1" Vim syntax file
2" Language:	HASTE - a language for VLSI IC programming
3" Maintainer:	M. Tranchero - maurizio.tranchero?gmail.com
4" Credits:	some parts have been taken from vhdl, verilog, and C syntax
5"		files
6" Version:	0.9
7" Last Change:	0.9 improvement of haste numbers detection
8" Change:	0.8 error matching for wrong hierarchical connections 
9" Change:	0.7 added more rules to highlight pre-processor directives
12if exists("b:current_syntax")
13    finish
15" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
16" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
17if version < 600
18  syntax clear
19elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
20  finish
23" case is significant
24syn case match
26" HASTE keywords
27syn keyword hasteStatement act alias arb array begin bitvec 
28syn keyword hasteStatement bitwidth boolvec broad case
29syn keyword hasteStatement cast chan const dataprobe do edge
30syn keyword hasteStatement else end export false ff fi file
31syn keyword hasteStatement fit for forever func if import
32syn keyword hasteStatement inprobe is les main narb narrow
33syn keyword hasteStatement negedge od of or outprobe pas
34syn keyword hasteStatement posedge probe proc ram ramreg
35syn keyword hasteStatement repeat rom romreg sample sel si
36syn keyword hasteStatement sign sizeof skip stop then true
37syn keyword hasteStatement type until var wait wire
38syn keyword hasteFutureExt Z ffe partial 
39syn keyword hasteVerilog   buf reg while 
41" Special match for "if", "or", and "else" since "else if"
42" and other "else+if" combination shouldn't be highlighted.
43" The right keyword is "or" 
44syn match   hasteStatement	"\<\(if\|then\|else\|fi\)\>"
45syn match   hasteNone		"\<else\s\+if\>$"
46syn match   hasteNone		"\<else\s\+if\>\s"
47syn match   hasteNone		"\<elseif\>\s"
48syn match   hasteNone		"\<elsif\>\s"
49syn match   hasteStatement	"\<\(case\|is\|si\)\>"
50syn match   hasteStatement	"\<\(repeat\|until\)\>"
51syn match   hasteStatement	"\<\(forever\|do\|od\)\>"
52syn match   hasteStatement	"\<\(for\|do\|od\)\>"
53syn match   hasteStatement	"\<\(do\|or\|od\)\>"
54syn match   hasteStatement	"\<\(sel\|les\)\>"
55syn match   hasteError		"\<\d\+[_a-zA-Z]\+\>"
56syn match   hasteError		"\(\([[:alnum:]]\+\s*(\s\+\|)\s*,\)\)\s*\([[:alnum:]]\+\s*(\)"
58" Predifined Haste types
59syn keyword hasteType bool
61" Values for standard Haste types
62" syn match hasteVector "\'[0L1HXWZU\-\?]\'"
64syn match  hasteVector "0b\"[01_]\+\""
65syn match  hasteVector "0x\"[0-9a-f_]\+\""
66syn match  hasteCharacter "'.'"
67" syn region hasteString start=+"+  end=+"+
68syn match  hasteIncluded	display contained "<[^>]*>"
69syn match  hasteIncluded	display contained "<[^"]*>"
70syn region hasteInclude	start="^\s*#include\>\s*" end="$" contains=hasteIncluded,hasteString
72" integer numbers
73syn match hasteNumber "\d\+\^[[:alnum:]]*[-+]\{0,1\}[[:alnum:]]*"
74syn match hasteNumber "-\=\<\d\+\(\^[+\-]\=\d\+\)\>"
75syn match hasteNumber "-\=\<\d\+\>"
76" syn match hasteNumber "0*2#[01_]\+#\(\^[+\-]\=\d\+\)\="
77" syn match hasteNumber "0*16#[0-9a-f_]\+#\(\^[+\-]\=\d\+\)\="
78" operators
79syn keyword hasteSeparators	& , . \| 
80syn keyword hasteExecution	\|\| ; @
81syn keyword hasteOperator	:= ? ! :
82syn keyword hasteTypeConstr	"[" << >> .. "]" ~
83syn keyword hasteExprOp		< <= >= > = # <> + - * == ##
84syn keyword hasteMisc		( ) 0x 0b
86syn match   hasteSeparators	"[&:\|,.]"
87syn match   hasteOperator	":="
88syn match   hasteOperator	":"
89syn match   hasteOperator	"?"
90syn match   hasteOperator	"!"
91syn match   hasteExecution	"||"
92syn match   hasteExecution	";"
93syn match   hasteExecution	"@"
94syn match   hasteType		"\[\["
95syn match   hasteType		"\]\]"
96syn match   hasteType		"<<"
97syn match   hasteType		">>"
98syn match   hasteExprOp		"<"
99syn match   hasteExprOp		"<="
100syn match   hasteExprOp		">="
101syn match   hasteExprOp		">"
102syn match   hasteExprOp		"<>"
103syn match   hasteExprOp		"="
104syn match   hasteExprOp		"=="
105syn match   hasteExprOp		"##"
106" syn match   hasteExprOp		"#"
107syn match   hasteExprOp		"*"
108syn match   hasteExprOp		"+"
110syn region  hasteComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=@Spell
111syn region  hasteComment start="{" end="}" contains=@Spell
112syn match   hasteComment "//.*" contains=@Spell
114" Define the default highlighting.
115" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
116hi def link hasteSpecial	Special
117hi def link hasteStatement	Statement
118hi def link hasteCharacter	String
119hi def link hasteString		String
120hi def link hasteVector		String
121hi def link hasteBoolean	String
122hi def link hasteComment	Comment
123hi def link hasteNumber		String
124hi def link hasteTime		String
125hi def link hasteType		Type
126hi def link hasteGlobal		Error
127hi def link hasteError		Error
128hi def link hasteAttribute	Type
130hi def link hasteSeparators	Special
131hi def link hasteExecution	Special
132hi def link hasteTypeConstr	Special
133hi def link hasteOperator	Type
134hi def link hasteExprOp		Type
135hi def link hasteMisc		String
136hi def link hasteFutureExt 	Error
137hi def link hasteVerilog	Error
138hi def link hasteDefine		Macro
139hi def link hasteInclude	Include
140" hi def link hastePreProc	Preproc
141" hi def link hastePreProcVar	Special
143let b:current_syntax = "haste"
145" vim: ts=8