1# Copyright (c) 2006-2008, The RubyCocoa Project.
2# Copyright (c) 2001-2006, FUJIMOTO Hisakuni.
3# All Rights Reserved.
5# RubyCocoa is free software, covered under either the Ruby's license or the 
6# LGPL. See the COPYRIGHT file for more information.
8# Same as oc_types but AppKit-specific.
10class OSX::NSRange
11  class << self
12    alias_method :orig_new, :new
13    def new(*args)
14      location, length = case args.size
15      when 0
16        [0, 0]
17      when 1
18        if args.first.is_a?(Range)
19          range = args.first
20          [range.first, range.last - range.first + (range.exclude_end? ? 0 : 1)]
21        else
22          raise ArgumentError, "wrong type of argument #1 (expected Range, got #{args.first.class})"
23        end
24      when 2
25        if args.first.is_a?(Range)
26          range, count = args
27          first = range.first
28          first += count if first < 0
29          last = range.last
30          last += count if last < 0
31          len = last - first + (range.exclude_end? ? 0 : 1)
32          len = count - first if count < first + len
33          len = 0 if len < 0
34          [first, len]
35        else
36          [args[0], args[1]]
37        end
38      else
39        raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{args.size} for either 0, 1 or 2)"
40      end
41      orig_new(location, length)
42    end
43  end
44  def to_range
45    Range.new(location, location + length, true)
46  end
47  def size; length; end
48  def size=(v); length = v; end
49  def contain?(arg)
50    case arg
51    when OSX::NSRange
52      location <= arg.location and arg.location + arg.length <= location + length
53    when Numeric
54      OSX::NSLocationInRange(arg, self)
55    else
56      raise ArgumentError, "argument should be NSRange or Numeric"
57    end
58  end
59  def empty?; length == 0 || not_found?; end
60  def intersect?(range); !intersection(range).empty?; end
61  def intersection(range); OSX::NSIntersectionRange(self, range); end
62  def union(range); OSX::NSUnionRange(self, range); end
63  def max; location + length; end
64  def not_found?; location == OSX::NSNotFound; end
65  def inspect; "#<#{self.class} location=#{location}, length=#{length}>"; end