1                    How to add a new sample to wxWidgets.
2                    =====================================
4To add a new sample "foo" under directory "samples/foo" you need to do
5the following: (note that all this applies also to demos: just replace
6samples/ with demos/ where needed).
81. Create the directory samples/foo locally and "cvs add" it.
102. "cvs add" the sample sources (usually based on minimal.cpp) as well.
12   Note that unless your sample requires something special you shouldn't
13   add foo.rc, foo.ico, ... any more, please just reuse the generic sample.*
14   files in the samples subdirectory.
163. Create the makefiles:
17   a) modify samples/samples.bkl (just copy an existing line)
18   b) create foo.bkl (sed 's/minimal/foo/g' minimal.bkl > foo.bkl is usually
19      enough, but you may need to add more <wx-lib> lines if your sample uses
20      anything not in the core lib)
21   c) generate the makefiles for your sample using bakefile. For this you
22      need to:
23      (i) install bakefile (see http://bakefile.sf.net/)
24      (ii) run bakefile_gen in build/bakefiles which will regenerate all
25           makefiles which are not up to date
27      You may also use "bakefile_gen -b ../../samples/foo/foo.bkl" to
28      regenerate only the makefiles for this sample (path must be relative!)
29      or even add a "-f<compiler>" to generate just the makefiles for the given
30      compiler (run 'bakefile --help' to get the list of possible values).
31      See Technote #16 for more information.
334. Modify configure.in Unix compilation:
34   a) if the sample should only be built if "wxUSE_FOO" is enabled, locate
35      the test for "wxUSE_FOO = yes" in configure.in and add a line
37   b) if it should be always built, locate the line "if test $wxUSE_GUI = yes"
38      near the end of configure.in and modify the assignment to
39      SAMPLES_SUBDIRS to include "foo" (put in alphabetical order)
41   After this, regenerate configure from configure.in
42   by running "autoconf" on a Unix system in the corresponding directory.
445. Add a short description of what the sample does and how does it work
45   to the "samples overview" section in the wxWidgets manual. That section
46   lives in docs/latex/wx/tsamples.tex; look at the descriptions for other
47   samples, if you are not familiar with LaTeX.
496. Add any non-standard sample's files to build/bakefiles/make_dist.mk (the
50   makefiles copies all bmp, cpp, h, ico, png, rc, xpm and makefiles by
51   default) and update distrib/scripts/manifests/{generic|makefile|vc|dmc
52   |wince}.rsp.
54=== EOF ===
56Author:  VZ
57Version: $Id: tn0001.txt 42992 2006-11-03 21:00:58Z VZ $