1/* benchtime.h -- compute the timings for the benchmark.
3Copyright (C) 2014 INRIA - CNRS
5This file is part of GNU MPC.
7GNU MPC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
9Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
10option) any later version.
12GNU MPC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
13WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
14FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
15more details.
17You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .
22/* compute the time to run accurately niter calls of the function for any number of inputs */
23#define DECLARE_ACCURATE_TIME_NOP(func, funccall)      \
24unsigned long int ACCURATE_TIME_NOP##func( unsigned long int niter, int n, mpc_t* z, mpc_t* x, mpc_t* y, int nop);\
25unsigned long int ACCURATE_TIME_NOP##func( unsigned long int niter, int n, mpc_t* z, mpc_t* x, \
26__attribute__ ((__unused__)) mpc_t* y, \
27__attribute__ ((__unused__)) int nop)\
28{                                             \
29  unsigned long int i;  int kn;           \
30  unsigned long int t0 = get_cputime ();      \
31  for (i = niter, kn=0; i > 0; i--)           \
32    {                                         \
33	  funccall;	                              \
34	  kn++; if (kn==n) kn = 0; 			      \
35    }                                         \
36  return get_cputime () - t0;                 \
39/* address of the function to time accurately niter calls of func */
42/* address of the function to time one call of func */
43#define ADDR_TIME_NOP(func) TIME_NOP##func
46/* compute the time to run only one call of the function with two inputs  */
47#define DECLARE_TIME_NOP(func, funcall, nop)				  \
48 DECLARE_ACCURATE_TIME_NOP(func, funcall)					  \
49 double TIME_NOP##func(int n, mpc_t* z, mpc_t* x, mpc_t* y);  \
50 double TIME_NOP##func(int n, mpc_t* z, mpc_t* x, mpc_t* y)   \
51 {					                                          \
52  double t; unsigned long int nbcall, mytime;                 \
53    for (nbcall = 1, mytime=0; mytime<25000; ) 	  \
54      {									                      \
55          nbcall <<= 1; \
56	   mytime = ACCURATE_TIME_NOP##func(nbcall, n, z, x, y, nop);  \
57      }									                      \
58      t = (double) mytime/ nbcall ;					          \
59   return t;							                      \
60 }
62/* compute the time to run accurately niter calls of the function */
63/* functions with 2 operands */
64#define DECLARE_TIME_2OP(func)   DECLARE_TIME_NOP(func, func(z[kn],x[kn],y[kn], MPC_RNDNN), 2 )
65/* functions with 1 operand */
66#define DECLARE_TIME_1OP(func)   DECLARE_TIME_NOP(func, func(z[kn],x[kn], MPC_RNDNN), 1 )