2.*:     file format .*
5Disassembly of section \.plt:
700008e00 <\.plt>:
8    8e00:	e52de004 	push	{lr}		; \(str lr, \[sp, #-4\]!\)
9    8e04:	e59fe004 	ldr	lr, \[pc, #4\]	; 8e10 <targetfn-0xf0>
10    8e08:	e08fe00e 	add	lr, pc, lr
11    8e0c:	e5bef008 	ldr	pc, \[lr, #8\]!
12    8e10:	0000827c 	\.word	0x0000827c
13    8e14:	e28fc600 	add	ip, pc, #0
14    8e18:	e28cca08 	add	ip, ip, #32768	; 0x8000
15    8e1c:	e5bcf27c 	ldr	pc, \[ip, #636\]!	; 0x27c
17Disassembly of section \.text:
1900008f00 <targetfn>:
20    8f00:	4770      	bx	lr
21    8f02:	bf00      	nop
22    8f04:	f3af 8000 	nop\.w
2400008f08 <_start>:
25    8f08:	bf00      	nop
26    8f0a:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
27    8f0e:	f7ff ef82 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
28    8f12:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
29    8f16:	f7ff ef7e 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
30    8f1a:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
31    8f1e:	f7ff ef7a 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
32    8f22:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
33    8f26:	f7ff ef76 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
34    8f2a:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
35    8f2e:	f7ff ef72 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
36    8f32:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
37    8f36:	f7ff ef6e 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
38    8f3a:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
39    8f3e:	f7ff ef6a 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
40    8f42:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
41    8f46:	f7ff ef66 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
42    8f4a:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
43    8f4e:	f7ff ef62 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
44    8f52:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
45    8f56:	f7ff ef5e 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
46    8f5a:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
47    8f5e:	f7ff ef5a 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
48    8f62:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
49    8f66:	f7ff ef56 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
50    8f6a:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
51    8f6e:	f7ff ef52 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
52    8f72:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
53    8f76:	f7ff ef4e 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
54    8f7a:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
55    8f7e:	f7ff ef4a 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
56    8f82:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
57    8f86:	f7ff ef46 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
58    8f8a:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
59    8f8e:	f7ff ef42 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
60    8f92:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
61    8f96:	f7ff ef3e 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
62    8f9a:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
63    8f9e:	f7ff ef3a 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
64    8fa2:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
65    8fa6:	f7ff ef36 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
66    8faa:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
67    8fae:	f7ff ef32 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
68    8fb2:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
69    8fb6:	f7ff ef2e 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
70    8fba:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
71    8fbe:	f7ff ef2a 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
72    8fc2:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
73    8fc6:	f7ff ef26 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
74    8fca:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
75    8fce:	f7ff ef22 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
76    8fd2:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
77    8fd6:	f7ff ef1e 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
78    8fda:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
79    8fde:	f7ff ef1a 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
80    8fe2:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
81    8fe6:	f7ff ef16 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
82    8fea:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
83    8fee:	f7ff ef12 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
84    8ff2:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
85    8ff6:	f7ff ef0e 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
86    8ffa:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
87    8ffe:	f000 e808 	blx	9010 <_start\+0x108>
88    9002:	eb01 0002 	add\.w	r0, r1, r2
89    9006:	f7ff ef06 	blx	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>
90    900a:	4770      	bx	lr
91    900c:	f3af 8000 	nop\.w
92    9010:	eaffff7f 	b	8e14 <targetfn-0xec>