

analyze.cH A D07-Apr-200930.4 KiB

build_diff.comH A D07-Apr-2009500

ChangeLogH A D07-Apr-200923.8 KiB

cmpbuf.cH A D07-Apr-2009994

cmpbuf.hH A D07-Apr-2009635

context.cH A D07-Apr-200912.7 KiB

diagmeet.noteH A D07-Apr-20091 KiB

diff.cH A D07-Apr-200933.9 KiB

diff.hH A D07-Apr-200911.8 KiB

diff3.cH A D06-Jan-201253.2 KiB

diffrun.hH A D07-Apr-20092.3 KiB

dir.cH A D07-Apr-20095.9 KiB

ed.cH A D07-Apr-20094.9 KiB

ifdef.cH A D07-Apr-20099.9 KiB

io.cH A D07-Apr-200919.7 KiB

libdiff.depH A D07-Apr-20092.6 KiB

libdiff.dspH A D07-Apr-20094.4 KiB

libdiff.makH A D07-Apr-20096.8 KiB

Makefile.amH A D07-Apr-2009981

Makefile.inH A D10-Apr-200917.7 KiB

normal.cH A D07-Apr-20092 KiB

READMEH A D07-Apr-2009423

side.cH A D06-Jan-20127.1 KiB

system.hH A D07-Apr-20096.3 KiB

util.cH A D07-Apr-200920 KiB

version.cH A D07-Apr-200999


1The files in this directory come from the GNU diffutils project
3and, if they don't, they should.
5What this means is that bug fixes and enhancements to this code should be sent
6to the diffutils project and then reimported here after the diffutils
7developers approve and adopt the change.  Changes should not be made locally
8without good reason!