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8<title>Apache 1.3 API notes - Apache HTTP Server</title>
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18<p class="apache">Apache HTTP Server Version 2.2</p>
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22<a href="http://www.apache.org/">Apache</a> &gt; <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/">HTTP Server</a> &gt; <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/docs/">Documentation</a> &gt; <a href="../">Version 2.2</a> &gt; <a href="./">Developer Documentation</a></div><div id="page-content"><div id="preamble"><h1>Apache 1.3 API notes</h1>
23<div class="toplang">
24<p><span>Available Languages: </span><a href="/en/developer/API.html" title="English">&nbsp;en&nbsp;</a></p>
27    <div class="warning"><h3>Warning</h3>
28      <p>This document has not been updated to take into account changes made
29      in the 2.0 version of the Apache HTTP Server. Some of the information may
30      still be relevant, but please use it with care.</p>
31    </div>
33    <p>These are some notes on the Apache API and the data structures you have
34    to deal with, <em>etc.</em> They are not yet nearly complete, but hopefully,
35    they will help you get your bearings. Keep in mind that the API is still
36    subject to change as we gain experience with it. (See the TODO file for
37    what <em>might</em> be coming). However, it will be easy to adapt modules
38    to any changes that are made. (We have more modules to adapt than you
39    do).</p>
41    <p>A few notes on general pedagogical style here. In the interest of
42    conciseness, all structure declarations here are incomplete -- the real
43    ones have more slots that I'm not telling you about. For the most part,
44    these are reserved to one component of the server core or another, and
45    should be altered by modules with caution. However, in some cases, they
46    really are things I just haven't gotten around to yet. Welcome to the
47    bleeding edge.</p>
49    <p>Finally, here's an outline, to give you some bare idea of what's coming
50    up, and in what order:</p>
52    <ul>
53      <li>
54        <a href="#basics">Basic concepts.</a> 
56        <ul>
57          <li><a href="#HMR">Handlers, Modules, and
58          Requests</a></li>
60          <li><a href="#moduletour">A brief tour of a
61          module</a></li>
62        </ul>
63      </li>
65      <li>
66        <a href="#handlers">How handlers work</a> 
68        <ul>
69          <li><a href="#req_tour">A brief tour of the
70          <code>request_rec</code></a></li>
72          <li><a href="#req_orig">Where request_rec structures come
73          from</a></li>
75          <li><a href="#req_return">Handling requests, declining,
76          and returning error codes</a></li>
78          <li><a href="#resp_handlers">Special considerations for
79          response handlers</a></li>
81          <li><a href="#auth_handlers">Special considerations for
82          authentication handlers</a></li>
84          <li><a href="#log_handlers">Special considerations for
85          logging handlers</a></li>
86        </ul>
87      </li>
89      <li><a href="#pools">Resource allocation and resource
90      pools</a></li>
92      <li>
93        <a href="#config">Configuration, commands and the like</a> 
95        <ul>
96          <li><a href="#per-dir">Per-directory configuration
97          structures</a></li>
99          <li><a href="#commands">Command handling</a></li>
101          <li><a href="#servconf">Side notes --- per-server
102          configuration, virtual servers, <em>etc</em>.</a></li>
103        </ul>
104      </li>
105    </ul>
107<div id="quickview"><ul id="toc"><li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#basics">Basic concepts</a></li>
108<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#handlers">How handlers work</a></li>
109<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#pools">Resource allocation and resource pools</a></li>
110<li><img alt="" src="/images/down.gif" /> <a href="#config">Configuration, commands and the like</a></li>
111</ul><ul class="seealso"><li><a href="#comments_section">Comments</a></li></ul></div>
112<div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
113<div class="section">
114<h2><a name="basics" id="basics">Basic concepts</a></h2>
115    <p>We begin with an overview of the basic concepts behind the API, and how
116    they are manifested in the code.</p>
118    <h3><a name="HMR" id="HMR">Handlers, Modules, and Requests</a></h3>
119      <p>Apache breaks down request handling into a series of steps, more or
120      less the same way the Netscape server API does (although this API has a
121      few more stages than NetSite does, as hooks for stuff I thought might be
122      useful in the future). These are:</p>
124      <ul>
125      <li>URI -&gt; Filename translation</li>
126      <li>Auth ID checking [is the user who they say they are?]</li>
127      <li>Auth access checking [is the user authorized <em>here</em>?]</li>
128      <li>Access checking other than auth</li>
129      <li>Determining MIME type of the object requested</li>
130      <li>`Fixups' -- there aren't any of these yet, but the phase is intended
131      as a hook for possible extensions like <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_env.html#setenv">SetEnv</a></code>, which don't really fit well elsewhere.</li>
132      <li>Actually sending a response back to the client.</li>
133      <li>Logging the request</li>
134      </ul>
136      <p>These phases are handled by looking at each of a succession of
137      <em>modules</em>, looking to see if each of them has a handler for the
138      phase, and attempting invoking it if so. The handler can typically do one
139      of three things:</p>
141      <ul>
142      <li><em>Handle</em> the request, and indicate that it has done so by
143      returning the magic constant <code>OK</code>.</li>
145      <li><em>Decline</em> to handle the request, by returning the magic integer
146      constant <code>DECLINED</code>. In this case, the server behaves in all
147      respects as if the handler simply hadn't been there.</li>
149      <li>Signal an error, by returning one of the HTTP error codes. This
150      terminates normal handling of the request, although an ErrorDocument may
151      be invoked to try to mop up, and it will be logged in any case.</li>
152      </ul>
154      <p>Most phases are terminated by the first module that handles them;
155      however, for logging, `fixups', and non-access authentication checking,
156      all handlers always run (barring an error). Also, the response phase is
157      unique in that modules may declare multiple handlers for it, via a
158      dispatch table keyed on the MIME type of the requested object. Modules may
159      declare a response-phase handler which can handle <em>any</em> request,
160      by giving it the key <code>*/*</code> (<em>i.e.</em>, a wildcard MIME type
161      specification). However, wildcard handlers are only invoked if the server
162      has already tried and failed to find a more specific response handler for
163      the MIME type of the requested object (either none existed, or they all
164      declined).</p>
166      <p>The handlers themselves are functions of one argument (a
167      <code>request_rec</code> structure. vide infra), which returns an integer,
168      as above.</p>
171    <h3><a name="moduletour" id="moduletour">A brief tour of a module</a></h3>
172      <p>At this point, we need to explain the structure of a module. Our
173      candidate will be one of the messier ones, the CGI module -- this handles
174      both CGI scripts and the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_alias.html#scriptalias">ScriptAlias</a></code> config file command. It's actually a great deal
175      more complicated than most modules, but if we're going to have only one
176      example, it might as well be the one with its fingers in every place.</p>
178      <p>Let's begin with handlers. In order to handle the CGI scripts, the
179      module declares a response handler for them. Because of <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_alias.html#scriptalias">ScriptAlias</a></code>, it also has handlers for the
180      name translation phase (to recognize <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_alias.html#scriptalias">ScriptAlias</a></code>ed URIs), the type-checking phase (any
181      <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_alias.html#scriptalias">ScriptAlias</a></code>ed request is typed
182      as a CGI script).</p>
184      <p>The module needs to maintain some per (virtual) server information,
185      namely, the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_alias.html#scriptalias">ScriptAlias</a></code>es in
186      effect; the module structure therefore contains pointers to a functions
187      which builds these structures, and to another which combines two of them
188      (in case the main server and a virtual server both have <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_alias.html#scriptalias">ScriptAlias</a></code>es declared).</p>
190      <p>Finally, this module contains code to handle the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_alias.html#scriptalias">ScriptAlias</a></code> command itself. This particular
191      module only declares one command, but there could be more, so modules have
192      <em>command tables</em> which declare their commands, and describe where
193      they are permitted, and how they are to be invoked.</p>
195      <p>A final note on the declared types of the arguments of some of these
196      commands: a <code>pool</code> is a pointer to a <em>resource pool</em>
197      structure; these are used by the server to keep track of the memory which
198      has been allocated, files opened, <em>etc.</em>, either to service a
199      particular request, or to handle the process of configuring itself. That
200      way, when the request is over (or, for the configuration pool, when the
201      server is restarting), the memory can be freed, and the files closed,
202      <em>en masse</em>, without anyone having to write explicit code to track
203      them all down and dispose of them. Also, a <code>cmd_parms</code>
204      structure contains various information about the config file being read,
205      and other status information, which is sometimes of use to the function
206      which processes a config-file command (such as <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_alias.html#scriptalias">ScriptAlias</a></code>). With no further ado, the
207      module itself:</p>
209      <div class="example"><p><code>
210        /* Declarations of handlers. */<br />
211        <br />
212        int translate_scriptalias (request_rec *);<br />
213        int type_scriptalias (request_rec *);<br />
214        int cgi_handler (request_rec *);<br />
215        <br />
216        /* Subsidiary dispatch table for response-phase <br />
217        &nbsp;* handlers, by MIME type */<br />
218        <br />
219        handler_rec cgi_handlers[] = {<br />
220        <span class="indent">
221          { "application/x-httpd-cgi", cgi_handler },<br />
222          { NULL }<br />
223        </span>
224        };<br />
225        <br />
226        /* Declarations of routines to manipulate the <br />
227        &nbsp;* module's configuration info.  Note that these are<br />
228        &nbsp;* returned, and passed in, as void *'s; the server<br />
229        &nbsp;* core keeps track of them, but it doesn't, and can't,<br />
230        &nbsp;* know their internal structure.<br />
231        &nbsp;*/<br />
232        <br />
233        void *make_cgi_server_config (pool *);<br />
234        void *merge_cgi_server_config (pool *, void *, void *);<br />
235        <br />
236        /* Declarations of routines to handle config-file commands */<br />
237        <br />
238        extern char *script_alias(cmd_parms *, void *per_dir_config, char *fake,
239                                  char *real);<br />
240        <br />
241        command_rec cgi_cmds[] = {<br />
242        <span class="indent">
243          { "ScriptAlias", script_alias, NULL, RSRC_CONF, TAKE2,<br />
244          <span class="indent">"a fakename and a realname"},<br /></span>
245          { NULL }<br />
246        </span>
247        };<br />
248        <br />
249        module cgi_module = {
250</code></p><pre>  STANDARD_MODULE_STUFF,
251  NULL,                     /* initializer */
252  NULL,                     /* dir config creator */
253  NULL,                     /* dir merger */
254  make_cgi_server_config,   /* server config */
255  merge_cgi_server_config,  /* merge server config */
256  cgi_cmds,                 /* command table */
257  cgi_handlers,             /* handlers */
258  translate_scriptalias,    /* filename translation */
259  NULL,                     /* check_user_id */
260  NULL,                     /* check auth */
261  NULL,                     /* check access */
262  type_scriptalias,         /* type_checker */
263  NULL,                     /* fixups */
264  NULL,                     /* logger */
265  NULL                      /* header parser */
268</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
269<div class="section">
270<h2><a name="handlers" id="handlers">How handlers work</a></h2>
271    <p>The sole argument to handlers is a <code>request_rec</code> structure.
272    This structure describes a particular request which has been made to the
273    server, on behalf of a client. In most cases, each connection to the
274    client generates only one <code>request_rec</code> structure.</p>
276    <h3><a name="req_tour" id="req_tour">A brief tour of the request_rec</a></h3>
277      <p>The <code>request_rec</code> contains pointers to a resource pool
278      which will be cleared when the server is finished handling the request;
279      to structures containing per-server and per-connection information, and
280      most importantly, information on the request itself.</p>
282      <p>The most important such information is a small set of character strings
283      describing attributes of the object being requested, including its URI,
284      filename, content-type and content-encoding (these being filled in by the
285      translation and type-check handlers which handle the request,
286      respectively).</p>
288      <p>Other commonly used data items are tables giving the MIME headers on
289      the client's original request, MIME headers to be sent back with the
290      response (which modules can add to at will), and environment variables for
291      any subprocesses which are spawned off in the course of servicing the
292      request. These tables are manipulated using the <code>ap_table_get</code>
293      and <code>ap_table_set</code> routines.</p>
295      <div class="note">
296        <p>Note that the <code>Content-type</code> header value <em>cannot</em>
297        be set by module content-handlers using the <code>ap_table_*()</code>
298        routines. Rather, it is set by pointing the <code>content_type</code>
299        field in the <code>request_rec</code> structure to an appropriate
300        string. <em>e.g.</em>,</p>
301        <div class="example"><p><code>
302          r-&gt;content_type = "text/html";
303        </code></p></div>
304      </div>
306      <p>Finally, there are pointers to two data structures which, in turn,
307      point to per-module configuration structures. Specifically, these hold
308      pointers to the data structures which the module has built to describe
309      the way it has been configured to operate in a given directory (via
310      <code>.htaccess</code> files or <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/core.html#directory">&lt;Directory&gt;</a></code> sections), for private data it has built in the
311      course of servicing the request (so modules' handlers for one phase can
312      pass `notes' to their handlers for other phases). There is another such
313      configuration vector in the <code>server_rec</code> data structure pointed
314      to by the <code>request_rec</code>, which contains per (virtual) server
315      configuration data.</p>
317      <p>Here is an abridged declaration, giving the fields most commonly
318      used:</p>
320      <div class="example"><p><code>
321        struct request_rec {<br />
322        <br />
323        pool *pool;<br />
324        conn_rec *connection;<br />
325        server_rec *server;<br />
326        <br />
327        /* What object is being requested */<br />
328        <br />
329        char *uri;<br />
330        char *filename;<br />
331        char *path_info;
332</code></p><pre>char *args;           /* QUERY_ARGS, if any */
333struct stat finfo;    /* Set by server core;
334                       * st_mode set to zero if no such file */</pre><p><code>
335        char *content_type;<br />
336        char *content_encoding;<br />
337        <br />
338        /* MIME header environments, in and out. Also, <br />
339        &nbsp;* an array containing environment variables to<br />
340        &nbsp;* be passed to subprocesses, so people can write<br />
341        &nbsp;* modules to add to that environment.<br />
342        &nbsp;*<br />
343        &nbsp;* The difference between headers_out and <br />
344        &nbsp;* err_headers_out is that the latter are printed <br />
345        &nbsp;* even on error, and persist across internal<br />
346        &nbsp;* redirects (so the headers printed for <br />
347        &nbsp;* <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/core.html#errordocument">ErrorDocument</a></code> handlers will have
348         them).<br />
349        &nbsp;*/<br />
350         <br />
351        table *headers_in;<br />
352        table *headers_out;<br />
353        table *err_headers_out;<br />
354        table *subprocess_env;<br />
355        <br />
356        /* Info about the request itself... */<br />
357        <br />
358</code></p><pre>int header_only;     /* HEAD request, as opposed to GET */
359char *protocol;      /* Protocol, as given to us, or HTTP/0.9 */
360char *method;        /* GET, HEAD, POST, <em>etc.</em> */
361int method_number;   /* M_GET, M_POST, <em>etc.</em> */
364        /* Info for logging */<br />
365        <br />
366        char *the_request;<br />
367        int bytes_sent;<br />
368        <br />
369        /* A flag which modules can set, to indicate that<br />
370        &nbsp;* the data being returned is volatile, and clients<br />
371        &nbsp;* should be told not to cache it.<br />
372        &nbsp;*/<br />
373        <br />
374        int no_cache;<br />
375        <br />
376        /* Various other config info which may change<br />
377        &nbsp;* with .htaccess files<br />
378        &nbsp;* These are config vectors, with one void*<br />
379        &nbsp;* pointer for each module (the thing pointed<br />
380        &nbsp;* to being the module's business).<br />
381        &nbsp;*/<br />
382        <br />
383</code></p><pre>void *per_dir_config;   /* Options set in config files, <em>etc.</em> */
384void *request_config;   /* Notes on *this* request */</pre><p><code>
385        <br />
386        };
387      </code></p></div>
390    <h3><a name="req_orig" id="req_orig">Where request_rec structures come from</a></h3>
391      <p>Most <code>request_rec</code> structures are built by reading an HTTP
392      request from a client, and filling in the fields. However, there are a
393      few exceptions:</p>
395      <ul>
396      <li>If the request is to an imagemap, a type map (<em>i.e.</em>, a
397      <code>*.var</code> file), or a CGI script which returned a local
398      `Location:', then the resource which the user requested is going to be
399      ultimately located by some URI other than what the client originally
400      supplied. In this case, the server does an <em>internal redirect</em>,
401      constructing a new <code>request_rec</code> for the new URI, and
402      processing it almost exactly as if the client had requested the new URI
403      directly.</li>
405      <li>If some handler signaled an error, and an <code>ErrorDocument</code>
406      is in scope, the same internal redirect machinery comes into play.</li>
408      <li><p>Finally, a handler occasionally needs to investigate `what would
409      happen if' some other request were run. For instance, the directory
410      indexing module needs to know what MIME type would be assigned to a
411      request for each directory entry, in order to figure out what icon to
412      use.</p>
414      <p>Such handlers can construct a <em>sub-request</em>, using the
415      functions <code>ap_sub_req_lookup_file</code>,
416      <code>ap_sub_req_lookup_uri</code>, and <code>ap_sub_req_method_uri</code>;
417      these construct a new <code>request_rec</code> structure and processes it
418      as you would expect, up to but not including the point of actually sending
419      a response. (These functions skip over the access checks if the
420      sub-request is for a file in the same directory as the original
421      request).</p>
423      <p>(Server-side includes work by building sub-requests and then actually
424      invoking the response handler for them, via the function
425      <code>ap_run_sub_req</code>).</p>
426      </li>
427      </ul>
430    <h3><a name="req_return" id="req_return">Handling requests, declining, and returning
431    error codes</a></h3>
432      <p>As discussed above, each handler, when invoked to handle a particular
433      <code>request_rec</code>, has to return an <code>int</code> to indicate
434      what happened. That can either be</p>
436      <ul>
437      <li><code>OK</code> -- the request was handled successfully. This may or
438      may not terminate the phase.</li>
440      <li><code>DECLINED</code> -- no erroneous condition exists, but the module
441      declines to handle the phase; the server tries to find another.</li>
443      <li>an HTTP error code, which aborts handling of the request.</li>
444      </ul>
446      <p>Note that if the error code returned is <code>REDIRECT</code>, then
447      the module should put a <code>Location</code> in the request's
448      <code>headers_out</code>, to indicate where the client should be
449      redirected <em>to</em>.</p>
452    <h3><a name="resp_handlers" id="resp_handlers">Special considerations for response
453    handlers</a></h3>
454      <p>Handlers for most phases do their work by simply setting a few fields
455      in the <code>request_rec</code> structure (or, in the case of access
456      checkers, simply by returning the correct error code). However, response
457      handlers have to actually send a request back to the client.</p>
459      <p>They should begin by sending an HTTP response header, using the
460      function <code>ap_send_http_header</code>. (You don't have to do anything
461      special to skip sending the header for HTTP/0.9 requests; the function
462      figures out on its own that it shouldn't do anything). If the request is
463      marked <code>header_only</code>, that's all they should do; they should
464      return after that, without attempting any further output.</p>
466      <p>Otherwise, they should produce a request body which responds to the
467      client as appropriate. The primitives for this are <code>ap_rputc</code>
468      and <code>ap_rprintf</code>, for internally generated output, and
469      <code>ap_send_fd</code>, to copy the contents of some <code>FILE *</code>
470      straight to the client.</p>
472      <p>At this point, you should more or less understand the following piece
473      of code, which is the handler which handles <code>GET</code> requests
474      which have no more specific handler; it also shows how conditional
475      <code>GET</code>s can be handled, if it's desirable to do so in a
476      particular response handler -- <code>ap_set_last_modified</code> checks
477      against the <code>If-modified-since</code> value supplied by the client,
478      if any, and returns an appropriate code (which will, if nonzero, be
479      USE_LOCAL_COPY). No similar considerations apply for
480      <code>ap_set_content_length</code>, but it returns an error code for
481      symmetry.</p>
483      <div class="example"><p><code>
484        int default_handler (request_rec *r)<br />
485        {<br />
486        <span class="indent">
487          int errstatus;<br />
488          FILE *f;<br />
489          <br />
490          if (r-&gt;method_number != M_GET) return DECLINED;<br />
491          if (r-&gt;finfo.st_mode == 0) return NOT_FOUND;<br />
492          <br />
493          if ((errstatus = ap_set_content_length (r, r-&gt;finfo.st_size))<br />
494          &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;||
495             (errstatus = ap_set_last_modified (r, r-&gt;finfo.st_mtime)))<br />
496          return errstatus;<br />
497          <br />
498          f = fopen (r-&gt;filename, "r");<br />
499          <br />
500          if (f == NULL) {<br />
501          <span class="indent">
502            log_reason("file permissions deny server access", r-&gt;filename, r);<br />
503            return FORBIDDEN;<br />
504          </span>
505          }<br />
506          <br />
507          register_timeout ("send", r);<br />
508          ap_send_http_header (r);<br />
509          <br />
510          if (!r-&gt;header_only) send_fd (f, r);<br />
511          ap_pfclose (r-&gt;pool, f);<br />
512          return OK;<br />
513        </span>
514        }
515      </code></p></div>
517      <p>Finally, if all of this is too much of a challenge, there are a few
518      ways out of it. First off, as shown above, a response handler which has
519      not yet produced any output can simply return an error code, in which
520      case the server will automatically produce an error response. Secondly,
521      it can punt to some other handler by invoking
522      <code>ap_internal_redirect</code>, which is how the internal redirection
523      machinery discussed above is invoked. A response handler which has
524      internally redirected should always return <code>OK</code>.</p>
526      <p>(Invoking <code>ap_internal_redirect</code> from handlers which are
527      <em>not</em> response handlers will lead to serious confusion).</p>
530    <h3><a name="auth_handlers" id="auth_handlers">Special considerations for authentication
531    handlers</a></h3>
532      <p>Stuff that should be discussed here in detail:</p>
534      <ul>
535      <li>Authentication-phase handlers not invoked unless auth is
536      configured for the directory.</li>
538      <li>Common auth configuration stored in the core per-dir
539      configuration; it has accessors <code>ap_auth_type</code>,
540      <code>ap_auth_name</code>, and <code>ap_requires</code>.</li>
542      <li>Common routines, to handle the protocol end of things, at
543      least for HTTP basic authentication
544      (<code>ap_get_basic_auth_pw</code>, which sets the
545      <code>connection-&gt;user</code> structure field
546      automatically, and <code>ap_note_basic_auth_failure</code>,
547      which arranges for the proper <code>WWW-Authenticate:</code>
548      header to be sent back).</li>
549      </ul>
552    <h3><a name="log_handlers" id="log_handlers">Special considerations for logging
553    handlers</a></h3>
554      <p>When a request has internally redirected, there is the question of
555      what to log. Apache handles this by bundling the entire chain of redirects
556      into a list of <code>request_rec</code> structures which are threaded
557      through the <code>r-&gt;prev</code> and <code>r-&gt;next</code> pointers.
558      The <code>request_rec</code> which is passed to the logging handlers in
559      such cases is the one which was originally built for the initial request
560      from the client; note that the <code>bytes_sent</code> field will only be
561      correct in the last request in the chain (the one for which a response was
562      actually sent).</p>
564</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
565<div class="section">
566<h2><a name="pools" id="pools">Resource allocation and resource pools</a></h2>
567    <p>One of the problems of writing and designing a server-pool server is
568    that of preventing leakage, that is, allocating resources (memory, open
569    files, <em>etc.</em>), without subsequently releasing them. The resource
570    pool machinery is designed to make it easy to prevent this from happening,
571    by allowing resource to be allocated in such a way that they are
572    <em>automatically</em> released when the server is done with them.</p>
574    <p>The way this works is as follows: the memory which is allocated, file
575    opened, <em>etc.</em>, to deal with a particular request are tied to a
576    <em>resource pool</em> which is allocated for the request. The pool is a
577    data structure which itself tracks the resources in question.</p>
579    <p>When the request has been processed, the pool is <em>cleared</em>. At
580    that point, all the memory associated with it is released for reuse, all
581    files associated with it are closed, and any other clean-up functions which
582    are associated with the pool are run. When this is over, we can be confident
583    that all the resource tied to the pool have been released, and that none of
584    them have leaked.</p>
586    <p>Server restarts, and allocation of memory and resources for per-server
587    configuration, are handled in a similar way. There is a <em>configuration
588    pool</em>, which keeps track of resources which were allocated while reading
589    the server configuration files, and handling the commands therein (for
590    instance, the memory that was allocated for per-server module configuration,
591    log files and other files that were opened, and so forth). When the server
592    restarts, and has to reread the configuration files, the configuration pool
593    is cleared, and so the memory and file descriptors which were taken up by
594    reading them the last time are made available for reuse.</p>
596    <p>It should be noted that use of the pool machinery isn't generally
597    obligatory, except for situations like logging handlers, where you really
598    need to register cleanups to make sure that the log file gets closed when
599    the server restarts (this is most easily done by using the function <code><a href="#pool-files">ap_pfopen</a></code>, which also arranges for the
600    underlying file descriptor to be closed before any child processes, such as
601    for CGI scripts, are <code>exec</code>ed), or in case you are using the
602    timeout machinery (which isn't yet even documented here). However, there are
603    two benefits to using it: resources allocated to a pool never leak (even if
604    you allocate a scratch string, and just forget about it); also, for memory
605    allocation, <code>ap_palloc</code> is generally faster than
606    <code>malloc</code>.</p>
608    <p>We begin here by describing how memory is allocated to pools, and then
609    discuss how other resources are tracked by the resource pool machinery.</p>
611    <h3>Allocation of memory in pools</h3>
612      <p>Memory is allocated to pools by calling the function
613      <code>ap_palloc</code>, which takes two arguments, one being a pointer to
614      a resource pool structure, and the other being the amount of memory to
615      allocate (in <code>char</code>s). Within handlers for handling requests,
616      the most common way of getting a resource pool structure is by looking at
617      the <code>pool</code> slot of the relevant <code>request_rec</code>; hence
618      the repeated appearance of the following idiom in module code:</p>
620      <div class="example"><p><code>
621        int my_handler(request_rec *r)<br />
622        {<br />
623        <span class="indent">
624          struct my_structure *foo;<br />
625          ...<br />
626          <br />
627          foo = (foo *)ap_palloc (r-&gt;pool, sizeof(my_structure));<br />
628        </span>
629        }
630      </code></p></div>
632      <p>Note that <em>there is no <code>ap_pfree</code></em> --
633      <code>ap_palloc</code>ed memory is freed only when the associated resource
634      pool is cleared. This means that <code>ap_palloc</code> does not have to
635      do as much accounting as <code>malloc()</code>; all it does in the typical
636      case is to round up the size, bump a pointer, and do a range check.</p>
638      <p>(It also raises the possibility that heavy use of
639      <code>ap_palloc</code> could cause a server process to grow excessively
640      large. There are two ways to deal with this, which are dealt with below;
641      briefly, you can use <code>malloc</code>, and try to be sure that all of
642      the memory gets explicitly <code>free</code>d, or you can allocate a
643      sub-pool of the main pool, allocate your memory in the sub-pool, and clear
644      it out periodically. The latter technique is discussed in the section
645      on sub-pools below, and is used in the directory-indexing code, in order
646      to avoid excessive storage allocation when listing directories with
647      thousands of files).</p>
650    <h3>Allocating initialized memory</h3>
651      <p>There are functions which allocate initialized memory, and are
652      frequently useful. The function <code>ap_pcalloc</code> has the same
653      interface as <code>ap_palloc</code>, but clears out the memory it
654      allocates before it returns it. The function <code>ap_pstrdup</code>
655      takes a resource pool and a <code>char *</code> as arguments, and
656      allocates memory for a copy of the string the pointer points to, returning
657      a pointer to the copy. Finally <code>ap_pstrcat</code> is a varargs-style
658      function, which takes a pointer to a resource pool, and at least two
659      <code>char *</code> arguments, the last of which must be
660      <code>NULL</code>. It allocates enough memory to fit copies of each of
661      the strings, as a unit; for instance:</p>
663      <div class="example"><p><code>
664        ap_pstrcat (r-&gt;pool, "foo", "/", "bar", NULL);
665      </code></p></div>
667      <p>returns a pointer to 8 bytes worth of memory, initialized to
668      <code>"foo/bar"</code>.</p>
671    <h3><a name="pools-used" id="pools-used">Commonly-used pools in the Apache Web
672    server</a></h3>
673      <p>A pool is really defined by its lifetime more than anything else.
674      There are some static pools in http_main which are passed to various
675      non-http_main functions as arguments at opportune times. Here they
676      are:</p>
678      <dl>
679      <dt><code>permanent_pool</code></dt>
680      <dd>never passed to anything else, this is the ancestor of all pools</dd>
682      <dt><code>pconf</code></dt>
683      <dd>
684        <ul>
685          <li>subpool of permanent_pool</li>
687          <li>created at the beginning of a config "cycle"; exists
688          until the server is terminated or restarts; passed to all
689          config-time routines, either via cmd-&gt;pool, or as the
690          "pool *p" argument on those which don't take pools</li>
692          <li>passed to the module init() functions</li>
693        </ul>
694      </dd>
696      <dt><code>ptemp</code></dt>
697      <dd>
698        <ul>
699          <li>sorry I lie, this pool isn't called this currently in
700          1.3, I renamed it this in my pthreads development. I'm
701          referring to the use of ptrans in the parent... contrast
702          this with the later definition of ptrans in the
703          child.</li>
705          <li>subpool of permanent_pool</li>
707          <li>created at the beginning of a config "cycle"; exists
708          until the end of config parsing; passed to config-time
709          routines <em>via</em> cmd-&gt;temp_pool. Somewhat of a
710          "bastard child" because it isn't available everywhere.
711          Used for temporary scratch space which may be needed by
712          some config routines but which is deleted at the end of
713          config.</li>
714        </ul>
715      </dd>
717      <dt><code>pchild</code></dt>
718      <dd>
719        <ul>
720          <li>subpool of permanent_pool</li>
722          <li>created when a child is spawned (or a thread is
723          created); lives until that child (thread) is
724          destroyed</li>
726          <li>passed to the module child_init functions</li>
728          <li>destruction happens right after the child_exit
729          functions are called... (which may explain why I think
730          child_exit is redundant and unneeded)</li>
731        </ul>
732      </dd>
734      <dt><code>ptrans</code></dt>
735      <dd>
736        <ul>
737          <li>should be a subpool of pchild, but currently is a
738          subpool of permanent_pool, see above</li>
740          <li>cleared by the child before going into the accept()
741          loop to receive a connection</li>
743          <li>used as connection-&gt;pool</li>
744        </ul>
745      </dd>
747      <dt><code>r-&gt;pool</code></dt>
748      <dd>
749        <ul>
750          <li>for the main request this is a subpool of
751          connection-&gt;pool; for subrequests it is a subpool of
752          the parent request's pool.</li>
754          <li>exists until the end of the request (<em>i.e.</em>,
755          ap_destroy_sub_req, or in child_main after
756          process_request has finished)</li>
758          <li>note that r itself is allocated from r-&gt;pool;
759          <em>i.e.</em>, r-&gt;pool is first created and then r is
760          the first thing palloc()d from it</li>
761        </ul>
762      </dd>
763      </dl>
765      <p>For almost everything folks do, <code>r-&gt;pool</code> is the pool to
766      use. But you can see how other lifetimes, such as pchild, are useful to
767      some modules... such as modules that need to open a database connection
768      once per child, and wish to clean it up when the child dies.</p>
770      <p>You can also see how some bugs have manifested themself, such as
771      setting <code>connection-&gt;user</code> to a value from
772      <code>r-&gt;pool</code> -- in this case connection exists for the
773      lifetime of <code>ptrans</code>, which is longer than
774      <code>r-&gt;pool</code> (especially if <code>r-&gt;pool</code> is a
775      subrequest!). So the correct thing to do is to allocate from
776      <code>connection-&gt;pool</code>.</p>
778      <p>And there was another interesting bug in <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_include.html">mod_include</a></code>
779      / <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_cgi.html">mod_cgi</a></code>. You'll see in those that they do this test
780      to decide if they should use <code>r-&gt;pool</code> or
781      <code>r-&gt;main-&gt;pool</code>. In this case the resource that they are
782      registering for cleanup is a child process. If it were registered in
783      <code>r-&gt;pool</code>, then the code would <code>wait()</code> for the
784      child when the subrequest finishes. With <code class="module"><a href="/mod/mod_include.html">mod_include</a></code> this
785      could be any old <code>#include</code>, and the delay can be up to 3
786      seconds... and happened quite frequently. Instead the subprocess is
787      registered in <code>r-&gt;main-&gt;pool</code> which causes it to be
788      cleaned up when the entire request is done -- <em>i.e.</em>, after the
789      output has been sent to the client and logging has happened.</p>
792    <h3><a name="pool-files" id="pool-files">Tracking open files, etc.</a></h3>
793      <p>As indicated above, resource pools are also used to track other sorts
794      of resources besides memory. The most common are open files. The routine
795      which is typically used for this is <code>ap_pfopen</code>, which takes a
796      resource pool and two strings as arguments; the strings are the same as
797      the typical arguments to <code>fopen</code>, <em>e.g.</em>,</p>
799      <div class="example"><p><code>
800        ...<br />
801        FILE *f = ap_pfopen (r-&gt;pool, r-&gt;filename, "r");<br />
802        <br />
803        if (f == NULL) { ... } else { ... }<br />
804      </code></p></div>
806      <p>There is also a <code>ap_popenf</code> routine, which parallels the
807      lower-level <code>open</code> system call. Both of these routines arrange
808      for the file to be closed when the resource pool in question is
809      cleared.</p>
811      <p>Unlike the case for memory, there <em>are</em> functions to close files
812      allocated with <code>ap_pfopen</code>, and <code>ap_popenf</code>, namely
813      <code>ap_pfclose</code> and <code>ap_pclosef</code>. (This is because, on
814      many systems, the number of files which a single process can have open is
815      quite limited). It is important to use these functions to close files
816      allocated with <code>ap_pfopen</code> and <code>ap_popenf</code>, since to
817      do otherwise could cause fatal errors on systems such as Linux, which
818      react badly if the same <code>FILE*</code> is closed more than once.</p>
820      <p>(Using the <code>close</code> functions is not mandatory, since the
821      file will eventually be closed regardless, but you should consider it in
822      cases where your module is opening, or could open, a lot of files).</p>
825    <h3>Other sorts of resources -- cleanup functions</h3>
826      <p>More text goes here. Describe the cleanup primitives in terms of
827      which the file stuff is implemented; also, <code>spawn_process</code>.</p>
829      <p>Pool cleanups live until <code>clear_pool()</code> is called:
830      <code>clear_pool(a)</code> recursively calls <code>destroy_pool()</code>
831      on all subpools of <code>a</code>; then calls all the cleanups for
832      <code>a</code>; then releases all the memory for <code>a</code>.
833      <code>destroy_pool(a)</code> calls <code>clear_pool(a)</code> and then
834      releases the pool structure itself. <em>i.e.</em>,
835      <code>clear_pool(a)</code> doesn't delete <code>a</code>, it just frees
836      up all the resources and you can start using it again immediately.</p>
839    <h3>Fine control -- creating and dealing with sub-pools, with
840    a note on sub-requests</h3>
841      <p>On rare occasions, too-free use of <code>ap_palloc()</code> and the
842      associated primitives may result in undesirably profligate resource
843      allocation. You can deal with such a case by creating a <em>sub-pool</em>,
844      allocating within the sub-pool rather than the main pool, and clearing or
845      destroying the sub-pool, which releases the resources which were
846      associated with it. (This really <em>is</em> a rare situation; the only
847      case in which it comes up in the standard module set is in case of listing
848      directories, and then only with <em>very</em> large directories.
849      Unnecessary use of the primitives discussed here can hair up your code
850      quite a bit, with very little gain).</p>
852      <p>The primitive for creating a sub-pool is <code>ap_make_sub_pool</code>,
853      which takes another pool (the parent pool) as an argument. When the main
854      pool is cleared, the sub-pool will be destroyed. The sub-pool may also be
855      cleared or destroyed at any time, by calling the functions
856      <code>ap_clear_pool</code> and <code>ap_destroy_pool</code>, respectively.
857      (The difference is that <code>ap_clear_pool</code> frees resources
858      associated with the pool, while <code>ap_destroy_pool</code> also
859      deallocates the pool itself. In the former case, you can allocate new
860      resources within the pool, and clear it again, and so forth; in the
861      latter case, it is simply gone).</p>
863      <p>One final note -- sub-requests have their own resource pools, which are
864      sub-pools of the resource pool for the main request. The polite way to
865      reclaim the resources associated with a sub request which you have
866      allocated (using the <code>ap_sub_req_...</code> functions) is
867      <code>ap_destroy_sub_req</code>, which frees the resource pool. Before
868      calling this function, be sure to copy anything that you care about which
869      might be allocated in the sub-request's resource pool into someplace a
870      little less volatile (for instance, the filename in its
871      <code>request_rec</code> structure).</p>
873      <p>(Again, under most circumstances, you shouldn't feel obliged to call
874      this function; only 2K of memory or so are allocated for a typical sub
875      request, and it will be freed anyway when the main request pool is
876      cleared. It is only when you are allocating many, many sub-requests for a
877      single main request that you should seriously consider the
878      <code>ap_destroy_...</code> functions).</p>
880</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="/images/up.gif" /></a></div>
881<div class="section">
882<h2><a name="config" id="config">Configuration, commands and the like</a></h2>
883    <p>One of the design goals for this server was to maintain external
884    compatibility with the NCSA 1.3 server --- that is, to read the same
885    configuration files, to process all the directives therein correctly, and
886    in general to be a drop-in replacement for NCSA. On the other hand, another
887    design goal was to move as much of the server's functionality into modules
888    which have as little as possible to do with the monolithic server core. The
889    only way to reconcile these goals is to move the handling of most commands
890    from the central server into the modules.</p>
892    <p>However, just giving the modules command tables is not enough to divorce
893    them completely from the server core. The server has to remember the
894    commands in order to act on them later. That involves maintaining data which
895    is private to the modules, and which can be either per-server, or
896    per-directory. Most things are per-directory, including in particular access
897    control and authorization information, but also information on how to
898    determine file types from suffixes, which can be modified by
899    <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_mime.html#addtype">AddType</a></code> and <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/core.html#defaulttype">DefaultType</a></code> directives, and so forth. In general,
900    the governing philosophy is that anything which <em>can</em> be made
901    configurable by directory should be; per-server information is generally
902    used in the standard set of modules for information like
903    <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_alias.html#alias">Alias</a></code>es and <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_alias.html#redirect">Redirect</a></code>s which come into play before the
904    request is tied to a particular place in the underlying file system.</p>
906    <p>Another requirement for emulating the NCSA server is being able to handle
907    the per-directory configuration files, generally called
908    <code>.htaccess</code> files, though even in the NCSA server they can
909    contain directives which have nothing at all to do with access control.
910    Accordingly, after URI -&gt; filename translation, but before performing any
911    other phase, the server walks down the directory hierarchy of the underlying
912    filesystem, following the translated pathname, to read any
913    <code>.htaccess</code> files which might be present. The information which
914    is read in then has to be <em>merged</em> with the applicable information
915    from the server's own config files (either from the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/core.html#directory">&lt;Directory&gt;</a></code> sections in
916    <code>access.conf</code>, or from defaults in <code>srm.conf</code>, which
917    actually behaves for most purposes almost exactly like <code>&lt;Directory
918    /&gt;</code>).</p>
920    <p>Finally, after having served a request which involved reading
921    <code>.htaccess</code> files, we need to discard the storage allocated for
922    handling them. That is solved the same way it is solved wherever else
923    similar problems come up, by tying those structures to the per-transaction
924    resource pool.</p>
926    <h3><a name="per-dir" id="per-dir">Per-directory configuration structures</a></h3>
927      <p>Let's look out how all of this plays out in <code>mod_mime.c</code>,
928      which defines the file typing handler which emulates the NCSA server's
929      behavior of determining file types from suffixes. What we'll be looking
930      at, here, is the code which implements the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_mime.html#addtype">AddType</a></code> and <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_mime.html#addencoding">AddEncoding</a></code> commands. These commands can appear in
931      <code>.htaccess</code> files, so they must be handled in the module's
932      private per-directory data, which in fact, consists of two separate
933      tables for MIME types and encoding information, and is declared as
934      follows:</p>
936      <div class="example"><pre>typedef struct {
937    table *forced_types;      /* Additional AddTyped stuff */
938    table *encoding_types;    /* Added with AddEncoding... */
939} mime_dir_config;</pre></div>
941      <p>When the server is reading a configuration file, or <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/core.html#directory">&lt;Directory&gt;</a></code> section, which includes
942      one of the MIME module's commands, it needs to create a
943      <code>mime_dir_config</code> structure, so those commands have something
944      to act on. It does this by invoking the function it finds in the module's
945      `create per-dir config slot', with two arguments: the name of the
946      directory to which this configuration information applies (or
947      <code>NULL</code> for <code>srm.conf</code>), and a pointer to a
948      resource pool in which the allocation should happen.</p>
950      <p>(If we are reading a <code>.htaccess</code> file, that resource pool
951      is the per-request resource pool for the request; otherwise it is a
952      resource pool which is used for configuration data, and cleared on
953      restarts. Either way, it is important for the structure being created to
954      vanish when the pool is cleared, by registering a cleanup on the pool if
955      necessary).</p>
957      <p>For the MIME module, the per-dir config creation function just
958      <code>ap_palloc</code>s the structure above, and a creates a couple of
959      tables to fill it. That looks like this:</p>
961      <div class="example"><p><code>
962        void *create_mime_dir_config (pool *p, char *dummy)<br />
963        {<br />
964        <span class="indent">
965          mime_dir_config *new =<br />
966          <span class="indent">
967           (mime_dir_config *) ap_palloc (p, sizeof(mime_dir_config));<br />
968          </span>
969          <br />
970          new-&gt;forced_types = ap_make_table (p, 4);<br />
971          new-&gt;encoding_types = ap_make_table (p, 4);<br />
972          <br />
973          return new;<br />
974        </span>
975        }
976      </code></p></div>
978      <p>Now, suppose we've just read in a <code>.htaccess</code> file. We
979      already have the per-directory configuration structure for the next
980      directory up in the hierarchy. If the <code>.htaccess</code> file we just
981      read in didn't have any <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_mime.html#addtype">AddType</a></code>
982      or <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_mime.html#addencoding">AddEncoding</a></code> commands, its
983      per-directory config structure for the MIME module is still valid, and we
984      can just use it. Otherwise, we need to merge the two structures
985      somehow.</p>
987      <p>To do that, the server invokes the module's per-directory config merge
988      function, if one is present. That function takes three arguments: the two
989      structures being merged, and a resource pool in which to allocate the
990      result. For the MIME module, all that needs to be done is overlay the
991      tables from the new per-directory config structure with those from the
992      parent:</p>
994      <div class="example"><p><code>
995        void *merge_mime_dir_configs (pool *p, void *parent_dirv, void *subdirv)<br />
996        {<br />
997        <span class="indent">
998          mime_dir_config *parent_dir = (mime_dir_config *)parent_dirv;<br />
999          mime_dir_config *subdir = (mime_dir_config *)subdirv;<br />
1000          mime_dir_config *new =<br />
1001          <span class="indent">
1002            (mime_dir_config *)ap_palloc (p, sizeof(mime_dir_config));<br />
1003          </span>
1004          <br />
1005          new-&gt;forced_types = ap_overlay_tables (p, subdir-&gt;forced_types,<br />
1006          <span class="indent">
1007            parent_dir-&gt;forced_types);<br />
1008          </span>
1009          new-&gt;encoding_types = ap_overlay_tables (p, subdir-&gt;encoding_types,<br />
1010          <span class="indent">
1011            parent_dir-&gt;encoding_types);<br />
1012          </span>
1013          <br />
1014          return new;<br />
1015        </span>
1016        }
1017      </code></p></div>
1019      <p>As a note -- if there is no per-directory merge function present, the
1020      server will just use the subdirectory's configuration info, and ignore
1021      the parent's. For some modules, that works just fine (<em>e.g.</em>, for
1022      the includes module, whose per-directory configuration information
1023      consists solely of the state of the <code>XBITHACK</code>), and for those
1024      modules, you can just not declare one, and leave the corresponding
1025      structure slot in the module itself <code>NULL</code>.</p>
1028    <h3><a name="commands" id="commands">Command handling</a></h3>
1029      <p>Now that we have these structures, we need to be able to figure out how
1030      to fill them. That involves processing the actual <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_mime.html#addtype">AddType</a></code> and <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_mime.html#addencoding">AddEncoding</a></code> commands. To find commands, the server looks in
1031      the module's command table. That table contains information on how many
1032      arguments the commands take, and in what formats, where it is permitted,
1033      and so forth. That information is sufficient to allow the server to invoke
1034      most command-handling functions with pre-parsed arguments. Without further
1035      ado, let's look at the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_mime.html#addtype">AddType</a></code>
1036      command handler, which looks like this (the <code class="directive"><a href="/mod/mod_mime.html#addencoding">AddEncoding</a></code> command looks basically the same, and won't be
1037      shown here):</p>
1039      <div class="example"><p><code>
1040        char *add_type(cmd_parms *cmd, mime_dir_config *m, char *ct, char *ext)<br />
1041        {<br />
1042        <span class="indent">
1043          if (*ext == '.') ++ext;<br />
1044          ap_table_set (m-&gt;forced_types, ext, ct);<br />
1045          return NULL;<br />
1046        </span>
1047        }
1048      </code></p></div>
1050      <p>This command handler is unusually simple. As you can see, it takes
1051      four arguments, two of which are pre-parsed arguments, the third being the
1052      per-directory configuration structure for the module in question, and the
1053      fourth being a pointer to a <code>cmd_parms</code> structure. That
1054      structure contains a bunch of arguments which are frequently of use to
1055      some, but not all, commands, including a resource pool (from which memory
1056      can be allocated, and to which cleanups should be tied), and the (virtual)
1057      server being configured, from which the module's per-server configuration
1058      data can be obtained if required.</p>
1060      <p>Another way in which this particular command handler is unusually
1061      simple is that there are no error conditions which it can encounter. If
1062      there were, it could return an error message instead of <code>NULL</code>;
1063      this causes an error to be printed out on the server's
1064      <code>stderr</code>, followed by a quick exit, if it is in the main config
1065      files; for a <code>.htaccess</code> file, the syntax error is logged in
1066      the server error log (along with an indication of where it came from), and
1067      the request is bounced with a server error response (HTTP error status,
1068      code 500).</p>
1070      <p>The MIME module's command table has entries for these commands, which
1071      look like this:</p>
1073      <div class="example"><p><code>
1074        command_rec mime_cmds[] = {<br />
1075        <span class="indent">
1076          { "AddType", add_type, NULL, OR_FILEINFO, TAKE2,<br />
1077          <span class="indent">"a mime type followed by a file extension" },<br /></span>
1078          { "AddEncoding", add_encoding, NULL, OR_FILEINFO, TAKE2,<br />
1079          <span class="indent">
1080          "an encoding (<em>e.g.</em>, gzip), followed by a file extension" },<br />
1081          </span>
1082          { NULL }<br />
1083        </span>
1084        };
1085      </code></p></div>
1087      <p>The entries in these tables are:</p>
1088      <ul>
1089      <li>The name of the command</li>
1090      <li>The function which handles it</li>
1091      <li>a <code>(void *)</code> pointer, which is passed in the
1092      <code>cmd_parms</code> structure to the command handler ---
1093      this is useful in case many similar commands are handled by
1094      the same function.</li>
1096      <li>A bit mask indicating where the command may appear. There
1097      are mask bits corresponding to each
1098      <code>AllowOverride</code> option, and an additional mask
1099      bit, <code>RSRC_CONF</code>, indicating that the command may
1100      appear in the server's own config files, but <em>not</em> in
1101      any <code>.htaccess</code> file.</li>
1103      <li>A flag indicating how many arguments the command handler
1104      wants pre-parsed, and how they should be passed in.
1105      <code>TAKE2</code> indicates two pre-parsed arguments. Other
1106      options are <code>TAKE1</code>, which indicates one
1107      pre-parsed argument, <code>FLAG</code>, which indicates that
1108      the argument should be <code>On</code> or <code>Off</code>,
1109      and is passed in as a boolean flag, <code>RAW_ARGS</code>,
1110      which causes the server to give the command the raw, unparsed
1111      arguments (everything but the command name itself). There is
1112      also <code>ITERATE</code>, which means that the handler looks
1113      the same as <code>TAKE1</code>, but that if multiple
1114      arguments are present, it should be called multiple times,
1115      and finally <code>ITERATE2</code>, which indicates that the
1116      command handler looks like a <code>TAKE2</code>, but if more
1117      arguments are present, then it should be called multiple
1118      times, holding the first argument constant.</li>
1120      <li>Finally, we have a string which describes the arguments
1121      that should be present. If the arguments in the actual config
1122      file are not as required, this string will be used to help
1123      give a more specific error message. (You can safely leave
1124      this <code>NULL</code>).</li>
1125      </ul>
1127      <p>Finally, having set this all up, we have to use it. This is ultimately
1128      done in the module's handlers, specifically for its file-typing handler,
1129      which looks more or less like this; note that the per-directory
1130      configuration structure is extracted from the <code>request_rec</code>'s
1131      per-directory configuration vector by using the
1132      <code>ap_get_module_config</code> function.</p>
1134      <div class="example"><p><code>
1135        int find_ct(request_rec *r)<br />
1136        {<br />
1137        <span class="indent">
1138          int i;<br />
1139          char *fn = ap_pstrdup (r-&gt;pool, r-&gt;filename);<br />
1140          mime_dir_config *conf = (mime_dir_config *)<br />
1141          <span class="indent">
1142            ap_get_module_config(r-&gt;per_dir_config, &amp;mime_module);<br />
1143          </span>
1144          char *type;<br />
1145          <br />
1146          if (S_ISDIR(r-&gt;finfo.st_mode)) {<br />
1147          <span class="indent">
1148            r-&gt;content_type = DIR_MAGIC_TYPE;<br />
1149            return OK;<br />
1150          </span>
1151          }<br />
1152          <br />
1153          if((i=ap_rind(fn,'.')) &lt; 0) return DECLINED;<br />
1154          ++i;<br />
1155          <br />
1156          if ((type = ap_table_get (conf-&gt;encoding_types, &amp;fn[i])))<br />
1157          {<br />
1158          <span class="indent">
1159            r-&gt;content_encoding = type;<br />
1160            <br />
1161            /* go back to previous extension to try to use it as a type */<br />
1162            fn[i-1] = '\0';<br />
1163            if((i=ap_rind(fn,'.')) &lt; 0) return OK;<br />
1164            ++i;<br />
1165          </span>
1166          }<br />
1167          <br />
1168          if ((type = ap_table_get (conf-&gt;forced_types, &amp;fn[i])))<br />
1169          {<br />
1170          <span class="indent">
1171            r-&gt;content_type = type;<br />
1172          </span>
1173          }<br />
1174          <br />
1175          return OK;
1176        </span>
1177        }
1178      </code></p></div>
1181    <h3><a name="servconf" id="servconf">Side notes -- per-server configuration,
1182    virtual servers, <em>etc</em>.</a></h3>
1183      <p>The basic ideas behind per-server module configuration are basically
1184      the same as those for per-directory configuration; there is a creation
1185      function and a merge function, the latter being invoked where a virtual
1186      server has partially overridden the base server configuration, and a
1187      combined structure must be computed. (As with per-directory configuration,
1188      the default if no merge function is specified, and a module is configured
1189      in some virtual server, is that the base configuration is simply
1190      ignored).</p>
1192      <p>The only substantial difference is that when a command needs to
1193      configure the per-server private module data, it needs to go to the
1194      <code>cmd_parms</code> data to get at it. Here's an example, from the
1195      alias module, which also indicates how a syntax error can be returned
1196      (note that the per-directory configuration argument to the command
1197      handler is declared as a dummy, since the module doesn't actually have
1198      per-directory config data):</p>
1200      <div class="example"><p><code>
1201        char *add_redirect(cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy, char *f, char *url)<br />
1202        {<br />
1203        <span class="indent">
1204          server_rec *s = cmd-&gt;server;<br />
1205          alias_server_conf *conf = (alias_server_conf *)<br />
1206          <span class="indent">
1207            ap_get_module_config(s-&gt;module_config,&amp;alias_module);<br />
1208          </span>
1209          alias_entry *new = ap_push_array (conf-&gt;redirects);<br />
1210          <br />
1211          if (!ap_is_url (url)) return "Redirect to non-URL";<br />
1212          <br />
1213          new-&gt;fake = f; new-&gt;real = url;<br />
1214          return NULL;<br />
1215        </span>
1216        }
1217      </code></p></div>
1220<div class="bottomlang">
1221<p><span>Available Languages: </span><a href="/en/developer/API.html" title="English">&nbsp;en&nbsp;</a></p>
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