1; Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
3; SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
5; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6; License, v. 2.0.  If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7; file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9; See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional
10; information regarding copyright ownership.
13$TTL 300	; 5 minutes
14example			IN SOA	mname1. . (
15				2000042795 ; serial
16				20         ; refresh (20 seconds)
17				20         ; retry (20 seconds)
18				1814400    ; expire (3 weeks)
19				3600       ; minimum (1 hour)
20				)
21example.		NS	ns2.example.
22ns2.example.		A
23example.		NS	ns3.example.
24ns3.example.		A
26$ORIGIN example.
27*			MX	10 mail
28a			TXT	"foo foo foo"
29			PTR	foo.net.
30$TTL 3600	; 1 hour
31a01			A
32a02			A
33a601			AAAA	ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
34afsdb01			AFSDB	0 hostname
35afsdb02			AFSDB	65535 .
36$TTL 300	; 5 minutes
37b			CNAME	foo.net.
38c			A
39$TTL 3600	; 1 hour
40cert01			CERT	65534 65535 PRIVATEOID (
41				MxFcby9k/yvedMfQgKzhH5er0Mu/vILz45IkskceFGgi
42				WCn/GxHhai6VAuHAoNUz4YoU1tVfSCSqQYn6//11U6Nl
43				d80jEeC8aTrO+KKmCaY= )
44cname01			CNAME	cname-target.
45cname02			CNAME	cname-target
46cname03			CNAME	.
47$TTL 300	; 5 minutes
48d			A
49$TTL 3600	; 1 hour
50dname01			DNAME	dname-target.
51dname02			DNAME	dname-target
52dname03			DNAME	.
53$TTL 300	; 5 minutes
54e			MX	10 mail
55			TXT	"one"
56			TXT	"three"
57			TXT	"two"
58			A
59			A
60			A
61			A
62f			A
63$TTL 3600	; 1 hour
64gpos01			GPOS	"-22.6882" "116.8652" "250.0"
65gpos02			GPOS	"" "" ""
66hinfo01			HINFO	"Generic PC clone" "NetBSD-1.4"
67hinfo02			HINFO	"PC" "NetBSD"
68isdn01			ISDN	"isdn-address"
69isdn02			ISDN	"isdn-address" "subaddress"
70isdn03			ISDN	"isdn-address"
71isdn04			ISDN	"isdn-address" "subaddress"
72dnskey01		DNSKEY	512 255 1 (
73				AQMFD5raczCJHViKtLYhWGz8hMY9UGRuniJDBzC7w0aR
74				yzWZriO6i2odGWWQVucZqKVsENW91IOW4vqudngPZsY3
75				GvQ/xVA8/7pyFj6b7Esga60zyGW6LFe9r8n6paHrlG5o
76				jqf0BaqHT+8= )
77kx01			KX	10 kdc
78kx02			KX	10 .
79loc01			LOC	60 9 0.000 N 24 39 0.000 E 10.00m 20m 2000m 20m
80loc02			LOC	60 9 0.000 N 24 39 0.000 E 10.00m 20m 2000m 20m
81mb01			MG	madname
82mb02			MG	.
83mg01			MG	mgmname
84mg02			MG	.
85minfo01			MINFO	rmailbx emailbx
86minfo02			MINFO	. .
87mr01			MR	mrname
88mr02			MR	.
89mx01			MX	10 mail
90mx02			MX	10 .
91naptr01			NAPTR	0 0 "" "" "" .
92naptr02			NAPTR	65535 65535 "blurgh" "blorf" ":(.*):\\1:" foo.
93nsap-ptr01		NSAP-PTR foo.
94			NSAP-PTR .
95nsap01			NSAP	0x47000580005a0000000001e133ffffff00016100
96nsap02			NSAP	0x47000580005a0000000001e133ffffff00016100
97nsec01			NSEC	a.secure ( NS SOA MX RRSIG DNSKEY LOC NSEC )
98nsec02			NSEC	. ( NSAP-PTR NSEC )
99nsec03			NSEC	. ( A )
100nsec04			NSEC	. ( 127 )
101ptr01			PTR	example.
102px01			PX	65535 foo. bar.
103px02			PX	65535 . .
104rp01			RP	mbox-dname txt-dname
105rp02			RP	. .
106rt01			RT	0 intermediate-host
107rt02			RT	65535 .
108$TTL 300	; 5 minutes
109s			NS	ns.s
110$ORIGIN s.example.
111ns			A
112$ORIGIN example.
113$TTL 3600	; 1 hour
114rrsig01			RRSIG	NSEC 1 3 3600 20000102030405 (
115				19961211100908 2143 foo
116				MxFcby9k/yvedMfQgKzhH5er0Mu/vILz45IkskceFGgi
117				WCn/GxHhai6VAuHAoNUz4YoU1tVfSCSqQYn6//11U6Nl
118				d80jEeC8aTrO+KKmCaY= )
119srv01			SRV	0 0 0 .
120srv02			SRV	65535 65535 65535 old-slow-box.example.com.
121$TTL 301	; 5 minutes 1 second
122t			A
123$TTL 3600	; 1 hour
124txt01			TXT	"foo"
125txt02			TXT	"foo" "bar"
126txt03			TXT	"foo"
127txt04			TXT	"foo" "bar"
128txt05			TXT	"foo bar"
129txt06			TXT	"foo bar"
130txt07			TXT	"foo bar"
131txt08			TXT	"foo\010bar"
132txt09			TXT	"foo\010bar"
133txt10			TXT	"foo bar"
134txt11			TXT	"\"foo\""
135txt12			TXT	"\"foo\""
136$TTL 300	; 5 minutes
137u			TXT	"txt-not-in-nsec"
138$ORIGIN u.example.
139a			A
140b			A
141$ORIGIN example.
142$TTL 3600	; 1 hour
143wks01			WKS 6 ( 0 1 2 21 23 )
144wks02			WKS 17 ( 0 1 2 53 )
145wks03			WKS 6 ( 65535 )
146x2501			X25	"123456789"