1" Syntax highlighting rules for GIMPLE dump files (for Vim).
3" Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5" This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7" the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
8" any later version
10" This Vim script highlights syntax in debug dumps containing GIMPLE
11" intermediate representation.  Such dumps are produced by GCC when
12" it is invoked with -fdump-tree-* and/or -fdump-ipa-* switches.  Tested
13" in Vim 7.4 (but should also work with earlier versions).
16" Do not continue, if syntax is already enabled in current buffer.
17if exists("b:current_syntax")
18    finish
21" If this variable is set to true, "Unknown tree" in -fdump-tree-original will
22" be highlighted as an error.
23let s:unknown_tree_is_error=0
25" Comments for Phi nodes, value ranges, use/def-chains, etc.
26syn match   gimpleAnnotation    "\v#.*$"
27            \ contains=gimpleAnnotationOp, gimpleAnnotationMark,
28            \ gimpleNumber, gimpleLineNo
29syn match   gimpleAnnotationMark    "#" contained
30syn keyword gimpleAnnotationOp    PHI VUSE VDEF RANGE PT USE CLB
31            \ ALIGN MISALIGN NONZERO contained
33" General-purpose comments.
34syn match   gimpleComment       ";;.*$"
36" Types - mostly borrowed from original Vim syntax file for C
37syn keyword     gimpleType  int long short char void
38            \ signed unsigned float double
39            \ size_t ssize_t off_t wchar_t ptrdiff_t sig_atomic_t fpos_t
40            \ clock_t time_t va_list jmp_buf FILE DIR div_t ldiv_t
41            \ mbstate_t wctrans_t wint_t wctype_t
42            \ _Bool bool _Complex complex _Imaginary imaginary
43            \ int8_t int16_t int32_t int64_t
44            \ uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t
45            \ int_least8_t int_least16_t int_least32_t int_least64_t
46            \ uint_least8_t uint_least16_t uint_least32_t uint_least64_t
47            \ int_fast8_t int_fast16_t int_fast32_t int_fast64_t
48            \ uint_fast8_t uint_fast16_t uint_fast32_t uint_fast64_t
49            \ intptr_t uintptr_t
50            \ intmax_t uintmax_t
51            \ __label__ __complex__ __volatile__
52            \ char16_t char32_t sizetype __vtbl_ptr_type
54" C/C++-like control structures
55syn keyword gimpleStatement     goto return
56syn keyword gimpleConditional   if else
57syn keyword gimpleLoop          while
58syn keyword gimpleException     try catch finally
60" Special 'values'
61syn match   gimpleConstant      "{CLOBBER}"
62syn match   gimpleConstant      "{ref-all}"
63syn match   gimpleConstant      "{v}"
65" Blocks
66syn region  gimpleBlock         start="{" end="}" transparent fold
68" String literals
69syn region  gimpleString        start=/\v"/ skip=/\v\\./ end=/\v"/
71" GENERIC AST nodes
72syn keyword gimpleASTNode       BIT_FIELD_REF TARGET_EXPR expr_stmt
73            \ NON_LVALUE_EXPR
74            \ must_not_throw_expr eh_spec_block eh_filter
75            \ eh_must_not_throw aggr_init_expr cleanup_point
77if s:unknown_tree_is_error
78    syn match   gimpleUnknownTree   "\vUnknown tree: \w+"
81" Ignore probability of edges and basic blocks
82"  <bb 2> [70.00%]:
83syn match   gimpleFrequency     " \[\d*\.\d*%\]"
85" Ignore basic block with a count
86"  <bb 10> [local count: 118111601]:
87syn match   gimpleBBCount       "\v\[(local )?count: \d+\]"
89" Numbers
90syn match   gimpleNumber        "\v([^.a-zA-Z0-9_])\zs-?\d+B?"
91syn match   gimpleFloat         "\v\W\zs-?\d*\.\d+(e\+\d+)?"
93" Basic block label
94" <bb 123>:
95syn match   gimpleLabel         "\v^\s*\zs\<bb \d+\>"
96" <D.1234>:
97" <L1>:
98syn match   gimpleLabel         "\v^\s*\zs\<[DL]\.?\d+\>"
99" label: - user-defined label
100" bb1L.1:
101syn match   gimpleLabel         "\v^\s*[a-zA-Z0-9._]+\ze:\s*$"
103" Match label after goto to suppress highlighting of numbers inside
104syn match   gimpleGotoLabel     "\v<bb \d+\>[^:]"
106" Line numbers, generated with -fdump-tree-*-lineno
107syn match   gimpleLineNo        "\v\[[^\]]+:\d+:\d+\]"
109" DEBUG statements
110syn match   gimpleDebug         "\v# DEBUG.*"
112" GIMPLE predict statement
113syn match   gimplePrediction    "\v\/\/ predicted.*"
116" Misc C/C++-like keywords
117syn keyword gimpleStructure     struct union enum typedef class
118syn keyword gimpleStorageClass  static register auto volatile extern const
119            \ template inline __attribute__ _Alignas alignas _Atomic
120            \ _Thread_local thread_local _Alignof alignof sizeof
122hi def link gimpleType          Type
123hi def link gimpleNumber        Number
124hi def link gimpleFloat         Float
125hi def link gimpleConstant      Constant
126hi def link gimpleStructure     Structure
127hi def link gimpleStorageClass  StorageClass
128hi def link gimpleOperator      Operator
129hi def link gimpleASTNode       Operator
130hi def link gimpleStatement     Statement
131hi def link gimpleConditional   Conditional
132hi def link gimpleLoop          Repeat
133hi def link gimpleException     Exception
134hi def link gimpleComment       Comment
135hi def link gimpleLineNo        Comment
136hi def link gimpleLabel         Label
137hi def link gimpleAnnotationOp  Debug
138hi def link gimpleAnnotationMark Debug
139hi def link gimpleString        String
140hi def link gimpleUnknownTree   Error
141hi def link gimpleDebug         Debug
142hi def link gimplePrediction    Debug
143hi def link gimpleFrequency     Debug
144hi def link gimpleBBCount       Debug
146let b:current_syntax = "gimple"