1/* This file is automatically generated.  DO NOT EDIT! */
2/* Generated from: NetBSD: mknative-binutils,v 1.13 2020/04/04 01:34:53 christos Exp  */
3/* Generated from: NetBSD: mknative.common,v 1.16 2018/04/15 15:13:37 christos Exp  */
5/* The date below is automatically updated every day by a bot.  During
6   development, we include the date in the tools' version strings
7   (visible in 'ld -v' etc.) because people build binutils from a
8   variety of sources - git, tarballs, distro sources - and we want
9   something that can easily identify the source they used when they
10   report bugs.  The bfd version plus date is usually good enough for
11   that purpose.
13   During development, this date ends up in libbfd and libopcodes
14   sonames because people naturally expect shared libraries with the
15   same soname to have compatible ABIs.  We could bump the bfd version
16   on every ABI change, but that's just another thing contributors and
17   maintainers would need to remember.  Instead, it's much easier for
18   all if the soname contains the date.  This is not perfect but is
19   good enough.
21   In releases, the date is not included in either version strings or
22   sonames.  */
23#define BFD_VERSION_DATE 20200201
24#define BFD_VERSION 234000000
25#define BFD_VERSION_STRING  "(NetBSD Binutils nb1) " "2.34"
26#define REPORT_BUGS_TO "<http://www.NetBSD.org/support/send-pr.html>"