1Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 14:31:05 -0600 (CST)
2From: Chris Lattner <sabre@nondot.org>
3To: Vikram S. Adve <vadve@cs.uiuc.edu>
4Subject: RE: Type notation debate...
6> Arrays (without and with size):
7> type ::= '[' type ']' | '[' INT ',' type ']'.
9> The arrays with size lists the dimensions and the type in a single list.
10> That is just too confusing:
12>       [10, 40, int]
13> This seems to be a 3-D array where the third dimension is something strange.
14> It is too confusing to have a list of 3 things, some of which are dimensions
15> and one is a type. 
17The above grammar indicates that there is only one integer parameter, ie
18the upper bound.  The lower bound is always implied to be zero, for
19several reasons:
21* As a low level VM, we want to expose addressing computations
22  explicitly.  Since the lower bound must always be known in a high level
23  language statically, the language front end can do the translation
24  automatically.
25* This fits more closely with what Java needs, ie what we need in the
26  short term.  Java arrays are always zero based.
28If a two element list is too confusing, I would recommend an alternate
29syntax of:
31type ::= '[' type ']' | '[' INT 'x' type ']'.
33For example:
34  [12 x int]
35  [12x int]
36  [ 12 x [ 4x int ]]
38Which is syntactically nicer, and more explicit.
40> Either of the following would be better:
41>       array [10, 40] of int
43I considered this approach for arrays in general (ie array of int/ array
44of 12 int), but found that it made declarations WAY too long.  Remember
45that because of the nature of llvm, you get a lot of types strewn all over
46the program, and using the 'typedef' like facility is not a wonderful
47option, because then types aren't explicit anymore.
49I find this email interesting, because you contradict the previous email
50you sent, where you recommend that we stick to C syntax....