1*os_unix.txt*   For Vim version 7.3.  Last change: 2005 Mar 29
4		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
7							*unix* *Unix*
8This file contains the particularities for the Unix version of Vim.
10For compiling Vim on Unix see "INSTALL" and "Makefile" in the src directory.
12The default help file name is "/usr/local/lib/vim/help.txt"
13The files "$HOME/.vimrc" and "$HOME/.exrc" are used instead of "s:.vimrc" and
14"s:.exrc".  Additionally "/usr/local/etc/vimrc" is used first.
15If "/usr/local/share" exists it is used instead of "/usr/local/lib".
17Temporary files (for filtering) are put in "/tmp".  If you want to place them
18somewhere else, set the environment variable $TMPDIR to the directory you
21With wildcard expansion you can use '~' (home directory) and '$'
22(environment variable).
24							*fork* *spoon*
25For executing external commands fork()/exec() is used when possible, otherwise
26system() is used, which is a bit slower.  The output of ":version" includes
27|+fork| when fork()/exec() is used, |+system()| when system() is used.  This
28can be changed at compile time.
29(For forking of the GUI version see |gui-fork|.)
31Because terminal updating under Unix is often slow (e.g. serial line
32terminal, shell window in suntools), the 'showcmd' and 'ruler' options
33are default off.  If you have a fast terminal, try setting them on.  You might
34also want to set 'ttyfast'.
36When using Vim in an xterm the mouse clicks can be used by Vim by setting
37'mouse' to "a".  If there is access to an X-server gui style copy/paste will
38be used and visual feedback will be provided while dragging with the mouse.
39If you then still want the xterm copy/paste with the mouse, press the shift
40key when using the mouse.  See |mouse-using|.  Visual feedback while dragging
41can also be achieved via the 'ttymouse' option if your xterm is new enough.
43							*terminal-colors*
44To use colors in Vim you can use the following example (if your terminal
45supports colors, but "T_Co" is empty or zero): >
46   :set t_me=^[[0;1;36m     " normal mode (undoes t_mr and t_md)
47   :set t_mr=^[[0;1;33;44m  " reverse (invert) mode
48   :set t_md=^[[1;33;41m    " bold mode
49   :set t_se=^[[1;36;40m    " standout end
50   :set t_so=^[[1;32;45m    " standout mode
51   :set t_ue=^[[0;1;36m     " underline end
52   :set t_us=^[[1;32m       " underline mode start
53[the ^[ is an <Esc>, type CTRL-V <Esc> to enter it]
55For real color terminals the ":highlight" command can be used.
57The file "tools/vim132" is a shell script that can be used to put Vim in 132
58column mode on a vt100 and lookalikes.
60 vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: