1/* This software has been licensed to the Centre of Speech Technology, KTH
2 * by AT&T Corp. and Microsoft Corp. with the terms in the accompanying
3 * file BSD.txt, which is a BSD style license.
5/* Copyright (c) 1995 Entropic Research Laboratory, Inc. */
6/*	Copyright (c) 1987 AT&T	*/
7/*	  All Rights Reserved	*/
9#include <stdio.h>
10#include <math.h>
11#include <string.h>
12#include "snack.h"
15static double *pxl,*pa,*py,*pyl,*pa1,*px;
16void dlwrtrn(a,n,x,y)
17double *a,*x,*y; int *n;
18/*	routine to solve ax=y with cholesky
19	a - nxn matrix
20	x,y -vectors
21					*/
23	double sm;
24	*x = *y / *a;
25	pxl = x + 1;
26	pyl = y + *n;
27	pa = a + *n;
28	for(py=y+1;py<pyl;py++,pxl++){
29		sm = *py;
30		pa1 = pa;
31		for(px=x;px<pxl;px++)
32			sm = sm - *(pa1++) * *px;
33		pa += *n;
34		*px = sm / *pa1;
35	}
38static double *pa1,*pa2,*pa3,*pa4,*pa5,*pc;
39void dreflpc(c,a,n) double *c,*a; int *n;{
40double ta1;
41/*	convert ref to lpc
42	c - ref
43	a - polyn
44	n - no of coef
45					*/
46*a = 1.;
47*(a+1) = *c;
48pc = c; pa2 = a+ *n;
50	{
51	pc++;
52	*pa1 = *pc;
53	pa5 = a + (pa1-a)/2;
54	pa4 = pa1 - 1;
55	for(pa3=a+1;pa3<=pa5;pa3++,pa4--)
56		{
57		ta1 = *pa3 + *pc * *pa4;
58		*pa4 = *pa4 + *pa3 * *pc;
59		*pa3 = ta1;
60		}
61	}
64double *pa_1,*pa_2,*pa_3,*pa_4,*pa_5,*pal,*pt;
65int dchlsky(a,n,t,det)
66double *a,*t,*det;
67int *n;
68/*	performs cholesky decomposition
69	a - l * l(transpose)
70	l - lower triangle
71	det det(a)
72	a - nxn matrix
73	return - no of reduced elements
74		results in lower half + diagonal
75		upper half undisturbed.
76					*/
78	double sm;
79	double sqrt();
80	int m;
81	*det = 1.;
82	m = 0;
83	pal = a + *n * *n;
84	for(pa_1=a;pa_1<pal;pa_1+= *n){
85		pa_3=pa_1;
86		pt = t;
87		for(pa_2=a;pa_2<=pa_1;pa_2+= *n){
88			sm = *pa_3;	/*a(i,j)*/
89			pa_5 = pa_2;
90			for(pa_4=pa_1;pa_4<pa_3;pa_4++)
91				sm =  sm - *pa_4 * *(pa_5++);
92			if(pa_1==pa_2){
93				if(sm<=0.)return(m);
94				*pt = sqrt(sm);
95				*det = *det * *pt;
96				*(pa_3++) = *pt;
97				m++;
98				*pt = 1. / *pt;
99				pt++;
100			}
101			else
102				*(pa_3++) = sm * *(pt++);
103		}
104	}
105	return(m);
109static double *pp,*ppl,*pa;
110int dcovlpc(p,s,a,n,c)
111double *p,*s,*a,*c;
112int *n;
113/*	solve p*a=s using stabilized covariance method
114	p - cov nxn matrix
115	s - corrvec
116	a lpc coef *a = 1.
117	c - ref coefs
118				*/
120	double ee;
121	double sqrt(),ps,ps1,thres,d;
122	int m,n1;
123	m = dchlsky(p,n,c,&d);
124	dlwrtrn(p,n,c,s);
125	thres = 1.0e-31;
126	n1 = *n + 1;
127	ps = *(a + *n);
128	ps1 = 1.e-8*ps;
129	ppl = p + *n * m;
130	m = 0;
131	for(pp=p;pp<ppl;pp+=n1){
132		if(*pp<thres)break;
133		m++;
134	}
135	ee = ps;
136	ppl = c + m; pa = a;
137	for(pp=c;pp<ppl;pp++){
138		ee = ee - *pp * *pp;
139		if(ee<thres)break;
140		if(ee<ps1)fprintf(stderr,"*w* covlpc is losing accuracy\n");
141		*(pa++) = sqrt(ee);
142	}
143	m = pa - a;
144	*c = - *c/sqrt(ps);
145	ppl = c + m; pa = a;
146	for(pp=c+1;pp<ppl;pp++)
147		*pp = - *pp / *(pa++);
148	dreflpc(c,a,&m);
149	ppl = a + *n;
150	for(pp=a+m+1;pp<=ppl;pp++)*pp=0.;
151	return(m);
154/* cov mat for wtd lpc	*/
155static double *pdl1,*pdl2,*pdl3,*pdl4,*pdl5,*pdl6,*pdll;
156void dcwmtrx(s,ni,nl,np,phi,shi,ps,w)
157double *s,*phi,*shi,*ps,*w; int *ni,*nl,*np;
159	double sm;
160	int i,j;
161	*ps = 0;
162	for(pdl1=s+*ni,pdl2=w,pdll=s+*nl;pdl1<pdll;pdl1++,pdl2++)
163		*ps += *pdl1 * *pdl1 * *pdl2;
165	for(pdl3=shi,pdl4=shi+*np,pdl5=s+*ni;pdl3<pdl4;pdl3++,pdl5--){
166		*pdl3 = 0.;
167		for(pdl1=s+*ni,pdl2=w,pdll=s+*nl,pdl6=pdl5-1;
168			pdl1<pdll;pdl1++,pdl2++,pdl6++)
169			*pdl3 += *pdl1 * *pdl6 * *pdl2;
171	}
173	for(i=0;i<*np;i++)
174		for(j=0;j<=i;j++){
175			sm = 0.;
176			for(pdl1=s+*ni-i-1,pdl2=s+*ni-j-1,pdl3=w,pdll=s+*nl-i-1;
177				pdl1<pdll;)
178				sm += *pdl1++ * *pdl2++ * *pdl3++;
180			*(phi + *np * i + j) = sm;
181			*(phi + *np * j + i) = sm;
182		}
185double *psl,*pp2,*ppl2,*pc2,*pcl,*pph1,*pph2,*pph3,*pphl;
186int dlpcwtd(s,ls,p,np,c,phi,shi,xl,w)
187double *s,*p,*c,*phi,*shi,*xl,*w;
188int *ls,*np;
189/*	pred anal subroutine with ridge reg
190	s - speech
191	ls - length of s
192	p - pred coefs
193	np - polyn order
194	c - ref coers
195	phi - cov matrix
196	shi - cov vect
197					*/
199int m,np1,mm;
200double d,pre,pre3,pre2,pre0,pss,pss7,thres;
201double ee;
202np1  =  *np  +  1;
205	{
206	pph1 = phi; ppl2 = p + *np;
207	for(pp2=p;pp2<ppl2;pp2++){
208		*pp2 = *pph1;
209		pph1 += np1;
210	}
211	*ppl2 = pss;
212	pss7 = .0000001 * pss;
213	mm = dchlsky(phi,np,c,&d);
214	if(mm< *np)fprintf(stderr,"LPCHFA error covariance matric rank %d \n",mm);
215	dlwrtrn(phi,np,c,shi);
216	ee = pss;
217	thres = 0.;
218	pph1 = phi; pcl = c + mm;
219	for(pc2=c;pc2<pcl;pc2++)
220		{
221		if(*pph1<thres)break;
222		ee = ee - *pc2 * *pc2;
223		if(ee<thres)break;
224		if(ee<pss7)
225			fprintf(stderr,"LPCHFA is losing accuracy\n");
226		}
227	m = pc2 - c;
228	if(m != mm)
229		fprintf(stderr,"*W* LPCHFA error - inconsistent value of m %d \n",m);
230	pre = ee * *xl;
231	pphl = phi + *np * *np;
232	for(pph1=phi+1;pph1<pphl;pph1+=np1)
233		{
234		pph2 = pph1;
235		for(pph3=pph1+ *np-1;pph3<pphl;pph3+= *np)
236			{
237			*pph3 = *(pph2++);
238			}
239		}
240	pp2 = p; pre3 = .375 * pre; pre2 = .25 * pre; pre0 = .0625 * pre;
241	for(pph1=phi;pph1<pphl;pph1+=np1)
242		{
243		*pph1 = *(pp2++) + pre3;
244		if((pph2=pph1- *np)>phi)
245			*pph2 = *(pph1-1) = *pph2 - pre2;
246		if((pph3=pph2- *np)>phi)
247			*pph3 = *(pph1-2) = *pph3 + pre0;
248		}
249	*shi -= pre2;
250	*(shi+1) += pre0;
251	*(p+ *np) = pss + pre3;
252	}
253m = dcovlpc(phi,shi,p,np,c);
258 *
259 *	An implementation of the Le Roux - Gueguen PARCOR computation.
260 *	See: IEEE/ASSP June, 1977 pp 257-259.
261 *
262 *	Author: David Talkin	Jan., 1984
263 *
264 */
266#include <stdio.h>
267#include <stdlib.h>
268#include <math.h>
269#include <fcntl.h>
270#ifndef DBL_MAX
271#define DBL_MAX 1.7976931348623157E+308
273/*#include <esps/limits.h>*/
274    /* for definition of DBL_MAX */
276#define MAXORDER	60	/* maximum permissible LPC order */
277#define FALSE 0
278#define TRUE 1
280#ifndef M_PI
281#define M_PI    3.14159265358979323846
282#define M_PI_2          1.57079632679489661923
283#define M_PI_4          0.78539816339744830962
287void lgsol(p, r, k, ex)
288/*  p	=	The order of the LPC analysis.
289 *  r	=	The array of p+1 autocorrelation coefficients.
290 *  k	=	The array of PARCOR coefficients returned by lgsol.
291 *  ex	=	The normalized prediction residual or "gain."
292 *		(Errors are flagged by ex < 0.)
293 * All coefficients are returned in "normal" signed format,
294 *	i.e. a[0] is assumed to be = 1.
295 */
297register int p;
298register double *r, *k, *ex;
301register int m, h;
302double rl[MAXORDER+1], ep[MAXORDER], en[MAXORDER];
303register double *q, *s, temp;
305  if( p > MAXORDER ){
306	printf("\n Specified lpc order to large in lgsol.\n");
307	*ex = -1.;	/* Errors flagged by "ex" less than 0. */
308	return;
309  }
310  if( *r <= 0.){
311	printf("\n Bad autocorelation coefficients in lgsol.\n");
312	*ex = -2.;
313	return;
314  }
315  if( *r != 1.){	/* Normalize the autocorrelation coeffs. */
316	for( q = rl+1, s = r+1, m = 0; m < p; m++, q++, s++){
317		*q = *s / *r;
318	}
319	*rl = 1.;
320 	q = rl;		 /* point to local array of normalized coeffs. */
322  }
323  else  		 /* Point to normalized remote array. */
324     		q = r;
327/* Begin the L-G recursion. */
328  for( s = q, m = 0; m < p; m++, s++){
329	ep[m] = *(s+1);
330	en[m] = *s;
331  }
332  for( h = 0; h < p; h++){
333	k[h] = -ep[h]/en[0];
334	*en += k[h]*ep[h];
335	if(h == p-1) break;
337	ep[p-1] += k[h]*en[p-h-1];
338	for( m = h+1; m < p-1; m++){
339		temp = ep[m] + k[h]*en[m-h];
340		en[m-h] += k[h]*ep[m];
341		ep[m] = temp;
342	}
343  }
344  *ex = *en;
348void rwindow(din, dout, n, preemp)
349     register short *din;
350     register double *dout, preemp;
351     register int n;
353  register short *p;
355/* If preemphasis is to be performed,  this assumes that there are n+1 valid
356   samples in the input buffer (din). */
357  if(preemp != 0.0) {
358    for( p=din+1; n-- > 0; )
359      *dout++ = (double)(*p++) - (preemp * *din++);
360  } else {
361    for( ; n-- > 0; )
362      *dout++ =  *din++;
363  }
368void cwindow(din, dout, n, preemp)
369     register short *din;
370     register double *dout, preemp;
371     register int n;
373  register int i;
374  register short *p;
375  static int wsize = 0;
376  static double *wind=NULL;
377  register double *q, co;
379  if(wsize != n) {		/* Need to create a new cos**4 window? */
380    register double arg, half=0.5;
382    if(wind) wind = (double*)ckrealloc((void *)wind,n*sizeof(double));
383    else wind = (double*)ckalloc(n*sizeof(double));
384    wsize = n;
385    for(i=0, arg=3.1415927*2.0/(wsize), q=wind; i < n; ) {
386      co = half*(1.0 - cos((half + (double)i++) * arg));
387      *q++ = co * co * co * co;
388    }
389  }
390/* If preemphasis is to be performed,  this assumes that there are n+1 valid
391   samples in the input buffer (din). */
392  if(preemp != 0.0) {
393    for(i=n, p=din+1, q=wind; i-- > 0; )
394      *dout++ = *q++ * ((double)(*p++) - (preemp * *din++));
395  } else {
396    for(i=n, q=wind; i-- > 0; )
397      *dout++ = *q++ * *din++;
398  }
403void hwindow(din, dout, n, preemp)
404     register short *din;
405     register double *dout, preemp;
406     register int n;
408  register int i;
409  register short *p;
410  static int wsize = 0;
411  static double *wind=NULL;
412  register double *q;
414  if(wsize != n) {		/* Need to create a new Hamming window? */
415    register double arg, half=0.5;
417    if(wind) wind = (double*)ckrealloc((void *)wind,n*sizeof(double));
418    else wind = (double*)ckalloc(n*sizeof(double));
419    wsize = n;
420    for(i=0, arg=3.1415927*2.0/(wsize), q=wind; i < n; )
421      *q++ = (.54 - .46 * cos((half + (double)i++) * arg));
422  }
423/* If preemphasis is to be performed,  this assumes that there are n+1 valid
424   samples in the input buffer (din). */
425  if(preemp != 0.0) {
426    for(i=n, p=din+1, q=wind; i-- > 0; )
427      *dout++ = *q++ * ((double)(*p++) - (preemp * *din++));
428  } else {
429    for(i=n, q=wind; i-- > 0; )
430      *dout++ = *q++ * *din++;
431  }
436void hnwindow(din, dout, n, preemp)
437     register short *din;
438     register double *dout, preemp;
439     register int n;
441  register int i;
442  register short *p;
443  static int wsize = 0;
444  static double *wind=NULL;
445  register double *q;
447  if(wsize != n) {		/* Need to create a new Hamming window? */
448    register double arg, half=0.5;
450    if(wind) wind = (double*)ckrealloc((void *)wind,n*sizeof(double));
451    else wind = (double*)ckalloc(n*sizeof(double));
452    wsize = n;
453    for(i=0, arg=3.1415927*2.0/(wsize), q=wind; i < n; )
454      *q++ = (half - half * cos((half + (double)i++) * arg));
455  }
456/* If preemphasis is to be performed,  this assumes that there are n+1 valid
457   samples in the input buffer (din). */
458  if(preemp != 0.0) {
459    for(i=n, p=din+1, q=wind; i-- > 0; )
460      *dout++ = *q++ * ((double)(*p++) - (preemp * *din++));
461  } else {
462    for(i=n, q=wind; i-- > 0; )
463      *dout++ = *q++ * *din++;
464  }
468int get_window(dout, n, type)
469     register double *dout;
470     register int n;
472  static short *din = NULL;
473  static int n0 = 0;
474  double preemp = 0.0;
476  if(n > n0) {
477    register short *p;
478    register int i;
480    if(din) ckfree((void *)din);
481    din = NULL;
482    if(!(din = (short*)ckalloc(sizeof(short)*n))) {
483      printf("Allocation problems in get_window()\n");
484      return(FALSE);
485    }
486    for(i=0, p=din; i++ < n; ) *p++ = 1;
487    n0 = n;
488  }
489  switch(type) {
490  case 0:
491    rwindow(din, dout, n, preemp);
492    break;
493  case 1:
494    hwindow(din, dout, n, preemp);
495    break;
496  case 2:
497    cwindow(din, dout, n, preemp);
498    break;
499  case 3:
500    hnwindow(din, dout, n, preemp);
501    break;
502  default:
503    printf("Unknown window type (%d) requested in get_window()\n",type);
504  }
505  return(TRUE);
509int get_float_window(fout, n, type)
510     register float *fout;
511     register int n;
513  static int n0 = 0;
514  static double *dout = NULL;
516  if(n > n0) {
517    if(dout)ckfree((void *)dout);
518    dout = NULL;
519    if(!(dout = (double*)ckalloc(sizeof(double)*n))) {
520      printf("Allocation problems in get_window()\n");
521      return(FALSE);
522    }
523    n0 = n;
524  }
525  if(get_window(dout, n, type)) {
526    register int i;
527    register double *d;
529    for(i=0, d = dout; i++ < n; ) *fout++ = (float) *d++;
530    return(TRUE);
531  }
532  return(FALSE);
536int fwindow(din, dout, n, preemp, type)
537     register short *din;
538     register float *dout, preemp;
539     register int n;
541  static float *fwind=NULL;
542  static int size=0, otype= (-100);
543  register int i;
544  register float *q;
545  register short *p;
547  if(size != n) {
548    if(fwind) fwind = (float*)ckrealloc((void *)fwind,sizeof(float)*(n+1));
549    else fwind =  (float*)ckalloc(sizeof(float)*(n+1));
550    if(!fwind) {
551      printf("Allocation problems in fwindow\n");
552      return(FALSE);
553    }
554    otype = -100;
555    size = n;
556  }
557  if(type != otype) {
558    get_float_window(fwind, n, type);
559    otype = type;
560  }
561/* If preemphasis is to be performed,  this assumes that there are n+1 valid
562   samples in the input buffer (din). */
563  if(preemp != 0.0) {
564    for(i=n, p=din+1, q=fwind; i-- > 0; )
565      *dout++ = (float) (*q++ * ((float)(*p++) - (preemp * *din++)));
566  } else {
567    for(i=n, q=fwind; i-- > 0; )
568      *dout++ = *q++ * *din++;
569  }
570  return(TRUE);
574/* same as fwindow() but input is float */
575int fwindow_f(din, dout, n, preemp, type)
576     register float *din;
577     register float *dout, preemp;
578     register int n;
580  static float *fwind=NULL;
581  static int size=0, otype= (-100);
582  register int i;
583  register float *q;
584  register float *p;
586  if(size != n) {
587    if(fwind) fwind = (float*)ckrealloc((void *)fwind,sizeof(float)*(n+1));
588    else fwind =  (float*)ckalloc(sizeof(float)*(n+1));
589    if(!fwind) {
590      printf("Allocation problems in fwindow\n");
591      return(FALSE);
592    }
593    otype = -100;
594    size = n;
595  }
596  if(type != otype) {
597    get_float_window(fwind, n, type);
598    otype = type;
599  }
600/* If preemphasis is to be performed,  this assumes that there are n+1 valid
601   samples in the input buffer (din). */
602  if(preemp != 0.0) {
603    for(i=n, p=din+1, q=fwind; i-- > 0; )
604      *dout++ = (float) (*q++ * ((*p++) - (preemp * *din++)));
605  } else {
606    for(i=n, q=fwind; i-- > 0; )
607      *dout++ = *q++ * *din++;
608  }
609  return(TRUE);
613/* same as fwindow() but I/O is double */
614int fwindow_d(din, dout, n, preemp, type)
615     register double *din;
616     register double *dout, preemp;
617     register int n;
619  static float *fwind=NULL;
620  static int size=0, otype= (-100);
621  register int i;
622  register float *q;
623  register double *p;
625  if(size != n) {
626    if(fwind) fwind = (float*)ckrealloc((void *)fwind,sizeof(float)*(n+1));
627    else fwind =  (float*)ckalloc(sizeof(float)*(n+1));
628    if(!fwind) {
629      printf("Allocation problems in fwindow\n");
630      return(FALSE);
631    }
632    otype = -100;
633    size = n;
634  }
635  if(type != otype) {
636    get_float_window(fwind, n, type);
637    otype = type;
638  }
639/* If preemphasis is to be performed,  this assumes that there are n+1 valid
640   samples in the input buffer (din). */
641  if(preemp != 0.0) {
642    for(i=n, p=din+1, q=fwind; i-- > 0; )
643      *dout++ = *q++ * ((*p++) - (preemp * *din++));
644  } else {
645    for(i=n, q=fwind; i-- > 0; )
646      *dout++ = *q++ * *din++;
647  }
648  return(TRUE);
654void w_window(din, dout, n, preemp, type)
655     register short *din;
656     register double *dout, preemp;
657     register int n;
659  switch(type) {
660  case 0:
661    rwindow(din, dout, n, preemp);
662    return;
663  case 1:
664    hwindow(din, dout, n, preemp);
665    return;
666  case 2:
667    cwindow(din, dout, n, preemp);
668    return;
669  case 3:
670    hnwindow(din, dout, n, preemp);
671    return;
672  default:
673    printf("Unknown window type (%d) requested in w_window()\n",type);
674  }
678void autoc( windowsize, s, p, r, e )
679register int windowsize, p;
680register double *s, *r, *e;
682 * Compute the pp+1 autocorrelation lags of the windowsize samples in s.
683 * Return the normalized autocorrelation coefficients in r.
684 * The rms is returned in e.
685 */
687  register int i, j;
688  register double *q, *t, sum, sum0;
690  for ( i=0, q=s, sum0=0.; i< windowsize; q++, i++){
691	sum0 += (*q) * (*q);
692  }
693  *r = 1.;  /* r[0] will always =1. */
694  if ( sum0 == 0.){   /* No energy: fake low-energy white noise. */
695  	*e = 1.;   /* Arbitrarily assign 1 to rms. */
696		   /* Now fake autocorrelation of white noise. */
697	for ( i=1; i<=p; i++){
698		r[i] = 0.;
699	}
700	return;
701  }
702  for( i=1; i <= p; i++){
703	for( sum=0., j=0, q=s, t=s+i; j < (windowsize)-i; j++, q++, t++){
704		sum += (*q) * (*t);
705	}
706	*(++r) = sum/sum0;
707  }
708  if(sum0 < 0.0) printf("lpcfloat:autoc(): sum0 = %f\n",sum0);
709  *e = sqrt(sum0/windowsize);
713void k_to_a ( k, a, p )
714register int p;
715register double *k, *a;
717 * Convert the p PARCOR parameters in k to LPC (AR) coefficients in a.
718 */
720    int i,j;
721    double b[MAXORDER];
723    *a = *k;
724    for ( i=1; i < p; i++ ){
725	a[i] = k[i];
726	for ( j=0; j<=i; j++ ){
727		b[j] = a[j];
728	}
729	for ( j=0; j<i; j++ ){
730	    a[j] += k[i]*b[i-j-1];
731	}
732    }
735void durbin ( r, k, a, p, ex)
736register int p;
737register double *r, *k, *a, *ex;
739* Compute the AR and PARCOR coefficients using Durbin's recursion.
740* Note: Durbin returns the coefficients in normal sign format.
741*	(i.e. a[0] is assumed to be = +1.)
744  double b[MAXORDER];
745  register int i, j;
746  register double e, s;
748    e = *r;
749    *k = -r[1]/e;
750    *a = *k;
751    e *= (1. - (*k) * (*k));
752    for ( i=1; i < p; i++){
753	s = 0;
754	for ( j=0; j<i; j++){
755		s -= a[j] * r[i-j];
756	}
757	k[i] = ( s - r[i+1] )/e;
758	a[i] = k[i];
759	for ( j=0; j<=i; j++){
760		b[j] = a[j];
761	}
762	for ( j=0; j<i; j++){
763		a[j] += k[i] * b[i-j-1];
764	}
765	e *= ( 1. - (k[i] * k[i]) );
766    }
767    *ex = e;
770void a_to_aca ( a, b, c, p )
771double *a, *b, *c;
772register int p;
773/*  Compute the autocorrelations of the p LP coefficients in a.
774 *  (a[0] is assumed to be = 1 and not explicitely accessed.)
775 *  The magnitude of a is returned in c.
776 *  2* the other autocorrelation coefficients are returned in b.
777 */
779    double		s;
780    register short	i, j, pm;
781	for ( s=1., i = 0; i < p; i++ ){
782		s += (a[i] * a[i]);
783	}
784	*c = s;
785	pm = p-1;
786	for ( i = 0; i < p; i++){
787		s = a[i];
788		for ( j = 0; j < (pm-i); j++){
789			s += (a[j] * a[j+i+1]);
790		}
791		b[i] = 2. * s;
792	}
796double itakura ( p, b, c, r, gain )
797register double *b, *c, *r, *gain;
798register int p;
799/* Compute the Itakura LPC distance between the model represented
800 * by the signal autocorrelation (r) and its residual (gain) and
801 * the model represented by an LPC autocorrelation (c, b).
802 * Both models are of order p.
803 * r is assumed normalized and r[0]=1 is not explicitely accessed.
804 * Values returned by the function are >= 1.
805 */
806 {
807     double s;
808     register int i;
809     for( s= *c, i=0; i< p; i++){
810	s += r[i] * b[i];
811    }
812    return (s/ *gain);
815int lpc(lpc_ord,lpc_stabl,wsize,data,lpca,ar,lpck,normerr,rms,preemp,type)
816     int lpc_ord, wsize, type;
817     double lpc_stabl, *lpca, *ar, *lpck, *normerr, *rms, preemp;
818     short *data;
820  static double *dwind=NULL;
821  static int nwind=0;
822  double rho[MAXORDER+1], k[MAXORDER], a[MAXORDER+1],*r,*kp,*ap,en,er;
823  double wfact = 1.0;
825  if((wsize <= 0) || (!data) || (lpc_ord > MAXORDER)) return(FALSE);
827  if(nwind != wsize) {
828    if(dwind) dwind = (double*)ckrealloc((void *)dwind,wsize*sizeof(double));
829    else dwind = (double*)ckalloc(wsize*sizeof(double));
830    if(!dwind) {
831      printf("Can't allocate scratch memory in lpc()\n");
832      return(FALSE);
833    }
834    nwind = wsize;
835  }
837  w_window(data, dwind, wsize, preemp, type);
838  if(!(r = ar)) r = rho;
839  if(!(kp = lpck)) kp = k;
840  if(!(ap = lpca)) ap = a;
841  autoc( wsize, dwind, lpc_ord, r, &en );
842  if(lpc_stabl > 1.0) { /* add a little to the diagonal for stability */
843    int i;
844    double ffact;
845    ffact =1.0/(1.0 + exp((-lpc_stabl/20.0) * log(10.0)));
846    for(i=1; i <= lpc_ord; i++) rho[i] = ffact * r[i];
847    *rho = *r;
848    r = rho;
849    if(ar)
850      for(i=0;i<=lpc_ord; i++) ar[i] = r[i]; /* copy out for possible use later */
851  }
852  durbin ( r, kp, &ap[1], lpc_ord, &er);
854/* After talkin with David T., I decided to take the following correction
855out -- if people window, the resulting output (spectrum and power) should
856correspond to the windowed data, and we shouldn't try to back-correct
857to un-windowed data. */
859/*  switch(type) {		/ rms correction for window */
860/*   case 0:
861    wfact = 1.0;		/ rectangular */
862/*    break;
863  case 1:
864    wfact = .630397;		/ Hamming */
865/*    break;
866  case 2:
867    wfact = .443149;		/ (.5 - .5*cos)^4 */
868/*    break;
869  case 3:
870    wfact = .612372;		/ Hanning */
871/*    break;
872  }
875  *ap = 1.0;
876  if(rms) *rms = en/wfact;
877  if(normerr) *normerr = er;
878  return(TRUE);
881/* convert reflection (PARCOR) coefficients to areas */
882void dreflar(c,a,n) double *c,*a; int n;{
883/*	refl to area			*/
884	register double *pa,*pa1,*pc,*pcl;
885	pa = a + 1;	pa1 = a;
886	*a = 1.;
887	for(pc=c,pcl=c+ n;pc<pcl;pc++)
888	*pa++ = *pa1++ * (1+*pc)/(1-*pc);
889	}
891/* covariance LPC analysis; originally from Markel and Gray */
892/* (a translation from the fortran) */
894int w_covar(xx,m,n,istrt,y,alpha,r0,preemp,w_type)
895     double *y, *alpha, *r0, preemp;
896     short *xx;
897     int *m,n,istrt;
898     int w_type;
900  static double *x=NULL;
901  static int nold = 0;
902  static int mold = 0;
903  static double *b = NULL, *beta = NULL, *grc = NULL, *cc = NULL, gam,s;
904 int ibeg, ibeg1, ibeg2, ibegmp, np0, ibegm1, msq, np, np1, mf, jp, ip,
905     mp, i, j, minc, n1, n2, n3, npb, msub, mm1, isub, m2;
906  int mnew = 0;
908  if((n+1) > nold) {
909    if(x) ckfree((void *)x);
910    x = NULL;
911    if(!(x = (double*)ckalloc((n+1)*sizeof(double)))) {
912      printf("Allocation failure in w_covar()\n");
913      return(FALSE);
914    }
915    memset(x, 0, (n+1) * sizeof(double));
916    nold = n+1;
917  }
919  if(*m > mold) {
920    if(b) ckfree((void *)b); if(beta) ckfree((void *)beta); if (grc) ckfree((void *)grc); if (cc) ckfree((void *)cc);
921    b = beta = grc = cc = NULL;
922    mnew = *m;
924    if(!((b = (double*)ckalloc(sizeof(double)*((mnew+1)*(mnew+1)/2))) &&
925       (beta = (double*)ckalloc(sizeof(double)*(mnew+3)))  &&
926       (grc = (double*)ckalloc(sizeof(double)*(mnew+3)))  &&
927       (cc = (double*)ckalloc(sizeof(double)*(mnew+3)))))   {
928      printf("Allocation failure in w_covar()\n");
929      return(FALSE);
930    }
931    mold = mnew;
932  }
934  w_window(xx, x, n, preemp, w_type);
936 ibeg = istrt - 1;
937 ibeg1 = ibeg + 1;
938 mp = *m + 1;
939 ibegm1 = ibeg - 1;
940 ibeg2 = ibeg + 2;
941 ibegmp = ibeg + mp;
942 i = *m;
943 msq = ( i + i*i)/2;
944 for (i=1; i <= msq; i++) b[i] = 0.0;
945 *alpha = 0.0;
946 cc[1] = 0.0;
947 cc[2] = 0.0;
948 for(np=mp; np <= n; np++) {
949   np1 = np + ibegm1;
950   np0 = np + ibeg;
951   *alpha += x[np0] * x[np0];
952   cc[1] += x[np0] * x[np1];
953   cc[2] += x[np1] * x[np1];
954 }
955 *r0 = *alpha;
956 b[1] = 1.0;
957 beta[1] = cc[2];
958 grc[1] = -cc[1]/cc[2];
959 y[0] = 1.0;
960 y[1] = grc[1];
961 *alpha += grc[1]*cc[1];
962 if( *m <= 1) return(FALSE);		/* need to correct indices?? */
963 mf = *m;
964 for( minc = 2; minc <= mf; minc++) {
965   for(j=1; j <= minc; j++) {
966     jp = minc + 2 - j;
967     n1 = ibeg1 + mp - jp;
968     n2 = ibeg1 + n - minc;
969     n3 = ibeg2 + n - jp;
970     cc[jp] = cc[jp - 1] + x[ibegmp-minc]*x[n1] - x[n2]*x[n3];
971   }
972   cc[1] = 0.0;
973   for(np = mp; np <= n; np++) {
974     npb = np + ibeg;
975     cc[1] += x[npb-minc]*x[npb];
976   }
977   msub = (minc*minc - minc)/2;
978   mm1 = minc - 1;
979   b[msub+minc] = 1.0;
980   for(ip=1; ip <= mm1; ip++) {
981     isub = (ip*ip - ip)/2;
982     if(beta[ip] <= 0.0) {
983       *m = minc-1;
984       return(TRUE);
985     }
986     gam = 0.0;
987     for(j=1; j <= ip; j++)
988       gam += cc[j+1]*b[isub+j];
989     gam /= beta[ip];
990     for(jp=1; jp <= ip; jp++)
991       b[msub+jp] -= gam*b[isub+jp];
992   }
993   beta[minc] = 0.0;
994   for(j=1; j <= minc; j++)
995     beta[minc] += cc[j+1]*b[msub+j];
996   if(beta[minc] <= 0.0) {
997     *m = minc-1;
998     return(TRUE);
999   }
1000   s = 0.0;
1001   for(ip=1; ip <= minc; ip++)
1002     s += cc[ip]*y[ip-1];
1003   grc[minc] = -s/beta[minc];
1004   for(ip=1; ip < minc; ip++) {
1005     m2 = msub+ip;
1006     y[ip] += grc[minc]*b[m2];
1007   }
1008   y[minc] = grc[minc];
1009   s = grc[minc]*grc[minc]*beta[minc];
1010   *alpha -= s;
1011   if(*alpha <= 0.0) {
1012     if(minc < *m) *m = minc;
1013     return(TRUE);
1014   }
1015 }
1016 return(TRUE);
1019/* Same as above, but returns alpha as a function of order. */
1020int covar2(xx,m,n,istrt,y,alpha,r0,preemp)
1021     double *y, *alpha, *r0, preemp;
1022     short *xx;
1023     int *m,n,istrt;
1025  static double *x=NULL;
1026  static int nold = 0;
1027  double b[513],beta[33],grc[33],cc[33],gam,s;
1028  int ibeg, ibeg1, ibeg2, ibegmp, np0, ibegm1, msq, np, np1, mf, jp, ip,
1029     mp, i, j, minc, n1, n2, n3, npb, msub, mm1, isub, m2;
1031  if((n+1) > nold) {
1032    if(x) ckfree((void*)x);
1033    x = NULL;
1034    if(!(x = (double*)ckalloc(sizeof(double)*(n+1)))) {
1035      printf("Allocation failure in covar2()\n");
1036      return(FALSE);
1037    }
1038    nold = n+1;
1039  }
1041 for(i=1; i <= n; i++) x[i] = (double)xx[i] - preemp * xx[i-1];
1042 ibeg = istrt - 1;
1043 ibeg1 = ibeg + 1;
1044 mp = *m + 1;
1045 ibegm1 = ibeg - 1;
1046 ibeg2 = ibeg + 2;
1047 ibegmp = ibeg + mp;
1048 i = *m;
1049 msq = ( i + i*i)/2;
1050 for (i=1; i <= msq; i++) b[i] = 0.0;
1051 *alpha = 0.0;
1052 cc[1] = 0.0;
1053 cc[2] = 0.0;
1054 for(np=mp; np <= n; np++) {
1055   np1 = np + ibegm1;
1056   np0 = np + ibeg;
1057   *alpha += x[np0] * x[np0];
1058   cc[1] += x[np0] * x[np1];
1059   cc[2] += x[np1] * x[np1];
1060 }
1061 *r0 = *alpha;
1062 b[1] = 1.0;
1063 beta[1] = cc[2];
1064 grc[1] = -cc[1]/cc[2];
1065 y[0] = 1.0;
1066 y[1] = grc[1];
1067 *alpha += grc[1]*cc[1];
1068 if( *m <= 1) return(TRUE);		/* need to correct indices?? */
1069 mf = *m;
1070 for( minc = 2; minc <= mf; minc++) {
1071   for(j=1; j <= minc; j++) {
1072     jp = minc + 2 - j;
1073     n1 = ibeg1 + mp - jp;
1074     n2 = ibeg1 + n - minc;
1075     n3 = ibeg2 + n - jp;
1076     cc[jp] = cc[jp - 1] + x[ibegmp-minc]*x[n1] - x[n2]*x[n3];
1077   }
1078   cc[1] = 0.0;
1079   for(np = mp; np <= n; np++) {
1080     npb = np + ibeg;
1081     cc[1] += x[npb-minc]*x[npb];
1082   }
1083   msub = (minc*minc - minc)/2;
1084   mm1 = minc - 1;
1085   b[msub+minc] = 1.0;
1086   for(ip=1; ip <= mm1; ip++) {
1087     isub = (ip*ip - ip)/2;
1088     if(beta[ip] <= 0.0) {
1089       *m = minc-1;
1090       return(TRUE);
1091     }
1092     gam = 0.0;
1093     for(j=1; j <= ip; j++)
1094       gam += cc[j+1]*b[isub+j];
1095     gam /= beta[ip];
1096     for(jp=1; jp <= ip; jp++)
1097       b[msub+jp] -= gam*b[isub+jp];
1098   }
1099   beta[minc] = 0.0;
1100   for(j=1; j <= minc; j++)
1101     beta[minc] += cc[j+1]*b[msub+j];
1102   if(beta[minc] <= 0.0) {
1103     *m = minc-1;
1104     return(TRUE);
1105   }
1106   s = 0.0;
1107   for(ip=1; ip <= minc; ip++)
1108     s += cc[ip]*y[ip-1];
1109   grc[minc] = -s/beta[minc];
1110   for(ip=1; ip < minc; ip++) {
1111     m2 = msub+ip;
1112     y[ip] += grc[minc]*b[m2];
1113   }
1114   y[minc] = grc[minc];
1115   s = grc[minc]*grc[minc]*beta[minc];
1116   alpha[minc-1] = alpha[minc-2] - s;
1117   if(alpha[minc-1] <= 0.0) {
1118     if(minc < *m) *m = minc;
1119     return(TRUE);
1120   }
1121 }
1122 return(TRUE);
1125int lbpoly();
1127/*      ----------------------------------------------------------      */
1128/* Find the roots of the LPC denominator polynomial and convert the z-plane
1129	zeros to equivalent resonant frequencies and bandwidths.	*/
1130/* The complex poles are then ordered by frequency.  */
1131int formant(lpc_order,s_freq,lpca,n_form,freq,band,init)
1132int	lpc_order, /* order of the LP model */
1133	*n_form,   /* number of COMPLEX roots of the LPC polynomial */
1134	init; 	   /* preset to true if no root candidates are available */
1135double	s_freq,    /* the sampling frequency of the speech waveform data */
1136	*lpca, 	   /* linear predictor coefficients */
1137	*freq,     /* returned array of candidate formant frequencies */
1138	*band;     /* returned array of candidate formant bandwidths */
1140  double  x, flo, pi2t, theta;
1141  static double  rr[MAXORDER], ri[MAXORDER];
1142  int	i,ii,iscomp1,iscomp2,fc,swit;
1144  if(init){ /* set up starting points for the root search near unit circle */
1145    x = M_PI/(lpc_order + 1);
1146    for(i=0;i<=lpc_order;i++){
1147      flo = lpc_order - i;
1148      rr[i] = 2.0 * cos((flo + 0.5) * x);
1149      ri[i] = 2.0 * sin((flo + 0.5) * x);
1150    }
1151  }
1152  if(! lbpoly(lpca,lpc_order,rr,ri)){ /* find the roots of the LPC polynomial */
1153    *n_form = 0;		/* was there a problem in the root finder? */
1154    return(FALSE);
1155  }
1157  pi2t = M_PI * 2.0 /s_freq;
1159  /* convert the z-plane locations to frequencies and bandwidths */
1160  for(fc=0, ii=0; ii < lpc_order; ii++){
1161    if((rr[ii] != 0.0)||(ri[ii] != 0.0)){
1162      theta = atan2(ri[ii],rr[ii]);
1163      freq[fc] = fabs(theta / pi2t);
1164      if((band[fc] = 0.5 * s_freq *
1165	  log(((rr[ii] * rr[ii]) + (ri[ii] * ri[ii])))/M_PI) < 0.0)
1166	band[fc] = -band[fc];
1167      fc++;			/* Count the number of real and complex poles. */
1169      if((rr[ii] == rr[ii+1])&&(ri[ii] == -ri[ii+1]) /* complex pole? */
1170	 && (ri[ii] != 0.0)) ii++; /* if so, don't duplicate */
1171    }
1172  }
1175  /* Now order the complex poles by frequency.  Always place the (uninteresting)
1176     real poles at the end of the arrays. 	*/
1177  theta = s_freq/2.0;		/* temporarily hold the folding frequency. */
1178  for(i=0; i < fc -1; i++){	/* order the poles by frequency (bubble) */
1179    for(ii=0; ii < fc -1 -i; ii++){
1180      /* Force the real poles to the end of the list. */
1181      iscomp1 = (freq[ii] > 1.0) && (freq[ii] < theta);
1182      iscomp2 = (freq[ii+1] > 1.0) && (freq[ii+1] < theta);
1183      swit = (freq[ii] > freq[ii+1]) && iscomp2 ;
1184      if(swit || (iscomp2 && ! iscomp1)){
1185	flo = band[ii+1];
1186	band[ii+1] = band[ii];
1187	band[ii] = flo;
1188	flo = freq[ii+1];
1189	freq[ii+1] = freq[ii];
1190	freq[ii] = flo;
1191      }
1192    }
1193  }
1194  /* Now count the complex poles as formant candidates. */
1195  for(i=0, theta = theta - 1.0, ii=0 ; i < fc; i++)
1196    if( (freq[i] > 1.0) && (freq[i] < theta) ) ii++;
1197  *n_form = ii;
1199  return(TRUE);
1205int log_mag(x,y,z,n)
1206			/* z <- (10 * log10(x^2 + y^2))  for n elements */
1207double	*x, *y, *z;
1208int	n;
1210register double	*xp, *yp, *zp, t1, t2, ssq;
1212    if(x && y && z && n) {
1213        for(xp=x+n, yp=y+n, zp=z+n; zp > z;) {
1214	    t1 = *--xp;
1215	    t2 = *--yp;
1216	    ssq = (t1*t1)+(t2*t2);
1217	    *--zp = (ssq > 0.0)? 10.0 * log10(ssq) : -200.0;
1218	}
1219	return(TRUE);
1220    } else {
1221	return(FALSE);
1222    }
1226int flog_mag(x,y,z,n)
1227			/* z <- (10 * log10(x^2 + y^2))  for n elements */
1228float	*x, *y, *z;
1229int	n;
1231register float	*xp, *yp, *zp, t1, t2, ssq;
1233    if(x && y && z && n) {
1234        for(xp=x+n, yp=y+n, zp=z+n; zp > z;) {
1235	    t1 = *--xp;
1236	    t2 = *--yp;
1237	    ssq = (t1*t1)+(t2*t2);
1238	    *--zp = (float) ((ssq > 0.0)? 10.0 * log10((double)ssq) : -200.0);
1239	}
1240	return(TRUE);
1241    } else {
1242	return(FALSE);
1243    }
1246#ifdef USE_OLD_FFT
1247#include	"thetable.c"	/*  table of sines and cosines */
1249fft ( l, x, y )
1250int l;
1251double *x, *y;
1252/* Compute the discrete Fourier transform of the 2**l complex sequence
1253 * in x (real) and y (imaginary).  The DFT is computed in place and the
1254 * Fourier coefficients are returned in x and y.
1255 */
1257register double	c, s,  t1, t2;
1258register int	j1, j2, li, lix, i;
1259int	np, lmx, lo, lixnp, lm, j, nv2, k, im, jm;
1261    for ( np=1, i=1; i <= l; i++) np *= 2;
1263    if(fft_tablesize < (np/2)) {
1264	printf("\nPrecomputed trig tables are not big enough in fft().\n");
1265	return(FALSE);
1266    }
1267    k = (fft_tablesize * 2)/np;
1269    for (lmx=np, lo=0; lo < l; lo++, k *= 2) {
1270	lix = lmx;
1271	lmx /= 2;
1272	lixnp = np - lix;
1273	for (i=0, lm=0; lm<lmx; lm++, i += k ) {
1274	    c = cosine[i];
1275	    s = sine[i];
1276	    for ( li = lixnp+lm, j1 = lm, j2 = lm+lmx; j1<=li;
1277	    				j1+=lix, j2+=lix ) {
1278		t1 = x[j1] - x[j2];
1279		t2 = y[j1] - y[j2];
1280		x[j1] += x[j2];
1281		y[j1] += y[j2];
1282		x[j2] = (c * t1) + (s * t2);
1283		y[j2] = (c * t2) - (s * t1);
1284	    }
1285	}
1286    }
1288	/* Now perform the bit reversal. */
1290    j = 1;
1291    nv2 = np/2;
1292    for ( i=1; i < np; i++ ) {
1293	if ( j < i ) {
1294	    jm = j-1;
1295	    im = i-1;
1296	    t1 = x[jm];
1297	    t2 = y[jm];
1298	    x[jm] = x[im];
1299	    y[jm] = y[im];
1300	    x[im] = t1;
1301	    y[im] = t2;
1302	}
1303	k = nv2;
1304	while ( j > k ) {
1305	    j -= k;
1306	    k /= 2;
1307	}
1308	j += k;
1309    }
1310    return(TRUE);
1314ifft ( l, x, y )
1315int l;
1316double *x, *y;
1317/* Compute the discrete inverse Fourier transform of the 2**l complex sequence
1318 * in x (real) and y (imaginary).  The DFT is computed in place and the
1319 * Fourier coefficients are returned in x and y.
1320 */
1322register double	c, s,  t1, t2;
1323register int	j1, j2, li, lix, i;
1324int	np, lmx, lo, lixnp, lm, j, nv2, k, im, jm;
1326    for ( np=1, i=1; i <= l; i++) np *= 2;
1328    if(fft_tablesize < (np/2)) {
1329	printf("\nPrecomputed trig tables are not big enough in ifft().\n");
1330	return(FALSE);
1331    }
1332    k = (fft_tablesize * 2)/np;
1334    for (lmx=np, lo=0; lo < l; lo++, k *= 2) {
1335	lix = lmx;
1336	lmx /= 2;
1337	lixnp = np - lix;
1338	for (i=0, lm=0; lm<lmx; lm++, i += k ) {
1339	    c = cosine[i];
1340	    s = - sine[i];
1341	    for ( li = lixnp+lm, j1 = lm, j2 = lm+lmx; j1<=li;
1342	    				j1+=lix, j2+=lix ) {
1343		t1 = x[j1] - x[j2];
1344		t2 = y[j1] - y[j2];
1345		x[j1] += x[j2];
1346		y[j1] += y[j2];
1347		x[j2] = (c * t1) + (s * t2);
1348		y[j2] = (c * t2) - (s * t1);
1349	    }
1350	}
1351    }
1353	/* Now perform the bit reversal. */
1355    j = 1;
1356    nv2 = np/2;
1357    for ( i=1; i < np; i++ ) {
1358	if ( j < i ) {
1359	    jm = j-1;
1360	    im = i-1;
1361	    t1 = x[jm];
1362	    t2 = y[jm];
1363	    x[jm] = x[im];
1364	    y[jm] = y[im];
1365	    x[im] = t1;
1366	    y[im] = t2;
1367	}
1368	k = nv2;
1369	while ( j > k ) {
1370	    j -= k;
1371	    k /= 2;
1372	}
1373	j += k;
1374    }
1375    return(TRUE);
1378#include	"theftable.c"	/*  floating table of sines and cosines */
1380ffft ( l, x, y )
1381int l;
1382float *x, *y;
1383/* Compute the discrete Fourier transform of the 2**l complex sequence
1384 * in x (real) and y (imaginary).  The DFT is computed in place and the
1385 * Fourier coefficients are returned in x and y.
1386 */
1388register float	c, s,  t1, t2;
1389register int	j1, j2, li, lix, i;
1390int	np, lmx, lo, lixnp, lm, j, nv2, k, im, jm;
1392    for ( np=1, i=1; i <= l; i++) np *= 2;
1394    if(fft_ftablesize < (np/2)) {
1395	printf("\nPrecomputed trig tables are not big enough in fft().\n");
1396	return(FALSE);
1397    }
1398    k = (fft_ftablesize * 2)/np;
1400    for (lmx=np, lo=0; lo < l; lo++, k *= 2) {
1401	lix = lmx;
1402	lmx /= 2;
1403	lixnp = np - lix;
1404	for (i=0, lm=0; lm<lmx; lm++, i += k ) {
1405	    c = fcosine[i];
1406	    s = fsine[i];
1407	    for ( li = lixnp+lm, j1 = lm, j2 = lm+lmx; j1<=li;
1408	    				j1+=lix, j2+=lix ) {
1409		t1 = x[j1] - x[j2];
1410		t2 = y[j1] - y[j2];
1411		x[j1] += x[j2];
1412		y[j1] += y[j2];
1413		x[j2] = (c * t1) + (s * t2);
1414		y[j2] = (c * t2) - (s * t1);
1415	    }
1416	}
1417    }
1419	/* Now perform the bit reversal. */
1421    j = 1;
1422    nv2 = np/2;
1423    for ( i=1; i < np; i++ ) {
1424	if ( j < i ) {
1425	    jm = j-1;
1426	    im = i-1;
1427	    t1 = x[jm];
1428	    t2 = y[jm];
1429	    x[jm] = x[im];
1430	    y[jm] = y[im];
1431	    x[im] = t1;
1432	    y[im] = t2;
1433	}
1434	k = nv2;
1435	while ( j > k ) {
1436	    j -= k;
1437	    k /= 2;
1438	}
1439	j += k;
1440    }
1441    return(TRUE);
1445fifft ( l, x, y )
1446int l;
1447float *x, *y;
1448/* Compute the discrete inverse Fourier transform of the 2**l complex sequence
1449 * in x (real) and y (imaginary).  The DFT is computed in place and the
1450 * Fourier coefficients are returned in x and y.
1451 */
1453register float	c, s,  t1, t2;
1454register int	j1, j2, li, lix, i;
1455int	np, lmx, lo, lixnp, lm, j, nv2, k, im, jm;
1457    for ( np=1, i=1; i <= l; i++) np *= 2;
1459    if(fft_ftablesize < (np/2)) {
1460	printf("\nPrecomputed trig tables are not big enough in ifft().\n");
1461	return(FALSE);
1462    }
1463    k = (fft_ftablesize * 2)/np;
1465    for (lmx=np, lo=0; lo < l; lo++, k *= 2) {
1466	lix = lmx;
1467	lmx /= 2;
1468	lixnp = np - lix;
1469	for (i=0, lm=0; lm<lmx; lm++, i += k ) {
1470	    c = fcosine[i];
1471	    s = - fsine[i];
1472	    for ( li = lixnp+lm, j1 = lm, j2 = lm+lmx; j1<=li;
1473	    				j1+=lix, j2+=lix ) {
1474		t1 = x[j1] - x[j2];
1475		t2 = y[j1] - y[j2];
1476		x[j1] += x[j2];
1477		y[j1] += y[j2];
1478		x[j2] = (c * t1) + (s * t2);
1479		y[j2] = (c * t2) - (s * t1);
1480	    }
1481	}
1482    }
1484	/* Now perform the bit reversal. */
1486    j = 1;
1487    nv2 = np/2;
1488    for ( i=1; i < np; i++ ) {
1489	if ( j < i ) {
1490	    jm = j-1;
1491	    im = i-1;
1492	    t1 = x[jm];
1493	    t2 = y[jm];
1494	    x[jm] = x[im];
1495	    y[jm] = y[im];
1496	    x[im] = t1;
1497	    y[im] = t2;
1498	}
1499	k = nv2;
1500	while ( j > k ) {
1501	    j -= k;
1502	    k /= 2;
1503	}
1504	j += k;
1505    }
1506    return(TRUE);
1511/* Simple-minded real DFT (slooooowww) */
1512void dft(n,x,re,im)
1513     register int n;
1514     double *x, *re, *im;
1516  register int m = n/2, i, j;
1517  register double arg, sr, si, a, *rp;
1519  for(i=0; i <= m; i++) {
1520    arg = i * 3.1415927/m;
1521    for(rp=x, j=0, sr=0.0, si=0.0; j < n; j++) {
1522      sr += cos((a = j*arg))* *rp;
1523      si += sin(a) * *rp++;
1524    }
1525    *re++ = sr;
1526    *im++ = si;
1527  }
1530/*		lbpoly.c		*/
1531/*					*/
1532/* A polynomial root finder using the Lin-Bairstow method (outlined
1533	in R.W. Hamming, "Numerical Methods for Scientists and
1534	Engineers," McGraw-Hill, 1962, pp 356-359.)		*/
1537#define MAX_ITS	100	/* Max iterations before trying new starts */
1538#define MAX_TRYS	100	/* Max number of times to try new starts */
1539#define MAX_ERR		1.e-6	/* Max acceptable error in quad factor */
1541int qquad(a,b,c,r1r,r1i,r2r,r2i) /* find x, where a*x**2 + b*x + c = 0 	*/
1542double	a, b, c;
1543double *r1r, *r2r, *r1i, *r2i; /* return real and imag. parts of roots */
1545double  sqrt(), numi;
1546double  den, y;
1548	if(a == 0.0){
1549		if(b == 0){
1550		   printf("Bad coefficients to _quad().\n");
1551		   return(FALSE);
1552		}
1553		*r1r = -c/b;
1554		*r1i = *r2r = *r2i = 0;
1555		return(TRUE);
1556	}
1557	numi = b*b - (4.0 * a * c);
1558	if(numi >= 0.0) {
1559		/*
1560		 * Two forms of the quadratic formula:
1561		 *  -b + sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)           2c
1562		 *  ------------------- = --------------------
1563		 *           2a           -b - sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)
1564		 * The r.h.s. is numerically more accurate when
1565		 * b and the square root have the same sign and
1566		 * similar magnitudes.
1567		 */
1568		*r1i = *r2i = 0.0;
1569		if(b < 0.0) {
1570			y = -b + sqrt(numi);
1571			*r1r = y / (2.0 * a);
1572			*r2r = (2.0 * c) / y;
1573		}
1574		else {
1575			y = -b - sqrt(numi);
1576			*r1r = (2.0 * c) / y;
1577			*r2r = y / (2.0 * a);
1578		}
1579		return(TRUE);
1580	}
1581	else {
1582		den = 2.0 * a;
1583		*r1i = sqrt( -numi )/den;
1584		*r2i = -*r1i;
1585		*r2r = *r1r = -b/den;
1586		return(TRUE);
1587	}
1590int lbpoly(a, order, rootr, rooti) /* return FALSE on error */
1591    double  *a;		    /* coeffs. of the polynomial (increasing order) */
1592    int	    order;	    /* the order of the polynomial */
1593    double  *rootr, *rooti; /* the real and imag. roots of the polynomial */
1594    /* Rootr and rooti are assumed to contain starting points for the root
1595       search on entry to lbpoly(). */
1597    int	    ord, ordm1, ordm2, itcnt, i, k, mmk, mmkp2, mmkp1, ntrys;
1598    double  err, p, q, delp, delq, b[MAXORDER], c[MAXORDER], den;
1599    double  lim0 = 0.5*sqrt(DBL_MAX);
1601    for(ord = order; ord > 2; ord -= 2){
1602	ordm1 = ord-1;
1603	ordm2 = ord-2;
1604	/* Here is a kluge to prevent UNDERFLOW! (Sometimes the near-zero
1605	   roots left in rootr and/or rooti cause underflow here...	*/
1606	if(fabs(rootr[ordm1]) < 1.0e-10) rootr[ordm1] = 0.0;
1607	if(fabs(rooti[ordm1]) < 1.0e-10) rooti[ordm1] = 0.0;
1608	p = -2.0 * rootr[ordm1]; /* set initial guesses for quad factor */
1609	q = (rootr[ordm1] * rootr[ordm1]) + (rooti[ordm1] * rooti[ordm1]);
1610	for(ntrys = 0; ntrys < MAX_TRYS; ntrys++)
1611	{
1612	    int	found = FALSE;
1614	    for(itcnt = 0; itcnt < MAX_ITS; itcnt++)
1615	    {
1616		double	lim = lim0 / (1 + fabs(p) + fabs(q));
1618		b[ord] = a[ord];
1619		b[ordm1] = a[ordm1] - (p * b[ord]);
1620		c[ord] = b[ord];
1621		c[ordm1] = b[ordm1] - (p * c[ord]);
1622		for(k = 2; k <= ordm1; k++){
1623		    mmk = ord - k;
1624		    mmkp2 = mmk+2;
1625		    mmkp1 = mmk+1;
1626		    b[mmk] = a[mmk] - (p* b[mmkp1]) - (q* b[mmkp2]);
1627		    c[mmk] = b[mmk] - (p* c[mmkp1]) - (q* c[mmkp2]);
1628		    if (b[mmk] > lim || c[mmk] > lim)
1629			break;
1630		}
1631		if (k > ordm1) { /* normal exit from for(k ... */
1632		    /* ????	b[0] = a[0] - q * b[2];	*/
1633		    b[0] = a[0] - p * b[1] - q * b[2];
1634		    if (b[0] <= lim) k++;
1635		}
1636		if (k <= ord)	/* Some coefficient exceeded lim; */
1637		    break;	/* potential overflow below. */
1639		err = fabs(b[0]) + fabs(b[1]);
1641		if(err <= MAX_ERR) {
1642		    found = TRUE;
1643		    break;
1644		}
1646		den = (c[2] * c[2]) - (c[3] * (c[1] - b[1]));
1647		if(den == 0.0)
1648		    break;
1650		delp = ((c[2] * b[1]) - (c[3] * b[0]))/den;
1651		delq = ((c[2] * b[0]) - (b[1] * (c[1] - b[1])))/den;
1653		/* printf("\nerr=%f  delp=%f  delq=%f  p=%f  q=%f",
1654		   err,delp,delq,p,q); */
1656		p += delp;
1657		q += delq;
1659	    } /* for(itcnt... */
1661	    if (found)		/* we finally found the root! */
1662		break;
1663	    else { /* try some new starting values */
1664		p = ((double)rand() - 0.5*RAND_MAX)/(double)RAND_MAX;
1665		q = ((double)rand() - 0.5*RAND_MAX)/(double)RAND_MAX;
1666		/* fprintf(stderr, "\nTried new values: p=%f  q=%f\n",p,q); */
1667	    }
1669	} /* for(ntrys... */
1670	if((itcnt >= MAX_ITS) && (ntrys >= MAX_TRYS)){
1671	  /*	    printf("Exceeded maximum trial count in _lbpoly.\n");*/
1672	    return(FALSE);
1673	}
1675	if(!qquad(1.0, p, q,
1676		  &rootr[ordm1], &rooti[ordm1], &rootr[ordm2], &rooti[ordm2]))
1677	    return(FALSE);
1679	/* Update the coefficient array with the coeffs. of the
1680	   reduced polynomial. */
1681	for( i = 0; i <= ordm2; i++) a[i] = b[i+2];
1682    }
1684    if(ord == 2){		/* Is the last factor a quadratic? */
1685	if(!qquad(a[2], a[1], a[0],
1686		  &rootr[1], &rooti[1], &rootr[0], &rooti[0]))
1687	    return(FALSE);
1688	return(TRUE);
1689    }
1690    if(ord < 1) {
1691	printf("Bad ORDER parameter in _lbpoly()\n");
1692	return(FALSE);
1693    }
1695    if( a[1] != 0.0) rootr[0] = -a[0]/a[1];
1696    else {
1697	rootr[0] = 100.0;	/* arbitrary recovery value */
1698	printf("Numerical problems in lbpoly()\n");
1699    }
1700    rooti[0] = 0.0;
1702    return(TRUE);