* 
970    * Now open the environment. Notice that we do not provide a location 
971    * for the environment's home directory. This is required for an 
972    * in-memory only application.
973    */
974    ret = envp-&gt;open(envp, NULL, env_flags, 0);
975    if (ret != 0) {
976        fprintf(stderr, "Error opening environment: %s\n",
977            db_strerror(ret));
978        goto err;
979    } 
982    /* Close the environment */
983    if (envp != NULL) {
984        ret_c = envp-&gt;close(envp, 0);
985        if (ret_c != 0) {
986            fprintf(stderr, "environment close failed: %s\n",
987                 db_strerror(ret_c));
988            ret = ret_c
989        }
990    } </pre>
991      </div>
992      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
993        <div class="titlepage">
994          <div>
995            <div>
996              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="example_in-mem"></a>Example In-Memory Application</h2>
997            </div>
998          </div>
999          <div></div>
1000        </div>
1001        <p>
1002                        The following brief example illustrates how to open
1003                        an application that is entirely in-memory. The
1004                        application opens an environment and a single
1005                        database, and does this in a way that the database
1006                        is transaction-protected.
1007                </p>
1008        <p>
1009                        Transactions can be
1010                        desirable for an in-memory application even though
1011                        you discard your durability guarantees, because of
1012                        the other things that transactions offer such as
1013                        atomicity and isolation.
1014                </p>
1015        <p>
1016                        Notice that the example does nothing other than
1017                        open and close the environment and database. DB
1018                        database reads and writes work identically between
1019                        in-memory-only and durable applications (that is,
1020                        applications that write database application to
1021                        durable storage). Consequently, there is no point
1022                        in illustrating those actions here.
1023                </p>
1024        <pre class="programlisting">/* We assume an ANSI-compatible compiler */
1025#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
1026#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
1027#include &lt;string.h&gt;
1028#include &lt;db.h&gt;
1034    /* Initialize our handles */
1035    DB *dbp = NULL;
1036    DB_ENV *envp = NULL;
1037    DB_MPOOLFILE *mpf = NULL;
1039    int ret, ret_t; 
1040    const char *db_name = "in_mem_db1";
1041    u_int32_t open_flags;
1043    /* Create the environment */
1044    ret = db_env_create(&amp;envp, 0);
1045    if (ret != 0) {
1046        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating environment handle: %s\n",
1047            db_strerror(ret));
1048        goto err;
1049    }
1051    open_flags =
1052      DB_CREATE     |  /* Create the environment if it does not exist */
1053      DB_INIT_LOCK  |  /* Initialize the locking subsystem */
1054      DB_INIT_LOG   |  /* Initialize the logging subsystem */
1055      DB_INIT_MPOOL |  /* Initialize the memory pool (in-memory cache) */
1056      DB_INIT_TXN   |
1057      DB_PRIVATE;      /* Region files are not backed by the filesystem. 
1058                        * Instead, they are backed by heap memory.  */
1060    /* Specify in-memory logging */
1061    ret = envp-&gt;log_set_config(envp, DB_LOG_IN_MEMORY, 1);
1062    if (ret != 0) {
1063        fprintf(stderr, "Error setting log subsystem to in-memory: %s\n",
1064            db_strerror(ret));
1065        goto err;
1066    }
1067    /* 
1068     * Specify the size of the in-memory log buffer. 
1069     */
1070    ret = envp-&gt;set_lg_bsize(envp, 10 * 1024 * 1024);
1071    if (ret != 0) {
1072        fprintf(stderr, "Error increasing the log buffer size: %s\n",
1073            db_strerror(ret));
1074        goto err;
1075    }
1077    /* 
1078     * Specify the size of the in-memory cache. 
1079     */
1080    ret = envp-&gt;set_cachesize(envp, 0, 10 * 1024 * 1024, 1);
1081    if (ret != 0) {
1082        fprintf(stderr, "Error increasing the cache size: %s\n",
1083            db_strerror(ret));
1084        goto err;
1085    }
1087    /* 
1088     * Now actually open the environment. Notice that the environment home
1089     * directory is NULL. This is required for an in-memory only
1090     * application. 
1091     */
1092    ret = envp-&gt;open(envp, NULL, open_flags, 0);
1093    if (ret != 0) {
1094        fprintf(stderr, "Error opening environment: %s\n",
1095            db_strerror(ret));
1096        goto err;
1097    }
1100   /* Initialize the DB handle */
1101    ret = db_create(&amp;dbp, envp, 0);
1102    if (ret != 0) {
1103         envp-&gt;err(envp, ret,
1104                "Attempt to create db handle failed.");
1105        goto err;
1106    }
1109    /* 
1110     * Set the database open flags. Autocommit is used because we are 
1111     * transactional. 
1112     */
1113    open_flags = DB_CREATE | DB_AUTO_COMMIT;
1114    ret = dbp-&gt;open(dbp,         /* Pointer to the database */
1115             NULL,        /* Txn pointer */
1116             NULL,        /* File name -- Must be NULL for inmemory! */
1117             db_name,     /* Logical db name */
1118             DB_BTREE,    /* Database type (using btree) */
1119             open_flags,  /* Open flags */
1120             0);          /* File mode. Using defaults */
1122    if (ret != 0) {
1123         envp-&gt;err(envp, ret,
1124                "Attempt to open db failed.");
1125        goto err;
1126    }
1128    /* Configure the cache file */
1129    mpf = dbp-&gt;get_mpf(dbp);
1130    ret = mpf-&gt;set_flags(mpf, DB_MPOOL_NOFILE, 1);
1132    if (ret != 0) {
1133         envp-&gt;err(envp, ret,
1134            "Attempt failed to configure for no backing of temp files.");
1135        goto err;
1136    }
1139    /* Close our database handle, if it was opened. */
1140    if (dbp != NULL) {
1141        ret_t = dbp-&gt;close(dbp, 0);
1142        if (ret_t != 0) {
1143            fprintf(stderr, "%s database close failed.\n",
1144                db_strerror(ret_t));
1145            ret = ret_t;
1146        }
1147    }
1149    /* Close our environment, if it was opened. */
1150    if (envp != NULL) {
1151        ret_t = envp-&gt;close(envp, 0);
1152        if (ret_t != 0) {
1153            fprintf(stderr, "environment close failed: %s\n",
1154                db_strerror(ret_t));
1155                ret = ret_t;
1156        }
1157    }
1159    /* Final status message and return. */
1160    printf("I'm all done.\n");
1161    return (ret == 0 ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);
1162} </pre>
1163      </div>
1164    </div>
1165    <div class="navfooter">
1166      <hr />
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1168  </body>