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7<title>Associative-Container Performance Tests</title>
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12<h1><a name="assoc" id="assoc">Associative-Container
13    Performance Tests</a></h1>
14<h2><a name="settings" id="settings">Settings</a></h2>
15<p>This section describes performance tests and their results.
16    In the following, <a href="#gcc"><u>g++</u></a>, <a href="#msvc"><u>msvc++</u></a>, and <a href="#local"><u>local</u></a> (the build used for generating this
17    documentation) stand for three different builds:</p>
18<div id="gcc_settings_div">
19<div class="c1">
20<h3><a name="gcc" id="gcc"><u>g++</u></a></h3>
22<li>CPU speed - cpu MHz : 2660.644</li>
23<li>Memory - MemTotal: 484412 kB</li>
24<li>Platform -
25          Linux-2.6.12-9-386-i686-with-debian-testing-unstable</li>
26<li>Compiler - g++ (GCC) 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease)
27          (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu9) Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software
28          Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source
29          for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even
31          PURPOSE.</li>
34<div class="c2"></div>
36<div id="msvc_settings_div">
37<div class="c1">
38<h3><a name="msvc" id="msvc"><u>msvc++</u></a></h3>
40<li>CPU speed - cpu MHz : 2660.554</li>
41<li>Memory - MemTotal: 484412 kB</li>
42<li>Platform - Windows XP Pro</li>
43<li>Compiler - Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing
44          Compiler Version 13.10.3077 for 80x86 Copyright (C)
45          Microsoft Corporation 1984-2002. All rights
46          reserved.</li>
49<div class="c2"></div>
51<div id="local_settings_div"><div style = "border-style: dotted; border-width: 1px; border-color: lightgray"><h3><a name = "local"><u>local</u></a></h3><ul>
52<li>CPU speed - cpu MHz		: 2250.000</li>
53<li>Memory - MemTotal:      2076248 kB</li>
54<li>Platform - Linux-2.6.16-1.2133_FC5-i686-with-redhat-5-Bordeaux</li>
55<li>Compiler - g++ (GCC) 4.1.1 20060525 (Red Hat 4.1.1-1)
56Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
57This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
61</div><div style = "width: 100%; height: 20px"></div></div>
62<h2><a name="assoc_tests" id="assoc_tests">Tests</a></h2>
63<h3><a name="hash_based" id="hash_based">Hash-Based
64    Containers</a></h3>
66<li><a href="hash_text_find_find_timing_test.html">Hash-Based
67      Text <tt>find</tt> Find Timing Test</a></li>
68<li><a href="hash_random_int_find_find_timing_test.html">Hash-Based
69      Random-Integer <tt>find</tt> Find Timing Test</a></li>
70<li><a href="hash_random_int_subscript_find_timing_test.html">Hash-Based
71      Random-Integer Subscript Find Timing Test</a></li>
72<li><a href="hash_random_int_subscript_insert_timing_test.html">Hash-Based
73      Random-Integer Subscript Insert Timing Test</a></li>
74<li><a href="hash_zlob_random_int_find_find_timing_test.html">Hash-Based
75      Skewed-Distribution Random-Integer <tt>find</tt> Find Timing
76      Test</a></li>
77<li><a href="hash_random_int_erase_mem_usage_test.html">Hash-Based Erase
78      Memory Use Test</a></li>
80<h3><a name="tree_like_based" id="tree_like_based">Tree-Like-Based Containers</a></h3>
82<li><a href="tree_text_insert_timing_test.html">Tree-Based
83      and Trie-Based Text Insert Timing Test</a></li>
84<li><a href="tree_text_find_find_timing_test.html">Tree-Based
85      and Trie-Based Text <tt>find</tt> Find Timing Test</a></li>
86<li><a href="tree_text_lor_find_find_timing_test.html">Tree-Based
87      Locality-of-Reference Text <tt>find</tt> Find Timing
88      Test</a></li>
89<li><a href="tree_random_int_find_find_timing_test.html">Tree-Based
90      Random-Integer <tt>find</tt> Find Timing Test</a></li>
91<li><a href="tree_split_join_timing_test.html">Tree Split and
92      Join Timing Test</a></li>
93<li><a href="tree_order_statistics_timing_test.html">Tree
94      Order-Statistics Timing Test</a></li>
96<h3><a name="multimaps" id="multimaps">Multimaps</a></h3>
98<li><a href="multimap_text_find_timing_test_small.html">"Multimap"
99      Text Find Timing Test with <u>Small</u> Average Secondary-Key
100      to Primary-Key Ratio</a></li>
101<li><a href="multimap_text_find_timing_test_large.html">"Multimap"
102      Text Find Timing Test with <u>Large</u> Average Secondary-Key
103      to Primary-Key Ratio</a></li>
104<li><a href="multimap_text_insert_timing_test_small.html">"Multimap"
105      Text Insert Timing Test with <u>Small</u> Average
106      Secondary-Key to Primary-Key Ratio</a></li>
107<li><a href="multimap_text_insert_timing_test_large.html">"Multimap"
108      Text Insert Timing Test with <u>Large</u> Average
109      Secondary-Key to Primary-Key Ratio</a></li>
110<li><a href="multimap_text_insert_mem_usage_test_small.html">"Multimap"
111      Text Insert Memory-Use Test with <u>Small</u> Average
112      Secondary-Key to Primary-Key Ratio</a></li>
113<li><a href="multimap_text_insert_mem_usage_test_large.html">"Multimap"
114      Text Insert Memory-Use Test with <u>Large</u> Average
115      Secondary-Key to Primary-Key Ratio</a></li>
117<h2><a name="assoc_observations" id="assoc_observations">Observations</a></h2>
118<h3><a name="dss_family_choice" id="dss_family_choice">Underlying Data-Structure Families</a></h3>
119<p>In general, hash-based containers (see <a href="hash_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
120    Containers::Hash-Based Containers</a>) have better timing
121    performance than containers based on different underlying-data
122    structures. The main reason to choose a tree-based (see
123    <a href="tree_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
124    Containers::Tree-Based Containers</a>) or trie-based container
125    (see <a href="trie_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
126    Containers::Trie-Based Containers</a>) is if a byproduct of the
127    tree-like structure is required: either order-preservation, or
128    the ability to utilize node invariants (see <a href="tree_based_containers.html#invariants">Design::Associative
129    Containers::Tree-Based Containers::Node Invariants</a> and
130    <a href="trie_based_containers.html#invariants">Design::Associative
131    Containers::Trie-Based Containers::Node Invariants</a>). If
132    memory-use is the major factor, an ordered-vector tree (see
133    <a href="tree_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
134    Containers::Tree-Based Containers</a>) gives optimal results
135    (albeit with high modificiation costs), and a list-based
136    container (see <a href="lu_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
137    Containers::List-Based Containers</a>) gives reasonable
138    results.</p>
139<h3><a name="hash_based_types" id="hash_based_types">Hash-Based
140    Container Types</a></h3>
141<p>Hash-based containers are typically either collision
142    chaining or probing (see <a href="hash_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
143    Containers::Hash-Based Containers</a>). Collision-chaining
144    containers are more flexible internally, and so offer better
145    timing performance. Probing containers, if used for simple
146    value-types, manage memory more efficiently (they perform far
147    fewer allocation-related calls). In general, therefore, a
148    collision-chaining table should be used. A probing container,
149    conversely, might be used efficiently for operations such as
150    eliminating duplicates in a sequence, or counting the number of
151    occurrences within a sequence. Probing containers might be more
152    useful also in multithreaded applications where each thread
153    manipulates a hash-based container: in the STL, allocators have
154    class-wise semantics (see [<a href="references.html#meyers96more">meyers96more</a>] - Item 10); a
155    probing container might incur less contention in this case.</p>
156<h3><a name="hash_based_policies" id="hash_based_policies">Hash-Based Containers' Policies</a></h3>
157<p>In hash-based containers, the range-hashing scheme (see
158    <a href="hash_based_containers.html#hash_policies">Design::Associative
159    Containers::Hash-Based Containers::Hash Policies</a>) seems to
160    affect performance more than other considerations. In most
161    settings, a mask-based scheme works well (or can be made to
162    work well). If the key-distribution can be estimated a-priori,
163    a simple hash function can produce nearly uniform hash-value
164    distribution. In many other cases (<i>e.g.</i>, text hashing,
165    floating-point hashing), the hash function is powerful enough
166    to generate hash values with good uniformity properties
167    [<a href="references.html#knuth98sorting">knuth98sorting</a>];
168    a modulo-based scheme, taking into account all bits of the hash
169    value, appears to overlap the hash function in its effort.</p>
170<p>The range-hashing scheme determines many of the other
171    policies (see <a href="hash_based_containers.html#policy_interaction">Design::Hash-Based
172    Containers::Policy Interaction</a>). A mask-based scheme works
173    well with an exponential-size policy (see <a href="hash_based_containers.html#resize_policies">Design::Associative
174    Containers::Hash-Based Containers::Resize Policies</a>) ; for
175    probing-based containers, it goes well with a linear-probe
176    function (see <a href="hash_based_containers.html#hash_policies">Design::Associative
177    Containers::Hash-Based Containers::Hash Policies</a>).</p>
178<p>An orthogonal consideration is the trigger policy (see
179    <a href="hash_based_containers.html#resize_policies">Design::Associative
180    Containers::Hash-Based Containers::Resize Policies</a>). This
181    presents difficult tradeoffs. <i>E.g.</i>, different load
182    factors in a load-check trigger policy yield a
183    space/amortized-cost tradeoff.</p>
184<h3><a name="tree_like_based_types" id="tree_like_based_types">Tree-Like-Based Container
185    Types</a></h3>
186<p>In general, there are several families of tree-based
187    underlying data structures: balanced node-based trees
188    (<i>e.g.</i>, red-black or AVL trees), high-probability
189    balanced node-based trees (<i>e.g.</i>, random treaps or
190    skip-lists), competitive node-based trees (<i>e.g.</i>, splay
191    trees), vector-based "trees", and tries. (Additionally, there
192    are disk-residing or network-residing trees, such as B-Trees
193    and their numerous variants. An interface for this would have
194    to deal with the execution model and ACID guarantees; this is
195    out of the scope of this library.) Following are some
196    observations on their application to different settings.</p>
197<p>Of the balanced node-based trees, this library includes a
198    red-black tree (see <a href="tree_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
199    Containers::Tree-Based Containers</a>), as does STL (in
200    practice). This type of tree is the "workhorse" of tree-based
201    containers: it offers both reasonable modification and
202    reasonable lookup time. Unfortunately, this data structure
203    stores a huge amount of metadata. Each node must contain,
204    besides a value, three pointers and a boolean. This type might
205    be avoided if space is at a premium [<a href="references.html#austern00noset">austern00noset</a>].</p>
206<p>High-probability balanced node-based trees suffer the
207    drawbacks of deterministic balanced trees. Although they are
208    fascinating data structures, preliminary tests with them showed
209    their performance was worse than red-black trees. The library
210    does not contain any such trees, therefore.</p>
211<p>Competitive node-based trees have two drawbacks. They are
212    usually somewhat unbalanced, and they perform a large number of
213    comparisons. Balanced trees perform one comparison per each
214    node they encounter on a search path; a splay tree performs two
215    comparisons. If the keys are complex objects, <i>e.g.</i>,
216    <tt>std::string</tt>, this can increase the running time.
217    Conversely, such trees do well when there is much locality of
218    reference. It is difficult to determine in which case to prefer
219    such trees over balanced trees. This library includes a splay
220    tree (see <a href="tree_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
221    Containers::Tree-Based Containers</a>).</p>
222<p>Ordered-vector trees (see <a href="tree_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
223    Containers::Tree-Based Containers</a>) use very little space
224    [<a href="references.html#austern00noset">austern00noset</a>].
225    They do not have any other advantages (at least in this
226    implementation).</p>
227<p>Large-fan-out PATRICIA tries (see <a href="trie_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
228    Containers::Trie-Based Containers</a>) have excellent lookup
229    performance, but they do so through maintaining, for each node,
230    a miniature "hash-table". Their space efficiency is low, and
231    their modification performance is bad. These tries might be
232    used for semi-static settings, where order preservation is
233    important. Alternatively, red-black trees cross-referenced with
234    hash tables can be used. [<a href="references.html#okasaki98mereable">okasaki98mereable</a>]
235    discusses small-fan-out PATRICIA tries for integers, but the
236    cited results seem to indicate that the amortized cost of
237    maintaining such trees is higher than that of balanced trees.
238    Moderate-fan-out trees might be useful for sequences where each
239    element has a limited number of choices, <i>e.g.</i>, DNA
240    strings (see <a href="assoc_examples.html#trie_based">Examples::Associative
241    Containers::Trie-Based Containers</a>).</p>
242<h3><a name="msc" id="msc">Mapping-Semantics
243    Considerations</a></h3>
244<p>Different mapping semantics were discussed in <a href="motivation.html#assoc_mapping_semantics">Motivation::Associative
245    Containers::Alternative to Multiple Equivalent Keys</a> and
246    <a href="tutorial.html#assoc_ms">Tutorial::Associative
247    Containers::Associative Containers Others than Maps</a>. We
248    will focus here on the case where a keys can be composed into
249    primary keys and secondary keys. (In the case where some keys
250    are completely identical, it is trivial that one should use an
251    associative container mapping values to size types.) In this
252    case there are (at least) five possibilities:</p>
254<li>Use an associative container that allows equivalent-key
255      values (such as <tt>std::multimap</tt>)</li>
256<li>Use a unique-key value associative container that maps
257      each primary key to some complex associative container of
258      secondary keys, say a tree-based or hash-based container (see
259      <a href="tree_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
260      Containers::Tree-Based Containers</a> and <a href="hash_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
261      Containers::Hash-Based Containers</a>)</li>
262<li>Use a unique-key value associative container that maps
263      each primary key to some simple associative container of
264      secondary keys, say a list-based container (see <a href="lu_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
265      Containers::List-Based Containers</a>)</li>
266<li>Use a unique-key value associative container that maps
267      each primary key to some non-associative container
268      (<i>e.g.</i>, <tt>std::vector</tt>)</li>
269<li>Use a unique-key value associative container that takes
270      into account both primary and secondary keys.</li>
272<p>We do not think there is a simple answer for this (excluding
273    option 1, which we think should be avoided in all cases).</p>
274<p>If the expected ratio of secondary keys to primary keys is
275    small, then 3 and 4 seem reasonable. Both types of secondary
276    containers are relatively lightweight (in terms of memory use
277    and construction time), and so creating an entire container
278    object for each primary key is not too expensive. Option 4
279    might be preferable to option 3 if changing the secondary key
280    of some primary key is frequent - one cannot modify an
281    associative container's key, and the only possibility,
282    therefore, is erasing the secondary key and inserting another
283    one instead; a non-associative container, conversely, can
284    support in-place modification. The actual cost of erasing a
285    secondary key and inserting another one depends also on the
286    allocator used for secondary associative-containers (The tests
287    above used the standard allocator, but in practice one might
288    choose to use, <i>e.g.</i>, [<a href="references.html#boost_pool">boost_pool</a>]). Option 2 is
289    definitely an overkill in this case. Option 1 loses out either
290    immediately (when there is one secondary key per primary key)
291    or almost immediately after that. Option 5 has the same
292    drawbacks as option 2, but it has the additional drawback that
293    finding all values whose primary key is equivalent to some key,
294    might be linear in the total number of values stored (for
295    example, if using a hash-based container).</p>
296<p>If the expected ratio of secondary keys to primary keys is
297    large, then the answer is more complicated. It depends on the
298    distribution of secondary keys to primary keys, the
299    distribution of accesses according to primary keys, and the
300    types of operations most frequent.</p>
301<p>To be more precise, assume there are <i>m</i> primary keys,
302    primary key <i>i</i> is mapped to <i>n<sub>i</sub></i>
303    secondary keys, and each primary key is mapped, on average, to
304    <i>n</i> secondary keys (<i>i.e.</i>,
305    <i><b>E</b>(n<sub>i</sub>) = n</i>).</p>
306<p>Suppose one wants to find a specific pair of primary and
307    secondary keys. Using 1 with a tree based container
308    (<tt>std::multimap</tt>), the expected cost is
309    <i><b>E</b>(&Theta;(log(m) + n<sub>i</sub>)) = &Theta;(log(m) +
310    n)</i>; using 1 with a hash-based container
311    (<tt>std::tr1::unordered_multimap</tt>), the expected cost is
312    <i>&Theta;(n)</i>. Using 2 with a primary hash-based container
313    and secondary hash-based containers, the expected cost is
314    <i>O(1)</i>; using 2 with a primary tree-based container and
315    secondary tree-based containers, the expected cost is (using
316    the Jensen inequality [<a href="references.html#motwani95random">motwani95random</a>])
317    <i><b>E</b>(O(log(m) + log(n<sub>i</sub>)) = O(log(m)) +
318    <b>E</b>(O(log(n<sub>i</sub>)) = O(log(m)) + O(log(n))</i>,
319    assuming that primary keys are accessed equiprobably. 3 and 4
320    are similar to 1, but with lower constants. Using 5 with a
321    hash-based container, the expected cost is <i>O(1)</i>; using 5
322    with a tree based container, the cost is
323    <i><b>E</b>(&Theta;(log(mn))) = &Theta;(log(m) +
324    log(n))</i>.</p>
325<p>Suppose one needs the values whose primary key matches some
326    given key. Using 1 with a hash-based container, the expected
327    cost is <i>&Theta;(n)</i>, but the values will not be ordered
328    by secondary keys (which may or may not be required); using 1
329    with a tree-based container, the expected cost is
330    <i>&Theta;(log(m) + n)</i>, but with high constants; again the
331    values will not be ordered by secondary keys. 2, 3, and 4 are
332    similar to 1, but typically with lower constants (and,
333    additionally, if one uses a tree-based container for secondary
334    keys, they will be ordered). Using 5 with a hash-based
335    container, the cost is <i>&Theta;(mn)</i>.</p>
336<p>Suppose one wants to assign to a primary key all secondary
337    keys assigned to a different primary key. Using 1 with a
338    hash-based container, the expected cost is <i>&Theta;(n)</i>,
339    but with very high constants; using 1 with a tree-based
340    container, the cost is <i>&Theta;(nlog(mn))</i>. Using 2, 3,
341    and 4, the expected cost is <i>&Theta;(n)</i>, but typically
342    with far lower costs than 1. 5 is similar to 1.</p>