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18<p class="apache">Apache HTTP Server Version 2.2</p>
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23<div class="toplang">
24<p><span>Available Languages: </span><a href="/en/developer/hooks.html" title="English">&nbsp;en&nbsp;</a></p>
27    <div class="warning"><h3>Warning</h3>
28      <p>This document is still in development and may be partially out of
29      date.</p>
30    </div>
32    <p>In general, a hook function is one that Apache will call at
33    some point during the processing of a request. Modules can
34    provide functions that are called, and specify when they get
35    called in comparison to other modules.</p>
37<div id="quickview"><ul id="toc"><li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#create">Creating a hook function</a></li>
38<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#hooking">Hooking the hook</a></li>
39</ul><ul class="seealso"><li><a href="#comments_section">Comments</a></li></ul></div>
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41<div class="section">
42<h2><a name="create" id="create">Creating a hook function</a></h2>
43    <p>In order to create a new hook, four things need to be
44    done:</p>
46    <h3><a name="create-declare" id="create-declare">Declare the hook function</a></h3>
47      <p>Use the <code>AP_DECLARE_HOOK</code> macro, which needs to be given
48      the return type of the hook function, the name of the hook, and the
49      arguments. For example, if the hook returns an <code>int</code> and
50      takes a <code>request_rec *</code> and an <code>int</code> and is
51      called <code>do_something</code>, then declare it like this:</p>
52      <div class="example"><p><code>
53        AP_DECLARE_HOOK(int, do_something, (request_rec *r, int n))
54      </code></p></div>
56      <p>This should go in a header which modules will include if
57      they want to use the hook.</p>
60    <h3><a name="create-create" id="create-create">Create the hook structure</a></h3>
61      <p>Each source file that exports a hook has a private structure
62      which is used to record the module functions that use the hook.
63      This is declared as follows:</p>
65      <div class="example"><p><code>
66        APR_HOOK_STRUCT(<br />
67        <span class="indent">
68          APR_HOOK_LINK(do_something)<br />
69          ...<br />
70        </span>
71        )
72      </code></p></div>
75    <h3><a name="create-implement" id="create-implement">Implement the hook caller</a></h3>
76      <p>The source file that exports the hook has to implement a
77      function that will call the hook. There are currently three
78      possible ways to do this. In all cases, the calling function is
79      called <code>ap_run_<var>hookname</var>()</code>.</p>
81      <h4>Void hooks</h4>
82        <p>If the return value of a hook is <code>void</code>, then all the
83        hooks are called, and the caller is implemented like this:</p>
85        <div class="example"><p><code>
86          AP_IMPLEMENT_HOOK_VOID(do_something, (request_rec *r, int n), (r, n))
87        </code></p></div>
89        <p>The second and third arguments are the dummy argument
90        declaration and the dummy arguments as they will be used when
91        calling the hook. In other words, this macro expands to
92        something like this:</p>
94        <div class="example"><p><code>
95          void ap_run_do_something(request_rec *r, int n)<br />
96          {<br />
97          <span class="indent">
98            ...<br />
99            do_something(r, n);<br />
100          </span>
101          }
102        </code></p></div>
105      <h4>Hooks that return a value</h4>
106        <p>If the hook returns a value, then it can either be run until
107        the first hook that does something interesting, like so:</p>
109        <div class="example"><p><code>
110          AP_IMPLEMENT_HOOK_RUN_FIRST(int, do_something, (request_rec *r, int n), (r, n), DECLINED)
111        </code></p></div>
113        <p>The first hook that does <em>not</em> return <code>DECLINED</code>
114        stops the loop and its return value is returned from the hook
115        caller. Note that <code>DECLINED</code> is the traditional 
116        hook return value meaning "I didn't do anything", but it can be
117        whatever suits you.</p>
119        <p>Alternatively, all hooks can be run until an error occurs.
120        This boils down to permitting <em>two</em> return values, one of
121        which means "I did something, and it was OK" and the other
122        meaning "I did nothing". The first function that returns a
123        value other than one of those two stops the loop, and its
124        return is the return value. Declare these like so:</p>
126        <div class="example"><p><code>
127          AP_IMPLEMENT_HOOK_RUN_ALL(int, do_something, (request_rec *r, int n), (r, n), OK, DECLINED)
128        </code></p></div>
130        <p>Again, <code>OK</code> and <code>DECLINED</code> are the traditional
131        values. You can use what you want.</p>
135    <h3><a name="create-call" id="create-call">Call the hook callers</a></h3>
136      <p>At appropriate moments in the code, call the hook caller,
137      like so:</p>
139      <div class="example"><p><code>
140        int n, ret;<br />
141        request_rec *r;<br />
142        <br />
143        ret=ap_run_do_something(r, n);
144      </code></p></div>
146</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
147<div class="section">
148<h2><a name="hooking" id="hooking">Hooking the hook</a></h2>
149    <p>A module that wants a hook to be called needs to do two
150    things.</p>
152    <h3><a name="hooking-implement" id="hooking-implement">Implement the hook function</a></h3>
153      <p>Include the appropriate header, and define a static function
154      of the correct type:</p>
156      <div class="example"><p><code>
157        static int my_something_doer(request_rec *r, int n)<br />
158        {<br />
159        <span class="indent">
160          ...<br />
161          return OK;<br />
162        </span>
163        }
164      </code></p></div>
167    <h3><a name="hooking-add" id="hooking-add">Add a hook registering function</a></h3>
168      <p>During initialisation, the server will call each modules hook
169      registering function, which is included in the module
170      structure:</p>
172      <div class="example"><p><code>
173        static void my_register_hooks()<br />
174        {<br />
175        <span class="indent">
176          ap_hook_do_something(my_something_doer, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);<br />
177        </span>
178        }<br />
179        <br />
180        mode MODULE_VAR_EXPORT my_module =<br />
181        {<br />
182        <span class="indent">
183          ...<br />
184          my_register_hooks       /* register hooks */<br />
185        </span>
186        };
187      </code></p></div>
190    <h3><a name="hooking-order" id="hooking-order">Controlling hook calling order</a></h3>
191      <p>In the example above, we didn't use the three arguments in
192      the hook registration function that control calling order.
193      There are two mechanisms for doing this. The first, rather
194      crude, method, allows us to specify roughly where the hook is
195      run relative to other modules. The final argument control this.
196      There are three possible values: <code>APR_HOOK_FIRST</code>,
197      <code>APR_HOOK_MIDDLE</code> and <code>APR_HOOK_LAST</code>.</p>
199      <p>All modules using any particular value may be run in any
200      order relative to each other, but, of course, all modules using
201      <code>APR_HOOK_FIRST</code> will be run before <code>APR_HOOK_MIDDLE</code>
202      which are before <code>APR_HOOK_LAST</code>. Modules that don't care
203      when they are run should use <code>APR_HOOK_MIDDLE</code>. <em>These 
204      values are spaced out, so that positions like <code>APR_HOOK_FIRST-2</code>
205      are possible to hook slightly earlier than other functions.</em></p>
207      <p>Note that there are two more values,
208      <code>APR_HOOK_REALLY_FIRST</code> and <code>APR_HOOK_REALLY_LAST</code>. These
209      should only be used by the hook exporter.</p>
211      <p>The other method allows finer control. When a module knows
212      that it must be run before (or after) some other modules, it
213      can specify them by name. The second (third) argument is a
214      NULL-terminated array of strings consisting of the names of
215      modules that must be run before (after) the current module. For
216      example, suppose we want "mod_xyz.c" and "mod_abc.c" to run
217      before we do, then we'd hook as follows:</p>
219      <div class="example"><p><code>
220        static void register_hooks()<br />
221        {<br />
222        <span class="indent">
223          static const char * const aszPre[] = { "mod_xyz.c", "mod_abc.c", NULL };<br />
224          <br />
225          ap_hook_do_something(my_something_doer, aszPre, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);<br />
226        </span>
227        }
228      </code></p></div>
230      <p>Note that the sort used to achieve this is stable, so
231      ordering set by <code>APR_HOOK_<var>ORDER</var></code> is preserved, as far
232      as is possible.</p>
234      <p class="cite"><cite>Ben Laurie</cite>, 15th August 1999</p>
237<div class="bottomlang">
238<p><span>Available Languages: </span><a href="/en/developer/hooks.html" title="English">&nbsp;en&nbsp;</a></p>
239</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img src="/images/up.gif" alt="top" /></a></div><div class="section"><h2><a id="comments_section" name="comments_section">Comments</a></h2><div class="warning"><strong>Notice:</strong><br />This is not a Q&amp;A section. Comments placed here should be pointed towards suggestions on improving the documentation or server, and may be removed again by our moderators if they are either implemented or considered invalid/off-topic. Questions on how to manage the Apache HTTP Server should be directed at either our IRC channel, #httpd, on Freenode, or sent to our <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/lists.html">mailing lists</a>.</div>
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