1\input texinfo @c -*- texinfo -*-
3@settitle General Documentation
5@center @titlefont{General Documentation}
6@end titlepage
12@chapter External libraries
14Libav can be hooked up with a number of external libraries to add support
15for more formats. None of them are used by default, their use has to be
16explicitly requested by passing the appropriate flags to @file{./configure}.
18@section OpenCORE and VisualOn libraries
20Spun off Google Android sources, OpenCore and VisualOn libraries provide
21encoders for a number of audio codecs.
23@float NOTE
24OpenCORE and VisualOn libraries are under the Apache License 2.0
25(see @url{http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0} for details), which is
26incompatible with the LGPL version 2.1 and GPL version 2. You have to
27upgrade Libav's license to LGPL version 3 (or if you have enabled
28GPL components, GPL version 3) to use it.
29@end float
31@subsection OpenCORE AMR
33Libav can make use of the OpenCORE libraries for AMR-NB
34decoding/encoding and AMR-WB decoding.
36Go to @url{http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencore-amr/} and follow the
37instructions for installing the libraries.
38Then pass @code{--enable-libopencore-amrnb} and/or
39@code{--enable-libopencore-amrwb} to configure to enable them.
41@subsection VisualOn AAC encoder library
43Libav can make use of the VisualOn AACenc library for AAC encoding.
45Go to @url{http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencore-amr/} and follow the
46instructions for installing the library.
47Then pass @code{--enable-libvo-aacenc} to configure to enable it.
49@subsection VisualOn AMR-WB encoder library
51Libav can make use of the VisualOn AMR-WBenc library for AMR-WB encoding.
53Go to @url{http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencore-amr/} and follow the
54instructions for installing the library.
55Then pass @code{--enable-libvo-amrwbenc} to configure to enable it.
57@section LAME
59Libav can make use of the LAME library for MP3 encoding.
61Go to @url{http://lame.sourceforge.net/} and follow the
62instructions for installing the library.
63Then pass @code{--enable-libmp3lame} to configure to enable it.
65@section libvpx
67Libav can make use of the libvpx library for VP8 encoding.
69Go to @url{http://www.webmproject.org/} and follow the instructions for
70installing the library. Then pass @code{--enable-libvpx} to configure to
71enable it.
73@section x264
75Libav can make use of the x264 library for H.264 encoding.
77Go to @url{http://www.videolan.org/developers/x264.html} and follow the
78instructions for installing the library. Then pass @code{--enable-libx264} to
79configure to enable it.
81@float NOTE
82x264 is under the GNU Public License Version 2 or later
83(see @url{http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html} for
84details), you must upgrade Libav's license to GPL in order to use it.
85@end float
89@chapter Supported File Formats and Codecs
91You can use the @code{-formats} and @code{-codecs} options to have an exhaustive list.
93@section File Formats
95Libav supports the following file formats through the @code{libavformat}
98@multitable @columnfractions .4 .1 .1 .4
99@item Name @tab Encoding @tab Decoding @tab Comments
100@item 4xm                       @tab   @tab X
101    @tab 4X Technologies format, used in some games.
102@item 8088flex TMV              @tab   @tab X
103@item Adobe Filmstrip           @tab X @tab X
104@item Audio IFF (AIFF)          @tab X @tab X
105@item American Laser Games MM   @tab   @tab X
106    @tab Multimedia format used in games like Mad Dog McCree.
107@item 3GPP AMR                  @tab X @tab X
108@item Apple HTTP Live Streaming @tab   @tab X
109@item ASF                       @tab X @tab X
110@item AVI                       @tab X @tab X
111@item AVISynth                  @tab   @tab X
112@item AVS                       @tab   @tab X
113    @tab Multimedia format used by the Creature Shock game.
114@item Beam Software SIFF        @tab   @tab X
115    @tab Audio and video format used in some games by Beam Software.
116@item Bethesda Softworks VID    @tab   @tab X
117    @tab Used in some games from Bethesda Softworks.
118@item Bink                      @tab   @tab X
119    @tab Multimedia format used by many games.
120@item Bitmap Brothers JV        @tab   @tab X
121    @tab Used in Z and Z95 games.
122@item Brute Force & Ignorance   @tab   @tab X
123    @tab Used in the game Flash Traffic: City of Angels.
124@item BWF                       @tab X @tab X
125@item CRI ADX                   @tab X @tab X
126    @tab Audio-only format used in console video games.
127@item Discworld II BMV          @tab   @tab X
128@item Interplay C93             @tab   @tab X
129    @tab Used in the game Cyberia from Interplay.
130@item Delphine Software International CIN @tab   @tab X
131    @tab Multimedia format used by Delphine Software games.
132@item CD+G                      @tab   @tab X
133    @tab Video format used by CD+G karaoke disks
134@item Core Audio Format         @tab   @tab X
135    @tab Apple Core Audio Format
136@item CRC testing format        @tab X @tab
137@item Creative Voice            @tab X @tab X
138    @tab Created for the Sound Blaster Pro.
139@item CRYO APC                  @tab   @tab X
140    @tab Audio format used in some games by CRYO Interactive Entertainment.
141@item D-Cinema audio            @tab X @tab X
142@item Deluxe Paint Animation    @tab   @tab X
143@item DFA                       @tab   @tab X
144    @tab This format is used in Chronomaster game
145@item DV video                  @tab X @tab X
146@item DXA                       @tab   @tab X
147    @tab This format is used in the non-Windows version of the Feeble Files
148         game and different game cutscenes repacked for use with ScummVM.
149@item Electronic Arts cdata  @tab    @tab X
150@item Electronic Arts Multimedia  @tab    @tab X
151    @tab Used in various EA games; files have extensions like WVE and UV2.
152@item FFM (AVserver live feed)  @tab X @tab X
153@item Flash (SWF)               @tab X @tab X
154@item Flash 9 (AVM2)            @tab X @tab X
155    @tab Only embedded audio is decoded.
156@item FLI/FLC/FLX animation     @tab   @tab X
157    @tab .fli/.flc files
158@item Flash Video (FLV)         @tab X @tab X
159    @tab Macromedia Flash video files
160@item framecrc testing format   @tab X @tab
161@item FunCom ISS                @tab   @tab X
162    @tab Audio format used in various games from FunCom like The Longest Journey.
163@item GIF Animation             @tab X @tab
164@item GXF                       @tab X @tab X
165    @tab General eXchange Format SMPTE 360M, used by Thomson Grass Valley
166         playout servers.
167@item id Quake II CIN video     @tab   @tab X
168@item id RoQ                    @tab X @tab X
169    @tab Used in Quake III, Jedi Knight 2, other computer games.
170@item IEC61937 encapsulation @tab X @tab X
171@item IFF                       @tab   @tab X
172    @tab Interchange File Format
173@item Interplay MVE             @tab   @tab X
174    @tab Format used in various Interplay computer games.
175@item IV8                       @tab   @tab X
176    @tab A format generated by IndigoVision 8000 video server.
177@item IVF (On2)                 @tab X @tab X
178    @tab A format used by libvpx
179@item LATM                      @tab X @tab X
180@item LMLM4                     @tab   @tab X
181    @tab Used by Linux Media Labs MPEG-4 PCI boards
182@item LXF                       @tab   @tab X
183    @tab VR native stream format, used by Leitch/Harris' video servers.
184@item Matroska                  @tab X @tab X
185@item Matroska audio            @tab X @tab
186@item FFmpeg metadata           @tab X @tab X
187    @tab Metadata in text format.
188@item MAXIS XA                  @tab   @tab X
189    @tab Used in Sim City 3000; file extension .xa.
190@item MD Studio                 @tab   @tab X
191@item Mobotix .mxg              @tab   @tab X
192@item Monkey's Audio            @tab   @tab X
193@item Motion Pixels MVI         @tab   @tab X
194@item MOV/QuickTime/MP4         @tab X @tab X
195    @tab 3GP, 3GP2, PSP, iPod variants supported
196@item MP2                       @tab X @tab X
197@item MP3                       @tab X @tab X
198@item MPEG-1 System             @tab X @tab X
199    @tab muxed audio and video, VCD format supported
200@item MPEG-PS (program stream)  @tab X @tab X
201    @tab also known as @code{VOB} file, SVCD and DVD format supported
202@item MPEG-TS (transport stream) @tab X @tab X
203    @tab also known as DVB Transport Stream
204@item MPEG-4                    @tab X @tab X
205    @tab MPEG-4 is a variant of QuickTime.
206@item MIME multipart JPEG       @tab X @tab
207@item MSN TCP webcam            @tab   @tab X
208    @tab Used by MSN Messenger webcam streams.
209@item MTV                       @tab   @tab X
210@item Musepack                  @tab   @tab X
211@item Musepack SV8              @tab   @tab X
212@item Material eXchange Format (MXF) @tab X @tab X
213    @tab SMPTE 377M, used by D-Cinema, broadcast industry.
214@item Material eXchange Format (MXF), D-10 Mapping @tab X @tab X
215    @tab SMPTE 386M, D-10/IMX Mapping.
216@item NC camera feed            @tab   @tab X
217    @tab NC (AVIP NC4600) camera streams
218@item NTT TwinVQ (VQF)          @tab   @tab X
219    @tab Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation TwinVQ.
220@item Nullsoft Streaming Video  @tab   @tab X
221@item NuppelVideo               @tab   @tab X
222@item NUT                       @tab X @tab X
223    @tab NUT Open Container Format
224@item Ogg                       @tab X @tab X
225@item Playstation Portable PMP  @tab   @tab X
226@item TechnoTrend PVA           @tab   @tab X
227    @tab Used by TechnoTrend DVB PCI boards.
228@item QCP                       @tab   @tab X
229@item raw ADTS (AAC)            @tab X @tab X
230@item raw AC-3                  @tab X @tab X
231@item raw Chinese AVS video     @tab X @tab X
232@item raw CRI ADX               @tab X @tab X
233@item raw Dirac                 @tab X @tab X
234@item raw DNxHD                 @tab X @tab X
235@item raw DTS                   @tab X @tab X
236@item raw E-AC-3                @tab X @tab X
237@item raw FLAC                  @tab X @tab X
238@item raw GSM                   @tab   @tab X
239@item raw H.261                 @tab X @tab X
240@item raw H.263                 @tab X @tab X
241@item raw H.264                 @tab X @tab X
242@item raw Ingenient MJPEG       @tab   @tab X
243@item raw MJPEG                 @tab X @tab X
244@item raw MLP                   @tab   @tab X
245@item raw MPEG                  @tab   @tab X
246@item raw MPEG-1                @tab   @tab X
247@item raw MPEG-2                @tab   @tab X
248@item raw MPEG-4                @tab X @tab X
249@item raw NULL                  @tab X @tab
250@item raw video                 @tab X @tab X
251@item raw id RoQ                @tab X @tab
252@item raw Shorten               @tab   @tab X
253@item raw TrueHD                @tab X @tab X
254@item raw VC-1                  @tab   @tab X
255@item raw PCM A-law             @tab X @tab X
256@item raw PCM mu-law            @tab X @tab X
257@item raw PCM signed 8 bit      @tab X @tab X
258@item raw PCM signed 16 bit big-endian  @tab X @tab X
259@item raw PCM signed 16 bit little-endian  @tab X @tab X
260@item raw PCM signed 24 bit big-endian  @tab X @tab X
261@item raw PCM signed 24 bit little-endian  @tab X @tab X
262@item raw PCM signed 32 bit big-endian  @tab X @tab X
263@item raw PCM signed 32 bit little-endian  @tab X @tab X
264@item raw PCM unsigned 8 bit    @tab X @tab X
265@item raw PCM unsigned 16 bit big-endian  @tab X @tab X
266@item raw PCM unsigned 16 bit little-endian  @tab X @tab X
267@item raw PCM unsigned 24 bit big-endian  @tab X @tab X
268@item raw PCM unsigned 24 bit little-endian  @tab X @tab X
269@item raw PCM unsigned 32 bit big-endian  @tab X @tab X
270@item raw PCM unsigned 32 bit little-endian  @tab X @tab X
271@item raw PCM floating-point 32 bit big-endian  @tab X @tab X
272@item raw PCM floating-point 32 bit little-endian  @tab X @tab X
273@item raw PCM floating-point 64 bit big-endian  @tab X @tab X
274@item raw PCM floating-point 64 bit little-endian  @tab X @tab X
275@item RDT                       @tab   @tab X
276@item REDCODE R3D               @tab   @tab X
277    @tab File format used by RED Digital cameras, contains JPEG 2000 frames and PCM audio.
278@item RealMedia                 @tab X @tab X
279@item Redirector                @tab   @tab X
280@item Renderware TeXture Dictionary @tab   @tab X
281@item RL2                       @tab   @tab X
282    @tab Audio and video format used in some games by Entertainment Software Partners.
283@item RPL/ARMovie               @tab   @tab X
284@item Lego Mindstorms RSO       @tab X @tab X
285@item RTMP                      @tab X @tab X
286    @tab Output is performed by publishing stream to RTMP server
287@item RTP                       @tab X @tab X
288@item RTSP                      @tab X @tab X
289@item SAP                       @tab X @tab X
290@item SDP                       @tab   @tab X
291@item Sega FILM/CPK             @tab   @tab X
292    @tab Used in many Sega Saturn console games.
293@item Sierra SOL                @tab   @tab X
294    @tab .sol files used in Sierra Online games.
295@item Sierra VMD                @tab   @tab X
296    @tab Used in Sierra CD-ROM games.
297@item Smacker                   @tab   @tab X
298    @tab Multimedia format used by many games.
299@item SMJPEG                    @tab X @tab X
300    @tab Used in certain Loki game ports.
301@item Sony OpenMG (OMA)         @tab X @tab X
302    @tab Audio format used in Sony Sonic Stage and Sony Vegas.
303@item Sony PlayStation STR      @tab   @tab X
304@item Sony Wave64 (W64)         @tab   @tab X
305@item SoX native format         @tab X @tab X
306@item SUN AU format             @tab X @tab X
307@item Text files                @tab   @tab X
308@item THP                       @tab   @tab X
309    @tab Used on the Nintendo GameCube.
310@item Tiertex Limited SEQ       @tab   @tab X
311    @tab Tiertex .seq files used in the DOS CD-ROM version of the game Flashback.
312@item True Audio                @tab   @tab X
313@item VC-1 test bitstream       @tab X @tab X
314@item WAV                       @tab X @tab X
315@item WavPack                   @tab   @tab X
316@item WebM                      @tab X @tab X
317@item Windows Televison (WTV)   @tab   @tab X
318@item Wing Commander III movie  @tab   @tab X
319    @tab Multimedia format used in Origin's Wing Commander III computer game.
320@item Westwood Studios audio    @tab   @tab X
321    @tab Multimedia format used in Westwood Studios games.
322@item Westwood Studios VQA      @tab   @tab X
323    @tab Multimedia format used in Westwood Studios games.
324@item XMV                       @tab   @tab X
325    @tab Microsoft video container used in Xbox games.
326@item xWMA                      @tab   @tab X
327    @tab Microsoft audio container used by XAudio 2.
328@item YUV4MPEG pipe             @tab X @tab X
329@item Psygnosis YOP             @tab   @tab X
330@end multitable
332@code{X} means that encoding (resp. decoding) is supported.
334@section Image Formats
336Libav can read and write images for each frame of a video sequence. The
337following image formats are supported:
339@multitable @columnfractions .4 .1 .1 .4
340@item Name @tab Encoding @tab Decoding @tab Comments
341@item .Y.U.V       @tab X @tab X
342    @tab one raw file per component
343@item animated GIF @tab X @tab X
344    @tab Only uncompressed GIFs are generated.
345@item BMP          @tab X @tab X
346    @tab Microsoft BMP image
347@item DPX          @tab X @tab X
348    @tab Digital Picture Exchange
349@item JPEG         @tab X @tab X
350    @tab Progressive JPEG is not supported.
351@item JPEG 2000    @tab   @tab E
352    @tab decoding supported through external library libopenjpeg
353@item JPEG-LS      @tab X @tab X
354@item LJPEG        @tab X @tab
355    @tab Lossless JPEG
356@item PAM          @tab X @tab X
357    @tab PAM is a PNM extension with alpha support.
358@item PBM          @tab X @tab X
359    @tab Portable BitMap image
360@item PCX          @tab X @tab X
361    @tab PC Paintbrush
362@item PGM          @tab X @tab X
363    @tab Portable GrayMap image
364@item PGMYUV       @tab X @tab X
365    @tab PGM with U and V components in YUV 4:2:0
366@item PIC          @tab @tab X
367    @tab Pictor/PC Paint
368@item PNG          @tab X @tab X
369    @tab 2/4 bpp not supported yet
370@item PPM          @tab X @tab X
371    @tab Portable PixelMap image
372@item PTX          @tab   @tab X
373    @tab V.Flash PTX format
374@item SGI          @tab X @tab X
375    @tab SGI RGB image format
376@item Sun Rasterfile  @tab   @tab X
377    @tab Sun RAS image format
378@item TIFF         @tab X @tab X
379    @tab YUV, JPEG and some extension is not supported yet.
380@item Truevision Targa  @tab X @tab X
381    @tab Targa (.TGA) image format
382@end multitable
384@code{X} means that encoding (resp. decoding) is supported.
386@code{E} means that support is provided through an external library.
388@section Video Codecs
390@multitable @columnfractions .4 .1 .1 .4
391@item Name @tab Encoding @tab Decoding @tab Comments
392@item 4X Movie               @tab     @tab  X
393    @tab Used in certain computer games.
394@item 8088flex TMV           @tab     @tab  X
395@item 8SVX exponential       @tab     @tab  X
396@item 8SVX fibonacci         @tab     @tab  X
397@item A64 multicolor         @tab  X  @tab
398    @tab Creates video suitable to be played on a commodore 64 (multicolor mode).
399@item American Laser Games MM  @tab    @tab X
400    @tab Used in games like Mad Dog McCree.
401@item AMV Video              @tab     @tab  X
402    @tab Used in Chinese MP3 players.
403@item ANSI/ASCII art         @tab     @tab  X
404@item Apple MJPEG-B          @tab     @tab  X
405@item Apple ProRes           @tab     @tab  X
406@item Apple QuickDraw        @tab     @tab  X
407    @tab fourcc: qdrw
408@item Asus v1                @tab  X  @tab  X
409    @tab fourcc: ASV1
410@item Asus v2                @tab  X  @tab  X
411    @tab fourcc: ASV2
412@item ATI VCR1               @tab     @tab  X
413    @tab fourcc: VCR1
414@item ATI VCR2               @tab     @tab  X
415    @tab fourcc: VCR2
416@item Auravision Aura        @tab     @tab  X
417@item Auravision Aura 2      @tab     @tab  X
418@item Autodesk Animator Flic video  @tab     @tab  X
419@item Autodesk RLE           @tab     @tab  X
420    @tab fourcc: AASC
421@item AVS (Audio Video Standard) video  @tab     @tab  X
422    @tab Video encoding used by the Creature Shock game.
423@item Beam Software VB       @tab     @tab  X
424@item Bethesda VID video     @tab     @tab  X
425    @tab Used in some games from Bethesda Softworks.
426@item Bink Video             @tab     @tab  X
427@item Bitmap Brothers JV video  @tab   @tab X
428@item Brute Force & Ignorance   @tab   @tab X
429    @tab Used in the game Flash Traffic: City of Angels.
430@item C93 video              @tab     @tab  X
431    @tab Codec used in Cyberia game.
432@item CamStudio              @tab     @tab  X
433    @tab fourcc: CSCD
434@item CD+G                   @tab     @tab  X
435    @tab Video codec for CD+G karaoke disks
436@item Chinese AVS video      @tab  E  @tab  X
437    @tab AVS1-P2, JiZhun profile, encoding through external library libxavs
438@item Delphine Software International CIN video  @tab     @tab  X
439    @tab Codec used in Delphine Software International games.
440@item Discworld II BMV Video @tab     @tab  X
441@item Cinepak                @tab     @tab  X
442@item Cirrus Logic AccuPak   @tab  X  @tab  X
443    @tab fourcc: CLJR
444@item Creative YUV (CYUV)    @tab     @tab  X
445@item DFA                    @tab     @tab  X
446    @tab Codec used in Chronomaster game.
447@item Dirac                  @tab  E  @tab  E
448    @tab supported through external libdirac/libschroedinger libraries
449@item Deluxe Paint Animation @tab     @tab  X
450@item DNxHD                  @tab   X @tab  X
451    @tab aka SMPTE VC3
452@item Duck TrueMotion 1.0   @tab     @tab  X
453    @tab fourcc: DUCK
454@item Duck TrueMotion 2.0    @tab     @tab  X
455    @tab fourcc: TM20
456@item DV (Digital Video)     @tab  X  @tab  X
457@item Dxtory capture format  @tab     @tab  X
458@item Feeble Files/ScummVM DXA  @tab     @tab  X
459    @tab Codec originally used in Feeble Files game.
460@item Electronic Arts CMV video  @tab     @tab  X
461    @tab Used in NHL 95 game.
462@item Electronic Arts Madcow video  @tab     @tab  X
463@item Electronic Arts TGV video  @tab     @tab  X
464@item Electronic Arts TGQ video  @tab     @tab  X
465@item Electronic Arts TQI video  @tab     @tab  X
466@item Escape 124             @tab     @tab  X
467@item FFmpeg video codec #1  @tab  X  @tab  X
468    @tab experimental lossless codec (fourcc: FFV1)
469@item Flash Screen Video v1  @tab  X  @tab  X
470    @tab fourcc: FSV1
471@item Flash Screen Video v2  @tab     @tab  X
472@item Flash Video (FLV)      @tab  X  @tab  X
473    @tab Sorenson H.263 used in Flash
474@item Fraps                  @tab     @tab  X
475@item H.261                  @tab  X  @tab  X
476@item H.263 / H.263-1996     @tab  X  @tab  X
477@item H.263+ / H.263-1998 / H.263 version 2  @tab  X  @tab  X
478@item H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10  @tab  E  @tab  X
479    @tab encoding supported through external library libx264
480@item H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 (VDPAU acceleration)  @tab  E  @tab  X
481@item HuffYUV                @tab  X  @tab  X
482@item HuffYUV FFmpeg variant @tab  X  @tab  X
483@item IBM Ultimotion         @tab     @tab  X
484    @tab fourcc: ULTI
485@item id Cinematic video     @tab     @tab  X
486    @tab Used in Quake II.
487@item id RoQ video           @tab  X  @tab  X
488    @tab Used in Quake III, Jedi Knight 2, other computer games.
489@item IFF ILBM               @tab     @tab  X
490    @tab IFF interleaved bitmap
491@item IFF ByteRun1           @tab     @tab  X
492    @tab IFF run length encoded bitmap
493@item Intel H.263            @tab     @tab  X
494@item Intel Indeo 2          @tab     @tab  X
495@item Intel Indeo 3          @tab     @tab  X
496@item Intel Indeo 4          @tab     @tab  X
497@item Intel Indeo 5          @tab     @tab  X
498@item Interplay C93          @tab     @tab  X
499    @tab Used in the game Cyberia from Interplay.
500@item Interplay MVE video    @tab     @tab  X
501    @tab Used in Interplay .MVE files.
502@item Karl Morton's video codec  @tab     @tab  X
503    @tab Codec used in Worms games.
504@item Kega Game Video (KGV1) @tab      @tab  X
505    @tab Kega emulator screen capture codec.
506@item Lagarith               @tab     @tab  X
507@item LCL (LossLess Codec Library) MSZH  @tab     @tab  X
508@item LCL (LossLess Codec Library) ZLIB  @tab  E  @tab  E
509@item LOCO                   @tab     @tab  X
510@item lossless MJPEG         @tab  X  @tab  X
511@item Microsoft RLE          @tab     @tab  X
512@item Microsoft Video 1      @tab     @tab  X
513@item Mimic                  @tab     @tab  X
514    @tab Used in MSN Messenger Webcam streams.
515@item Miro VideoXL           @tab     @tab  X
516    @tab fourcc: VIXL
517@item MJPEG (Motion JPEG)    @tab  X  @tab  X
518@item Mobotix MxPEG video    @tab     @tab  X
519@item Motion Pixels video    @tab     @tab  X
520@item MPEG-1 video           @tab  X  @tab  X
521@item MPEG-1/2 video XvMC (X-Video Motion Compensation)  @tab     @tab  X
522@item MPEG-1/2 video (VDPAU acceleration)  @tab     @tab  X
523@item MPEG-2 video           @tab  X  @tab  X
524@item MPEG-4 part 2          @tab  X  @tab  X
525    @ libxvidcore can be used alternatively for encoding.
526@item MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 1  @tab     @tab  X
527@item MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 2  @tab  X  @tab  X
528@item MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 3  @tab  X  @tab  X
529@item Nintendo Gamecube THP video  @tab     @tab  X
530@item NuppelVideo/RTjpeg     @tab     @tab  X
531    @tab Video encoding used in NuppelVideo files.
532@item On2 VP3                @tab     @tab  X
533    @tab still experimental
534@item On2 VP5                @tab     @tab  X
535    @tab fourcc: VP50
536@item On2 VP6                @tab     @tab  X
537    @tab fourcc: VP60,VP61,VP62
538@item VP8                    @tab  E  @tab  X
539    @tab fourcc: VP80, encoding supported through external library libvpx
540@item planar RGB             @tab     @tab  X
541    @tab fourcc: 8BPS
542@item Q-team QPEG            @tab     @tab  X
543    @tab fourccs: QPEG, Q1.0, Q1.1
544@item QuickTime 8BPS video   @tab     @tab  X
545@item QuickTime Animation (RLE) video  @tab  X  @tab  X
546    @tab fourcc: 'rle '
547@item QuickTime Graphics (SMC)  @tab     @tab  X
548    @tab fourcc: 'smc '
549@item QuickTime video (RPZA) @tab     @tab  X
550    @tab fourcc: rpza
551@item R10K AJA Kona 10-bit RGB Codec     @tab     @tab  X
552@item R210 Quicktime Uncompressed RGB 10-bit     @tab     @tab  X
553@item Raw Video              @tab  X  @tab  X
554@item RealVideo 1.0          @tab  X  @tab  X
555@item RealVideo 2.0          @tab  X  @tab  X
556@item RealVideo 3.0          @tab     @tab  X
557    @tab still far from ideal
558@item RealVideo 4.0          @tab     @tab  X
559@item Renderware TXD (TeXture Dictionary)  @tab     @tab  X
560    @tab Texture dictionaries used by the Renderware Engine.
561@item RL2 video              @tab     @tab  X
562    @tab used in some games by Entertainment Software Partners
563@item Sierra VMD video       @tab     @tab  X
564    @tab Used in Sierra VMD files.
565@item Smacker video          @tab     @tab  X
566    @tab Video encoding used in Smacker.
567@item SMPTE VC-1             @tab     @tab  X
568@item Snow                   @tab  X  @tab  X
569    @tab experimental wavelet codec (fourcc: SNOW)
570@item Sony PlayStation MDEC (Motion DECoder)  @tab     @tab  X
571@item Sorenson Vector Quantizer 1  @tab  X  @tab  X
572    @tab fourcc: SVQ1
573@item Sorenson Vector Quantizer 3  @tab     @tab  X
574    @tab fourcc: SVQ3
575@item Sunplus JPEG (SP5X)    @tab     @tab  X
576    @tab fourcc: SP5X
577@item TechSmith Screen Capture Codec  @tab     @tab  X
578    @tab fourcc: TSCC
579@item Theora                 @tab  E  @tab  X
580    @tab encoding supported through external library libtheora
581@item Tiertex Limited SEQ video  @tab     @tab  X
582    @tab Codec used in DOS CD-ROM FlashBack game.
583@item Ut Video               @tab     @tab  X
584@item v210 QuickTime uncompressed 4:2:2 10-bit     @tab  X  @tab  X
585@item v410 QuickTime uncompressed 4:4:4 10-bit     @tab  X  @tab  X
586@item VBLE Lossless Codec    @tab     @tab  X
587@item VMware Screen Codec / VMware Video  @tab     @tab  X
588    @tab Codec used in videos captured by VMware.
589@item Westwood Studios VQA (Vector Quantized Animation) video  @tab     @tab  X
590@item Windows Media Image    @tab     @tab  X
591@item Windows Media Video 7  @tab  X  @tab  X
592@item Windows Media Video 8  @tab  X  @tab  X
593@item Windows Media Video 9  @tab     @tab  X
594    @tab not completely working
595@item Wing Commander III / Xan  @tab     @tab  X
596    @tab Used in Wing Commander III .MVE files.
597@item Wing Commander IV / Xan  @tab     @tab  X
598    @tab Used in Wing Commander IV.
599@item Winnov WNV1            @tab     @tab  X
600@item WMV7                   @tab  X  @tab  X
601@item YAMAHA SMAF            @tab  X  @tab  X
602@item Psygnosis YOP Video    @tab     @tab  X
603@item ZLIB                   @tab  X  @tab  X
604    @tab part of LCL, encoder experimental
605@item Zip Motion Blocks Video  @tab   X @tab  X
606    @tab Encoder works only in PAL8.
607@end multitable
609@code{X} means that encoding (resp. decoding) is supported.
611@code{E} means that support is provided through an external library.
613@section Audio Codecs
615@multitable @columnfractions .4 .1 .1 .4
616@item Name @tab Encoding @tab Decoding @tab Comments
617@item 8SVX audio             @tab     @tab  X
618@item AAC                    @tab  E  @tab  X
619    @tab encoding supported through external library libfaac and libvo-aacenc
620@item AC-3                   @tab IX  @tab  X
621@item ADPCM 4X Movie         @tab     @tab  X
622@item ADPCM CDROM XA         @tab     @tab  X
623@item ADPCM Creative Technology @tab     @tab  X
624    @tab 16 -> 4, 8 -> 4, 8 -> 3, 8 -> 2
625@item ADPCM Electronic Arts  @tab     @tab  X
626    @tab Used in various EA titles.
627@item ADPCM Electronic Arts Maxis CDROM XS  @tab     @tab  X
628    @tab Used in Sim City 3000.
629@item ADPCM Electronic Arts R1  @tab     @tab  X
630@item ADPCM Electronic Arts R2  @tab     @tab  X
631@item ADPCM Electronic Arts R3  @tab     @tab  X
632@item ADPCM Electronic Arts XAS @tab     @tab  X
633@item ADPCM G.722            @tab  X  @tab  X
634@item ADPCM G.726            @tab  X  @tab  X
635@item ADPCM IMA AMV          @tab     @tab  X
636    @tab Used in AMV files
637@item ADPCM IMA Electronic Arts EACS  @tab     @tab  X
638@item ADPCM IMA Electronic Arts SEAD  @tab     @tab  X
639@item ADPCM IMA Funcom       @tab     @tab  X
640@item ADPCM IMA QuickTime    @tab  X  @tab  X
641@item ADPCM IMA Loki SDL MJPEG  @tab     @tab  X
642@item ADPCM IMA WAV          @tab  X  @tab  X
643@item ADPCM IMA Westwood     @tab     @tab  X
644@item ADPCM ISS IMA          @tab     @tab  X
645    @tab Used in FunCom games.
646@item ADPCM IMA Duck DK3     @tab     @tab  X
647    @tab Used in some Sega Saturn console games.
648@item ADPCM IMA Duck DK4     @tab     @tab  X
649    @tab Used in some Sega Saturn console games.
650@item ADPCM Microsoft        @tab  X  @tab  X
651@item ADPCM MS IMA           @tab  X  @tab  X
652@item ADPCM Nintendo Gamecube THP  @tab     @tab  X
653@item ADPCM QT IMA           @tab  X  @tab  X
654@item ADPCM SEGA CRI ADX     @tab  X  @tab  X
655    @tab Used in Sega Dreamcast games.
656@item ADPCM Shockwave Flash  @tab  X  @tab  X
657@item ADPCM SMJPEG IMA       @tab     @tab  X
658    @tab Used in certain Loki game ports.
659@item ADPCM Sound Blaster Pro 2-bit  @tab     @tab  X
660@item ADPCM Sound Blaster Pro 2.6-bit  @tab     @tab  X
661@item ADPCM Sound Blaster Pro 4-bit  @tab     @tab  X
662@item ADPCM Westwood Studios IMA @tab     @tab  X
663    @tab Used in Westwood Studios games like Command and Conquer.
664@item ADPCM Yamaha           @tab  X  @tab  X
665@item AMR-NB                 @tab  E  @tab  X
666    @tab encoding supported through external library libopencore-amrnb
667@item AMR-WB                 @tab  E  @tab  X
668    @tab encoding supported through external library libvo-amrwbenc
669@item Apple lossless audio   @tab  X  @tab  X
670    @tab QuickTime fourcc 'alac'
671@item Atrac 1                @tab     @tab  X
672@item Atrac 3                @tab     @tab  X
673@item Bink Audio             @tab     @tab  X
674    @tab Used in Bink and Smacker files in many games.
675@item Delphine Software International CIN audio  @tab     @tab  X
676    @tab Codec used in Delphine Software International games.
677@item Discworld II BMV Audio @tab     @tab  X
678@item COOK                   @tab     @tab  X
679    @tab All versions except 5.1 are supported.
680@item DCA (DTS Coherent Acoustics)  @tab     @tab  X
681@item DPCM id RoQ            @tab  X  @tab  X
682    @tab Used in Quake III, Jedi Knight 2, other computer games.
683@item DPCM Interplay         @tab     @tab  X
684    @tab Used in various Interplay computer games.
685@item DPCM Sierra Online     @tab     @tab  X
686    @tab Used in Sierra Online game audio files.
687@item DPCM Sol               @tab     @tab  X
688@item DPCM Xan               @tab     @tab  X
689    @tab Used in Origin's Wing Commander IV AVI files.
690@item DSP Group TrueSpeech   @tab     @tab  X
691@item DV audio               @tab     @tab  X
692@item Enhanced AC-3          @tab  X  @tab  X
693@item FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec)  @tab  X  @tab  IX
694@item GSM                    @tab  E  @tab  X
695    @tab encoding supported through external library libgsm
696@item GSM Microsoft variant  @tab  E  @tab  X
697    @tab encoding supported through external library libgsm
698@item IMC (Intel Music Coder)  @tab     @tab  X
699@item MACE (Macintosh Audio Compression/Expansion) 3:1  @tab     @tab  X
700@item MACE (Macintosh Audio Compression/Expansion) 6:1  @tab     @tab  X
701@item MLP (Meridian Lossless Packing)  @tab     @tab  X
702    @tab Used in DVD-Audio discs.
703@item Monkey's Audio         @tab     @tab  X
704    @tab Only versions 3.97-3.99 are supported.
705@item MP1 (MPEG audio layer 1)  @tab     @tab IX
706@item MP2 (MPEG audio layer 2)  @tab IX  @tab IX
707@item MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)  @tab  E  @tab IX
708    @tab encoding supported through external library LAME, ADU MP3 and MP3onMP4 also supported
709@item MPEG-4 Audio Lossless Coding (ALS)  @tab     @tab  X
710@item Musepack SV7           @tab     @tab  X
711@item Musepack SV8           @tab     @tab  X
712@item Nellymoser Asao        @tab  X  @tab  X
713@item PCM A-law              @tab  X  @tab  X
714@item PCM mu-law             @tab  X  @tab  X
715@item PCM 16-bit little-endian planar  @tab     @tab  X
716@item PCM 32-bit floating point big-endian  @tab  X  @tab  X
717@item PCM 32-bit floating point little-endian  @tab  X  @tab  X
718@item PCM 64-bit floating point big-endian  @tab  X  @tab  X
719@item PCM 64-bit floating point little-endian  @tab  X  @tab  X
720@item PCM D-Cinema audio signed 24-bit   @tab  X  @tab  X
721@item PCM signed 8-bit       @tab  X  @tab  X
722@item PCM signed 16-bit big-endian  @tab  X  @tab  X
723@item PCM signed 16-bit little-endian  @tab  X  @tab  X
724@item PCM signed 24-bit big-endian  @tab  X  @tab  X
725@item PCM signed 24-bit little-endian  @tab  X  @tab  X
726@item PCM signed 32-bit big-endian  @tab  X  @tab  X
727@item PCM signed 32-bit little-endian  @tab  X  @tab  X
728@item PCM signed 16/20/24-bit big-endian in MPEG-TS  @tab     @tab  X
729@item PCM unsigned 8-bit     @tab  X  @tab  X
730@item PCM unsigned 16-bit big-endian  @tab  X  @tab  X
731@item PCM unsigned 16-bit little-endian  @tab  X  @tab  X
732@item PCM unsigned 24-bit big-endian  @tab  X  @tab  X
733@item PCM unsigned 24-bit little-endian  @tab  X  @tab  X
734@item PCM unsigned 32-bit big-endian  @tab  X  @tab  X
735@item PCM unsigned 32-bit little-endian  @tab  X  @tab  X
736@item PCM Zork               @tab     @tab  X
737@item QCELP / PureVoice      @tab     @tab  X
738@item QDesign Music Codec 2  @tab     @tab  X
739    @tab There are still some distortions.
740@item RealAudio 1.0 (14.4K)  @tab  X  @tab  X
741    @tab Real 14400 bit/s codec
742@item RealAudio 2.0 (28.8K)  @tab     @tab  X
743    @tab Real 28800 bit/s codec
744@item RealAudio 3.0 (dnet)   @tab IX  @tab  X
745    @tab Real low bitrate AC-3 codec
746@item RealAudio SIPR / ACELP.NET @tab     @tab  X
747@item Shorten                @tab     @tab  X
748@item Sierra VMD audio       @tab     @tab  X
749    @tab Used in Sierra VMD files.
750@item Smacker audio          @tab     @tab  X
751@item SMPTE 302M AES3 audio  @tab     @tab  X
752@item Speex                  @tab  E  @tab  E
753    @tab supported through external library libspeex
754@item True Audio (TTA)       @tab     @tab  X
755@item TrueHD                 @tab     @tab  X
756    @tab Used in HD-DVD and Blu-Ray discs.
757@item TwinVQ (VQF flavor)    @tab     @tab  X
758@item Vorbis                 @tab  E  @tab  X
759    @tab A native but very primitive encoder exists.
760@item WavPack                @tab     @tab  X
761@item Westwood Audio (SND1)  @tab     @tab  X
762@item Windows Media Audio 1  @tab  X  @tab  X
763@item Windows Media Audio 2  @tab  X  @tab  X
764@item Windows Media Audio Pro @tab    @tab  X
765@item Windows Media Audio Voice @tab  @tab  X
766@end multitable
768@code{X} means that encoding (resp. decoding) is supported.
770@code{E} means that support is provided through an external library.
772@code{I} means that an integer-only version is available, too (ensures high
773performance on systems without hardware floating point support).
775@section Subtitle Formats
777@multitable @columnfractions .4 .1 .1 .1 .1
778@item Name @tab Muxing @tab Demuxing @tab Encoding @tab Decoding
779@item SSA/ASS      @tab X @tab X @tab X @tab X
780@item DVB          @tab X @tab X @tab X @tab X
781@item DVD          @tab X @tab X @tab X @tab X
782@item PGS          @tab   @tab   @tab   @tab X
783@item SubRip (SRT) @tab X @tab X @tab   @tab X
784@item XSUB         @tab   @tab   @tab X @tab X
785@end multitable
787@code{X} means that the feature is supported.
789@section Network Protocols
791@multitable @columnfractions .4 .1
792@item Name         @tab Support
793@item Apple HTTP Live Streaming @tab X
794@item file         @tab X
795@item Gopher       @tab X
796@item HTTP         @tab X
797@item MMS          @tab X
798@item pipe         @tab X
799@item RTP          @tab X
800@item TCP          @tab X
801@item UDP          @tab X
802@end multitable
804@code{X} means that the protocol is supported.
807@section Input/Output Devices
809@multitable @columnfractions .4 .1 .1
810@item Name              @tab Input  @tab Output
811@item ALSA              @tab X      @tab X
812@item BKTR              @tab X      @tab
813@item DV1394            @tab X      @tab
814@item JACK              @tab X      @tab
815@item LIBDC1394         @tab X      @tab
816@item OSS               @tab X      @tab X
817@item Pulseaudio        @tab X      @tab
818@item Video4Linux       @tab X      @tab
819@item Video4Linux2      @tab X      @tab
820@item VfW capture       @tab X      @tab
821@item X11 grabbing      @tab X      @tab
822@end multitable
824@code{X} means that input/output is supported.