2 * Copyright (C) 2002 Frederic 'dilb' Boulay
3 *
4 * Author: Frederic Boulay <dilb@handhelds.org>
5 *
6 * The function defined in this file is derived from the simple_idct function
7 * from the libavcodec library part of the FFmpeg project.
8 *
9 * This file is part of FFmpeg.
10 *
11 * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
13 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
14 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 *
16 * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
20 *
21 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
22 * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
23 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
24 */
26#include "libavutil/arm/asm.S"
28/* useful constants for the algorithm */
29#define W1  22725
30#define W2  21407
31#define W3  19266
32#define W4  16383
33#define W5  12873
34#define W6  8867
35#define W7  4520
36#define MASK_MSHW 0xFFFF0000
38#define ROW_SHIFT 11
39#define ROW_SHIFT2MSHW (16-11)
40#define COL_SHIFT 20
41#define ROW_SHIFTED_1 1024 /* 1<< (ROW_SHIFT-1) */
42#define COL_SHIFTED_1 524288 /* 1<< (COL_SHIFT-1) */
45function ff_simple_idct_arm, export=1
46        @@ void simple_idct_arm(int16_t *block)
47        @@ save stack for reg needed (take all of them),
48        @@ R0-R3 are scratch regs, so no need to save them, but R0 contains the pointer to block
49        @@ so it must not be overwritten, if it is not saved!!
50        @@ R12 is another scratch register, so it should not be saved too
51        @@ save all registers
52        stmfd sp!, {r4-r11, r14} @ R14 is also called LR
53        @@ at this point, R0=block, other registers are free.
54        add r14, r0, #112        @ R14=&block[8*7], better start from the last row, and decrease the value until row=0, i.e. R12=block.
55        @@ add 2 temporary variables in the stack: R0 and R14
56        sub sp, sp, #8          @ allow 2 local variables
57        str r0, [sp, #0]        @ save block in sp[0]
58        @@ stack status
59        @@ sp+4   free
60        @@ sp+0   R0  (block)
63        @@ at this point, R0=block, R14=&block[56], R12=__const_ptr_, R1-R11 free
67        @@ read the row and check if it is null, almost null, or not, according to strongarm specs, it is not necessary to optimize ldr accesses (i.e. split 32bits in 2 16bits words), at least it gives more usable registers :)
68        ldr r1, [r14, #0]        @ R1=(int32)(R12)[0]=ROWr32[0] (relative row cast to a 32b pointer)
69        ldr r2, [r14, #4]        @ R2=(int32)(R12)[1]=ROWr32[1]
70        ldr r3, [r14, #8]        @ R3=ROWr32[2]
71        ldr r4, [r14, #12]       @ R4=ROWr32[3]
72        @@ check if the words are null, if all of them are null, then proceed with next row (branch __end_row_loop),
73        @@ if ROWr16[0] is the only one not null, then proceed with this special case (branch __almost_empty_row)
74        @@ else follow the complete algorithm.
75        @@ at this point, R0=block, R14=&block[n], R12=__const_ptr_, R1=ROWr32[0], R2=ROWr32[1],
76        @@                R3=ROWr32[2], R4=ROWr32[3], R5-R11 free
77        orr r5, r4, r3           @ R5=R4 | R3
78        orr r5, r5, r2           @ R5=R4 | R3 | R2
79        orrs r6, r5, r1          @ Test R5 | R1 (the aim is to check if everything is null)
80        beq __end_row_loop
81        mov r7, r1, asr #16      @ R7=R1>>16=ROWr16[1] (evaluate it now, as it could be useful later)
82        ldrsh r6, [r14, #0]      @ R6=ROWr16[0]
83        orrs r5, r5, r7          @ R5=R4 | R3 | R2 | R7
84        beq __almost_empty_row
86@@ __b_evaluation:
87        @@ at this point, R0=block (temp),  R1(free), R2=ROWr32[1], R3=ROWr32[2], R4=ROWr32[3],
88        @@     R5=(temp), R6=ROWr16[0], R7=ROWr16[1], R8-R11 free,
89        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
90        @@ to save some registers/calls, proceed with b0-b3 first, followed by a0-a3
92        @@ MUL16(b0, W1, row[1]);
93        @@ MUL16(b1, W3, row[1]);
94        @@ MUL16(b2, W5, row[1]);
95        @@ MUL16(b3, W7, row[1]);
96        @@ MAC16(b0, W3, row[3]);
97        @@ MAC16(b1, -W7, row[3]);
98        @@ MAC16(b2, -W1, row[3]);
99        @@ MAC16(b3, -W5, row[3]);
100        ldr r8, =W1              @ R8=W1
101        mov r2, r2, asr #16      @ R2=ROWr16[3]
102        mul r0, r8, r7           @ R0=W1*ROWr16[1]=b0 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
103        ldr r9, =W3              @ R9=W3
104        ldr r10, =W5             @ R10=W5
105        mul r1, r9, r7           @ R1=W3*ROWr16[1]=b1 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
106        ldr r11, =W7             @ R11=W7
107        mul r5, r10, r7          @ R5=W5*ROWr16[1]=b2 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
108        mul r7, r11, r7          @ R7=W7*ROWr16[1]=b3 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
109        teq r2, #0               @ if null avoid muls
110        itttt ne
111        mlane r0, r9, r2, r0     @ R0+=W3*ROWr16[3]=b0 (ROWr16[3] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
112        rsbne r2, r2, #0         @ R2=-ROWr16[3]
113        mlane r1, r11, r2, r1    @ R1-=W7*ROWr16[3]=b1 (ROWr16[3] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
114        mlane r5, r8, r2, r5     @ R5-=W1*ROWr16[3]=b2 (ROWr16[3] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
115        it    ne
116        mlane r7, r10, r2, r7    @ R7-=W5*ROWr16[3]=b3 (ROWr16[3] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
118        @@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2 (free), R3=ROWr32[2], R4=ROWr32[3],
119        @@     R5=b2, R6=ROWr16[0], R7=b3, R8=W1, R9=W3, R10=W5, R11=W7,
120        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
121        @@ temp = ((uint32_t*)row)[2] | ((uint32_t*)row)[3];
122        @@ if (temp != 0) {}
123        orrs r2, r3, r4          @ R2=ROWr32[2] | ROWr32[3]
124        beq __end_b_evaluation
126        @@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2 (free), R3=ROWr32[2], R4=ROWr32[3],
127        @@     R5=b2, R6=ROWr16[0], R7=b3, R8=W1, R9=W3, R10=W5, R11=W7,
128        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
129        @@ MAC16(b0, W5, row[5]);
130        @@ MAC16(b2, W7, row[5]);
131        @@ MAC16(b3, W3, row[5]);
132        @@ MAC16(b1, -W1, row[5]);
133        @@ MAC16(b0, W7, row[7]);
134        @@ MAC16(b2, W3, row[7]);
135        @@ MAC16(b3, -W1, row[7]);
136        @@ MAC16(b1, -W5, row[7]);
137        mov r3, r3, asr #16      @ R3=ROWr16[5]
138        teq r3, #0               @ if null avoid muls
139        it    ne
140        mlane r0, r10, r3, r0    @ R0+=W5*ROWr16[5]=b0
141        mov r4, r4, asr #16      @ R4=ROWr16[7]
142        itttt ne
143        mlane r5, r11, r3, r5    @ R5+=W7*ROWr16[5]=b2
144        mlane r7, r9, r3, r7     @ R7+=W3*ROWr16[5]=b3
145        rsbne r3, r3, #0         @ R3=-ROWr16[5]
146        mlane r1, r8, r3, r1     @ R7-=W1*ROWr16[5]=b1
147        @@ R3 is free now
148        teq r4, #0               @ if null avoid muls
149        itttt ne
150        mlane r0, r11, r4, r0    @ R0+=W7*ROWr16[7]=b0
151        mlane r5, r9, r4, r5     @ R5+=W3*ROWr16[7]=b2
152        rsbne r4, r4, #0         @ R4=-ROWr16[7]
153        mlane r7, r8, r4, r7     @ R7-=W1*ROWr16[7]=b3
154        it    ne
155        mlane r1, r10, r4, r1    @ R1-=W5*ROWr16[7]=b1
156        @@ R4 is free now
158        @@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2=ROWr32[2] | ROWr32[3] (tmp), R3 (free), R4 (free),
159        @@     R5=b2, R6=ROWr16[0], R7=b3, R8 (free), R9 (free), R10 (free), R11 (free),
160        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
162@@ __a_evaluation:
163        @@ a0 = (W4 * row[0]) + (1 << (ROW_SHIFT - 1));
164        @@ a1 = a0 + W6 * row[2];
165        @@ a2 = a0 - W6 * row[2];
166        @@ a3 = a0 - W2 * row[2];
167        @@ a0 = a0 + W2 * row[2];
168        ldr r9, =W4              @ R9=W4
169        mul r6, r9, r6           @ R6=W4*ROWr16[0]
170        ldr r10, =W6             @ R10=W6
171        ldrsh r4, [r14, #4]      @ R4=ROWr16[2] (a3 not defined yet)
172        add r6, r6, #ROW_SHIFTED_1 @ R6=W4*ROWr16[0] + 1<<(ROW_SHIFT-1) (a0)
174        mul r11, r10, r4         @ R11=W6*ROWr16[2]
175        ldr r8, =W2              @ R8=W2
176        sub r3, r6, r11          @ R3=a0-W6*ROWr16[2] (a2)
177        @@ temp = ((uint32_t*)row)[2] | ((uint32_t*)row)[3];
178        @@ if (temp != 0) {}
179        teq r2, #0
180        beq __end_bef_a_evaluation
182        add r2, r6, r11          @ R2=a0+W6*ROWr16[2] (a1)
183        mul r11, r8, r4          @ R11=W2*ROWr16[2]
184        sub r4, r6, r11          @ R4=a0-W2*ROWr16[2] (a3)
185        add r6, r6, r11          @ R6=a0+W2*ROWr16[2] (a0)
188        @@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2=a1, R3=a2, R4=a3,
189        @@     R5=b2, R6=a0, R7=b3, R8=W2, R9=W4, R10=W6, R11 (free),
190        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
193        @@ a0 += W4*row[4]
194        @@ a1 -= W4*row[4]
195        @@ a2 -= W4*row[4]
196        @@ a3 += W4*row[4]
197        ldrsh r11, [r14, #8]     @ R11=ROWr16[4]
198        teq r11, #0              @ if null avoid muls
199        it    ne
200        mulne r11, r9, r11       @ R11=W4*ROWr16[4]
201        @@ R9 is free now
202        ldrsh r9, [r14, #12]     @ R9=ROWr16[6]
203        itttt ne
204        addne r6, r6, r11        @ R6+=W4*ROWr16[4] (a0)
205        subne r2, r2, r11        @ R2-=W4*ROWr16[4] (a1)
206        subne r3, r3, r11        @ R3-=W4*ROWr16[4] (a2)
207        addne r4, r4, r11        @ R4+=W4*ROWr16[4] (a3)
208        @@ W6 alone is no more useful, save W2*ROWr16[6] in it instead
209        teq r9, #0               @ if null avoid muls
210        itttt ne
211        mulne r11, r10, r9       @ R11=W6*ROWr16[6]
212        addne r6, r6, r11        @ R6+=W6*ROWr16[6] (a0)
213        mulne r10, r8, r9        @ R10=W2*ROWr16[6]
214        @@ a0 += W6*row[6];
215        @@ a3 -= W6*row[6];
216        @@ a1 -= W2*row[6];
217        @@ a2 += W2*row[6];
218        subne r4, r4, r11        @ R4-=W6*ROWr16[6] (a3)
219        itt   ne
220        subne r2, r2, r10        @ R2-=W2*ROWr16[6] (a1)
221        addne r3, r3, r10        @ R3+=W2*ROWr16[6] (a2)
224        @@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2=a1, R3=a2, R4=a3,
225        @@     R5=b2, R6=a0, R7=b3, R8 (free), R9 (free), R10 (free), R11 (free),
226        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
227        @@ row[0] = (a0 + b0) >> ROW_SHIFT;
228        @@ row[1] = (a1 + b1) >> ROW_SHIFT;
229        @@ row[2] = (a2 + b2) >> ROW_SHIFT;
230        @@ row[3] = (a3 + b3) >> ROW_SHIFT;
231        @@ row[4] = (a3 - b3) >> ROW_SHIFT;
232        @@ row[5] = (a2 - b2) >> ROW_SHIFT;
233        @@ row[6] = (a1 - b1) >> ROW_SHIFT;
234        @@ row[7] = (a0 - b0) >> ROW_SHIFT;
235        add r8, r6, r0           @ R8=a0+b0
236        add r9, r2, r1           @ R9=a1+b1
237        @@ put 2 16 bits half-words in a 32bits word
238        @@ ROWr32[0]=ROWr16[0] | (ROWr16[1]<<16) (only Little Endian compliant then!!!)
239        ldr r10, =MASK_MSHW      @ R10=0xFFFF0000
240        and r9, r10, r9, lsl #ROW_SHIFT2MSHW @ R9=0xFFFF0000 & ((a1+b1)<<5)
241        mvn r11, r10             @ R11= NOT R10= 0x0000FFFF
242        and r8, r11, r8, asr #ROW_SHIFT @ R8=0x0000FFFF & ((a0+b0)>>11)
243        orr r8, r8, r9
244        str r8, [r14, #0]
246        add r8, r3, r5           @ R8=a2+b2
247        add r9, r4, r7           @ R9=a3+b3
248        and r9, r10, r9, lsl #ROW_SHIFT2MSHW @ R9=0xFFFF0000 & ((a3+b3)<<5)
249        and r8, r11, r8, asr #ROW_SHIFT @ R8=0x0000FFFF & ((a2+b2)>>11)
250        orr r8, r8, r9
251        str r8, [r14, #4]
253        sub r8, r4, r7           @ R8=a3-b3
254        sub r9, r3, r5           @ R9=a2-b2
255        and r9, r10, r9, lsl #ROW_SHIFT2MSHW @ R9=0xFFFF0000 & ((a2-b2)<<5)
256        and r8, r11, r8, asr #ROW_SHIFT @ R8=0x0000FFFF & ((a3-b3)>>11)
257        orr r8, r8, r9
258        str r8, [r14, #8]
260        sub r8, r2, r1           @ R8=a1-b1
261        sub r9, r6, r0           @ R9=a0-b0
262        and r9, r10, r9, lsl #ROW_SHIFT2MSHW @ R9=0xFFFF0000 & ((a0-b0)<<5)
263        and r8, r11, r8, asr #ROW_SHIFT @ R8=0x0000FFFF & ((a1-b1)>>11)
264        orr r8, r8, r9
265        str r8, [r14, #12]
267        bal __end_row_loop
270        @@ the row was empty, except ROWr16[0], now, management of this special case
271        @@ at this point, R0=block, R14=&block[n], R12=__const_ptr_, R1=ROWr32[0], R2=ROWr32[1],
272        @@                R3=ROWr32[2], R4=ROWr32[3], R5=(temp), R6=ROWr16[0], R7=ROWr16[1],
273        @@                R8=0xFFFF (temp), R9-R11 free
274        mov r8, #0x10000         @ R8=0xFFFF (2 steps needed!) it saves a ldr call (because of delay run).
275        sub r8, r8, #1           @ R8 is now ready.
276        and r5, r8, r6, lsl #3   @ R5=R8 & (R6<<3)= (ROWr16[0]<<3) & 0xFFFF
277        orr r5, r5, r5, lsl #16  @ R5=R5 | (R5<<16)
278        str r5, [r14, #0]        @ R14[0]=ROWr32[0]=R5
279        str r5, [r14, #4]        @ R14[4]=ROWr32[1]=R5
280        str r5, [r14, #8]        @ R14[8]=ROWr32[2]=R5
281        str r5, [r14, #12]       @ R14[12]=ROWr32[3]=R5
284        @@ at this point, R0-R11 (free)
285        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
286        ldr r0, [sp, #0]         @ R0=block
287        teq r0, r14              @ compare current &block[8*n] to block, when block is reached, the loop is finished.
288        sub r14, r14, #16
289        bne __row_loop
293        @@ at this point, R0=block, R1-R11 (free)
294        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
295        add r14, r0, #14        @ R14=&block[7], better start from the last col, and decrease the value until col=0, i.e. R14=block.
298@@ __b_evaluation2:
299        @@ at this point, R0=block (temp),  R1-R11 (free)
300        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
301        @@ proceed with b0-b3 first, followed by a0-a3
302        @@ MUL16(b0, W1, col[8x1]);
303        @@ MUL16(b1, W3, col[8x1]);
304        @@ MUL16(b2, W5, col[8x1]);
305        @@ MUL16(b3, W7, col[8x1]);
306        @@ MAC16(b0, W3, col[8x3]);
307        @@ MAC16(b1, -W7, col[8x3]);
308        @@ MAC16(b2, -W1, col[8x3]);
309        @@ MAC16(b3, -W5, col[8x3]);
310        ldr r8, =W1              @ R8=W1
311        ldrsh r7, [r14, #16]
312        mul r0, r8, r7           @ R0=W1*ROWr16[1]=b0 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
313        ldr r9, =W3              @ R9=W3
314        ldr r10, =W5             @ R10=W5
315        mul r1, r9, r7           @ R1=W3*ROWr16[1]=b1 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
316        ldr r11, =W7             @ R11=W7
317        mul r5, r10, r7          @ R5=W5*ROWr16[1]=b2 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
318        ldrsh r2, [r14, #48]
319        mul r7, r11, r7          @ R7=W7*ROWr16[1]=b3 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
320        teq r2, #0               @ if 0, then avoid muls
321        itttt ne
322        mlane r0, r9, r2, r0     @ R0+=W3*ROWr16[3]=b0 (ROWr16[3] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
323        rsbne r2, r2, #0         @ R2=-ROWr16[3]
324        mlane r1, r11, r2, r1    @ R1-=W7*ROWr16[3]=b1 (ROWr16[3] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
325        mlane r5, r8, r2, r5     @ R5-=W1*ROWr16[3]=b2 (ROWr16[3] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
326        it    ne
327        mlane r7, r10, r2, r7    @ R7-=W5*ROWr16[3]=b3 (ROWr16[3] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
329        @@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2 (free), R3 (free), R4 (free),
330        @@     R5=b2, R6 (free), R7=b3, R8=W1, R9=W3, R10=W5, R11=W7,
331        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
332        @@ MAC16(b0, W5, col[5x8]);
333        @@ MAC16(b2, W7, col[5x8]);
334        @@ MAC16(b3, W3, col[5x8]);
335        @@ MAC16(b1, -W1, col[5x8]);
336        @@ MAC16(b0, W7, col[7x8]);
337        @@ MAC16(b2, W3, col[7x8]);
338        @@ MAC16(b3, -W1, col[7x8]);
339        @@ MAC16(b1, -W5, col[7x8]);
340        ldrsh r3, [r14, #80]     @ R3=COLr16[5x8]
341        teq r3, #0               @ if 0 then avoid muls
342        itttt ne
343        mlane r0, r10, r3, r0    @ R0+=W5*ROWr16[5x8]=b0
344        mlane r5, r11, r3, r5    @ R5+=W7*ROWr16[5x8]=b2
345        mlane r7, r9, r3, r7     @ R7+=W3*ROWr16[5x8]=b3
346        rsbne r3, r3, #0         @ R3=-ROWr16[5x8]
347        ldrsh r4, [r14, #112]    @ R4=COLr16[7x8]
348        it    ne
349        mlane r1, r8, r3, r1     @ R7-=W1*ROWr16[5x8]=b1
350        @@ R3 is free now
351        teq r4, #0               @ if 0 then avoid muls
352        itttt ne
353        mlane r0, r11, r4, r0    @ R0+=W7*ROWr16[7x8]=b0
354        mlane r5, r9, r4, r5     @ R5+=W3*ROWr16[7x8]=b2
355        rsbne r4, r4, #0         @ R4=-ROWr16[7x8]
356        mlane r7, r8, r4, r7     @ R7-=W1*ROWr16[7x8]=b3
357        it    ne
358        mlane r1, r10, r4, r1    @ R1-=W5*ROWr16[7x8]=b1
359        @@ R4 is free now
360@@ __end_b_evaluation2:
361        @@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2 (free), R3 (free), R4 (free),
362        @@     R5=b2, R6 (free), R7=b3, R8 (free), R9 (free), R10 (free), R11 (free),
363        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
365@@ __a_evaluation2:
366        @@ a0 = (W4 * col[8x0]) + (1 << (COL_SHIFT - 1));
367        @@ a1 = a0 + W6 * row[2];
368        @@ a2 = a0 - W6 * row[2];
369        @@ a3 = a0 - W2 * row[2];
370        @@ a0 = a0 + W2 * row[2];
371        ldrsh r6, [r14, #0]
372        ldr r9, =W4              @ R9=W4
373        mul r6, r9, r6           @ R6=W4*ROWr16[0]
374        ldr r10, =W6             @ R10=W6
375        ldrsh r4, [r14, #32]     @ R4=ROWr16[2] (a3 not defined yet)
376        add r6, r6, #COL_SHIFTED_1 @ R6=W4*ROWr16[0] + 1<<(COL_SHIFT-1) (a0)
377        mul r11, r10, r4         @ R11=W6*ROWr16[2]
378        ldr r8, =W2              @ R8=W2
379        add r2, r6, r11          @ R2=a0+W6*ROWr16[2] (a1)
380        sub r3, r6, r11          @ R3=a0-W6*ROWr16[2] (a2)
381        mul r11, r8, r4          @ R11=W2*ROWr16[2]
382        sub r4, r6, r11          @ R4=a0-W2*ROWr16[2] (a3)
383        add r6, r6, r11          @ R6=a0+W2*ROWr16[2] (a0)
385        @@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2=a1, R3=a2, R4=a3,
386        @@     R5=b2, R6=a0, R7=b3, R8=W2, R9=W4, R10=W6, R11 (free),
387        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
388        @@ a0 += W4*row[4]
389        @@ a1 -= W4*row[4]
390        @@ a2 -= W4*row[4]
391        @@ a3 += W4*row[4]
392        ldrsh r11, [r14, #64]    @ R11=ROWr16[4]
393        teq r11, #0              @ if null avoid muls
394        itttt ne
395        mulne r11, r9, r11       @ R11=W4*ROWr16[4]
396        @@ R9 is free now
397        addne r6, r6, r11        @ R6+=W4*ROWr16[4] (a0)
398        subne r2, r2, r11        @ R2-=W4*ROWr16[4] (a1)
399        subne r3, r3, r11        @ R3-=W4*ROWr16[4] (a2)
400        ldrsh r9, [r14, #96]     @ R9=ROWr16[6]
401        it    ne
402        addne r4, r4, r11        @ R4+=W4*ROWr16[4] (a3)
403        @@ W6 alone is no more useful, save W2*ROWr16[6] in it instead
404        teq r9, #0               @ if null avoid muls
405        itttt ne
406        mulne r11, r10, r9       @ R11=W6*ROWr16[6]
407        addne r6, r6, r11        @ R6+=W6*ROWr16[6] (a0)
408        mulne r10, r8, r9        @ R10=W2*ROWr16[6]
409        @@ a0 += W6*row[6];
410        @@ a3 -= W6*row[6];
411        @@ a1 -= W2*row[6];
412        @@ a2 += W2*row[6];
413        subne r4, r4, r11        @ R4-=W6*ROWr16[6] (a3)
414        itt   ne
415        subne r2, r2, r10        @ R2-=W2*ROWr16[6] (a1)
416        addne r3, r3, r10        @ R3+=W2*ROWr16[6] (a2)
417@@ __end_a_evaluation2:
418        @@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2=a1, R3=a2, R4=a3,
419        @@     R5=b2, R6=a0, R7=b3, R8 (free), R9 (free), R10 (free), R11 (free),
420        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
421        @@ col[0 ] = ((a0 + b0) >> COL_SHIFT);
422        @@ col[8 ] = ((a1 + b1) >> COL_SHIFT);
423        @@ col[16] = ((a2 + b2) >> COL_SHIFT);
424        @@ col[24] = ((a3 + b3) >> COL_SHIFT);
425        @@ col[32] = ((a3 - b3) >> COL_SHIFT);
426        @@ col[40] = ((a2 - b2) >> COL_SHIFT);
427        @@ col[48] = ((a1 - b1) >> COL_SHIFT);
428        @@ col[56] = ((a0 - b0) >> COL_SHIFT);
429        @@@@@ no optimization here @@@@@
430        add r8, r6, r0           @ R8=a0+b0
431        add r9, r2, r1           @ R9=a1+b1
432        mov r8, r8, asr #COL_SHIFT
433        mov r9, r9, asr #COL_SHIFT
434        strh r8, [r14, #0]
435        strh r9, [r14, #16]
436        add r8, r3, r5           @ R8=a2+b2
437        add r9, r4, r7           @ R9=a3+b3
438        mov r8, r8, asr #COL_SHIFT
439        mov r9, r9, asr #COL_SHIFT
440        strh r8, [r14, #32]
441        strh r9, [r14, #48]
442        sub r8, r4, r7           @ R8=a3-b3
443        sub r9, r3, r5           @ R9=a2-b2
444        mov r8, r8, asr #COL_SHIFT
445        mov r9, r9, asr #COL_SHIFT
446        strh r8, [r14, #64]
447        strh r9, [r14, #80]
448        sub r8, r2, r1           @ R8=a1-b1
449        sub r9, r6, r0           @ R9=a0-b0
450        mov r8, r8, asr #COL_SHIFT
451        mov r9, r9, asr #COL_SHIFT
452        strh r8, [r14, #96]
453        strh r9, [r14, #112]
455@@ __end_col_loop:
456        @@ at this point, R0-R11 (free)
457        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
458        ldr r0, [sp, #0]         @ R0=block
459        teq r0, r14              @ compare current &block[n] to block, when block is reached, the loop is finished.
460        sub r14, r14, #2
461        bne __col_loop
466@@ __end_simple_idct_arm:
467        @@ restore registers to previous status!
468        add sp, sp, #8 @@ the local variables!
469        ldmfd sp!, {r4-r11, r15} @@ update PC with LR content.
473@@ kind of sub-function, here not to overload the common case.
475        add r2, r6, r11          @ R2=a0+W6*ROWr16[2] (a1)
476        mul r11, r8, r4          @ R11=W2*ROWr16[2]
477        sub r4, r6, r11          @ R4=a0-W2*ROWr16[2] (a3)
478        add r6, r6, r11          @ R6=a0+W2*ROWr16[2] (a0)
479        bal __end_a_evaluation