1# -------------------------------------------------------------------
2# Target file for the JavaScriptSource library
4# See 'Tools/qmake/README' for an overview of the build system
5# -------------------------------------------------------------------
8TARGET = JavaScriptCore
12WEBKIT += wtf
13QT += core
14QT -= gui
16CONFIG += staticlib
21# Rules when JIT enabled (not disabled)
22!contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_JIT=0) {
23    linux*-g++*:greaterThan(QT_GCC_MAJOR_VERSION,3):greaterThan(QT_GCC_MINOR_VERSION,0) {
24        QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fno-stack-protector
25        QMAKE_CFLAGS += -fno-stack-protector
26    }
35SOURCES += \
36    API/JSBase.cpp \
37    API/JSCallbackConstructor.cpp \
38    API/JSCallbackFunction.cpp \
39    API/JSCallbackObject.cpp \
40    API/JSClassRef.cpp \
41    API/JSContextRef.cpp \
42    API/JSObjectRef.cpp \
43    API/JSScriptRef.cpp \
44    API/JSStringRef.cpp \
45    API/JSStringRefQt.cpp \
46    API/JSValueRef.cpp \
47    API/JSWeakObjectMapRefPrivate.cpp \
48    API/OpaqueJSString.cpp \
49    assembler/ARMAssembler.cpp \
50    assembler/ARMv7Assembler.cpp \
51    assembler/LinkBuffer.cpp \
52    assembler/MacroAssembler.cpp \
53    assembler/MacroAssemblerARM.cpp \
54    bytecode/ArrayAllocationProfile.cpp \
55    bytecode/ArrayProfile.cpp \
56    bytecode/CallLinkInfo.cpp \
57    bytecode/CallLinkStatus.cpp \
58    bytecode/CodeBlock.cpp \
59    bytecode/CodeBlockHash.cpp \
60    bytecode/CodeOrigin.cpp \
61    bytecode/CodeType.cpp \
62    bytecode/DFGExitProfile.cpp \
63    bytecode/ExecutionCounter.cpp \
64    bytecode/ExitKind.cpp \
65    bytecode/GetByIdStatus.cpp \
66    bytecode/JumpTable.cpp \
67    bytecode/LazyOperandValueProfile.cpp \
68    bytecode/MethodOfGettingAValueProfile.cpp \
69    bytecode/Opcode.cpp \
70    bytecode/PolymorphicPutByIdList.cpp \
71    bytecode/PreciseJumpTargets.cpp \
72    bytecode/PutByIdStatus.cpp \
73    bytecode/ReduceWhitespace.cpp \
74    bytecode/ResolveGlobalStatus.cpp \
75    bytecode/SamplingTool.cpp \
76    bytecode/SpecialPointer.cpp \
77    bytecode/SpeculatedType.cpp \
78    bytecode/StructureStubClearingWatchpoint.cpp \
79    bytecode/StructureStubInfo.cpp \
80    bytecode/UnlinkedCodeBlock.cpp \
81    bytecode/Watchpoint.cpp \
82    bytecompiler/BytecodeGenerator.cpp \
83    bytecompiler/NodesCodegen.cpp \
84    heap/CopiedSpace.cpp \
85    heap/CopyVisitor.cpp \
86    heap/ConservativeRoots.cpp \
87    heap/DFGCodeBlocks.cpp \
88    heap/Weak.cpp \
89    heap/WeakBlock.cpp \
90    heap/WeakHandleOwner.cpp \
91    heap/WeakSet.cpp \
92    heap/HandleSet.cpp \
93    heap/HandleStack.cpp \
94    heap/BlockAllocator.cpp \
95    heap/GCThreadSharedData.cpp \
96    heap/GCThread.cpp \
97    heap/Heap.cpp \
98    heap/HeapStatistics.cpp \
99    heap/HeapTimer.cpp \
100    heap/IncrementalSweeper.cpp \
101    heap/JITStubRoutineSet.cpp \
102    heap/MachineStackMarker.cpp \
103    heap/MarkStack.cpp \
104    heap/MarkedAllocator.cpp \
105    heap/MarkedBlock.cpp \
106    heap/MarkedSpace.cpp \
107    heap/SlotVisitor.cpp \
108    heap/SuperRegion.cpp \
109    heap/VTableSpectrum.cpp \
110    heap/WriteBarrierSupport.cpp \
111    debugger/DebuggerActivation.cpp \
112    debugger/DebuggerCallFrame.cpp \
113    debugger/Debugger.cpp \
114    dfg/DFGAbstractState.cpp \
115    dfg/DFGArgumentsSimplificationPhase.cpp \
116    dfg/DFGArrayMode.cpp \
117    dfg/DFGAssemblyHelpers.cpp \
118    dfg/DFGBackwardsPropagationPhase.cpp \
119    dfg/DFGByteCodeParser.cpp \
120    dfg/DFGCapabilities.cpp \
121    dfg/DFGCommon.cpp \
122    dfg/DFGCFAPhase.cpp \
123    dfg/DFGCFGSimplificationPhase.cpp \
124    dfg/DFGCPSRethreadingPhase.cpp \
125    dfg/DFGConstantFoldingPhase.cpp \
126    dfg/DFGCSEPhase.cpp \
127    dfg/DFGDCEPhase.cpp \
128    dfg/DFGDisassembler.cpp \
129    dfg/DFGDominators.cpp \
130    dfg/DFGDriver.cpp \
131    dfg/DFGEdge.cpp \
132    dfg/DFGFixupPhase.cpp \
133    dfg/DFGGraph.cpp \
134    dfg/DFGJITCompiler.cpp \
135    dfg/DFGLongLivedState.cpp \
136    dfg/DFGMinifiedNode.cpp \
137    dfg/DFGNode.cpp \
138    dfg/DFGNodeFlags.cpp \
139    dfg/DFGOperations.cpp \
140    dfg/DFGOSREntry.cpp \
141    dfg/DFGOSRExit.cpp \
142    dfg/DFGOSRExitCompiler.cpp \
143    dfg/DFGOSRExitCompiler64.cpp \
144    dfg/DFGOSRExitCompiler32_64.cpp \
145    dfg/DFGOSRExitJumpPlaceholder.cpp \
146    dfg/DFGPhase.cpp \
147    dfg/DFGPredictionPropagationPhase.cpp \
148    dfg/DFGPredictionInjectionPhase.cpp \
149    dfg/DFGRepatch.cpp \
150    dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT.cpp \
151    dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT32_64.cpp \
152    dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT64.cpp \
153    dfg/DFGTypeCheckHoistingPhase.cpp \
154    dfg/DFGThunks.cpp \
155    dfg/DFGUnificationPhase.cpp \
156    dfg/DFGUseKind.cpp \
157    dfg/DFGValueSource.cpp \
158    dfg/DFGVariableAccessDataDump.cpp \
159    dfg/DFGVariableEvent.cpp \
160    dfg/DFGVariableEventStream.cpp \
161    dfg/DFGValidate.cpp \
162    dfg/DFGVirtualRegisterAllocationPhase.cpp \
163    disassembler/Disassembler.cpp \
164    interpreter/AbstractPC.cpp \
165    interpreter/CallFrame.cpp \
166    interpreter/Interpreter.cpp \
167    interpreter/JSStack.cpp \
168    jit/ClosureCallStubRoutine.cpp \
169    jit/ExecutableAllocatorFixedVMPool.cpp \
170    jit/ExecutableAllocator.cpp \
171    jit/HostCallReturnValue.cpp \
172    jit/GCAwareJITStubRoutine.cpp \
173    jit/JITArithmetic.cpp \
174    jit/JITArithmetic32_64.cpp \
175    jit/JITCall.cpp \
176    jit/JITCall32_64.cpp \
177    jit/JITCode.cpp \
178    jit/JIT.cpp \
179    jit/JITDisassembler.cpp \
180    jit/JITExceptions.cpp \
181    jit/JITOpcodes.cpp \
182    jit/JITOpcodes32_64.cpp \
183    jit/JITPropertyAccess.cpp \
184    jit/JITPropertyAccess32_64.cpp \
185    jit/JITStubRoutine.cpp \
186    jit/JITStubs.cpp \
187    jit/JITThunks.cpp \
188    jit/JumpReplacementWatchpoint.cpp \
189    jit/ThunkGenerators.cpp \
190    llint/LLIntCLoop.cpp \
191    llint/LLIntData.cpp \
192    llint/LLIntEntrypoints.cpp \
193    llint/LLIntExceptions.cpp \
194    llint/LLIntSlowPaths.cpp \
195    llint/LLIntThunks.cpp \
196    llint/LowLevelInterpreter.cpp \
197    parser/Lexer.cpp \
198    parser/Nodes.cpp \
199    parser/ParserArena.cpp \
200    parser/Parser.cpp \
201    parser/SourceProvider.cpp \
202    parser/SourceProviderCache.cpp \
203    profiler/ProfilerBytecode.cpp \
204    profiler/ProfilerBytecode.h \
205    profiler/ProfilerBytecodeSequence.cpp \
206    profiler/ProfilerBytecodes.cpp \
207    profiler/ProfilerBytecodes.h \
208    profiler/ProfilerCompilation.cpp \
209    profiler/ProfilerCompilation.h \
210    profiler/ProfilerCompilationKind.cpp \
211    profiler/ProfilerCompilationKind.h \
212    profiler/ProfilerCompiledBytecode.cpp \
213    profiler/ProfilerCompiledBytecode.h \
214    profiler/ProfilerDatabase.cpp \
215    profiler/ProfilerDatabase.h \
216    profiler/ProfilerExecutionCounter.h \
217    profiler/ProfilerOrigin.cpp \
218    profiler/ProfilerOrigin.h \
219    profiler/ProfilerOriginStack.cpp \
220    profiler/ProfilerOriginStack.h \
221    profiler/ProfilerOSRExit.cpp \
222    profiler/ProfilerOSRExitSite.cpp \
223    profiler/ProfilerProfiledBytecodes.cpp \
224    profiler/Profile.cpp \
225    profiler/ProfileGenerator.cpp \
226    profiler/ProfileNode.cpp \
227    profiler/LegacyProfiler.cpp \
228    runtime/ArgList.cpp \
229    runtime/Arguments.cpp \
230    runtime/ArrayConstructor.cpp \
231    runtime/ArrayPrototype.cpp \
232    runtime/BooleanConstructor.cpp \
233    runtime/BooleanObject.cpp \
234    runtime/BooleanPrototype.cpp \
235    runtime/CallData.cpp \
236    runtime/CodeCache.cpp \
237    runtime/CodeSpecializationKind.cpp \
238    runtime/CommonIdentifiers.cpp \
239    runtime/Completion.cpp \
240    runtime/ConstructData.cpp \
241    runtime/DateConstructor.cpp \
242    runtime/DateConversion.cpp \
243    runtime/DateInstance.cpp \
244    runtime/DatePrototype.cpp \
245    runtime/ErrorConstructor.cpp \
246    runtime/Error.cpp \
247    runtime/ErrorInstance.cpp \
248    runtime/ErrorPrototype.cpp \
249    runtime/ExceptionHelpers.cpp \
250    runtime/Executable.cpp \
251    runtime/FunctionConstructor.cpp \
252    runtime/FunctionExecutableDump.cpp \
253    runtime/FunctionPrototype.cpp \
254    runtime/GCActivityCallback.cpp \
255    runtime/GetterSetter.cpp \
256    runtime/Options.cpp \
257    runtime/Identifier.cpp \
258    runtime/IndexingType.cpp \
259    runtime/InitializeThreading.cpp \
260    runtime/InternalFunction.cpp \
261    runtime/JSActivation.cpp \
262    runtime/JSAPIValueWrapper.cpp \
263    runtime/JSArray.cpp \
264    runtime/JSCell.cpp \
265    runtime/JSDateMath.cpp \
266    runtime/JSFunction.cpp \
267    runtime/JSBoundFunction.cpp \
268    runtime/VM.cpp \
269    runtime/JSGlobalObject.cpp \
270    runtime/JSGlobalObjectFunctions.cpp \
271    runtime/JSProxy.cpp \
272    runtime/JSLock.cpp \
273    runtime/JSNotAnObject.cpp \
274    runtime/JSObject.cpp \
275    runtime/JSONObject.cpp \
276    runtime/JSPropertyNameIterator.cpp \
277    runtime/JSSegmentedVariableObject.cpp \
278    runtime/JSWithScope.cpp \
279    runtime/JSNameScope.cpp \
280    runtime/JSScope.cpp \
281    runtime/JSString.cpp \
282    runtime/JSStringJoiner.cpp \
283    runtime/JSSymbolTableObject.cpp \
284    runtime/JSCJSValue.cpp \
285    runtime/JSVariableObject.cpp \
286    runtime/JSWrapperObject.cpp \
287    runtime/LiteralParser.cpp \
288    runtime/Lookup.cpp \
289    runtime/MathObject.cpp \
290    runtime/MemoryStatistics.cpp \
291    runtime/NameConstructor.cpp \
292    runtime/NameInstance.cpp \
293    runtime/NamePrototype.cpp \
294    runtime/NativeErrorConstructor.cpp \
295    runtime/NativeErrorPrototype.cpp \
296    runtime/NumberConstructor.cpp \
297    runtime/NumberObject.cpp \
298    runtime/NumberPrototype.cpp \
299    runtime/ObjectConstructor.cpp \
300    runtime/ObjectPrototype.cpp \
301    runtime/Operations.cpp \
302    runtime/PropertyDescriptor.cpp \
303    runtime/PropertyNameArray.cpp \
304    runtime/PropertySlot.cpp \
305    runtime/PropertyTable.cpp \
306    runtime/PrototypeMap.cpp \
307    runtime/RegExpConstructor.cpp \
308    runtime/RegExpCachedResult.cpp \
309    runtime/RegExpMatchesArray.cpp \
310    runtime/RegExp.cpp \
311    runtime/RegExpObject.cpp \
312    runtime/RegExpPrototype.cpp \
313    runtime/RegExpCache.cpp \
314    runtime/SamplingCounter.cpp \
315    runtime/SmallStrings.cpp \
316    runtime/SparseArrayValueMap.cpp \
317    runtime/StrictEvalActivation.cpp \
318    runtime/StringConstructor.cpp \
319    runtime/StringObject.cpp \
320    runtime/StringPrototype.cpp \
321    runtime/StringRecursionChecker.cpp \
322    runtime/StructureChain.cpp \
323    runtime/Structure.cpp \
324    runtime/StructureRareData.cpp \
325    runtime/SymbolTable.cpp \
326    runtime/Watchdog.cpp \
327    runtime/WatchdogNone.cpp \
328    tools/CodeProfile.cpp \
329    tools/CodeProfiling.cpp \
330    yarr/YarrJIT.cpp \
332linux-*:if(isEqual(QT_ARCH, "i386")|isEqual(QT_ARCH, "x86_64")) {
333    SOURCES += \
334        disassembler/UDis86Disassembler.cpp \
335        disassembler/udis86/udis86.c \
336        disassembler/udis86/udis86_decode.c \
337        disassembler/udis86/udis86_input.c \
338        disassembler/udis86/udis86_itab_holder.c \
339        disassembler/udis86/udis86_syn-att.c \
340        disassembler/udis86/udis86_syn-intel.c \
341        disassembler/udis86/udis86_syn.c \
344win32:!win32-g++*:isEqual(QT_ARCH, "x86_64"):{
345    asm_compiler.commands = ml64 /c
346    asm_compiler.commands +=  /Fo ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} ${QMAKE_FILE_IN}
347    asm_compiler.output = ${QMAKE_VAR_OBJECTS_DIR}${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}$${first(QMAKE_EXT_OBJ)}
348    asm_compiler.input = ASM_SOURCES
349    asm_compiler.variable_out = OBJECTS
350    asm_compiler.name = compiling[asm] ${QMAKE_FILE_IN}
351    silent:asm_compiler.commands = @echo compiling[asm] ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} && $$asm_compiler.commands
352    QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += asm_compiler
354    ASM_SOURCES += jit/JITStubsMSVC64.asm
357HEADERS += $$files(*.h, true)
359*sh4* {
360    QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -mieee -w
361    QMAKE_CFLAGS   += -mieee -w
364lessThan(QT_GCC_MAJOR_VERSION, 5) {
365    # GCC 4.5 and before
366    lessThan(QT_GCC_MINOR_VERSION, 6) {
367        # Disable C++0x mode in JSC for those who enabled it in their Qt's mkspec.
368        *-g++*:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS -= -std=c++0x -std=gnu++0x
369    }