1# This file is a Tcl script to test out the "send" command and the
2# other procedures in the file tkSend.c.  It is organized in the
3# standard fashion for Tcl tests.
5# Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
6# Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
7# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
8# Copyright (c) 2001 by ActiveState Corporation.
10# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
11# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
13# RCS: @(#) $Id: send.test,v 2003/07/09 21:12:52 dkf Exp $
15package require tcltest 2.1
16namespace import -force tcltest::configure
17namespace import -force tcltest::testsDirectory
18configure -testdir [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]]]
19configure -loadfile [file join [testsDirectory] constraints.tcl]
22testConstraint xhost [llength [auto_execok xhost]]
23testConstraint testsend [llength [info commands testsend]]
25# Compute a script that will load Tk into a child interpreter.
27foreach pkg [info loaded] {
28    if {[lindex $pkg 1] == "Tk"} {
29	set loadTk "load $pkg"
30	break
31    }
34# Procedure to create a new application with a given name and class.
36proc newApp {screen name class} {
37    global loadTk
38    interp create $name
39    $name eval [list set argv [list -display $screen -name $name -class $class]]
40    eval $loadTk $name
43set name [tk appname]
44set commId ""
45catch {
46    set registry [testsend prop root InterpRegistry]
47    set commId [lindex [testsend prop root InterpRegistry] 0]
49tk appname tktest
50catch {send t_s_1 destroy .}
51catch {send t_s_2 destroy .}
53test send-1.1 {RegOpen procedure, bogus property} {secureserver testsend} {
54    testsend bogus
55    set result [winfo interps]
56    tk appname tktest
57    list $result [winfo interps]
58} {{} tktest}
59test send-1.2 {RegOpen procedure, bogus property} {secureserver testsend} {
60    testsend prop root InterpRegistry {}
61    set result [winfo interps]
62    tk appname tktest
63    list $result [winfo interps]
64} {{} tktest}
65test send-1.3 {RegOpen procedure, bogus property} {secureserver testsend} {
66    testsend prop root InterpRegistry abcdefg
67    tk appname tktest
68    set x [testsend prop root InterpRegistry]
69    string range $x [string first " " $x] end
70} " tktest\nabcdefg\n"
72frame .f -width 1 -height 1
73set id [string range [winfo id .f] 2 end]
74test send-2.1 {RegFindName procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
75    testsend prop root InterpRegistry {}
76    list [catch {send foo bar} msg] $msg
77} {1 {no application named "foo"}}
78test send-2.2 {RegFindName procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
79    testsend prop root InterpRegistry " abc\n def\nghi\n\n$id foo\n"
80    tk appname foo
81} {foo #2}
82test send-2.3 {RegFindName procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
83    testsend prop root InterpRegistry "gyz foo\n"
84    tk appname foo
85} {foo}
86test send-2.4 {RegFindName procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
87    testsend prop root InterpRegistry "${id}z foo\n"
88    tk appname foo
89} {foo}
91test send-3.1 {RegDeleteName procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
92    tk appname tktest
93    testsend prop root InterpRegistry "012345 gorp\n12345 foo\n12345 tktest"
94    tk appname x
95    set x [testsend prop root InterpRegistry]
96    string range $x [string first " " $x] end
97} " x\n012345 gorp\n12345 foo\n"
98test send-3.2 {RegDeleteName procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
99    tk appname tktest
100    testsend prop root InterpRegistry "012345 gorp\n12345 tktest\n23456 tktest"
101    tk appname x
102    set x [testsend prop root InterpRegistry]
103    string range $x [string first " " $x] end
104} " x\n012345 gorp\n23456 tktest\n"
105test send-3.3 {RegDeleteName procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
106    tk appname tktest
107    testsend prop root InterpRegistry "012345 tktest\n12345 bar\n23456 tktest"
108    tk appname x
109    set x [testsend prop root InterpRegistry]
110    string range $x [string first " " $x] end
111} " x\n12345 bar\n23456 tktest\n"
112test send-3.4 {RegDeleteName procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
113    tk appname tktest
114    testsend prop root InterpRegistry "foo"
115    tk appname x
116    set x [testsend prop root InterpRegistry]
117    string range $x [string first " " $x] end
118} " x\nfoo\n"
119test send-3.5 {RegDeleteName procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
120    tk appname tktest
121    testsend prop root InterpRegistry ""
122    tk appname x
123    set x [testsend prop root InterpRegistry]
124    string range $x [string first " " $x] end
125} " x\n"
127test send-4.1 {RegAddName procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
128    testsend prop root InterpRegistry ""
129    tk appname bar
130    testsend prop root InterpRegistry
131} "$commId bar\n"
132test send-4.2 {RegAddName procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
133    testsend prop root InterpRegistry "abc def"
134    tk appname bar
135    tk appname foo
136    testsend prop root InterpRegistry
137} "$commId foo\nabc def\n"
139# Previous checks should already cover the Regclose procedure.
141test send-5.1 {ValidateName procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
142    testsend prop root InterpRegistry "123 abc\n"
143    winfo interps
144} {}
145test send-5.2 {ValidateName procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
146    testsend prop root InterpRegistry "$id Hi there"
147    winfo interps
148} {{Hi there}}
149test send-5.3 {ValidateName procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
150    testsend prop root InterpRegistry "$id Bogus"
151    list [catch {send Bogus set a 44} msg] $msg
152} {1 {target application died or uses a Tk version before 4.0}}
153test send-5.4 {ValidateName procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
154    tk appname test
155    testsend prop root InterpRegistry "$commId Bogus\n$commId test\n"
156    winfo interps
157} {test}
159if {[testConstraint nonPortable] && [testConstraint xhost]} {
160    winfo interps
161    tk appname tktest
162    update
163    setupbg
164    set x [split [exec xhost] \n]
165    foreach i [lrange $x 1 end]  {
166	exec xhost - $i
167    }
170test send-6.1 {ServerSecure procedure} {nonPortable secureserver} {
171    set a 44
172    list [dobg [list send [tk appname] set a 55]] $a
173} {55 55}
174test send-6.2 {ServerSecure procedure} {nonPortable secureserver xhost} {
175    set a 22
176    exec xhost [exec hostname]
177    list [catch {dobg [list send [tk appname] set a 33]} msg] $a $msg
178} {0 22 {X server insecure (must use xauth-style authorization); command ignored}}
179test send-6.3 {ServerSecure procedure} {nonPortable secureserver xhost} {
180    set a abc
181    exec xhost - [exec hostname]
182    list [dobg [list send [tk appname] set a new]] $a
183} {new new}
186test send-7.1 {Tk_SetAppName procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
187    testsend prop root InterpRegistry ""
188    tk appname newName
189    list [tk appname oldName] [testsend prop root InterpRegistry]
190} "oldName {$commId oldName\n}"
191test send-7.2 {Tk_SetAppName procedure, name not in use} {secureserver testsend} {
192    testsend prop root InterpRegistry ""
193    list [tk appname gorp] [testsend prop root InterpRegistry]
194} "gorp {$commId gorp\n}"
195test send-7.3 {Tk_SetAppName procedure, name in use by us} {secureserver testsend} {
196    tk appname name1
197    testsend prop root InterpRegistry "$commId name2\n"
198    list [tk appname name2] [testsend prop root InterpRegistry]
199} "name2 {$commId name2\n}"
200test send-7.4 {Tk_SetAppName procedure, name in use} {secureserver testsend} {
201    tk appname name1
202    testsend prop root InterpRegistry "$id foo\n$id foo #2\n$id foo #3\n"
203    list [tk appname foo] [testsend prop root InterpRegistry]
204} "{foo #4} {$commId foo #4\n$id foo\n$id foo #2\n$id foo #3\n}"
206test send-8.1 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, options} {secureserver} {
207    setupbg
208    set app [dobg {tk appname}]
209    set a 66
210    send -async $app [list send [tk appname] set a 77]
211    set result $a
212    after 200 set x 40
213    tkwait variable x
214    cleanupbg
215    lappend result $a
216} {66 77}
217test send-8.2 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, options} {secureserver altDisplay} {
218    setupbg -display $env(TK_ALT_DISPLAY)
219    tk appname xyzgorp
220    set a homeDisplay
221    set result [dobg "
222    toplevel .t -screen [winfo screen .]
223    wm geometry .t +0+0
224    set a altDisplay
225    tk appname xyzgorp
226    list \[send xyzgorp set a\] \[send -displayof .t xyzgorp set a\]
227    "]
228    cleanupbg
229    set result
230} {altDisplay homeDisplay}
231test send-8.3 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, options} {secureserver} {
232    list [catch {send -- -async foo bar baz} msg] $msg
233} {1 {no application named "-async"}}
234test send-8.4 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, options} {secureserver} {
235    list [catch {send -gorp foo bar baz} msg] $msg
236} {1 {bad option "-gorp": must be -async, -displayof, or --}}
237test send-8.5 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, options} {secureserver} {
238    list [catch {send -async foo} msg] $msg
239} {1 {wrong # args: should be "send ?options? interpName arg ?arg ...?"}}
240test send-8.6 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, options} {secureserver} {
241    list [catch {send foo} msg] $msg
242} {1 {wrong # args: should be "send ?options? interpName arg ?arg ...?"}}
243test send-8.7 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, local execution} {secureserver} {
244    set a initial
245    send [tk appname] {set a new}
246    set a
247} {new}
248test send-8.8 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, local execution} {secureserver} {
249    set a initial
250    send [tk appname] set a new
251    set a
252} {new}
253test send-8.9 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, local execution} {secureserver} {
254    set a initial
255    string tolower [list [catch {send [tk appname] open bad_file} msg] \
256	    $msg $errorInfo $errorCode]
257} {1 {couldn't open "bad_file": no such file or directory} {couldn't open "bad_file": no such file or directory
258    while executing
259"open bad_file"
260    invoked from within
261"send [tk appname] open bad_file"} {posix enoent {no such file or directory}}}
262test send-8.10 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, no such interpreter} {secureserver} {
263    list [catch {send bogus_name bogus_command} msg] $msg
264} {1 {no application named "bogus_name"}}
266catch {
267    newApp "" t_s_1 Test
268    t_s_1 eval wm withdraw .
271test send-8.11 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, local execution, different interp} {secureserver testsend} {
272    set a us
273    send t_s_1 set a them
274    list $a [send t_s_1 set a]
275} {us them}
276test send-8.12 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, local execution, different interp} {secureserver testsend} {
277    set a us
278    send t_s_1 {set a them}
279    list $a [send t_s_1 {set a}]
280} {us them}
281test send-8.13 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, local execution, different interp} {secureserver testsend} {
282    set a us
283    send t_s_1 {set a them}
284    list $a [send t_s_1 {set a}]
285} {us them}
286test send-8.14 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, local interp killed by send} {secureserver testsend} {
287    newApp "" t_s_2 Test
288    list [catch {send t_s_2 {destroy .; concat result}} msg] $msg
289} {0 result}
291catch {interp delete t_s_2}
293test send-8.15 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, local interp, error info} {secureserver testsend} {
294    catch {error foo}
295    list [catch {send t_s_1 {if 1 {open bogus_file_name}}} msg] $msg $errorInfo $errorCode
296} {1 {couldn't open "bogus_file_name": no such file or directory} {couldn't open "bogus_file_name": no such file or directory
297    while executing
298"open bogus_file_name"
299    invoked from within
300"if 1 {open bogus_file_name}"
301    invoked from within
302"send t_s_1 {if 1 {open bogus_file_name}}"} {POSIX ENOENT {no such file or directory}}}
303test send-8.16 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, bogusCommWindow} {secureserver testsend} {
304    testsend prop root InterpRegistry "10234 bogus\n"
305    set result [list [catch {send bogus bogus command} msg] $msg]
306    winfo interps
307    tk appname tktest
308    set result
309} {1 {no application named "bogus"}}
311catch {interp delete t_s_1}
313test send-8.17 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, deferring events} {secureserver nonPortable} {
314    # Non-portable because some window managers ignore "raise"
315    # requests so can't guarantee that new app's window won't
316    # obscure .f, thereby masking the Expose event.
318    setupbg
319    set app [dobg {tk appname}]
320    raise .		; # Don't want new app obscuring .f
321    catch {destroy .f}
322    frame .f
323    place .f -x 0 -y 0
324    bind .f <Expose> {set a exposed}
325    set a {no event yet}
326    set result ""
327    lappend result [send $app send [list [tk appname]] set a]
328    lappend result $a
329    update
330    cleanupbg
331    lappend result $a
332} {{no event yet} {no event yet} exposed}
333test send-8.18 {Tk_SendCmd procedure, error in remote app} {secureserver} {
334    setupbg
335    set app [dobg {tk appname}]
336    set result [string tolower [list [catch {send $app open bad_name} msg] \
337	    $msg $errorInfo $errorCode]]
338    cleanupbg
339    set result
340} {1 {couldn't open "bad_name": no such file or directory} {couldn't open "bad_name": no such file or directory
341    while executing
342"open bad_name"
343    invoked from within
344"send $app open bad_name"} {posix enoent {no such file or directory}}}
345test send-8.19 {Tk_SendCmd, using modal timeouts} {secureserver} {
346    setupbg
347    set app [dobg {tk appname}]
348    set x no
349    set result ""
350    after 0 {set x yes}
351    lappend result [send $app {concat x y z}]
352    lappend result $x
353    update
354    cleanupbg
355    lappend result $x
356} {{x y z} no yes}
358tk appname tktest
359catch {destroy .f}
360frame .f
361set id [string range [winfo id .f] 2 end]
363test send-9.1 {Tk_GetInterpNames procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
364    testsend prop root InterpRegistry \
365	    "$commId tktest\nfoo bar\n$commId tktest\n$id frame .f\n\n\n"
366    list [winfo interps] [testsend prop root InterpRegistry]
367} "{tktest tktest {frame .f}} {$commId tktest\n$commId tktest\n$id frame .f
369test send-9.2 {Tk_GetInterpNames procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
370    testsend prop root InterpRegistry \
371	    "$commId tktest\nfoobar\n$commId gorp\n"
372    list [winfo interps] [testsend prop root InterpRegistry]
373} "tktest {$commId tktest\n}"
374test send-9.3 {Tk_GetInterpNames procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
375    testsend prop root InterpRegistry {}
376    list [winfo interps] [testsend prop root InterpRegistry]
377} {{} {}}
379catch {testsend prop root InterpRegistry "$commId tktest\n$id dummy\n"}
381test send-10.1 {SendEventProc procedure, bogus comm property} {secureserver testsend} {
382    testsend prop comm Comm {abc def}
383    testsend prop comm Comm {}
384    update
385} {}
386test send-10.2 {SendEventProc procedure, simultaneous messages} {secureserver testsend} {
387    testsend prop comm Comm \
388	    "c\n-n tktest\n-s set a 44\nc\n-n tktest\n-s set b 45\n"
389    set a null
390    set b xyzzy
391    update
392    list $a $b
393} {44 45}
394test send-10.3 {SendEventProc procedure, simultaneous messages} {secureserver testsend} {
395    testsend prop comm Comm \
396	    "c\n-n tktest\n-s set a newA\nr\n-s [testsend serial]\n-r 12345\nc\n-n tktest\n-s set b newB\n"
397    set a null
398    set b xyzzy
399    set x [send dummy bogus]
400    list $x $a $b
401} {12345 newA newB}
402test send-10.4 {SendEventProc procedure, leading nulls, bogus commands} {secureserver testsend} {
403    testsend prop comm Comm \
404	    "\n\nx\n-bogus\n\nc\n-n tktest\n-s set a 44\n"
405    set a null
406    update
407    set a
408} {44}
409test send-10.5 {SendEventProc procedure, extraneous command options} {secureserver testsend} {
410    testsend prop comm Comm \
411	    "c\n-n tktest\n-x miscellanous\n-y who knows?\n-s set a new\n"
412    set a null
413    update
414    set a
415} {new}
416test send-10.6 {SendEventProc procedure, unknown interpreter} {secureserver testsend} {
417    testsend prop [winfo id .f] Comm {}
418    testsend prop comm Comm \
419	    "c\n-n unknown\n-r $id 44\n-s set a new\n"
420    set a null
421    update
422    list [testsend prop [winfo id .f] Comm] $a
423} "{\nr\n-s 44\n-r receiver never heard of interpreter \"unknown\"\n-c 1\n} null"
424test send-10.7 {SendEventProc procedure, error in script} {secureserver testsend} {
425    testsend prop [winfo id .f] Comm {}
426    testsend prop comm Comm \
427	    "c\n-n tktest\n-r $id 62\n-s foreach i {1 2 3} {error {test error} {Initial errorInfo} {test code}}\n"
428    update
429    testsend prop [winfo id .f] Comm
430} {
432-s 62
433-r test error
434-i Initial errorInfo
435    ("foreach" body line 1)
436    invoked from within
437"foreach i {1 2 3} {error {test error} {Initial errorInfo} {test code}}"
438-e test code
439-c 1
441test send-10.8 {SendEventProc procedure, exceptional return} {secureserver testsend} {
442    testsend prop [winfo id .f] Comm {}
443    testsend prop comm Comm \
444	    "c\n-n tktest\n-r $id 62\n-s break\n"
445    update
446    testsend prop [winfo id .f] Comm
447} {
449-s 62
451-c 3
453test send-10.9 {SendEventProc procedure, empty return} {secureserver testsend} {
454    testsend prop [winfo id .f] Comm {}
455    testsend prop comm Comm \
456	    "c\n-n tktest\n-r $id 62\n-s concat\n"
457    update
458    testsend prop [winfo id .f] Comm
459} {
461-s 62
464test send-10.10 {SendEventProc procedure, asynchronous calls} {secureserver testsend} {
465    testsend prop [winfo id .f] Comm {}
466    testsend prop comm Comm \
467	    "c\n-n tktest\n-s foreach i {1 2 3} {error {test error} {Initial errorInfo} {test code}}\n"
468    update
469    testsend prop [winfo id .f] Comm
470} {}
471test send-10.11 {SendEventProc procedure, exceptional return} {secureserver testsend} {
472    testsend prop [winfo id .f] Comm {}
473    testsend prop comm Comm \
474	    "c\n-n tktest\n-s break\n"
475    update
476    testsend prop [winfo id .f] Comm
477} {}
478test send-10.12 {SendEventProc procedure, empty return} {secureserver testsend} {
479    testsend prop [winfo id .f] Comm {}
480    testsend prop comm Comm \
481	    "c\n-n tktest\n-s concat\n"
482    update
483    testsend prop [winfo id .f] Comm
484} {}
485test send-10.13 {SendEventProc procedure, return processing} {secureserver testsend} {
486    testsend prop comm Comm \
487	    "r\n-c 1\n-e test1\n-i test2\n-r test3\n-s [testsend serial]\n"
488    list [catch {send dummy foo} msg] $msg $errorInfo $errorCode
489} {1 test3 {test2
490    invoked from within
491"send dummy foo"} test1}
492test send-10.14 {SendEventProc procedure, extraneous return options} {secureserver testsend} {
493    testsend prop comm Comm \
494	    "r\n-x test1\n-y test2\n-r result\n-s [testsend serial]\n"
495    list [catch {send dummy foo} msg] $msg
496} {0 result}
497test send-10.15 {SendEventProc procedure, serial number} {secureserver testsend} {
498    testsend prop comm Comm \
499	    "r\n-r response\n"
500    list [catch {send dummy foo} msg] $msg
501} {1 {target application died or uses a Tk version before 4.0}}
502test send-10.16 {SendEventProc procedure, serial number} {secureserver testsend} {
503    testsend prop comm Comm \
504	    "r\n-r response\n\n-s 0"
505    list [catch {send dummy foo} msg] $msg
506} {1 {target application died or uses a Tk version before 4.0}}
507test send-10.17 {SendEventProc procedure, errorCode and errorInfo} {secureserver testsend} {
508    testsend prop comm Comm \
509	    "r\n-i test1\n-e test2\n-c 4\n-s [testsend serial]\n"
510    set errorCode oldErrorCode
511    set errorInfo oldErrorInfo
512    list [catch {send dummy foo} msg] $msg $errorInfo $errorCode
513} {4 {} oldErrorInfo oldErrorCode}
514test send-10.18 {SendEventProc procedure, send kills application} {secureserver testsend} {
515    setupbg
516    dobg {tk appname t_s_3}
517    set x [list [catch {send t_s_3 destroy .} msg] $msg]
518    cleanupbg
519    set x
520} {0 {}}
521test send-10.19 {SendEventProc procedure, send exits} {secureserver testsend} {
522    setupbg
523    dobg {tk appname t_s_3}
524    set x [list [catch {send t_s_3 exit} msg] $msg]
525    cleanupbg
526    set x
527} {1 {target application died}}
529test send-11.1 {AppendPropCarefully and AppendErrorProc procedures} {secureserver testsend} {
530    testsend prop root InterpRegistry "0x21447 dummy\n"
531    list [catch {send dummy foo} msg] $msg
532} {1 {no application named "dummy"}}
533test send-11.2 {AppendPropCarefully and AppendErrorProc procedures} {secureserver testsend} {
534    testsend prop comm Comm "c\n-r0x123 44\n-n tktest\n-s concat a b c\n"
535    update
536} {}
538winfo interps
539tk appname tktest
540catch {destroy .f}
541frame .f
542set id [string range [winfo id .f] 2 end]
544test send-12.1 {TimeoutProc procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
545    testsend prop root InterpRegistry "$id dummy\n"
546    list [catch {send dummy foo} msg] $msg
547} {1 {target application died or uses a Tk version before 4.0}}
549catch {testsend prop root InterpRegistry ""}
551test send-12.2 {TimeoutProc procedure} {secureserver} {
552    winfo interps
553    tk appname tktest
554    update
555    setupbg
556    set app [dobg {
557	after 10 {after 10 {after 5000; exit}}
558	tk appname
559    }]
560    after 200
561    set result [list [catch {send $app foo} msg] $msg]
562    cleanupbg
563    set result
564} {1 {target application died}}
566winfo interps
567tk appname tktest
568test send-13.1 {DeleteProc procedure} {secureserver} {
569    setupbg
570    set app [dobg {rename send {}; tk appname}]
571    set result [list [catch {send $app foo} msg] $msg [winfo interps]]
572    cleanupbg
573    set result
574} {1 {no application named "tktest #2"} tktest}
575test send-13.2 {DeleteProc procedure} {secureserver} {
576    winfo interps
577    tk appname tktest
578    rename send {}
579    set result {}
580    lappend result [winfo interps] [info commands send]
581    tk appname foo
582    lappend result [winfo interps] [info commands send]
583} {{} {} foo send}
585test send-14.1 {SendRestrictProc procedure, sends crossing from different displays} {secureserver altDisplay} {
586    setupbg -display $env(TK_ALT_DISPLAY)
587    set result [dobg "
588    toplevel .t -screen [winfo screen .]
589    wm geometry .t +0+0
590    tk appname xyzgorp1
591    set x child
592    "]
593    toplevel .t -screen $env(TK_ALT_DISPLAY)
594    wm geometry .t +0+0
595    tk appname xyzgorp2
596    update
597    set y parent
598    set result [send -displayof .t xyzgorp1 {list $x [send -displayof .t xyzgorp2 set y]}]
599    destroy .t
600    cleanupbg
601    set result
602} {child parent}
604catch {
605    testsend prop root InterpRegister $registry
606    tk appname tktest
608test send-15.1 {UpdateCommWindow procedure} {secureserver testsend} {
609    set x [list [testsend prop comm TK_APPLICATION]]
610    newApp "" t_s_1 Test
611    send t_s_1 wm withdraw .
612    newApp "" t_s_2 Test
613    send t_s_2 wm withdraw .
614    lappend x [testsend prop comm TK_APPLICATION]
615    interp delete t_s_1
616    lappend x [testsend prop comm TK_APPLICATION]
617    interp delete t_s_2
618    lappend x [testsend prop comm TK_APPLICATION]
619} {tktest {t_s_2 t_s_1 tktest} {t_s_2 tktest} tktest}
621catch {
622    tk appname $name
623    testsend prop root InterpRegistry $registry
624    testdeleteapps
626rename newApp {}
628# cleanup