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16    <h1>Data-Structure Genericity</h1>
18    <h2><a name="problem" id="problem">The Basic Problem</a></h2>
20    <p>The design attempts to address the following problem. When
21    writing a function manipulating a generic container object,
22    what is the behavior of the object? <i>E.g.</i>, suppose one
23    writes</p>
24    <pre>
25<b>template</b>&lt;<b>typename</b> Cntnr&gt;
27some_op_sequence(Cntnr &amp;r_container)
29    ...
31</pre>then one needs to address the following questions in the body
32of <tt>some_op_sequence</tt>:
34    <ol>
35      <li>Which types and methods does <tt>Cntnr</tt> support?
36      Containers based on hash tables can be queries for the
37      hash-functor type and object; this is meaningless for
38      tree-based containers. Containers based on trees can be
39      split, joined, or can erase iterators and return the
40      following iterator; this cannot be done by hash-based
41      containers.</li>
43      <li>What are the guarantees of <tt>Cntnr</tt>? A container
44      based on a probing hash-table invalidates all iterators when
45      it is modified; this is not the case for containers based on
46      node-based trees. Containers based on a node-based tree can
47      be split or joined without exceptions; this is not the case
48      for containers based on vector-based trees.</li>
50      <li>How does the container maintain its elements? Tree-based
51      and Trie-based containers store elements by key order;
52      others, typically, do not. A container based on a splay trees
53      or lists with update policies "cache" "frequently accessed"
54      elements; containers based on most other underlying
55      data structures do not.</li>
56    </ol>
58    <p>The remainder of this section deals with these issues.</p>
60    <h2><a name="ds_hierarchy" id="ds_hierarchy">Container
61    Hierarchy</a></h2>
63    <p>Figure <a href="#cd">Container class hierarchy</a> shows the
64    container hierarchy.</p>
66    <h6 class="c1"><a name="cd" id="cd"><img src="container_cd.png" alt=
67    "no image" /></a></h6>
69    <h6 class="c1">Container class hierarchy.</h6>
71    <ol>
72      <li><a href=
73      "container_base.html"><tt>container_base</tt></a> is an
74      abstract base class for associative containers.</li>
76      <li>Tree-Like-Based Associative-Containers:
78        <ol>
79          <li><a href=
80          "basic_tree.html"><tt>basic_tree</tt></a>
81          is an abstract base class for tree-like-based
82          associative-containers</li>
84          <li><a href=
85          "tree.html"><tt>tree</tt></a>
86          is a concrete base class for tree-based
87          associative-containers</li>
89          <li><a href=
90          "trie.html"><tt>trie</tt></a>
91          is a concrete base class trie-based
92          associative-containers</li>
93        </ol>
94      </li>
96      <li>Hash-Based Associative-Containers:
98        <ol>
99          <li><a href=
100          "basic_hash_table.html"><tt>basic_hash_table</tt></a>
101          is an abstract base class for hash-based
102          associative-containers</li>
104          <li><a href=
105          "cc_hash_table.html"><tt>cc_hash_table</tt></a>
106          is a concrete collision-chaining hash-based
107          associative-containers</li>
109          <li><a href=
110          "gp_hash_table.html"><tt>gp_hash_table</tt></a>
111          is a concrete (general) probing hash-based
112          associative-containers</li>
113        </ol>
114      </li>
116      <li>List-Based Associative-Containers:
118        <ol>
119          <li><a href=
120          "list_update.html"><tt>list_update</tt></a> -
121          list-based update-policy associative container</li>
122        </ol>
123      </li>
124    </ol>
126    <p>The hierarchy is composed naturally so that commonality is
127    captured by base classes. Thus <tt><b>operator[]</b></tt> is
128    defined <a href=
129    "container_base.html"><tt>container_base</tt></a>, since
130    all containers support it. Conversely <tt>split</tt> is defined
131    in <a href=
132    "basic_tree.html"><tt>basic_tree</tt></a>,
133    since only tree-like containers support it. <a href=
134    "#container_traits">Data-Structure Tags and Traits</a> discusses how
135    to query which types and methods each container supports.</p>
137    <h2><a name="container_traits" id="container_traits">Data-Structure Tags and
138    Traits</a></h2>
140    <p>Tags and traits are very useful for manipulating generic
141    types. For example, if <tt>It</tt> is an iterator class, then
142    <tt><b>typename</b> It::iterator_category</tt> or
143    <tt><b>typename</b>
144    std::iterator_traits&lt;It&gt;::iterator_category</tt> will
145    yield its category, and <tt><b>typename</b>
146    std::iterator_traits&lt;It&gt;::value_type</tt> will yield its
147    value type.</p>
149    <p><tt>pb_ds</tt> contains a tag hierarchy corresponding to the
150    hierarchy in Figure <a href="#cd">Class hierarchy</a>. The tag
151    hierarchy is shown in Figure <a href=
152    "#tag_cd">Data-structure tag class hierarchy</a>.</p>
154    <h6 class="c1"><a name="tag_cd" id="tag_cd"><img src=
155    "assoc_container_tag_cd.png" alt="no image" /></a></h6>
157    <h6 class="c1">Data-structure tag class hierarchy.</h6>
159    <p><a href=
160    "container_base.html"><tt>container_base</tt></a>
161    publicly defines <tt>container_category</tt> as one of the classes in
162    Figure <a href="#tag_cd">Data-structure tag class
163    hierarchy</a>. Given any container <tt>Cntnr</tt>, the tag of
164    the underlying data structure can be found via
165    <tt><b>typename</b> Cntnr::container_category</tt>.</p>
167    <p>Additionally, a traits mechanism can be used to query a
168    container type for its attributes. Given any container
169    <tt>Cntnr</tt>, then <tt><a href=
170    "assoc_container_traits.html">__gnu_pbds::container_traits</a>&lt;Cntnr&gt;</tt>
171    is a traits class identifying the properties of the
172    container.</p>
174    <p>To find if a container can throw when a key is erased (which
175    is true for vector-based trees, for example), one can
176    use</p><a href=
177    "assoc_container_traits.html"><tt>container_traits</tt></a><tt>&lt;Cntnr&gt;::erase_can_throw</tt>,
178    for example.
180    <p>Some of the definitions in <a href=
181    "assoc_container_traits.html"><tt>container_traits</tt></a> are
182    dependent on other definitions. <i>E.g.</i>, if <a href=
183    "assoc_container_traits.html"><tt>container_traits</tt></a><tt>&lt;Cntnr&gt;::order_preserving</tt>
184    is <tt><b>true</b></tt> (which is the case for containers based
185    on trees and tries), then the container can be split or joined;
186    in this case, <a href=
187    "assoc_container_traits.html"><tt>container_traits</tt></a><tt>&lt;Cntnr&gt;::split_join_can_throw</tt>
188    indicates whether splits or joins can throw exceptions (which
189    is true for vector-based trees); otherwise <a href=
190    "assoc_container_traits.html"><tt>container_traits</tt></a><tt>&lt;Cntnr&gt;::split_join_can_throw</tt>
191    will yield a compilation error. (This is somewhat similar to a
192    compile-time version of the COM model [<a href=
193    "references.html#mscom">mscom</a>]).</p>
195    <h2><a name="find_range" id="find_range">Point-Type and
196    Range-Type Methods and Iterators</a></h2>
198    <h3><a name="it_unordered" id="it_unordered">Iterators in
199    Unordered Container Types</a></h3>
201    <p><tt>pb_ds</tt> differentiates between two types of methods
202    and iterators: point-type methods and iterators, and range-type
203    methods and iterators (see <a href=
204    "motivation.html#assoc_diff_it">Motivation::Associative
205    Containers::Differentiating between Iterator Types</a> and
206    <a href="tutorial.html#assoc_find_range">Tutorial::Associative
207    Containers::Point-Type and Range-Type Methods and
208    Iterators</a>). Each associative container's interface includes
209    the methods:</p>
210    <pre>
212find(const_key_reference r_key) const;                
215find(const_key_reference r_key);         
218insert(const_reference r_val);
221    <p>The relationship between these iterator types varies between
222    container types. Figure <a href=
223    "#point_iterators_cd">Point-type and range-type iterators</a>-A
224    shows the most general invariant between point-type and
225    range-type iterators: <tt>iterator</tt>, <i>e.g.</i>, can
226    always be converted to <tt>point_iterator</tt>. Figure <a href=
227    "#point_iterators_cd">Point-type and range-type iterators</a>-B
228    shows invariants for order-preserving containers: point-type
229    iterators are synonymous with range-type iterators.
230    Orthogonally, Figure <a href="#point_iterators_cd">Point-type
231    and range-type iterators</a>-C shows invariants for "set"
232    containers: iterators are synonymous with const iterators.</p>
234    <h6 class="c1"><a name="point_iterators_cd" id=
235    "point_iterators_cd"><img src="point_iterators_cd.png" alt=
236    "no image" /></a></h6>
238    <h6 class="c1">Point-type and range-type iterators.</h6>
240    <p>Note that point-type iterators in self-organizing containers
241    (<i>e.g.</i>, hash-based associative containers) lack movement
242    operators, such as <tt><b>operator++</b></tt> - in fact, this
243    is the reason why <tt>pb_ds</tt> differentiates from the STL's
244    design on this point.</p>
246    <p>Typically, one can determine an iterator's movement
247    capabilities in the STL using
248    <tt>std::iterator_traits&lt;It&gt;iterator_category</tt>, which
249    is a <tt><b>struct</b></tt> indicating the iterator's movement
250    capabilities. Unfortunately, none of the STL's predefined
251    categories reflect a pointer's <u>not</u> having any movement
252    capabilities whatsoever. Consequently, <tt>pb_ds</tt> adds a
253    type <a href=
254    "trivial_iterator_tag.html"><tt>trivial_iterator_tag</tt></a>
255    (whose name is taken from a concept in [<a href=
256    "references.html#sgi_stl">sgi_stl</a>]), which is the category
257    of iterators with no movement capabilities. All other STL tags,
258    such as <tt>forward_iterator_tag</tt> retain their common
259    use.</p>
261    <h3><a name="inv_guar" id="inv_guar">Invalidation
262    Guarantees</a></h3>
264    <p><a href=
265    "motivation.html#assoc_inv_guar">Motivation::Associative
266    Containers::Differentiating between Iterator
267    Types::Invalidation Guarantees</a> posed a problem. Given three
268    different types of associative containers, a modifying
269    operation (in that example, <tt>erase</tt>) invalidated
270    iterators in three different ways: the iterator of one
271    container remained completely valid - it could be de-referenced
272    and incremented; the iterator of a different container could
273    not even be de-referenced; the iterator of the third container
274    could be de-referenced, but its "next" iterator changed
275    unpredictably.</p>
277    <p>Distinguishing between find and range types allows
278    fine-grained invalidation guarantees, because these questions
279    correspond exactly to the question of whether point-type
280    iterators and range-type iterators are valid. <a href=
281    "#invalidation_guarantee_cd">Invalidation guarantees class
282    hierarchy</a> shows tags corresponding to different types of
283    invalidation guarantees.</p>
285    <h6 class="c1"><a name="invalidation_guarantee_cd" id=
286    "invalidation_guarantee_cd"><img src=
287    "invalidation_guarantee_cd.png" alt="no image" /></a></h6>
289    <h6 class="c1">Invalidation guarantees class hierarchy.</h6>
291    <ol>
292      <li><a href=
293      "basic_invalidation_guarantee.html"><tt>basic_invalidation_guarantee</tt></a>
294      corresponds to a basic guarantee that a point-type iterator,
295      a found pointer, or a found reference, remains valid as long
296      as the container object is not modified.</li>
298      <li><a href=
299      "point_invalidation_guarantee.html"><tt>point_invalidation_guarantee</tt></a>
300      corresponds to a guarantee that a point-type iterator, a
301      found pointer, or a found reference, remains valid even if
302      the container object is modified.</li>
304      <li><a href=
305      "range_invalidation_guarantee.html"><tt>range_invalidation_guarantee</tt></a>
306      corresponds to a guarantee that a range-type iterator remains
307      valid even if the container object is modified.</li>
308    </ol>
310    <p>As shown in <a href=
311    "tutorial.html#assoc_find_range">Tutorial::Associative
312    Containers::Point-Type and Range-Type Methods and
313    Iterators</a>, to find the invalidation guarantee of a
314    container, one can use</p>
315    <pre>
316<b>typename</b> <a href=
320    <p>which is one of the classes in Figure <a href=
321    "#invalidation_guarantee_cd">Invalidation guarantees class
322    hierarchy</a>.</p>
324    <p>Note that this hierarchy corresponds to the logic it
325    represents: if a container has range-invalidation guarantees,
326    then it must also have find invalidation guarantees;
327    correspondingly, its invalidation guarantee (in this case
328    <a href=
329    "range_invalidation_guarantee.html"><tt>range_invalidation_guarantee</tt></a>)
330    can be cast to its base class (in this case <a href=
331    "point_invalidation_guarantee.html"><tt>point_invalidation_guarantee</tt></a>).
332    This means that this this hierarchy can be used easily using
333    standard metaprogramming techniques, by specializing on the
334    type of <tt>invalidation_guarantee</tt>.</p>
336    <p>(These types of problems were addressed, in a more general
337    setting, in [<a href=
338    "references.html#meyers96more">meyers96more</a>] - Item 2. In
339    our opinion, an invalidation-guarantee hierarchy would solve
340    these problems in all container types - not just associative
341    containers.)</p>
342  </div>