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3exists a nested <code class="code">struct __pool_base::_Tune</code> that contains all
4these parameters, which include settings for
5</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; "><li class="listitem"><p>Alignment</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Maximum bytes before calling <code class="code">::operator new</code> directly</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Minimum bytes</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Size of underlying global allocations</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Maximum number of supported threads</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Migration of deallocations to the global free list</p></li><li class="listitem"><p>Shunt for global <code class="code">new</code> and <code class="code">delete</code></p></li></ul></div><p>Adjusting parameters for a given instance of an allocator can only
6happen before any allocations take place, when the allocator itself is
7initialized. For instance:
8</p><pre class="programlisting">
9#include &lt;ext/mt_allocator.h&gt;
11struct pod
13  int i;
14  int j;
17int main()
19  typedef pod value_type;
20  typedef __gnu_cxx::__mt_alloc&lt;value_type&gt; allocator_type;
21  typedef __gnu_cxx::__pool_base::_Tune tune_type;
23  tune_type t_default;
24  tune_type t_opt(16, 5120, 32, 5120, 20, 10, false);
25  tune_type t_single(16, 5120, 32, 5120, 1, 10, false);
27  tune_type t;
28  t = allocator_type::_M_get_options();
29  allocator_type::_M_set_options(t_opt);
30  t = allocator_type::_M_get_options();
32  allocator_type a;
33  allocator_type::pointer p1 = a.allocate(128);
34  allocator_type::pointer p2 = a.allocate(5128);
36  a.deallocate(p1, 128);
37  a.deallocate(p2, 5128);
39  return 0;
41</pre></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="allocator.mt.init"></a>Initialization</h3></div></div></div><p>
42The static variables (pointers to freelists, tuning parameters etc)
43are initialized as above, or are set to the global defaults.
45The very first allocate() call will always call the
46_S_initialize_once() function.  In order to make sure that this
47function is called exactly once we make use of a __gthread_once call
48in MT applications and check a static bool (_S_init) in ST
51The _S_initialize() function:
52- If the GLIBCXX_FORCE_NEW environment variable is set, it sets the bool
53  _S_force_new to true and then returns. This will cause subsequent calls to
54  allocate() to return memory directly from a new() call, and deallocate will
55  only do a delete() call.
57- If the GLIBCXX_FORCE_NEW environment variable is not set, both ST and MT
58  applications will:
59  - Calculate the number of bins needed. A bin is a specific power of two size
60    of bytes. I.e., by default the allocator will deal with requests of up to
61    128 bytes (or whatever the value of _S_max_bytes is when _S_init() is
62    called). This means that there will be bins of the following sizes
63    (in bytes): 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.
65  - Create the _S_binmap array. All requests are rounded up to the next
66    "large enough" bin. I.e., a request for 29 bytes will cause a block from
67    the "32 byte bin" to be returned to the application. The purpose of
68    _S_binmap is to speed up the process of finding out which bin to use.
69    I.e., the value of _S_binmap[ 29 ] is initialized to 5 (bin 5 = 32 bytes).
71  - Create the _S_bin array. This array consists of bin_records. There will be
72    as many bin_records in this array as the number of bins that we calculated
73    earlier. I.e., if _S_max_bytes = 128 there will be 8 entries.
74    Each bin_record is then initialized:
75    - bin_record-&gt;first = An array of pointers to block_records. There will be
76      as many block_records pointers as there are maximum number of threads
77      (in a ST application there is only 1 thread, in a MT application there
78      are _S_max_threads).
79      This holds the pointer to the first free block for each thread in this
80      bin. I.e., if we would like to know where the first free block of size 32
81      for thread number 3 is we would look this up by: _S_bin[ 5 ].first[ 3 ]
83    The above created block_record pointers members are now initialized to
84    their initial values. I.e. _S_bin[ n ].first[ n ] = NULL;
86- Additionally a MT application will:
87  - Create a list of free thread id's. The pointer to the first entry
88    is stored in _S_thread_freelist_first. The reason for this approach is
89    that the __gthread_self() call will not return a value that corresponds to
90    the maximum number of threads allowed but rather a process id number or
91    something else. So what we do is that we create a list of thread_records.
92    This list is _S_max_threads long and each entry holds a size_t thread_id
93    which is initialized to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on up to _S_max_threads.
94    Each time a thread calls allocate() or deallocate() we call
95    _S_get_thread_id() which looks at the value of _S_thread_key which is a
96    thread local storage pointer. If this is NULL we know that this is a newly
97    created thread and we pop the first entry from this list and saves the
98    pointer to this record in the _S_thread_key variable. The next time
99    we will get the pointer to the thread_record back and we use the
100    thread_record-&gt;thread_id as identification. I.e., the first thread that
101    calls allocate will get the first record in this list and thus be thread
102    number 1 and will then find the pointer to its first free 32 byte block
103    in _S_bin[ 5 ].first[ 1 ]
104    When we create the _S_thread_key we also define a destructor
105    (_S_thread_key_destr) which means that when the thread dies, this
106    thread_record is returned to the front of this list and the thread id
107    can then be reused if a new thread is created.
108    This list is protected by a mutex (_S_thread_freelist_mutex) which is only
109    locked when records are removed or added to the list.
111  - Initialize the free and used counters of each bin_record:
112    - bin_record-&gt;free = An array of size_t. This keeps track of the number
113      of blocks on a specific thread's freelist in each bin. I.e., if a thread
114      has 12 32-byte blocks on it's freelists and allocates one of these, this
115      counter would be decreased to 11.
117    - bin_record-&gt;used = An array of size_t. This keeps track of the number
118      of blocks currently in use of this size by this thread. I.e., if a thread
119      has made 678 requests (and no deallocations...) of 32-byte blocks this
120      counter will read 678.
122    The above created arrays are now initialized with their initial values.
123    I.e. _S_bin[ n ].free[ n ] = 0;
125  - Initialize the mutex of each bin_record: The bin_record-&gt;mutex
126    is used to protect the global freelist. This concept of a global
127    freelist is explained in more detail in the section "A multi
128    threaded example", but basically this mutex is locked whenever a
129    block of memory is retrieved or returned to the global freelist
130    for this specific bin. This only occurs when a number of blocks
131    are grabbed from the global list to a thread specific list or when
132    a thread decides to return some blocks to the global freelist.
133</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="allocator.mt.deallocation"></a>Deallocation Notes</h3></div></div></div><p> Notes about deallocation. This allocator does not explicitly
134release memory back to the OS, but keeps its own freelists instead.
135Because of this, memory debugging programs like
136valgrind or purify may notice leaks: sorry about this
137inconvenience. Operating systems will reclaim allocated memory at
138program termination anyway. If sidestepping this kind of noise is
139desired, there are three options: use an allocator, like
140<code class="code">new_allocator</code> that releases memory while debugging, use
141GLIBCXX_FORCE_NEW to bypass the allocator's internal pools, or use a
142custom pool datum that releases resources on destruction.
144  On systems with the function <code class="code">__cxa_atexit</code>, the
145allocator can be forced to free all memory allocated before program
146termination with the member function
147<code class="code">__pool_type::_M_destroy</code>. However, because this member
148function relies on the precise and exactly-conforming ordering of
149static destructors, including those of a static local
150<code class="code">__pool</code> object, it should not be used, ever, on systems
151that don't have the necessary underlying support. In addition, in
152practice, forcing deallocation can be tricky, as it requires the
153<code class="code">__pool</code> object to be fully-constructed before the object
154that uses it is fully constructed. For most (but not all) STL
155containers, this works, as an instance of the allocator is constructed
156as part of a container's constructor. However, this assumption is
157implementation-specific, and subject to change. For an example of a
158pool that frees memory, see the following
159    <a class="link" href="http://gcc.gnu.org/viewcvs/gcc/trunk/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/ext/mt_allocator/deallocate_local-6.cc?view=markup" target="_top">
160    example.</a>
161</p></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr /><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="mt_allocator_design.html">Prev</a>��</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="mt_allocator.html">Up</a></td><td width="40%" align="right">��<a accesskey="n" href="mt_allocator_ex_single.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Design Issues��</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="../index.html">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top">��Single Thread Example</td></tr></table></div></body></html>