1* Copyright (C) 2004-2012, International Business Machines
2* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
4*   file name:  changes.txt
5*   encoding:   US-ASCII
6*   tab size:   8 (not used)
7*   indentation:4
9*   created on: 2004may06
10*   created by: Markus W. Scherer
12* change log for Unicode updates
14---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***
16Unicode 6.2 update
21http://www.unicode.org/review/pri227/  Changes to Script Extensions Property Values
22http://www.unicode.org/review/pri228/  Changing some common characters from Punctuation to Symbol
23http://www.unicode.org/review/pri229/  Linebreaking Changes for Pictographic Symbols
24http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46/tr46-8.html  IDNA
27*** ICU Trac
29- ticket 9515: Unicode 6.2: final ICU update
31- ticket 9514: UCA 6.2: fix UCARules.txt
33- ticket 9437: update ICU to Unicode 6.2
34- C++ branches/markus/uni62 at r32050 from trunk at r32041
35- Java branches/markus/uni62 at r32068 from trunk at r32066
37*** Unicode version numbers
38- makedata.mak
39- uchar.h
40  (configure.in & configure: have been modified to extract the version from uchar.h)
41- com.ibm.icu.util.VersionInfo
42- com.ibm.icu.dev.test.lang.UCharacterTest.VERSION_
44*** data files & enums & parser code
46* file preparation
48- download UCD, UCA & IDNA files
49- make sure that the Unicode data folder passed into preparseucd.py
50  includes a copy of the latest IdnaMappingTable.txt (can be in some subfolder)
51- modify preparseucd.py: NamesList.txt is now in UTF-8
52- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode$ py/preparseucd.py ~/uni62/20120816 ~/svn.icu/uni62/src ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src
53- This writes files (especially ppucd.txt) to the ICU4C unidata and testdata subfolders.
54- Check test file diffs for previously commented-out, known-failing data lines;
55  probably need to keep those commented out.
57* PropertyValueAliases.txt changes
58- 1 new Line_Break (lb) value:
59  lb ; RI                               ; Regional_Indicator
60  -> uchar.h & UCharacter.LineBreak
61- 1 new Word_Break (WB) value:
62  WB ; RI                               ; Regional_Indicator
63  -> uchar.h & UCharacter.WordBreak
64- 1 new Grapheme_Cluster_Break (GCB) value:
65  GCB; RI                               ; Regional_Indicator
66  -> uchar.h & UCharacter.GraphemeClusterBreak
68* 3 new numeric values
69  The new value -1, which was really supposed to be NaN but that would have required
70  new UnicodeData.txt syntax, can already be represented as a "fraction" of -1/1,
71  but encodeNumericValue() in corepropsbuilder.cpp had to be fixed.
74  The two new values 216000 and 432000 require an addition to the encoding of numeric values.
77  -> uprops.h, uchar.c & UCharacterProperty.java
78  -> cucdtst.c & UCharacterTest.java
80* generate normalization data files
81- ~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg/lib
82- ~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg$ SRC_DATA_IN=~/svn.icu/uni62/src/source/data/in
83- ~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg$ UNIDATA=~/svn.icu/uni62/src/source/data/unidata
84- ~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg$ bin/gennorm2 -o $SRC_DATA_IN/nfc.nrm     -s $UNIDATA/norm2 nfc.txt
85- ~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg$ bin/gennorm2 -o $SRC_DATA_IN/nfkc.nrm    -s $UNIDATA/norm2 nfc.txt nfkc.txt
86- ~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg$ bin/gennorm2 -o $SRC_DATA_IN/nfkc_cf.nrm -s $UNIDATA/norm2 nfc.txt nfkc.txt nfkc_cf.txt
87- ~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg$ bin/gennorm2 -o $SRC_DATA_IN/uts46.nrm   -s $UNIDATA/norm2 nfc.txt uts46.txt
89* build ICU (make install)
90  so that the tools build can pick up the new definitions from the installed header files.
91* build Unicode tools using CMake+make
93* generate core properties data files
94- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/dbg/unicode$ c/genprops/genprops ~/svn.icu/uni62/src
95- in initial bootstrapping, change the UCA version
96  in source/data/unidata/FractionalUCA.txt to match the new Unicode version
97- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/dbg/unicode$ c/genuca/genuca -i ~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg/data/out/build/icudt50l ~/svn.icu/uni62/src
98- rebuild ICU (make install) & tools
99  + if genrb fails to build coll/root.res with an U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR,
100    check if the UCA version in FractionalUCA.txt matches the new Unicode version
101    (see step above)
102- run genuca again (see step above) so that it picks up the new case mappings and nfc.nrm
103- rebuild ICU (make install) & tools
105* update uts46test.cpp and UTS46Test.java if there are new characters that are equivalent to
106  sequences with non-LDH ASCII (that is, their decompositions contain '=' or similar)
107- grep IdnaMappingTable.txt or uts46.txt for "disallowed_STD3_valid" on non-ASCII characters
108- Unicode 6.0..6.2: U+2260, U+226E, U+226F
109- nothing new in 6.2, no test file to update
111* update Java data files
112- refresh just the UCD-related files, just to be safe
113- see (ICU4C)/source/data/icu4j-readme.txt
114- mkdir /tmp/icu4j
115- ~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg$ make ICU4J_ROOT=/tmp/icu4j icu4j-data-install
116  output:
117    ...
118    Unicode .icu files built to ./out/build/icudt50l
119    mkdir -p ./out/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b
120    mkdir -p ./out/icu4j/tzdata/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b
121    echo pnames.icu ubidi.icu ucase.icu uprops.icu > ./out/icu4j/add.txt
122    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../lib:../stubdata:../tools/ctestfw:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH  ../bin/icupkg ./out/tmp/icudt50l.dat ./out/icu4j/icudt50b.dat -a ./out/icu4j/add.txt -s ./out/build/icudt50l -x '*' -tb -d ./out/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b
123    mv ./out/icu4j/"com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/zoneinfo64.res" ./out/icu4j/"com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/metaZones.res" ./out/icu4j/"com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/timezoneTypes.res" ./out/icu4j/"com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/windowsZones.res" "./out/icu4j/tzdata/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b"
124    jar cf ./out/icu4j/icudata.jar -C ./out/icu4j com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/
125    mkdir -p /tmp/icu4j/main/shared/data
126    cp ./out/icu4j/icudata.jar /tmp/icu4j/main/shared/data
127    jar cf ./out/icu4j/icutzdata.jar -C ./out/icu4j/tzdata com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/
128    mkdir -p /tmp/icu4j/main/shared/data
129    cp ./out/icu4j/icutzdata.jar /tmp/icu4j/main/shared/data
130    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/mscherer/svn.icu/uni62/dbg/data'
131- copy the big-endian Unicode data files to another location,
132  separate from the other data files
133    mkdir -p /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/coll
134    mkdir -p /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/brkitr
135    ~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg/data/out/icu4j$ cp com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/*.icu /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b
136    ~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg/data/out/icu4j$ rm /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/cnvalias.icu
137    ~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg/data/out/icu4j$ cp com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/*.nrm /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b
138    ~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg/data/out/icu4j$ cp com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/coll/*.icu /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/coll
139    ~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg/data/out/icu4j$ cp com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/brkitr/* /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/brkitr
140- refresh ICU4J
141    ~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg/data/out/icu4j$ jar uf ~/svn.icu4j/trunk/src/main/shared/data/icudata.jar -C /tmp/icu4j com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b
143* refresh Java test .txt files
144- copy new .txt files into ICU4J's main/tests/core/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/data/unicode
146* UCA
148- get output from Mark's tools; look in http://www.unicode.org/Public/UCA/<beta version>/
149- CLDR root files for ICU are in CollationAuxiliary.zip; unpack that
150- update source/data/unidata/FractionalUCA.txt with FractionalUCA_SHORT.txt
151- update source/data/unidata/UCARules.txt with UCA_Rules_SHORT.txt
152  (note removing the underscore before "Rules")
153- update (ICU4C)/source/test/testdata/CollationTest_*.txt
154  and (ICU4J)/main/tests/collate/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/data/CollationTest_*.txt
155  with output from Mark's Unicode tools (..._CLDR_..._SHORT.txt)
156- check test file diffs for previously commented-out, known-failing data lines;
157  probably need to keep those commented out
158- check FractionalUCA.txt for manual changes of lead bytes from IMPLICIT to Hani
159- run genuca, see command line above
160- rebuild ICU4C
161- refresh ICU4J collation data:
162  (subset of instructions above for properties data refresh, except copies all coll/*)
163    ~/svn.icu/uni62/bld$ make ICU4J_ROOT=/tmp/icu4j icu4j-data-install
164    ~/svn.icu/uni62/bld$ mkdir -p /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/coll
165    ~/svn.icu/uni62/bld/data/out/icu4j$ cp com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/coll/* /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b/coll
166    ~/svn.icu/uni62/bld/data/out/icu4j$ jar uf ~/svn.icu4j/trunk/src/main/shared/data/icudata.jar -C /tmp/icu4j com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt50b
167- run all tests with the *_SHORT.txt or the full files (the full ones have comments, useful for debugging)
168- note on intltest: if collate/UCAConformanceTest fails, then
169  utility/MultithreadTest/TestCollators will fail as well;
170  fix the conformance test before looking into the multi-thread test
172* test ICU, fix test code where necessary
174* When refreshing all of ICU4J data from ICU4C
175- ~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg$ make ICU4J_ROOT=/tmp/icu4j icu4j-data-install
176- cp /tmp/icu4j/main/shared/data/icudata.jar ~/svn.icu4j/trunk/src/main/shared/data
178- ~/svn.icu/uni62/dbg$ make ICU4J_ROOT=~/svn.icu4j/trunk/src icu4j-data-install
180*** LayoutEngine script information
181- skipped for Unicode 6.2: no new scripts
183*** merge the Unicode update branches back onto the trunk
184- do not merge the icudata.jar and testdata.jar,
185  instead rebuild them from merged & tested ICU4C
187---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***
189Future Unicode update
191Tools simplified since the Unicode 6.1 update. See
192- http://site.icu-project.org/design/props/ppucd
193- http://bugs.icu-project.org/trac/wiki/Markus/ReviewTicket8972
195* Unicode version numbers
196- icutools/unicode/makedefs.sh was deleted, so one fewer place for version & path updates
198* file preparation
199- ucdcopy.py, idna2nrm.py and genpname/preparse.pl replaced by preparseucd.py:
200- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode$ py/preparseucd.py ~/uni61/20120118 ~/svn.icu/trunk/src ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src
201- This writes files (especially ppucd.txt) to the ICU4C unidata and testdata subfolders.
202- Check test file diffs for previously commented-out, known-failing data lines;
203  probably need to keep those commented out.
205* PropertyValueAliases.txt changes
206- Script codes that are in ISO 15924 but not in Unicode are now listed in
207  preparseucd.py, in the _scripts_only_in_iso15924 variable.
208  If there are new ISO codes, then add them.
209  If Unicode adds some of them, then remove them from the .py variable.
211* UnicodeData.txt changes
212- No more manual changes for CJK ranges for algorithmic names;
213  those are now written to ppucd.txt and genprops reads them from there.
215* generate core properties data files (makeprops.sh was deleted)
216- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/dbg/unicode$ c/genprops/genprops ~/svn.icu/trunk/src
218* no more manual updates of source/data/unidata/norm2/nfkc_cf.txt
219- it is now generated by preparseucd.py
221* no more separate idna2nrm.py run and manual copying to generate source/data/unidata/norm2/uts46.txt
222- it is now generated by preparseucd.py
223- make sure that the Unicode data folder passed into preparseucd.py
224  includes a copy of http://www.unicode.org/Public/idna/6.1.0/IdnaMappingTable.txt
225  (can be in some subfolder)
227* generate normalization data files
228- ~/svn.icu/trunk/dbg$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/svn.icu/trunk/dbg/lib
229- ~/svn.icu/trunk/dbg$ SRC_DATA_IN=~/svn.icu/trunk/src/source/data/in
230- ~/svn.icu/trunk/dbg$ UNIDATA=~/svn.icu/trunk/src/source/data/unidata
231- ~/svn.icu/trunk/dbg$ bin/gennorm2 -o $SRC_DATA_IN/nfc.nrm     -s $UNIDATA/norm2 nfc.txt
232- ~/svn.icu/trunk/dbg$ bin/gennorm2 -o $SRC_DATA_IN/nfkc.nrm    -s $UNIDATA/norm2 nfc.txt nfkc.txt
233- ~/svn.icu/trunk/dbg$ bin/gennorm2 -o $SRC_DATA_IN/nfkc_cf.nrm -s $UNIDATA/norm2 nfc.txt nfkc.txt nfkc_cf.txt
234- ~/svn.icu/trunk/dbg$ bin/gennorm2 -o $SRC_DATA_IN/uts46.nrm   -s $UNIDATA/norm2 nfc.txt uts46.txt
236* build ICU (make install)
237* build Unicode tools using CMake+make
239* new way to call genuca (makeuca.sh was deleted)
240- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/dbg/unicode$ c/genuca/genuca -i ~/svn.icu/trunk/dbg/data/out/build/icudt49l ~/svn.icu/trunk/src
242---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***
244Unicode 6.1 update
246*** ICU Trac
248- ticket 8995 final update to Unicode 6.1
249- ticket 8994 regenerate source/layout/CanonData.cpp
251- ticket 8961 support Unicode "Age" value *names*
252- ticket 8963 support multiple character name aliases & types
254- ticket 8827 "update ICU to Unicode 6.1"
255- C++ branches/markus/uni61 at r30864 from trunk at r30843
256- Java branches/markus/uni61 at r30865 from trunk at r30863
258*** Unicode version numbers
259- makedata.mak
260- uchar.h
261  (configure.in & configure: have been modified to extract the version from uchar.h)
262- com.ibm.icu.util.VersionInfo
263- icutools/unicode/makedefs.sh
264  + also review & update other definitions in that file,
265    e.g. the ICU version in this path: BLD_DATA_FILES=$ICU_BLD/data/out/build/icudt49l
267*** data files & enums & parser code
269* file preparation
271~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode/c/genprops/misc$ ./ucdcopy.py ~/uni61/20111205/ucd ~/uni61/processed
272- This prepares both unidata and testdata files in respective output subfolders.
273- Check test file diffs for previously commented-out, known-failing data lines;
274  probably need to keep those commented out.
276* PropertyValueAliases.txt changes
277- 11 new block names:
278  Arabic_Extended_A
279  Arabic_Mathematical_Alphabetic_Symbols
280  Chakma
281  Meetei_Mayek_Extensions
282  Meroitic_Cursive
283  Meroitic_Hieroglyphs
284  Miao
285  Sharada
286  Sora_Sompeng
287  Sundanese_Supplement
288  Takri
289  -> add to uchar.h
290  -> add to UCharacter.UnicodeBlock IDs
291    Eclipse find     UBLOCK_([^ ]+) = ([0-9]+), (/.+)
292            replace  public static final int \1_ID = \2; \3
293  -> add to UCharacter.UnicodeBlock objects
294    Eclipse find     UBLOCK_([^ ]+) = [0-9]+, (/.+)
295            replace  public static final UnicodeBlock \1 = new UnicodeBlock("\1", \1_ID); \2
296- 1 new Joining_Group (jg) value:
297  Rohingya_Yeh
298  -> uchar.h & UCharacter.JoiningGroup
299- 2 new Line_Break (lb) values:
300  CJ=Conditional_Japanese_Starter
301  HL=Hebrew_Letter
302  -> uchar.h & UCharacter.LineBreak
303- 7 new scripts:
304  sc ; Cakm      ; Chakma
305  sc ; Merc      ; Meroitic_Cursive
306  sc ; Mero      ; Meroitic_Hieroglyphs
307  sc ; Plrd      ; Miao
308  sc ; Shrd      ; Sharada
309  sc ; Sora      ; Sora_Sompeng
310  sc ; Takr      ; Takri
311  -> remove these from SyntheticPropertyValueAliases.txt
312  -> fix expectedLong names in cucdapi.c/TestUScriptCodeAPI()
313      and in com.ibm.icu.dev.test.lang.TestUScript.java
314- 2 new script codes from ISO 15924 http://www.unicode.org/iso15924/codechanges.html
315  (added 2011-06-21)
316  Khoj        322     Khojki
317  Tirh        326     Tirhuta
318    and another one added 2011-12-09
319  Hluw        080     Anatolian Hieroglyphs (Luwian Hieroglyphs, Hittite Hieroglyphs)
320  -> uscript.h
321  -> com.ibm.icu.lang.UScript
322    find     USCRIPT_([^ ]+) *= ([0-9]+),(.+)
323    replace  public static final int \1 = \2;\3
324  -> SyntheticPropertyValueAliases.txt
325  -> add to expectedLong and expectedShort names in cintltst/cucdapi.c/TestUScriptCodeAPI()
326      and in com.ibm.icu.dev.test.lang.TestUScript.java
328* UnicodeData.txt changes
329- the last Unihan code point changes from U+9FCB to U+9FCC
330  search for both 9FCB (end) and 9FCC (limit) (regex 9FC[BC], case-insensitive)
331  + do change gennames.c
332  + do change swapCJK() in ucol.cpp & ImplicitCEGenerator.java
334* DerivedBidiClass.txt changes
335- 2 new default-AL blocks:
336#     Arabic Extended-A: U+08A0  -  U+08FF  (was default-R)
337#     Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols:
338#                       U+1EE00  - U+1EEFF  (was default-R)
339- 2 new default-R blocks:
340#     Meroitic Hieroglyphs:
341#                        U+10980 - U+1099F
342#     Meroitic Cursive:  U+109A0 - U+109FF
343  -> should be picked up by the explicit data in the file
345* NameAliases.txt changes
346- from
347    # Each line has two fields
348    # First field: Code point
349    # Second field: Alias
350- to
351    # Each line has three fields, as described here:
352    #
353    # First field:  Code point
354    # Second field: Alias
355    # Third field:  Type
356- Also, the file previously allowed multiple aliases but only now does it
357  actually provide multiple, even multiple of the same type. For example,
358    FEFF;BYTE ORDER MARK;alternate
359    FEFF;BOM;abbreviation
360    FEFF;ZWNBSP;abbreviation
361- This breaks our gennames parser, unames.icu data structure, and API.
362  Fix gennames to only pick up "correction" aliases.
363  New ticket #8963 for further changes.
365* run genpname/preparse.pl (on Linux)
366  + cd ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode/c/genpname
367  + make sure that data.h is writable
368  + perl preparse.pl ~/svn.icu/trunk/src > out.txt
369  + preparse.pl shows no errors, out.txt Info and Warning lines look ok
371* build ICU (make install)
372  so that the tools build can pick up the new definitions from the installed header files.
373* build Unicode tools (at least genpname) using CMake+make
375* run genpname
376  (builds both pnames.icu and propname_data.h)
377- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/bld/unicode/c$ genpname/genpname -v -d ~/svn.icu/trunk/src/source/data/in
378- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/bld/unicode/c$ genpname/genpname -v -d ~/svn.icu/trunk/src/source/common --csource
380* build ICU (make install)
381* build Unicode tools using CMake+make
383* update source/data/unidata/norm2/nfkc_cf.txt
384- follow the instructions in nfkc_cf.txt for updating it from DerivedNormalizationProps.txt
386* update source/data/unidata/norm2/uts46.txt
387- download http://www.unicode.org/Public/idna/6.1.0/IdnaMappingTable.txt
388  to ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode/py
389- adjust idna2nrm.py to remove "; NV8": For UTS #46, we do not care about "not valid in IDNA2008".
390- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode/py$ ./idna2nrm.py
391- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode/py$ cp uts46.txt ~/svn.icu/trunk/src/source/data/unidata/norm2
393* update uts46test.cpp and UTS46Test.java if there are new characters that are equivalent to
394  sequences with non-LDH ASCII (that is, their decompositions contain '=' or similar)
395- grep IdnaMappingTable.txt or uts46.txt for "disallowed_STD3_valid" on non-ASCII characters
396- Unicode 6.0..6.1: U+2260, U+226E, U+226F
397- nothing new in 6.1, no test file to update
399* generate core properties data files
400- in initial bootstrapping, change the UCA version
401  in source/data/unidata/FractionalUCA.txt to match the new Unicode version
402- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode$ ./makeprops.sh ~/svn.icu/trunk/src ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld
403- rebuild ICU & tools
404  + if genrb fails to build coll/root.res with an U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR,
405    check if the UCA version in FractionalUCA.txt matches the new Unicode version
406    (see step above)
407- run makeuca.sh so that genuca picks up the new case mappings and nfc.nrm:
408  ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode$ ./makeuca.sh ~/svn.icu/trunk/src ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld
409- rebuild ICU & tools
411* update Java data files
412- refresh just the UCD-related files, just to be safe
413- see (ICU4C)/source/data/icu4j-readme.txt
414- mkdir /tmp/icu4j
415- ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld$ make ICU4J_ROOT=/tmp/icu4j icu4j-data-install
416  output:
417    ...
418    Unicode .icu files built to ./out/build/icudt49l
419    mkdir -p ./out/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b
420    mkdir -p ./out/icu4j/tzdata/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b
421    echo pnames.icu ubidi.icu ucase.icu uprops.icu > ./out/icu4j/add.txt
422    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../lib:../stubdata:../tools/ctestfw:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH  ../bin/icupkg ./out/tmp/icudt49l.dat ./out/icu4j/icudt49b.dat -a ./out/icu4j/add.txt -s ./out/build/icudt49l -x '*' -tb -d ./out/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b
423    mv ./out/icu4j/"com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/zoneinfo64.res" ./out/icu4j/"com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/metaZones.res" ./out/icu4j/"com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/timezoneTypes.res" ./out/icu4j/"com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/windowsZones.res" "./out/icu4j/tzdata/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b"
424    jar cf ./out/icu4j/icudata.jar -C ./out/icu4j com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/
425    mkdir -p /tmp/icu4j/main/shared/data
426    cp ./out/icu4j/icudata.jar /tmp/icu4j/main/shared/data
427    jar cf ./out/icu4j/icutzdata.jar -C ./out/icu4j/tzdata com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/
428    mkdir -p /tmp/icu4j/main/shared/data
429    cp ./out/icu4j/icutzdata.jar /tmp/icu4j/main/shared/data
430    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/mscherer/svn.icu/trunk/bld/data'
431- copy the big-endian Unicode data files to another location,
432  separate from the other data files
433    mkdir -p /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/coll
434    mkdir -p /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/brkitr
435    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld/data/out/icu4j$ cp com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/*.icu /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b
436    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld/data/out/icu4j$ rm /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/cnvalias.icu
437    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld/data/out/icu4j$ cp com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/*.nrm /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b
438    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld/data/out/icu4j$ cp com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/coll/*.icu /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/coll
439    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld/data/out/icu4j$ cp com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/brkitr/* /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/brkitr
440- refresh ICU4J
441    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld/data/out/icu4j$ jar uf ~/svn.icu4j/trunk/src/main/shared/data/icudata.jar -C /tmp/icu4j com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b
443* refresh Java test .txt files
444- copy new .txt files into ICU4J's main/tests/core/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/data/unicode
446* test ICU so far, fix test code where necessary
447- temporarily ignore collation issues that look like UCA/UCD mismatches,
448  until UCA data is updated
450* UCA
452- get output from Mark's tools; look in
453    http://www.unicode.org/Public/UCA/6.1.0/CollationAuxiliary-<dev. version>.txt
454- update source/data/unidata/FractionalUCA.txt with FractionalUCA_SHORT.txt
455- update source/data/unidata/UCARules.txt with UCA_Rules_SHORT.txt
456  (note removing the underscore before "Rules")
457- update (ICU)/source/test/testdata/CollationTest_*.txt
458  and (ICU4J)/main/tests/collate/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/data/CollationTest_*.txt
459  with output from Mark's Unicode tools (..._CLDR_..._SHORT.txt)
460- check test file diffs for previously commented-out, known-failing data lines;
461  probably need to keep those commented out
462- check FractionalUCA.txt for manual changes of lead bytes from IMPLICIT to Hani
463- run makeuca.sh:
464  ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode$ ./makeuca.sh ~/svn.icu/trunk/src ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld
465- rebuild ICU4C
466- refresh ICU4J collation data:
467  (subset of instructions above for properties data refresh, except copies all coll/*)
468    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld$ make ICU4J_ROOT=/tmp/icu4j icu4j-data-install
469    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld$ mkdir -p /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/coll
470    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld/data/out/icu4j$ cp com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/coll/* /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b/coll
471    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld/data/out/icu4j$ jar uf ~/svn.icu4j/trunk/src/main/shared/data/icudata.jar -C /tmp/icu4j com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt49b
472- run all tests with the *_SHORT.txt or the full files (the full ones have comments, useful for debugging)
473- note on intltest: if collate/UCAConformanceTest fails, then
474  utility/MultithreadTest/TestCollators will fail as well;
475  fix the conformance test before looking into the multi-thread test
477* When refreshing all of ICU4J data from ICU4C
478- ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld$ make ICU4J_ROOT=/tmp/icu4j icu4j-data-install
479- cp /tmp/icu4j/main/shared/data/icudata.jar ~/svn.icu4j/trunk/src/main/shared/data
481- ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld$ make ICU4J_ROOT=~/svn.icu4j/trunk/src icu4j-data-install
483*** LayoutEngine script information
485(For details see the Unicode 5.2 change log below.)
487* Run icu4j-tools: com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.layout.ScriptNameBuilder.
488  This generates LEScripts.h, LELanguages.h, ScriptAndLanguageTags.h and ScriptAndLanguageTags.cpp
489  in the working directory.
490  (It also generates ScriptRunData.cpp, which is no longer needed.)
492  The generated files have a current copyright date and "@draft" statement.
494- diff current <icu>/source/layout files vs. generated ones
495    ~/svn.icu4j/trunk/src$ kdiff3 ~/svn.icu/trunk/src/source/layout tools/misc/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/tool/layout
496  review and manually merge desired changes;
497  fix gratuitous changes, incorrect @draft and missing aliases;
498  Unicode-derived script codes should be "born stable" like constants in uchar.h, uscript.h etc.
499- if you just copy the above files, then
500  fix mixed line endings, review the diffs as above and restore changes to API tags etc.;
501  manually re-add the "Indic script xyz v.2" tags in ScriptAndLanguageTags.h
503*** merge the Unicode update branches back onto the trunk
504- do not merge the icudata.jar and testdata.jar,
505  instead rebuild them from merged & tested ICU4C
507---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***
509ICU 4.8 (no Unicode update, just new script codes)
511* 9 new script codes from ISO 15924 http://www.unicode.org/iso15924/codechanges.html
512  (added 2010-12-21)
513    Afak    439     Afaka
514    Jurc    510     Jurchen
515    Mroo    199     Mro, Mru
516    Nshu    499     Nüshu
517    Shrd    319     Sharada, Śāradā
518    Sora    398     Sora Sompeng
519    Takr    321     Takri, Ṭākrī, Ṭāṅkrī
520    Tang    520     Tangut
521    Wole    480     Woleai
522  -> uscript.h
523  -> com.ibm.icu.lang.UScript
524    find     USCRIPT_([^ ]+) *= ([0-9]+),(.+)
525    replace  public static final int \1 = \2;\3
526  -> genpname/SyntheticPropertyValueAliases.txt
527  -> add to expectedLong and expectedShort names in cintltst/cucdapi.c/TestUScriptCodeAPI()
528      and in com.ibm.icu.dev.test.lang.TestUScript.java
530* run genpname/preparse.pl (on Linux)
531  + cd ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode/c/genpname
532  + make sure that data.h is writable
533  + perl preparse.pl ~/svn.icu/trunk/src > out.txt
534  + preparse.pl shows no errors, out.txt Info and Warning lines look ok
536* rebuild Unicode tools (at least genpname) using make
537- You might first need to "make install" ICU so that the tools build can pick
538  up the new definitions from the installed header files.
540* run genpname
541  (builds both pnames.icu and propname_data.h)
542- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/bld/unicode/c$ genpname/genpname -v -d ~/svn.icu/trunk/src/source/data/in
543- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/bld/unicode/c$ genpname/genpname -v -d ~/svn.icu/trunk/src/source/common --csource
544- rebuild ICU & tools
546* run genprops
547- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/bld/unicode/c$ genprops/genprops -d ~/svn.icu/trunk/src/source/data/in -s ~/svn.icu/trunk/src/source/data/unidata -i ~/svn.icu/trunk/dbg/data/out/build/icudt48l -u 6.0
548- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/bld/unicode/c$ genprops/genprops -d ~/svn.icu/trunk/src/source/common --csource -s ~/svn.icu/trunk/src/source/data/unidata -i ~/svn.icu/trunk/dbg/data/out/build/icudt48l -u 6.0
549- rebuild ICU & tools
551* update Java data files
552- refresh just the UCD-related files, just to be safe
553- see (ICU4C)/source/data/icu4j-readme.txt
554- mkdir /tmp/icu4j
555- ~/svn.icu/trunk/dbg$ make ICU4J_ROOT=/tmp/icu4j icu4j-data-install
556- copy the big-endian Unicode data files to another location,
557  separate from the other data files
558    mkdir -p /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt48b
559    ~/svn.icu/trunk/dbg/data/out/icu4j$ cp com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt48b/pnames.icu /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt48b
560    ~/svn.icu/trunk/dbg/data/out/icu4j$ cp com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt48b/uprops.icu /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt48b
561- refresh ICU4J
562    ~/svn.icu/trunk/dbg/data/out/icu4j$ jar uf ~/svn.icu4j/trunk/src/main/shared/data/icudata.jar -C /tmp/icu4j com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt48b
564* should have updated the layout engine script codes but forgot
566---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***
568Unicode 6.0 update
570*** related ICU Trac tickets
5727264 Unicode 6.0 Update
574*** Unicode version numbers
575- makedata.mak
576- uchar.h
577  (configure.in & configure: have been modified to extract the version from uchar.h)
578- com.ibm.icu.util.VersionInfo
580*** data files & enums & parser code
582* file preparation
584~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode/c/genprops/misc$ ./ucdcopy.py ~/uni60/20100720/ucd ~/uni60/processed
585- This now prepares both unidata and testdata files in respective output subfolders.
587* PropertyAliases.txt changes
588- new Script_Extensions property defined in the new ScriptExtensions.txt file
589  but not listed in PropertyAliases.txt; reported to unicode.org;
590  -> added to tools/trunk/src/unicode/c/genpname/SyntheticPropertyAliases.txt
591    scx; Script_Extensions
592  -> uchar.h with new UProperty section
593  -> com.ibm.icu.lang.UProperty, parallel with uchar.h
595* PropertyValueAliases.txt changes
596- 12 new block names:
597  Alchemical_Symbols
598  Bamum_Supplement
599  Batak
600  Brahmi
601  CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_D
602  Emoticons
603  Ethiopic_Extended_A
604  Kana_Supplement
605  Mandaic
606  Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Pictographs
607  Playing_Cards
608  Transport_And_Map_Symbols
609  -> add to uchar.h
610  -> add to UCharacter.UnicodeBlock
611    Eclipse find     UBLOCK_([^ ]+) = [0-9]+, (/.+)
612            replace  public static final UnicodeBlock \1 = new UnicodeBlock("\1", \1_ID); \2
613- Joining_Group (jg) values:
614  Teh_Marbuta_Goal becomes the new canonical value for the old Hamza_On_Heh_Goal which becomes an alias
615  -> uchar.h & UCharacter.JoiningGroup
616- 3 new scripts:
617  sc ; Batk      ; Batak
618  sc ; Brah      ; Brahmi
619  sc ; Mand      ; Mandaic
620  -> remove these from SyntheticPropertyValueAliases.txt
622  -> fix expectedLong names in cucdapi.c/TestUScriptCodeAPI()
623      and in com.ibm.icu.dev.test.lang.TestUScript.java
624- 13 new script codes from ISO 15924 http://www.unicode.org/iso15924/codechanges.html
625  (added 2009-11-11..2010-07-18)
626  Bass        259     Bassa Vah
627  Dupl        755     Duployan shortand
628  Elba        226     Elbasan
629  Gran        343     Grantha
630  Kpel        436     Kpelle
631  Loma        437     Loma
632  Mend        438     Mende
633  Merc        101     Meroitic Cursive
634  Narb        106     Old North Arabian
635  Nbat        159     Nabataean
636  Palm        126     Palmyrene
637  Sind        318     Sindhi
638  Wara        262     Warang Citi
639  -> uscript.h
640  -> com.ibm.icu.lang.UScript
641    find     USCRIPT_([^ ]+) *= ([0-9]+),(.+)
642    replace  public static final int \1 = \2;\3
643  -> SyntheticPropertyValueAliases.txt
644  -> add to expectedLong and expectedShort names in cintltst/cucdapi.c/TestUScriptCodeAPI()
645      and in com.ibm.icu.dev.test.lang.TestUScript.java
646- ISO 15924 name change
647  Mero        100     Meroitic Hieroglyphs (was Meroitic)
649- property value alias added for Cham, was already moved out of SyntheticPropertyValueAliases.txt
651* UnicodeData.txt changes
652- new CJK block:
653  2B740;<CJK Ideograph Extension D, First>;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
654  2B81D;<CJK Ideograph Extension D, Last>;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
655  -> add to tools/trunk/src/unicode/c/gennames/gennames.c, with new ucdVersion
657* build Unicode tools using CMake+make
659* run genpname/preparse.pl (on Linux)
660  + cd ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode/c/genpname
661  + make sure that data.h is writable
662  + perl preparse.pl ~/svn.icu/trunk/src > out.txt
663  + preparse.pl shows no errors, out.txt Info and Warning lines look ok
665* rebuild Unicode tools (at least genpname) using make
666- You might first need to "make install" ICU so that the tools build can pick
667  up the new definitions from the installed header files.
669* run genpname
670- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/bld/unicode$ c/genpname/genpname -v -d ~/svn.icu/trunk/src/source/data/in
671- rebuild ICU & tools
673* update source/data/unidata/norm2/nfkc_cf.txt
674- follow the instructions in nfkc_cf.txt for updating it from DerivedNormalizationProps.txt
676* update source/data/unidata/norm2/uts46.txt
677- download http://www.unicode.org/Public/idna/6.0.0/IdnaMappingTable.txt
678  to ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode/py
679- adjust idna2nrm.py to handle new disallowed_STD3_valid and disallowed_STD3_mapped values
680- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode/py$ ./idna2nrm.py
681- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode/py$ cp uts46.txt ~/svn.icu/trunk/src/source/data/unidata/norm2
683* update uts46test.cpp and UTS46Test.java if there are new characters that are equivalent to
684  sequences with non-LDH ASCII (that is, their decompositions contain '=' or similar)
685- grep IdnaMappingTable.txt or uts46.txt for "disallowed_STD3_valid" on non-ASCII characters
686- Unicode 6.0: U+2260, U+226E, U+226F
688* generate core properties data files
689- ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode$ ./makeprops.sh ~/svn.icu/trunk/src ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld
690- rebuild ICU & tools
691- run makeuca.sh so that genuca picks up the new nfc.nrm:
692  ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode$ ./makeuca.sh ~/svn.icu/trunk/src ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld
693- rebuild ICU & tools
695* implement new Script_Extensions property (provisional)
696- parser & generator: genprops & uprops.icu
697- uscript.h, uprops.h, uchar.c, uniset_props.cpp and others, plus cintltst/cucdapi.c & intltest/usettest.cpp
698- UScript.java, UCharacterProperty.java, UnicodeSet.java, TestUScript.java, UnicodeSetTest.java
700* switch ubidi.icu, ucase.icu and uprops.icu from UTrie to UTrie2
701- (one-time change)
702- genbidi/gencase/genprops tools changes
703- re-run makeprops.sh (see above)
704- UCharacterProperty.java, UCharacterTypeIterator.java,
705  UBiDiProps.java, UCaseProps.java, and several others with minor changes;
706  UCharacterPropertyReader.java deleted and its code folded into UCharacterProperty.java
708* update Java data files
709- refresh just the UCD-related files, just to be safe
710- see (ICU4C)/source/data/icu4j-readme.txt
711- mkdir /tmp/icu4j
712- ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld$ make ICU4J_ROOT=/tmp/icu4j icu4j-data-install
713  output:
714    ...
715    Unicode .icu files built to ./out/build/icudt45l
716    mkdir -p ./out/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b
717    echo ubidi.icu ucase.icu uprops.icu > ./out/icu4j/add.txt
718    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../lib:../stubdata:../tools/ctestfw:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH  ../bin/icupkg ./out/tmp/icudt45l.dat ./out/icu4j/icudt45b.dat -a ./out/icu4j/add.txt -s ./out/build/icudt45l -x '*' -tb -d ./out/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b
719    jar cf ./out/icu4j/icudata.jar -C ./out/icu4j com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b
720    mkdir -p /tmp/icu4j/main/shared/data
721    cp ./out/icu4j/icudata.jar /tmp/icu4j/main/shared/data
722- copy the big-endian Unicode data files to another location,
723  separate from the other data files
724    mkdir -p /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b/coll
725    mkdir -p /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b/brkitr
726    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld/data/out/icu4j$ cp com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b/*.icu /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b
727    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld/data/out/icu4j$ rm /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b/cnvalias.icu
728    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld/data/out/icu4j$ cp com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b/*.nrm /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b
729    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld/data/out/icu4j$ cp com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b/coll/*.icu /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b/coll
730    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld/data/out/icu4j$ cp com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b/brkitr/* /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b/brkitr
731- refresh ICU4J
732    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld/data/out/icu4j$ jar uf ~/svn.icu4j/trunk/src/main/shared/data/icudata.jar -C /tmp/icu4j com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b
734* refresh Java test .txt files
735- copy new .txt files into ICU4J's main/tests/core/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/data/unicode
737* un-hardcode normalization skippable (NF*_Inert) test data
738- removes one manual step from the Unicode upgrade, and removes dependency on one of Mark's tools
740* copy updated break iterator test files
741- now handled by early ucdcopy.py and
742  copying the uni60/processed/testdata files to ~/svn.icu/trunk/src/source/test/testdata
743  (old instructions:
744   copy from (Unicode 6.0)/ucd/auxiliary/*BreakTest-6....txt
745   to ~/svn.icu/trunk/src/source/test/testdata)
746- they are not used in ICU4J
748* UCA
750- get output from Mark's tools; look in
751    http://www.unicode.org/~book/incoming/mark/uca6.0.0/
752    http://www.macchiato.com/unicode/utc/additional-uca-files
753    http://www.unicode.org/Public/UCA/6.0.0/
754    http://www.unicode.org/~mdavis/uca/
755- update source/data/unidata/FractionalUCA.txt with FractionalUCA_SHORT.txt
756- update source/data/unidata/UCARules.txt with UCA_Rules_SHORT.txt
757- update Han-implicit ranges for new CJK extensions:
758  swapCJK() in ucol.cpp & ImplicitCEGenerator.java
759- genuca: allow bytes 02 for U+FFFE, new merge-sort character;
760  do not add it into invuca so that tailoring primary-after an ignorable works
761- genuca: permit space between [variable top] bytes
762- ucol.cpp: treat noncharacters like unassigned rather than ignorable
763- run makeuca.sh:
764  ~/svn.icu/tools/trunk/src/unicode$ ./makeuca.sh ~/svn.icu/trunk/src ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld
765- rebuild ICU4C
766- refresh ICU4J collation data:
767  (subset of instructions above for properties data refresh, except copies all coll/*)
768    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld$ make ICU4J_ROOT=/tmp/icu4j icu4j-data-install
769    mkdir -p /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b/coll
770    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld/data/out/icu4j$ cp com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b/coll/* /tmp/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b/coll
771    ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld/data/out/icu4j$ jar uf ~/svn.icu4j/trunk/src/main/shared/data/icudata.jar -C /tmp/icu4j com/ibm/icu/impl/data/icudt45b
772- update (ICU)/source/test/testdata/CollationTest_*.txt
773  and (ICU4J)/main/tests/collate/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/data/CollationTest_*.txt
774  with output from Mark's Unicode tools
775- run all tests with the *_SHORT.txt or the full files (the full ones have comments)
776- note on intltest: if collate/UCAConformanceTest fails, then
777  utility/MultithreadTest/TestCollators will fail as well;
778  fix the conformance test before looking into the multi-thread test
780* When refreshing all of ICU4J data from ICU4C
781- ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld$ make ICU4J_ROOT=/tmp/icu4j icu4j-data-install
782- cp /tmp/icu4j/main/shared/data/icudata.jar ~/svn.icu4j/trunk/src/main/shared/data
784- ~/svn.icu/trunk/bld$ make ICU4J_ROOT=~/svn.icu4j/trunk/src icu4j-data-install
786*** LayoutEngine script information
788(For details see the Unicode 5.2 change log below.)
790* Run ICU4J com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.layout.ScriptNameBuilder. This generates LEScripts.h, LELanguages.h,
791ScriptAndLanguageTags.h and ScriptAndLanguageTags.cpp in the working directory. (It also generates
792ScriptRunData.cpp, which is no longer needed.)
794The generated files have a current copyright date and "@draft" statement.
796* copy the above files into <icu>/source/layout, replacing the old files.
797* fix mixed line endings
798* review the diffs and fix incorrect @draft and missing aliases;
799  Unicode-derived script codes should be "born stable" like constants in uchar.h, uscript.h etc.
800* manually re-add the "Indic script xyz v.2" tags in ScriptAndLanguageTags.h
802---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***
804Unicode 5.2 update
806*** related ICU Trac tickets
8087084 Unicode 5.2
8107167 verify collation bytes
8117235 Java test NAME_ALIAS
8127236 Java DerivedCoreProperties.txt test
8137237 Java BidiTest.txt
8147238 UTrie2 in core unidata
8157239 test for tailoring gaps
8167240 Java fix CollationMiscTest
8177243 update layout engine for Unicode 5.2
819*** Unicode version numbers
820- makedata.mak
821- uchar.h
822- configure.in & configure
823- update ucdVersion in gennames.c if an algorithmic range changes
825*** data files & enums & parser code
827* file preparation
829python source\tools\genprops\misc\ucdcopy.py "C:\Documents and Settings\mscherer\My Documents\unicode\ucd\5.2.0" C:\svn\icuproj\icu\trunk\source\data\unidata
830- includes finding files regardless of version numbers,
831  copying them, and performing the equivalent processing of the
832  ucdstrip and ucdmerge tools on the desired set of files
834* notes on changes
835- PropertyAliases.txt
836  moved from numeric to enumerated:
837    ccc       ; Canonical_Combining_Class
838  new string properties:
839    NFKC_CF   ; NFKC_Casefold
840    Name_Alias; Name_Alias
841  new binary properties:
842    Cased     ; Cased
843    CI        ; Case_Ignorable
844    CWCF      ; Changes_When_Casefolded
845    CWCM      ; Changes_When_Casemapped
846    CWKCF     ; Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded
847    CWL       ; Changes_When_Lowercased
848    CWT       ; Changes_When_Titlecased
849    CWU       ; Changes_When_Uppercased
850  new CJK Unihan properties (not supported by ICU)
851- PropertyValueAliases.txt
852  new block names
853  new scripts
854  one script code change:
855    sc ; Qaai      ; Inherited
856    ->
857    sc ; Zinh      ; Inherited                        ; Qaai
858  new Line_Break (lb) value:
859    lb ; CP        ; Close_Parenthesis
860  new Joining_Group (jg) values: Farsi_Yeh, Nya
861  other new values:
862    ccc; 214; ATA  ; Attached_Above
863- DerivedBidiClass.txt
864  new default-R range: U+1E800 - U+1EFFF
865- UnicodeData.txt
866  all of the ISO comments are gone
867  new CJK block end:
868    9FC3;<CJK Ideograph, Last> -> 9FCB;<CJK Ideograph, Last>
869  new CJK block:
870    2A700;<CJK Ideograph Extension C, First>;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
871    2B734;<CJK Ideograph Extension C, Last>;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
873* genpname
874- run preparse.pl
875  + cd \svn\icuproj\icu\trunk\source\tools\genpname
876  + make sure that data.h is writable
877  + perl preparse.pl \svn\icuproj\icu\trunk > out.txt
878  + preparse.pl complains with errors like the following:
879      Error: sc:Egyp already set to Egyptian_Hieroglyphs, cannot set to Egyp at preparse.pl line 1322, <GEN6> line 34.
880    This is because ICU 4.0 had scripts from ISO 15924 which are now
881    added to Unicode 5.2, and the Perl script shows a conflict between SyntheticPropertyValueAliases.txt
882    and PropertyValueAliases.txt.
883    -> Removed duplicate script entries from SyntheticPropertyValueAliases.txt:
884       Egyp, Java, Lana, Mtei, Orkh, Armi, Avst, Kthi, Phli, Prti, Samr, Tavt
885  + preparse.pl complains with errors about block names missing from uchar.h; add them
887* uchar.h & uscript.h & uprops.h & uprops.c & genprops
888- new block & script values
889  + 26 new blocks
890    copy new blocks from Blocks.txt
891    MS VC++ 2008 regular expression:
892      find "^{[0-9A-F]+}\.\.{[0-9A-F]+}; {[A-Z].+}$"
893      replace with "    UBLOCK_\3 = 172, /*[\1]*/"
894  + several new script values already added in ICU 4.0 for ISO 15924 coverage
895    (removed from SyntheticPropertyValueAliases.txt, see genpname notes above)
896  + 3 new script values added for ISO 15924 and Unicode 5.2 coverage
897  + 1 new script value added for ISO 15924 coverage (not in Unicode 5.2)
898    (added to SyntheticPropertyValueAliases.txt)
899- new Joining Group (JG) values: Farsi_Yeh, Nya
900- new Line_Break (lb) value:
901    lb ; CP        ; Close_Parenthesis
903* hardcoded Unihan range end/limit
904- Unihan range end moves from 9FC3 to 9FCB
905  search for both 9FC3 (end) and 9FC4 (limit) (regex 9FC[34], case-insensitive)
906  + do change gennames.c
908* Compare definitions of new binary properties with what we used to use
909  in algorithms, to see if the definitions changed.
910- Verified that definitions for Cased and Case_Ignorable are unchanged.
911  The gencase tool now parses the newly public Case_Ignorable values
912  in case the definition changes in the future.
914* uchar.c & uprops.h & uprops.c & genprops
915- new numeric values that didn't exist in Unicode data before:
916    1/7, 1/9, 1/10, 3/10, 1/16, 3/16
917  the ones with denominators >9 cannot be supported by uprops.icu formatVersion 5,
918  therefore redesign the encoding of numeric types and values for formatVersion 6;
919  design for simple numbers up to at least 144 ("one gross"),
920  large values up to at least 10^20,
921  and fractions with numerators -1..17 and denominators 1..16
922  to cover current and expected future values
923  (e.g., more Han numeric values, Meroitic twelfths)
925* reimplement Hangul_Syllable_Type for new Jamo characters
926- the old code assumed that all Jamo characters are in the 11xx block
927- Unicode 5.2 fills holes there and adds new Jamo characters in
928    A960..A97F; Hangul Jamo Extended-A
929  and in
930    D7B0..D7FF; Hangul Jamo Extended-B
931- Hangul_Syllable_Type can be trivially derived from a subset of
932  Grapheme_Cluster_Break values
934* build Unicode data source code for hardcoding core data
935C:\svn\icuproj\icu\trunk\source\data>NMAKE /f makedata.mak ICUMAKE=\svn\icuproj\icu\trunk\source\data\ CFG=x86\release uni-core-data
937ICU data make path is \svn\icuproj\icu\trunk\source\data\
938ICU root path is \svn\icuproj\icu\trunk
939Information: cannot find "ucmlocal.mk". Not building user-additional converter files.
940Information: cannot find "brklocal.mk". Not building user-additional break iterator files.
941Information: cannot find "reslocal.mk". Not building user-additional resource bundle files.
942Information: cannot find "collocal.mk". Not building user-additional resource bundle files.
943Information: cannot find "rbnflocal.mk". Not building user-additional resource bundle files.
944Information: cannot find "trnslocal.mk". Not building user-additional transliterator files.
945Information: cannot find "misclocal.mk". Not building user-additional miscellaenous files.
946Information: cannot find "spreplocal.mk". Not building user-additional stringprep files.
947Creating data file for Unicode Property Names
948Creating data file for Unicode Character Properties
949Creating data file for Unicode Case Mapping Properties
950Creating data file for Unicode BiDi/Shaping Properties
951Creating data file for Unicode Normalization
952Unicode .icu files built to "\svn\icuproj\icu\trunk\source\data\out\build\icudt43l"
953Unicode .c source files built to "\svn\icuproj\icu\trunk\source\data\out\tmp"
955- copy the .c source files to C:\svn\icuproj\icu\trunk\source\common
956  and rebuild the common library
958*** UCA
960- update FractionalUCA.txt with new canonical closure (output from Mark's Unicode tools)
961- update source/data/unidata/UCARules.txt with UCA_Rules_SHORT.txt from Mark's Unicode tools
962- update source/test/testdata/CollationTest_*.txt with output from Mark's Unicode tools
963[ Begin obsolete instructions:
964  Starting with UCA 5.2, we use the CollationTest_*_SHORT.txt files not the *_STUB.txt files.
965    - generate the source/test/testdata/CollationTest_*_STUB.txt files via source/tools/genuca/genteststub.py
966      on Windows:
967        python C:\svn\icuproj\icu\trunk\source\tools\genuca\genteststub.py CollationTest_NON_IGNORABLE_SHORT.txt CollationTest_NON_IGNORABLE_STUB.txt
968        python C:\svn\icuproj\icu\trunk\source\tools\genuca\genteststub.py CollationTest_SHIFTED_SHORT.txt CollationTest_SHIFTED_STUB.txt
969  End obsolete instructions]
970- run all tests with the *_SHORT.txt or the full files (the full ones have comments)
971  not just the *_STUB.txt files
972- note on intltest: if collate/UCAConformanceTest fails, then
973  utility/MultithreadTest/TestCollators will fail as well;
974  fix the conformance test before looking into the multi-thread test
976*** Implement Cased & Case_Ignorable properties
977- via UProperty; call ucase.h functions ucase_getType() and ucase_getTypeOrIgnorable()
978- Problem: These properties should be disjoint, but aren't
979- UTC 2009nov decision: skip all Case_Ignorable regardless of whether they are Cased or not
980- change ucase.icu to be able to store any combination of Cased and Case_Ignorable
982*** Implement Changes_When_Xyz properties
983- without stored data
985*** Implement Name_Alias property
986- add it as another name field in unames.icu
987- make it available via u_charName() and UCharNameChoice and
988- consider it in u_charFromName()
990*** Break iterators
992* Update break iterator rules to new UAX versions and new property values
993* Update source/test/testdata/<boundary>Test.txt files from <unicode.org ucd>/ucd/auxiliary
995*** new BidiTest file
996- review format and data
997- copy BidiTest.txt to source/test/testdata
998- write test code using this data
999- fix ICU code where it fails the conformance test
1001*** Java
1002- generally, find and update code corresponding to C/C++
1003- UCharacter.UnicodeBlock constants:
1004  a) add an _ID integer per new block, update COUNT
1005  b) add a class instance per new block
1006     Visual Studio regex:
1007        find            UBLOCK_{[^ ]+} = [0-9]+, {/.+}
1008        replace with    public static final UnicodeBlock \1 = new UnicodeBlock("\1", \1_ID); \2
1009- CHAR_NAME_ALIAS -> UCharacter.getNameAlias() and getCharFromNameAlias()
1011- port test changes to Java
1013*** LayoutEngine script information
1015(For comparison, see the Unicode 5.1 update: http://bugs.icu-project.org/trac/changeset/23833)
1017* Run ICU4J com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.layout.ScriptNameBuilder. This generates LEScripts.h, LELanguages.h,
1018ScriptAndLanguageTags.h and ScriptAndLanguageTags.cpp in the working directory. (It also generates
1019ScriptRunData.cpp, which is no longer needed.)
1021The generated files have a current copyright date and "@draft" statement.
1023-> Eric Mader wrote in email on 20090930:
1024    "I think the tool has been modified to update @draft to @stable for
1025     older scripts and to add @draft for new scripts.
1026     (I worked with an intern on this last year.)
1027     You should check the output after you run it."
1029* copy the above files into <icu>/source/layout, replacing the old files.
1030* fix mixed line endings
1031* review the diffs and fix incorrect @draft and missing aliases
1032* manually re-add the "Indic script xyz v.2" tags in ScriptAndLanguageTags.h
1034Add new default entries to the indicClassTables array in <icu>/source/layout/IndicClassTables.cpp
1035and the complexTable array in <icu>/source/layoutex/ParagraphLayout.cpp. (This step should be automated...)
1037-> Eric Mader wrote in email on 20090930:
1038    "This is just a matter of making sure that all the per-script tables have
1039     entries for any new scripts that were added.
1040     If any new Indic characters were added, then the class tables in
1041     IndicClassTables.cpp should be updated to reflect this.
1042     John Emmons should know how to do this if it's required."
1044* rebuild the layout and layoutex libraries.
1046*** Documentation
1047- Update User Guide
1048  + Jamo_Short_Name, sfc->scf, binary property value aliases
1050---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***
1052Unicode 5.1 update
1054*** related ICU Trac tickets
10565696 Update to Unicode 5.1
1058*** Unicode version numbers
1059- makedata.mak
1060- uchar.h
1061- configure.in & configure
1062- update ucdVersion in gennames.c if an algorithmic range changes
1064*** data files & enums & parser code
1066* file preparation
1067- ucdstrip:
1068    DerivedCoreProperties.txt
1069    DerivedNormalizationProps.txt
1070    NormalizationTest.txt
1071    PropList.txt
1072    Scripts.txt
1073    GraphemeBreakProperty.txt
1074    SentenceBreakProperty.txt
1075    WordBreakProperty.txt
1076- ucdstrip and ucdmerge:
1077    EastAsianWidth.txt
1078    LineBreak.txt
1080* my ucd2unidata.bat (needs to be updated each time with UCD and file version numbers)
1081copy 5.1.0\ucd\BidiMirroring.txt ..\unidata\
1082copy 5.1.0\ucd\Blocks.txt ..\unidata\
1083copy 5.1.0\ucd\CaseFolding.txt ..\unidata\
1084copy 5.1.0\ucd\DerivedAge.txt ..\unidata\
1085copy 5.1.0\ucd\extracted\DerivedBidiClass.txt ..\unidata\
1086copy 5.1.0\ucd\extracted\DerivedJoiningGroup.txt ..\unidata\
1087copy 5.1.0\ucd\extracted\DerivedJoiningType.txt ..\unidata\
1088copy 5.1.0\ucd\extracted\DerivedNumericValues.txt ..\unidata\
1089copy 5.1.0\ucd\NormalizationCorrections.txt ..\unidata\
1090copy 5.1.0\ucd\PropertyAliases.txt ..\unidata\
1091copy 5.1.0\ucd\PropertyValueAliases.txt ..\unidata\
1092copy 5.1.0\ucd\SpecialCasing.txt ..\unidata\
1093copy 5.1.0\ucd\UnicodeData.txt ..\unidata\
1095ucdstrip < 5.1.0\ucd\DerivedCoreProperties.txt > ..\unidata\DerivedCoreProperties.txt
1096ucdstrip < 5.1.0\ucd\DerivedNormalizationProps.txt > ..\unidata\DerivedNormalizationProps.txt
1097ucdstrip < 5.1.0\ucd\NormalizationTest.txt > ..\unidata\NormalizationTest.txt
1098ucdstrip < 5.1.0\ucd\PropList.txt > ..\unidata\PropList.txt
1099ucdstrip < 5.1.0\ucd\Scripts.txt > ..\unidata\Scripts.txt
1100ucdstrip < 5.1.0\ucd\auxiliary\GraphemeBreakProperty.txt > ..\unidata\GraphemeBreakProperty.txt
1101ucdstrip < 5.1.0\ucd\auxiliary\SentenceBreakProperty.txt > ..\unidata\SentenceBreakProperty.txt
1102ucdstrip < 5.1.0\ucd\auxiliary\WordBreakProperty.txt > ..\unidata\WordBreakProperty.txt
1103ucdstrip < 5.1.0\ucd\EastAsianWidth.txt | ucdmerge > ..\unidata\EastAsianWidth.txt
1104ucdstrip < 5.1.0\ucd\LineBreak.txt | ucdmerge > ..\unidata\LineBreak.txt
1106* genpname
1107- run preparse.pl
1108  + cd \svn\icuproj\icu\uni51\source\tools\genpname
1109  + make sure that data.h is writable
1110  + perl preparse.pl \svn\icuproj\icu\uni51 > out.txt
1111  + preparse.pl complains with errors like the following:
1112      Error: sc:Cari already set to Carian, cannot set to Cari at preparse.pl line 1308, <GEN6> line 30.
1113    This is because ICU 3.8 had scripts from ISO 15924 which are now
1114    added to Unicode 5.1, and the script shows a conflict between SyntheticPropertyValueAliases.txt
1115    and PropertyValueAliases.txt.
1116    -> Removed duplicate script entries from SyntheticPropertyValueAliases.txt:
1117       Cari, Cham, Kali, Lepc, Lyci, Lydi, Olck, Rjng, Saur, Sund, Vaii
1118  + PropertyValueAliases.txt now explicitly contains values for boolean properties:
1119      N/Y, No/Yes, F/T, False/True
1120    -> Added N/No and Y/Yes to preparse.pl function read_PropertyValueAliases.
1121       It will use further values from the file if present.
1123* uchar.h & uscript.h & uprops.h & uprops.c & genprops
1124- new block & script values
1125  + 17 new blocks
1126  + 11 new script values already added in ICU 3.8 for ISO 15924 coverage
1127    (removed from SyntheticPropertyValueAliases.txt)
1128  + 14 new script values added for ISO 15924 coverage (not in Unicode 5.1)
1129    (added to SyntheticPropertyValueAliases.txt)
1130- uprops.icu (uprops.h) only provides 7 bits for script codes.
1131  In ICU 4.0 there are USCRIPT_CODE_LIMIT=130 script codes now.
1132  There is none above 127 yet which is the script code for an
1133  assigned Unicode character, so ICU 4.0 uprops.icu does not store any
1134  script code values greater than 127.
1135  However, it does need to store the maximum script value=USCRIPT_CODE_LIMIT-1=129
1136  in a parallel bit field, and that overflows now.
1137  Also, future values >=128 would be incompatible anyway.
1138  uprops.h is modified to move around several of the bit fields
1139  in the properties vector words, and now uses 8 bits for the script code.
1140  Two other bit fields also grow to accommodate future growth:
1141  Block (current count: 172) grows from 8 to 9 bits,
1142  and Word_Break grows from 4 to 5 bits.
1143- renamed property Simple_Case_Folding (sfc->scf)
1144  + nothing to be done: handled as normal alias
1145- new property JSN Jamo_Short_Name
1146  + no new API: only contributes to the Name property
1147- new Grapheme_Cluster_Break (GCB) value: SM=SpacingMark
1148- new Joining Group (JG) value: Burushashki_Yeh_Barree
1149- new Sentence_Break (SB) values:
1150    SB ; CR        ; CR
1151    SB ; EX        ; Extend
1152    SB ; LF        ; LF
1153    SB ; SC        ; SContinue
1154- new Word_Break (WB) values:
1155    WB ; CR        ; CR
1156    WB ; Extend    ; Extend
1157    WB ; LF        ; LF
1158    WB ; MB        ; MidNumLet
1160* Further changes in the 2008-02-29 update:
1161- Default_Ignorable_Code_Point: The new file removes Cc, Cs, noncharacters from DICP
1162  because they should not normally be invisible.
1163- new Joining Group (JG) value Burushashki_Yeh_Barree was renamed to Burushaski_Yeh_Barree (one 'h' removed)
1164- new Grapheme_Cluster_Break (GCB) value: PP=Prepend
1165- new Word_Break (WB) value: NL=Newline
1167* hardcoded Unihan range end/limit (see Unicode 4.1 update for comparison)
1168- Unihan range end moves from 9FBB to 9FC3
1169  search for both 9FBB (end) and 9FBC (limit) (regex 9FB[BC], case-insensitive)
1170  + do change gennames.c
1172* build Unicode data source code for hardcoding core data
1173C:\svn\icuproj\icu\uni51\source\data>NMAKE /f makedata.mak ICUMAKE=\svn\icuproj\icu\uni51\source\data\ CFG=debug uni-core-data
1175ICU data make path is \svn\icuproj\icu\uni51\source\data\
1176ICU root path is \svn\icuproj\icu\uni51
1177Information: cannot find "ucmlocal.mk". Not building user-additional converter files.
1178Information: cannot find "brklocal.mk". Not building user-additional break iterator files.
1179Information: cannot find "reslocal.mk". Not building user-additional resource bundle files.
1180Information: cannot find "collocal.mk". Not building user-additional resource bundle files.
1181Information: cannot find "rbnflocal.mk". Not building user-additional resource bundle files.
1182Information: cannot find "trnslocal.mk". Not building user-additional transliterator files.
1183Information: cannot find "misclocal.mk". Not building user-additional miscellaenous files.
1184Creating data file for Unicode Character Properties
1185Creating data file for Unicode Case Mapping Properties
1186Creating data file for Unicode BiDi/Shaping Properties
1187Creating data file for Unicode Normalization
1188Unicode .icu files built to "\svn\icuproj\icu\uni51\source\data\out\build\icudt39l"
1189Unicode .c source files built to "\svn\icuproj\icu\uni51\source\data\out\tmp"
1191- copy the .c source files to C:\svn\icuproj\icu\uni51\source\common
1192  and rebuild the common library
1194*** Break iterators
1196* Update break iterator rules to new UAX versions and new property values
1198*** UCA
1200* update FractionalUCA.txt and UCARules.txt with new canonical closure
1202*** Test suites
1203- Test that APIs using Unicode property value aliases (like UnicodeSet)
1204  support all of the boolean values N/Y, No/Yes, F/T, False/True
1205  -> TestBinaryValues() tests in both cintltst and intltest
1207*** LayoutEngine script information
1208* Run ICU4J com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.layout.ScriptNameBuilder. This generates LEScripts.h, LELanguage.h,
1209ScriptAndLanguageTags.h and ScriptAndLanguageTags.cpp in the working directory. (it also generates
1210ScriptRunData.cpp, which is no longer needed.)
1212The generated files have a current copyright date and "@draft" statement.
1214* copy the above files into <icu>/source/layout, replacing the old files.
1216Add new default entries to the indicClassTables array in <icu>/source/layout/IndicClassTables.cpp
1217and the complexTable array in <icu>/source/layoutex/ParagraphLayout.cpp. (This step should be automated...)
1219* rebuild the layout and layoutex libraries.
1221*** Documentation
1222- Update User Guide
1223  + Jamo_Short_Name, sfc->scf, binary property value aliases
1225---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***
1227Unicode 5.0 update
1229*** related Jitterbugs
12315084 RFE: Update to Unicode 5.0
1233*** data files & enums & parser code
1235* file preparation
1236- ucdstrip:
1237    DerivedCoreProperties.txt
1238    DerivedNormalizationProps.txt
1239    NormalizationTest.txt
1240    PropList.txt
1241    Scripts.txt
1242    GraphemeBreakProperty.txt
1243    SentenceBreakProperty.txt
1244    WordBreakProperty.txt
1245- ucdstrip and ucdmerge:
1246    EastAsianWidth.txt
1247    LineBreak.txt
1249* my ucd2unidata.bat (needs to be updated each time with UCD and file version numbers)
1250copy 5.0.0\ucd\BidiMirroring.txt ..\unidata\
1251copy 5.0.0\ucd\Blocks.txt ..\unidata\
1252copy 5.0.0\ucd\CaseFolding.txt ..\unidata\
1253copy 5.0.0\ucd\DerivedAge.txt ..\unidata\
1254copy 5.0.0\ucd\extracted\DerivedBidiClass.txt ..\unidata\
1255copy 5.0.0\ucd\extracted\DerivedJoiningGroup.txt ..\unidata\
1256copy 5.0.0\ucd\extracted\DerivedJoiningType.txt ..\unidata\
1257copy 5.0.0\ucd\extracted\DerivedNumericValues.txt ..\unidata\
1258copy 5.0.0\ucd\NormalizationCorrections.txt ..\unidata\
1259copy 5.0.0\ucd\PropertyAliases.txt ..\unidata\
1260copy 5.0.0\ucd\PropertyValueAliases.txt ..\unidata\
1261copy 5.0.0\ucd\SpecialCasing.txt ..\unidata\
1262copy 5.0.0\ucd\UnicodeData.txt ..\unidata\
1264ucdstrip < 5.0.0\ucd\DerivedCoreProperties.txt > ..\unidata\DerivedCoreProperties.txt
1265ucdstrip < 5.0.0\ucd\DerivedNormalizationProps.txt > ..\unidata\DerivedNormalizationProps.txt
1266ucdstrip < 5.0.0\ucd\NormalizationTest.txt > ..\unidata\NormalizationTest.txt
1267ucdstrip < 5.0.0\ucd\PropList.txt > ..\unidata\PropList.txt
1268ucdstrip < 5.0.0\ucd\Scripts.txt > ..\unidata\Scripts.txt
1269ucdstrip < 5.0.0\ucd\auxiliary\GraphemeBreakProperty.txt > ..\unidata\GraphemeBreakProperty.txt
1270ucdstrip < 5.0.0\ucd\auxiliary\SentenceBreakProperty.txt > ..\unidata\SentenceBreakProperty.txt
1271ucdstrip < 5.0.0\ucd\auxiliary\WordBreakProperty.txt > ..\unidata\WordBreakProperty.txt
1272ucdstrip < 5.0.0\ucd\EastAsianWidth.txt | ucdmerge > ..\unidata\EastAsianWidth.txt
1273ucdstrip < 5.0.0\ucd\LineBreak.txt | ucdmerge > ..\unidata\LineBreak.txt
1275* update FractionalUCA.txt and UCARules.txt with new canonical closure
1277* genpname
1278- run preparse.pl
1279  + make sure that data.h is writable
1280  + perl preparse.pl \cvs\oss\icu > out.txt
1282* uchar.h & uscript.h & uprops.h & uprops.c & genprops
1283- new block & script values
1284  + script values already added in ICU 3.6 because all of ISO 15924 is now covered
1286* build Unicode data source code for hardcoding core data
1287C:\cvs\oss\icu\source\data>NMAKE /f makedata.mak ICUMAKE=\cvs\oss\icu\source\data\ CFG=debug uni-core-data
1289ICU data make path is \cvs\oss\icu\source\data\
1290ICU root path is \cvs\oss\icu
1291Information: cannot find "ucmlocal.mk". Not building user-additional converter files.
1293Creating data file for Unicode Character Properties
1294Creating data file for Unicode Case Mapping Properties
1295Creating data file for Unicode BiDi/Shaping Properties
1296Creating data file for Unicode Normalization
1297Unicode .icu files built to "\cvs\oss\icu\source\data\out\build\icudt35l"
1298Unicode .c source files built to "\cvs\oss\icu\source\data\out\tmp"
1300- copy the .c source files to C:\cvs\oss\icu\source\common
1301  and rebuild the common library
1303*** Unicode version numbers
1304- makedata.mak
1305- uchar.h
1306- configure.in
1308*** LayoutEngine script information
1309* Run ICU4J com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.layout.ScriptNameBuilder. This generates LEScripts.h, LELanguage.h,
1310ScriptAndLanguageTags.h and ScriptAndLanguageTags.cpp in the working directory. (it also generates
1311ScriptRunData.cpp, which is no longer needed.)
1313The generated files have a current copyright date and "@draft" statement.
1315* copy the above files into <icu>/source/layout, replacing the old files.
1317Add new default entries to the indicClassTables array in <icu>/source/layout/IndicClassTables.cpp
1318and the complexTable array in <icu>/source/layoutex/ParagraphLayout.cpp. (This step should be automated...)
1320* rebuild the layout and layoutex libraries.
1322---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***
1324Unicode 4.1 update
1326*** related Jitterbugs
13284332 RFE: Update to Unicode 4.1
13294157 RBBI, TR29 4.1 updates
1331*** data files & enums & parser code
1333* file preparation
1334- ucdstrip:
1335    DerivedCoreProperties.txt
1336    DerivedNormalizationProps.txt
1337    NormalizationTest.txt
1338    GraphemeBreakProperty.txt
1339    SentenceBreakProperty.txt
1340    WordBreakProperty.txt
1341- ucdstrip and ucdmerge:
1342    EastAsianWidth.txt
1343    LineBreak.txt
1345* add new files to the repository
1346    GraphemeBreakProperty.txt
1347    SentenceBreakProperty.txt
1348    WordBreakProperty.txt
1350* update FractionalUCA.txt and UCARules.txt with new canonical closure
1352* genpname
1353- handle new enumerated properties in sub read_uchar
1354- run preparse.pl
1356* uchar.h & uscript.h & uprops.h & uprops.c & genprops
1357- new binary properties
1358  + Pattern_Syntax
1359  + Pattern_White_Space
1360- new enumerated properties
1361  + Grapheme_Cluster_Break
1362  + Sentence_Break
1363  + Word_Break
1364- new block & script & line break values
1366* gencase
1367- case-ignorable changes
1368  see http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode4.1.0/#CaseMods
1369  now: (D47a) Word_Break=MidLetter or Mn, Me, Cf, Lm, Sk
1371*** Unicode version numbers
1372- makedata.mak
1373- uchar.h
1374- configure.in
1376*** tests
1377- verify that u_charMirror() round-trips
1378- test all new properties and some new values of old properties
1380*** other code
1382* hardcoded Unihan range end/limit
1383- Unihan range end moves from 9FA5 to 9FBB
1384  search for both 9FA5 (end) and 9FA6 (limit) (regex 9FA[56], case-insensitive)
1385  + do not modify BOCU/BOCSU code because that would change the encoding
1386    and break binary compatibility!
1387  + similarly, do not change the GB 18030 range data (ucnvmbcs.c),
1388    NamePrepProfile.txt
1389  + ignore trietest.c: test data is arbitrary
1390  + ignore tstnorm.cpp: test optimization, not important
1391  + ignore collation: 9FA[56] only appears in comments; swapCJK() uses the whole block up to 9FFF
1392  + do change line_th.txt and word_th.txt
1393    by replacing hardcoded ranges with the new property values
1394  + do change gennames.c
1396source\data\brkitr\line_th.txt(229):        \u33E0-\u33FE \u3400-\u4DB5 \u4E00-\u9FA5 \uA000-\uA48C \uA490-\uA4C6
1397source\data\brkitr\word_th.txt(23):        \u33E0-\u33FE \u3400-\u4DB5 \u4E00-\u9FA5 \uA000-\uA48C \uA490-\uA4C6
1398source\tools\gennames\gennames.c(971):        0x4e00, 0x9fa5,
1400* case mappings
1401- compare new special casing context conditions with previous ones
1402  see http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode4.1.0/#CaseMods
1404* genpname
1405- consider storing only the short name if it is the same as the long name
1407*** other reviews
1408- UAX #29 changes (grapheme/word/sentence breaks)
1409- UAX #14 changes (line breaks)
1410- Pattern_Syntax & Pattern_White_Space
1412---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***
1414Unicode 4.0.1 update
1416*** related Jitterbugs
14183170 RFE: Update to Unicode 4.0.1
14193171 Add new Unicode 4.0.1 properties
14203520 use Unicode 4.0.1 updates for break iteration
1422*** data files & enums & parser code
1424* file preparation
1425- ucdstrip: DerivedNormalizationProps.txt, NormalizationTest.txt, DerivedCoreProperties.txt
1426- ucdstrip and ucdmerge: EastAsianWidth.txt, LineBreak.txt
1428* file fixes
1429- fix UnicodeData.txt general categories of Ethiopic digits Nd->No
1430  according to PRI #26
1431  http://www.unicode.org/review/resolved-pri.html#pri26
1432- undone again because no corrigendum in sight;
1433  instead modified tests to not check consistency on this for Unicode 4.0.1
1435* ucdterms.txt
1436- update from http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
1437  formatted for plain text
1439* uchar.h & uprops.h & uprops.c & genprops
1440- add UBLOCK_CYRILLIC_SUPPLEMENT because the block is renamed
1441- add U_LB_INSEPARABLE due to a spelling fix
1442  + put short name comment only on line with new constant
1443    for genpname perl script parser
1444- new binary properties
1445  + STerm
1446  + Variation_Selector
1448* genpname
1449- fix genpname perl script so that it doesn't choke on more than 2 names per property value
1450- perl script: correctly calculate the maximum number of fields per row
1452* uscript.h
1453- new script code Hrkt=Katakana_Or_Hiragana
1455* gennorm.c track changes in DerivedNormalizationProps.txt
1456- "FNC" -> "FC_NFKC"
1457- single field "NFD_NO" -> two fields "NFD_QC; N" etc.
1459* genprops/props2.c track changes in DerivedNumericValues.txt
1460- changed from 3 columns to 2, dropping the numeric type
1461  + assume that the type is always numeric for Han characters,
1462    and that only those are added in addition to what UnicodeData.txt lists
1464*** Unicode version numbers
1465- makedata.mak
1466- uchar.h
1467- configure.in
1469*** tests
1470- update test of default bidi classes according to PRI #28
1471  /tsutil/cucdtst/TestUnicodeData
1472  http://www.unicode.org/review/resolved-pri.html#pri28
1473- bidi tests: change exemplar character for ES depending on Unicode version
1474- change hardcoded expected property values where they change
1476*** other code
1478* name matching
1479- read UCD.html
1481* scripts
1482- use new Hrkt=Katakana_Or_Hiragana
1484* ZWJ & ZWNJ
1485- are now part of combining character sequences
1486- break iteration used to assume that LB classes did not overlap; now they do for ZWJ & ZWNJ