1//===- NewPMDriver.cpp - Driver for opt with new PM -----------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
8/// \file
10/// This file is just a split of the code that logically belongs in opt.cpp but
11/// that includes the new pass manager headers.
15#include "NewPMDriver.h"
16#include "PassPrinters.h"
17#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
18#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
19#include "llvm/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h"
20#include "llvm/Analysis/CGSCCPassManager.h"
21#include "llvm/Analysis/TargetLibraryInfo.h"
22#include "llvm/Bitcode/BitcodeWriterPass.h"
23#include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
24#include "llvm/IR/Dominators.h"
25#include "llvm/IR/IRPrintingPasses.h"
26#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
27#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
28#include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"
29#include "llvm/IR/Verifier.h"
30#include "llvm/Passes/PassBuilder.h"
31#include "llvm/Passes/PassPlugin.h"
32#include "llvm/Passes/StandardInstrumentations.h"
33#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
34#include "llvm/Support/ToolOutputFile.h"
35#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
36#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/ThinLTOBitcodeWriter.h"
37#include "llvm/Transforms/Instrumentation/AddressSanitizer.h"
38#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/LoopPassManager.h"
39#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Debugify.h"
41using namespace llvm;
42using namespace opt_tool;
44namespace llvm {
45cl::opt<bool> DebugifyEach(
46    "debugify-each",
47    cl::desc("Start each pass with debugify and end it with check-debugify"));
50    DebugifyExport("debugify-export",
51                   cl::desc("Export per-pass debugify statistics to this file"),
52                   cl::value_desc("filename"));
53} // namespace llvm
55enum class DebugLogging { None, Normal, Verbose };
57static cl::opt<DebugLogging> DebugPM(
58    "debug-pass-manager", cl::Hidden, cl::ValueOptional,
59    cl::desc("Print pass management debugging information"),
60    cl::init(DebugLogging::None),
61    cl::values(
62        clEnumValN(DebugLogging::Normal, "", ""),
63        clEnumValN(
64            DebugLogging::Verbose, "verbose",
65            "Print extra information about adaptors and pass managers")));
67static cl::list<std::string>
68    PassPlugins("load-pass-plugin",
69                cl::desc("Load passes from plugin library"));
71// This flag specifies a textual description of the alias analysis pipeline to
72// use when querying for aliasing information. It only works in concert with
73// the "passes" flag above.
74static cl::opt<std::string>
75    AAPipeline("aa-pipeline",
76               cl::desc("A textual description of the alias analysis "
77                        "pipeline for handling managed aliasing queries"),
78               cl::Hidden, cl::init("default"));
80/// {{@ These options accept textual pipeline descriptions which will be
81/// inserted into default pipelines at the respective extension points
82static cl::opt<std::string> PeepholeEPPipeline(
83    "passes-ep-peephole",
84    cl::desc("A textual description of the function pass pipeline inserted at "
85             "the Peephole extension points into default pipelines"),
86    cl::Hidden);
87static cl::opt<std::string> LateLoopOptimizationsEPPipeline(
88    "passes-ep-late-loop-optimizations",
89    cl::desc(
90        "A textual description of the loop pass pipeline inserted at "
91        "the LateLoopOptimizations extension point into default pipelines"),
92    cl::Hidden);
93static cl::opt<std::string> LoopOptimizerEndEPPipeline(
94    "passes-ep-loop-optimizer-end",
95    cl::desc("A textual description of the loop pass pipeline inserted at "
96             "the LoopOptimizerEnd extension point into default pipelines"),
97    cl::Hidden);
98static cl::opt<std::string> ScalarOptimizerLateEPPipeline(
99    "passes-ep-scalar-optimizer-late",
100    cl::desc("A textual description of the function pass pipeline inserted at "
101             "the ScalarOptimizerLate extension point into default pipelines"),
102    cl::Hidden);
103static cl::opt<std::string> CGSCCOptimizerLateEPPipeline(
104    "passes-ep-cgscc-optimizer-late",
105    cl::desc("A textual description of the cgscc pass pipeline inserted at "
106             "the CGSCCOptimizerLate extension point into default pipelines"),
107    cl::Hidden);
108static cl::opt<std::string> VectorizerStartEPPipeline(
109    "passes-ep-vectorizer-start",
110    cl::desc("A textual description of the function pass pipeline inserted at "
111             "the VectorizerStart extension point into default pipelines"),
112    cl::Hidden);
113static cl::opt<std::string> PipelineStartEPPipeline(
114    "passes-ep-pipeline-start",
115    cl::desc("A textual description of the module pass pipeline inserted at "
116             "the PipelineStart extension point into default pipelines"),
117    cl::Hidden);
118static cl::opt<std::string> PipelineEarlySimplificationEPPipeline(
119    "passes-ep-pipeline-early-simplification",
120    cl::desc("A textual description of the module pass pipeline inserted at "
121             "the EarlySimplification extension point into default pipelines"),
122    cl::Hidden);
123static cl::opt<std::string> OptimizerLastEPPipeline(
124    "passes-ep-optimizer-last",
125    cl::desc("A textual description of the module pass pipeline inserted at "
126             "the OptimizerLast extension point into default pipelines"),
127    cl::Hidden);
129// Individual pipeline tuning options.
130extern cl::opt<bool> DisableLoopUnrolling;
132namespace llvm {
133extern cl::opt<PGOKind> PGOKindFlag;
134extern cl::opt<std::string> ProfileFile;
135extern cl::opt<CSPGOKind> CSPGOKindFlag;
136extern cl::opt<std::string> CSProfileGenFile;
137extern cl::opt<bool> DisableBasicAA;
138} // namespace llvm
140static cl::opt<std::string>
141    ProfileRemappingFile("profile-remapping-file",
142                         cl::desc("Path to the profile remapping file."),
143                         cl::Hidden);
144static cl::opt<bool> DebugInfoForProfiling(
145    "new-pm-debug-info-for-profiling", cl::init(false), cl::Hidden,
146    cl::desc("Emit special debug info to enable PGO profile generation."));
147static cl::opt<bool> PseudoProbeForProfiling(
148    "new-pm-pseudo-probe-for-profiling", cl::init(false), cl::Hidden,
149    cl::desc("Emit pseudo probes to enable PGO profile generation."));
150/// @}}
152template <typename PassManagerT>
153bool tryParsePipelineText(PassBuilder &PB,
154                          const cl::opt<std::string> &PipelineOpt) {
155  if (PipelineOpt.empty())
156    return false;
158  // Verify the pipeline is parseable:
159  PassManagerT PM;
160  if (auto Err = PB.parsePassPipeline(PM, PipelineOpt)) {
161    errs() << "Could not parse -" << PipelineOpt.ArgStr
162           << " pipeline: " << toString(std::move(Err))
163           << "... I'm going to ignore it.\n";
164    return false;
165  }
166  return true;
169/// If one of the EPPipeline command line options was given, register callbacks
170/// for parsing and inserting the given pipeline
171static void registerEPCallbacks(PassBuilder &PB) {
172  if (tryParsePipelineText<FunctionPassManager>(PB, PeepholeEPPipeline))
173    PB.registerPeepholeEPCallback(
174        [&PB](FunctionPassManager &PM, PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel Level) {
175          ExitOnError Err("Unable to parse PeepholeEP pipeline: ");
176          Err(PB.parsePassPipeline(PM, PeepholeEPPipeline));
177        });
178  if (tryParsePipelineText<LoopPassManager>(PB,
179                                            LateLoopOptimizationsEPPipeline))
180    PB.registerLateLoopOptimizationsEPCallback(
181        [&PB](LoopPassManager &PM, PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel Level) {
182          ExitOnError Err("Unable to parse LateLoopOptimizationsEP pipeline: ");
183          Err(PB.parsePassPipeline(PM, LateLoopOptimizationsEPPipeline));
184        });
185  if (tryParsePipelineText<LoopPassManager>(PB, LoopOptimizerEndEPPipeline))
186    PB.registerLoopOptimizerEndEPCallback(
187        [&PB](LoopPassManager &PM, PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel Level) {
188          ExitOnError Err("Unable to parse LoopOptimizerEndEP pipeline: ");
189          Err(PB.parsePassPipeline(PM, LoopOptimizerEndEPPipeline));
190        });
191  if (tryParsePipelineText<FunctionPassManager>(PB,
192                                                ScalarOptimizerLateEPPipeline))
193    PB.registerScalarOptimizerLateEPCallback(
194        [&PB](FunctionPassManager &PM, PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel Level) {
195          ExitOnError Err("Unable to parse ScalarOptimizerLateEP pipeline: ");
196          Err(PB.parsePassPipeline(PM, ScalarOptimizerLateEPPipeline));
197        });
198  if (tryParsePipelineText<CGSCCPassManager>(PB, CGSCCOptimizerLateEPPipeline))
199    PB.registerCGSCCOptimizerLateEPCallback(
200        [&PB](CGSCCPassManager &PM, PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel Level) {
201          ExitOnError Err("Unable to parse CGSCCOptimizerLateEP pipeline: ");
202          Err(PB.parsePassPipeline(PM, CGSCCOptimizerLateEPPipeline));
203        });
204  if (tryParsePipelineText<FunctionPassManager>(PB, VectorizerStartEPPipeline))
205    PB.registerVectorizerStartEPCallback(
206        [&PB](FunctionPassManager &PM, PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel Level) {
207          ExitOnError Err("Unable to parse VectorizerStartEP pipeline: ");
208          Err(PB.parsePassPipeline(PM, VectorizerStartEPPipeline));
209        });
210  if (tryParsePipelineText<ModulePassManager>(PB, PipelineStartEPPipeline))
211    PB.registerPipelineStartEPCallback(
212        [&PB](ModulePassManager &PM, PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel) {
213          ExitOnError Err("Unable to parse PipelineStartEP pipeline: ");
214          Err(PB.parsePassPipeline(PM, PipelineStartEPPipeline));
215        });
216  if (tryParsePipelineText<ModulePassManager>(
217          PB, PipelineEarlySimplificationEPPipeline))
218    PB.registerPipelineEarlySimplificationEPCallback(
219        [&PB](ModulePassManager &PM, PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel) {
220          ExitOnError Err("Unable to parse EarlySimplification pipeline: ");
221          Err(PB.parsePassPipeline(PM, PipelineEarlySimplificationEPPipeline));
222        });
223  if (tryParsePipelineText<FunctionPassManager>(PB, OptimizerLastEPPipeline))
224    PB.registerOptimizerLastEPCallback(
225        [&PB](ModulePassManager &PM, PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel) {
226          ExitOnError Err("Unable to parse OptimizerLastEP pipeline: ");
227          Err(PB.parsePassPipeline(PM, OptimizerLastEPPipeline));
228        });
231#define HANDLE_EXTENSION(Ext)                                                  \
232  llvm::PassPluginLibraryInfo get##Ext##PluginInfo();
233#include "llvm/Support/Extension.def"
235bool llvm::runPassPipeline(StringRef Arg0, Module &M, TargetMachine *TM,
236                           TargetLibraryInfoImpl *TLII, ToolOutputFile *Out,
237                           ToolOutputFile *ThinLTOLinkOut,
238                           ToolOutputFile *OptRemarkFile,
239                           StringRef PassPipeline, ArrayRef<StringRef> Passes,
240                           OutputKind OK, VerifierKind VK,
241                           bool ShouldPreserveAssemblyUseListOrder,
242                           bool ShouldPreserveBitcodeUseListOrder,
243                           bool EmitSummaryIndex, bool EmitModuleHash,
244                           bool EnableDebugify, bool Coroutines) {
245  bool VerifyEachPass = VK == VK_VerifyEachPass;
247  Optional<PGOOptions> P;
248  switch (PGOKindFlag) {
249  case InstrGen:
250    P = PGOOptions(ProfileFile, "", "", PGOOptions::IRInstr);
251    break;
252  case InstrUse:
253    P = PGOOptions(ProfileFile, "", ProfileRemappingFile, PGOOptions::IRUse);
254    break;
255  case SampleUse:
256    P = PGOOptions(ProfileFile, "", ProfileRemappingFile,
257                   PGOOptions::SampleUse);
258    break;
259  case NoPGO:
260    if (DebugInfoForProfiling)
261      P = PGOOptions("", "", "", PGOOptions::NoAction, PGOOptions::NoCSAction,
262                     true);
263    else if (PseudoProbeForProfiling)
264      P = PGOOptions("", "", "", PGOOptions::NoAction, PGOOptions::NoCSAction,
265                     false, true);
266    else
267      P = None;
268  }
269  if (CSPGOKindFlag != NoCSPGO) {
270    if (P && (P->Action == PGOOptions::IRInstr ||
271              P->Action == PGOOptions::SampleUse))
272      errs() << "CSPGOKind cannot be used with IRInstr or SampleUse";
273    if (CSPGOKindFlag == CSInstrGen) {
274      if (CSProfileGenFile.empty())
275        errs() << "CSInstrGen needs to specify CSProfileGenFile";
276      if (P) {
277        P->CSAction = PGOOptions::CSIRInstr;
278        P->CSProfileGenFile = CSProfileGenFile;
279      } else
280        P = PGOOptions("", CSProfileGenFile, ProfileRemappingFile,
281                       PGOOptions::NoAction, PGOOptions::CSIRInstr);
282    } else /* CSPGOKindFlag == CSInstrUse */ {
283      if (!P)
284        errs() << "CSInstrUse needs to be together with InstrUse";
285      P->CSAction = PGOOptions::CSIRUse;
286    }
287  }
288  LoopAnalysisManager LAM;
289  FunctionAnalysisManager FAM;
290  CGSCCAnalysisManager CGAM;
291  ModuleAnalysisManager MAM;
293  PassInstrumentationCallbacks PIC;
294  PrintPassOptions PrintPassOpts;
295  PrintPassOpts.Verbose = DebugPM == DebugLogging::Verbose;
296  StandardInstrumentations SI(DebugPM != DebugLogging::None, VerifyEachPass,
297                              PrintPassOpts);
298  SI.registerCallbacks(PIC, &FAM);
299  DebugifyEachInstrumentation Debugify;
300  if (DebugifyEach)
301    Debugify.registerCallbacks(PIC);
303  PipelineTuningOptions PTO;
304  // LoopUnrolling defaults on to true and DisableLoopUnrolling is initialized
305  // to false above so we shouldn't necessarily need to check whether or not the
306  // option has been enabled.
307  PTO.LoopUnrolling = !DisableLoopUnrolling;
308  PTO.Coroutines = Coroutines;
309  PassBuilder PB(TM, PTO, P, &PIC);
310  registerEPCallbacks(PB);
312  // Load requested pass plugins and let them register pass builder callbacks
313  for (auto &PluginFN : PassPlugins) {
314    auto PassPlugin = PassPlugin::Load(PluginFN);
315    if (!PassPlugin) {
316      errs() << "Failed to load passes from '" << PluginFN
317             << "'. Request ignored.\n";
318      continue;
319    }
321    PassPlugin->registerPassBuilderCallbacks(PB);
322  }
324  // Register a callback that creates the debugify passes as needed.
325  PB.registerPipelineParsingCallback(
326      [](StringRef Name, ModulePassManager &MPM,
327         ArrayRef<PassBuilder::PipelineElement>) {
328        if (Name == "debugify") {
329          MPM.addPass(NewPMDebugifyPass());
330          return true;
331        } else if (Name == "check-debugify") {
332          MPM.addPass(NewPMCheckDebugifyPass());
333          return true;
334        }
335        return false;
336      });
337  PB.registerPipelineParsingCallback(
338      [](StringRef Name, ModulePassManager &MPM,
339         ArrayRef<PassBuilder::PipelineElement>) {
340        if (Name == "asan-pipeline") {
341          MPM.addPass(
342              RequireAnalysisPass<ASanGlobalsMetadataAnalysis, Module>());
343          MPM.addPass(
344              createModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor(AddressSanitizerPass()));
345          MPM.addPass(ModuleAddressSanitizerPass());
346          return true;
347        } else if (Name == "asan-function-pipeline") {
348          MPM.addPass(
349              RequireAnalysisPass<ASanGlobalsMetadataAnalysis, Module>());
350          MPM.addPass(
351              createModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor(AddressSanitizerPass()));
352          return true;
353        }
354        return false;
355      });
357#define HANDLE_EXTENSION(Ext)                                                  \
358  get##Ext##PluginInfo().RegisterPassBuilderCallbacks(PB);
359#include "llvm/Support/Extension.def"
361  // Specially handle the alias analysis manager so that we can register
362  // a custom pipeline of AA passes with it.
363  AAManager AA;
364  if (Passes.empty()) {
365    if (auto Err = PB.parseAAPipeline(AA, AAPipeline)) {
366      errs() << Arg0 << ": " << toString(std::move(Err)) << "\n";
367      return false;
368    }
369  }
371  // For compatibility with the legacy PM AA pipeline.
372  // AAResultsWrapperPass by default provides basic-aa in the legacy PM
373  // unless -disable-basic-aa is specified.
374  // TODO: remove this once tests implicitly requiring basic-aa use -passes= and
375  // -aa-pipeline=basic-aa.
376  if (!Passes.empty() && !DisableBasicAA) {
377    if (auto Err = PB.parseAAPipeline(AA, "basic-aa")) {
378      errs() << Arg0 << ": " << toString(std::move(Err)) << "\n";
379      return false;
380    }
381  }
383  // For compatibility with legacy pass manager.
384  // Alias analyses are not specially specified when using the legacy PM.
385  for (auto PassName : Passes) {
386    if (PB.isAAPassName(PassName)) {
387      if (auto Err = PB.parseAAPipeline(AA, PassName)) {
388        errs() << Arg0 << ": " << toString(std::move(Err)) << "\n";
389        return false;
390      }
391    }
392  }
394  // Register the AA manager first so that our version is the one used.
395  FAM.registerPass([&] { return std::move(AA); });
396  // Register our TargetLibraryInfoImpl.
397  FAM.registerPass([&] { return TargetLibraryAnalysis(*TLII); });
399  // Register all the basic analyses with the managers.
400  PB.registerModuleAnalyses(MAM);
401  PB.registerCGSCCAnalyses(CGAM);
402  PB.registerFunctionAnalyses(FAM);
403  PB.registerLoopAnalyses(LAM);
404  PB.crossRegisterProxies(LAM, FAM, CGAM, MAM);
406  ModulePassManager MPM;
407  if (VK > VK_NoVerifier)
408    MPM.addPass(VerifierPass());
409  if (EnableDebugify)
410    MPM.addPass(NewPMDebugifyPass());
412  if (!PassPipeline.empty()) {
413    assert(Passes.empty() &&
414           "PassPipeline and Passes should not both contain passes");
415    if (auto Err = PB.parsePassPipeline(MPM, PassPipeline)) {
416      errs() << Arg0 << ": " << toString(std::move(Err)) << "\n";
417      return false;
418    }
419  }
420  for (auto PassName : Passes) {
421    std::string ModifiedPassName(PassName.begin(), PassName.end());
422    if (PB.isAnalysisPassName(PassName))
423      ModifiedPassName = "require<" + ModifiedPassName + ">";
424    if (auto Err = PB.parsePassPipeline(MPM, ModifiedPassName)) {
425      errs() << Arg0 << ": " << toString(std::move(Err)) << "\n";
426      return false;
427    }
428  }
430  if (VK > VK_NoVerifier)
431    MPM.addPass(VerifierPass());
432  if (EnableDebugify)
433    MPM.addPass(NewPMCheckDebugifyPass());
435  // Add any relevant output pass at the end of the pipeline.
436  switch (OK) {
437  case OK_NoOutput:
438    break; // No output pass needed.
439  case OK_OutputAssembly:
440    MPM.addPass(
441        PrintModulePass(Out->os(), "", ShouldPreserveAssemblyUseListOrder));
442    break;
443  case OK_OutputBitcode:
444    MPM.addPass(BitcodeWriterPass(Out->os(), ShouldPreserveBitcodeUseListOrder,
445                                  EmitSummaryIndex, EmitModuleHash));
446    break;
447  case OK_OutputThinLTOBitcode:
448    MPM.addPass(ThinLTOBitcodeWriterPass(
449        Out->os(), ThinLTOLinkOut ? &ThinLTOLinkOut->os() : nullptr));
450    break;
451  }
453  // Before executing passes, print the final values of the LLVM options.
454  cl::PrintOptionValues();
456  // Now that we have all of the passes ready, run them.
457  MPM.run(M, MAM);
459  // Declare success.
460  if (OK != OK_NoOutput) {
461    Out->keep();
462    if (OK == OK_OutputThinLTOBitcode && ThinLTOLinkOut)
463      ThinLTOLinkOut->keep();
464  }
466  if (OptRemarkFile)
467    OptRemarkFile->keep();
469  if (DebugifyEach && !DebugifyExport.empty())
470    exportDebugifyStats(DebugifyExport, Debugify.StatsMap);
472  return true;
475void llvm::printPasses(raw_ostream &OS) {
476  PassBuilder PB;
477  PB.printPassNames(OS);