1.. Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
3.. SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
5.. This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6.. License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7.. file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9.. See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional
10.. information regarding copyright ownership.
12.. _relnotes_known_issues:
14Known Issues
17- Upgrading from BIND 9.16.32, 9.18.6, or any older version may require
18  a manual configuration change. The following configurations are
19  affected:
21  - :any:`type primary` zones configured with :any:`dnssec-policy` but
22    without either :any:`allow-update` or :any:`update-policy`,
23  - :any:`type secondary` zones configured with :any:`dnssec-policy`.
25  In these cases please add :namedconf:ref:`inline-signing yes;
26  <inline-signing>` to the individual zone configuration(s). Without
27  applying this change, :iscman:`named` will fail to start. For more
28  details, see
29  https://kb.isc.org/docs/dnssec-policy-requires-dynamic-dns-or-inline-signing
31- BIND 9.18 does not support dynamic update forwarding (see
32  :any:`allow-update-forwarding`) in conjuction with zone transfers over
33  TLS (XoT). :gl:`#3512`
35- According to :rfc:`8310`, Section 8.1, the ``Subject`` field MUST NOT
36  be inspected when verifying a remote certificate while establishing a
37  DNS-over-TLS connection. Only ``subjectAltName`` must be checked
38  instead. Unfortunately, some quite old versions of cryptographic
39  libraries might lack the ability to ignore the ``Subject`` field. This
40  should have minimal production-use consequences, as most of the
41  production-ready certificates issued by certificate authorities will
42  have ``subjectAltName`` set. In such cases, the ``Subject`` field is
43  ignored. Only old platforms are affected by this, e.g. those supplied
44  with OpenSSL versions older than 1.1.1. :gl:`#3163`
46- ``rndc`` has been updated to use the new BIND network manager API. As
47  the network manager currently has no support for UNIX-domain sockets,
48  those cannot now be used with ``rndc``. This will be addressed in a
49  future release, either by restoring UNIX-domain socket support or by
50  formally declaring them to be obsolete in the control channel.
51  :gl:`#1759`
53- Sending NOTIFY messages silently fails when the source port specified
54  in the :any:`notify-source` statement is already in use. This can
55  happen e.g. when multiple servers are configured as NOTIFY targets for
56  a zone and some of them are unresponsive. This issue can be worked
57  around by not specifying the source port for NOTIFY messages in the
58  :any:`notify-source` statement; note that source port configuration is
59  already `deprecated`_ and will be removed altogether in a future
60  release. :gl:`#4002`
62.. _deprecated: https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/bind9/-/issues/3781