1# create osx_ruby.h and osx_intern.h
2# avoid `ID' and `T_DATA' confict headers between Cocoa and Ruby.
3new_filename_prefix = 'osx_'
4ruby_h = File.join(@config['ruby-header-dir'], 'ruby.h')
5intern_h = File.join(@config['ruby-header-dir'], 'intern.h')
6[ ruby_h, intern_h ].each do |src_path|
7  dst_fname = new_filename_prefix + File.basename(src_path)
8  dst_fname = "src/objc/" + dst_fname
9  $stderr.puts "create #{File.expand_path(dst_fname)} ..."
10  File.open(dst_fname, 'w') do |dstfile|
11    IO.foreach(src_path) do |line|
12      unless @config['macosx-deployment-target'].to_f > 10.5
13        line.gsub!( /\b(ID|T_DATA)\b/, 'RB_\1' )
14        line.gsub!( /\bintern\.h\b/, "#{new_filename_prefix}intern.h" )
15      end
16      dstfile.puts( line )
17    end
18  end
21if @config['gen-bridge-support'] != 'no'
22  # generate bridge support metadata files
23  out_dir = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'bridge-support')
24  sdkroot = @config['sdkroot']
25  archs = @config['target-archs']
26  cflags = ''
27  cflags << archs.gsub(/\A|\s+/, ' -arch ') if archs.size > 0
28  cflags << " -isysroot #{sdkroot}" if sdkroot.size > 0
29  Dir.chdir('../misc/bridgesupport') do
30    command("BSROOT=\"#{out_dir}\" CFLAGS=\"#{cflags}\" #{@config['ruby-prog']} build.rb")
31  end