2 * Copyright (c) 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
11 * file.
12 *
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
20 *
22 */
24/*	CFStorage.c
25 Copyright (c) 1999-2013, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
26 Responsibility: Ali Ozer
27 */
30 2-3 tree storing arbitrary sized values.
32 ??? Currently elementSize cannot be greater than storage->maxLeafCapacity, which is less than or equal to __CFStorageMaxLeafCapacity
34 CFStorage is thread-safe for multiple readers, but not thread safe for simultaneous reading and  writing.
35 */
38/* pammon notes on FrozenStorage
39 A CFStorage can be frozen, or more specifically, some or all of the nodes can be frozen.  Frozen nodes can be safely shared between CFStorage instances.  CFStorages containing frozen nodes are still considered mutable: frozen nodes are discarded and recreated on demand.  It is a form of copy-on-write.
41 Freezing is usually one-way: there is no going back.   However, if a node's reference count is 1, we know that no other CFStorage can reference it; and if we are in a mutating function, we know that it can be safely unfrozen.
43 If a node is frozen, all of its descendants should be considered frozen.
45 The root node, which is defined inline within the CFStorage struct itself, can never be frozen.
47 */
49#define NO_SHIFTER ((uint32_t)(-1))
51#include <CoreFoundation/CFStorage.h>
52#include "CFInternal.h"
54#include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
58// No C99 support
59#define restrict
61// Replace bzero
62#define bzero(dst, size)    ZeroMemory(dst, size)
66#if !defined(PAGE_SIZE)
67#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
70// Above 15K, malloc switches (??? or used to in early Leopard) to using vm allocates for blocks; it seems best to avoid that.
71// Also, tests with StorageTimer.c done in 4/07 indicate that 4096 * 3 is better than smaller or larger node sizes.
72#define __CFStorageMaxLeafCapacity (4096 * 3)
74#define COPYMEM(src,dst,n) objc_memmove_collectable((dst), (src), (n))
75#define PAGE_LIMIT ((CFIndex)PAGE_SIZE / 2)
77CF_INLINE int32_t roundToPage(int32_t num) {
78    return (num + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);
81typedef const struct __CFStorage *ConstCFStorageRef;
83/* Each node in the storage.  isLeaf determines whether the node is a leaf node or a node inside the tree. If latter, number of children are determined by the number of non-NULL entries in child[]. (NULL entries are at the end.)
84 */
85typedef struct __CFStorageNode {
86    CFIndex numBytes;	/* Number of actual bytes in this node and all its children */
87    uint32_t refCount;    /* Refcount of the node.  Is always at least 1 for a normal node.  For root nodes, which are stored directly in the CFStorage, this is 0.  CFStorageRetain/ReleaseNode checks for a refcount of 0 and does not retain/release such nodes. */
88    bool isFrozen;	    /* Indicates that the node is frozen, i.e. may be shared. */
89    bool isLeaf;
90    union {
91        struct {
92            CFIndex capacityInBytes;	// capacityInBytes is capacity of memory; this is either 0, or >= numBytes
93            uint8_t *memory;
94	    CFRange cachedRange;       //the absolute range of this node, in "value" units.  This is valid only if this node is referenced by storage->cacheNode, and used by the cache.  In general this is not valid, and the offset needs to be passed down from the tree
95        } leaf;
96        struct {
97            struct __CFStorageNode *child[3];
98        } notLeaf;
99    } info;
100} CFStorageNode;
103/* A struct used for insertion into frozen nodes, which may need to return a new version of themselves, and a new friend!  The child field is a replacement for the child that was inserted into; if the child does not need to be replaced (i.e. it was unfrozen and there was space to perform the insertion) then the child that was inserted into is returned here.  The sibling field is a new child that should also be inserted (or NULL if none).  */
104typedef struct {
105    CFStorageNode *child;
106    CFStorageNode *sibling;
107} CFStorageDoubleNodeReturn;
109CF_INLINE CFStorageDoubleNodeReturn CFStorageDoubleNodeReturnMake(CFStorageNode *child, CFStorageNode *sibling) {
110    CFStorageDoubleNodeReturn v;
111    v.child = child;
112    v.sibling = sibling;
113    return v;
116/* The CFStorage object.
117 */
118struct __CFStorage {
119    CFRuntimeBase base;
120    CFIndex valueSize;
121    uint32_t byteToValueShifter;
122    CFSpinLock_t cacheReaderMemoryAllocationLock;
123    bool alwaysFrozen;
124    CFStorageNode * volatile cacheNode;
125    CFIndex maxLeafCapacity;	    // In terms of bytes
126    CFStorageNode rootNode;
127    CFOptionFlags nodeHint;	    // __kCFAllocatorGCScannedMemory or 0.
130/* Helper function to return the intersection of two ranges */
131static inline CFRange intersectionRange(CFRange a, CFRange b) {
132    CFIndex start = __CFMax(a.location, b.location);
133    CFIndex end = __CFMin(a.location + a.length, b.location + b.length);
134    if (end <= start) {
135	return CFRangeMake(0, 0);
136    }
137    else {
138	return CFRangeMake(start, end - start);
139    }
142/* Allocates the memory and initializes the capacity in a leaf.   This locks not for mutations (mutations are not thread-safe in general), but for lazy allocation of storage during reading.
143 */
144CF_INLINE void __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex cap, bool compact) {
145    if (cap > PAGE_LIMIT) {
146        cap = roundToPage(cap);
147	if (cap > storage->maxLeafCapacity) cap = storage->maxLeafCapacity;
148    } else {
149        cap = (((cap + 63) / 64) * 64);
150    }
151    /* We must be careful here, because another thread may be trying to allocate this memory at the same time (8203146).  This may happen if two threads both attempt to read from a lazily-allocated node. */
152    if ((compact ? (cap != node->info.leaf.capacityInBytes) : (cap > node->info.leaf.capacityInBytes))) {
153	__CFSpinLock(&(storage->cacheReaderMemoryAllocationLock));
154	/* Check again now that we've acquired the lock.  We know that we can do this because two simulaneous readers will always pass the same capacity.  This is the fix for 8203146.  This probably needs a memory barrier. */
155	if ((compact ? (cap != node->info.leaf.capacityInBytes) : (cap > node->info.leaf.capacityInBytes))) {
156	    __CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)&node->info.leaf.memory, _CFAllocatorReallocateGC(allocator, node->info.leaf.memory, cap, storage->nodeHint));	// This will free...
157	    if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(node->info.leaf.memory, "CFStorage (node bytes)");
158	    node->info.leaf.capacityInBytes = cap;
159	}
160	__CFSpinUnlock(&(storage->cacheReaderMemoryAllocationLock));
161    }
164#if 0
165#define ASSERT(x) do { if (! (x)) { fprintf(stderr, "Assertion %s failed on line %d\n", #x, __LINE__); HALT; } } while (0)
167#define ASSERT(x) do { if (0 && ! (x)) { } } while(0)
170static void __CFStorageCheckIntegrity(CFStorageRef storage);
171#define CHECK_INTEGRITY() do { if (0) __CFStorageCheckIntegrity(storage); } while (0)
173static void __CFStorageCheckNodeIntegrity(ConstCFStorageRef storage, const CFStorageNode *node);
174#define CHECK_NODE_INTEGRITY(X) do { if (0) __CFStorageCheckNodeIntegrity(storage, X); } while (0)
176#pragma mark Byte <-> Value Functions
178CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFStorageConvertByteToValue(ConstCFStorageRef storage, CFIndex byte) {
179    if (storage->byteToValueShifter != NO_SHIFTER) {
180	return byte >> storage->byteToValueShifter;
181    }
182    return byte / storage->valueSize;
185CF_INLINE CFRange __CFStorageConvertBytesToValueRange(ConstCFStorageRef storage, CFIndex offset, CFIndex length) {
186    if (storage->byteToValueShifter != NO_SHIFTER) {
187	return CFRangeMake(offset >> storage->byteToValueShifter, length >> storage->byteToValueShifter);
188    }
189    return CFRangeMake(offset / storage->valueSize, length / storage->valueSize);
192CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFStorageConvertValueToByte(ConstCFStorageRef storage, CFIndex value) {
193    if (storage->byteToValueShifter != NO_SHIFTER) {
194	return value << storage->byteToValueShifter;
195    }
196    return value * storage->valueSize;
199CF_INLINE CFRange __CFStorageConvertValuesToByteRange(ConstCFStorageRef storage, CFIndex offset, CFIndex length) {
200    if (storage->byteToValueShifter != NO_SHIFTER) {
201	return CFRangeMake(offset << storage->byteToValueShifter, length << storage->byteToValueShifter);
202    }
203    return CFRangeMake(offset * storage->valueSize, length * storage->valueSize);
207#pragma mark Node reference counting and freezing
209CF_INLINE CFStorageNode *__CFStorageRetainNode(CFStorageNode *node) {
210    if (node->refCount > 0) OSAtomicIncrement32((int32_t *)&node->refCount);
211    return node;
214/* A faster version of __CFStorageRetainNode that is not thread safe.  This can be used from the Unfrozen (aka unshared) calls, or when a node was just allocated and there's no opportunity for it to have escaped yet */
215CF_INLINE CFStorageNode *__CFStorageRetainNodeThreadUnsafe(CFStorageNode *node) {
216    if (node->refCount > 0) node->refCount++;
217    return node;
220static void __CFStorageDeallocateNode(CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node);
222CF_INLINE void __CFStorageReleaseNode(CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node) {
223    if (node->refCount > 0) {
224	uint32_t newRefCount = OSAtomicDecrement32((int32_t *)&node->refCount);
225	if (newRefCount == 0) {
226	    __CFStorageDeallocateNode(storage, node);
227	}
228    }
231CF_INLINE void __CFStorageReleaseNodeWithNullCheck(CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node) {
232    if (node) __CFStorageReleaseNode(storage, node);
235static void __CFStorageDeallocateNode(CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node) {
236    CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(storage);
237    if (node->isLeaf) {
238	if (node->info.leaf.memory) _CFAllocatorDeallocateGC(allocator, node->info.leaf.memory);
239    } else {
240	__CFStorageReleaseNodeWithNullCheck(storage, node->info.notLeaf.child[0]);
241	__CFStorageReleaseNodeWithNullCheck(storage, node->info.notLeaf.child[1]);
242	__CFStorageReleaseNodeWithNullCheck(storage, node->info.notLeaf.child[2]);
243    }
244    _CFAllocatorDeallocateGC(allocator, node);
247static inline void __CFStorageFreezeNode(CFStorageNode *node) {
248    node->isFrozen = true;
251/* If a node is frozen, but its reference count is 1, then we are the only reference to it and we can unfreeze it.  In general, it's unsafe to do this because it may race with other threads that depend on it being frozen (e.g. we are about to copy the node).  However, we do not support concurrent access while mutating a CFStorage, so if we are in a mutation function, know we have exclusive access and we can unfreeze the node. */
252static inline bool __CFStorageThawNodeDuringMutation(CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node) {
253    if (node->refCount == 1) {
254	node->isFrozen = false;
255	return true;
256    }
257    return false;
260static inline void __CFStorageSetChild(CFStorageNode *parentNode, CFIndex childIndex, CFStorageNode *newChild) {
261    ASSERT(! parentNode->isLeaf);
262    ASSERT(childIndex < 3);
263    __CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)&parentNode->info.notLeaf.child[childIndex], newChild);
266static inline void __CFStorageGetChildren(const CFStorageNode *parent, CFStorageNode ** restrict resultArray, bool shouldRetain, bool shouldFreeze) {
267    ASSERT(! parent->isLeaf);
268    CFIndex i;
269    for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {
270	CFStorageNode *node = parent->info.notLeaf.child[i];
271	if (node != NULL && shouldRetain) __CFStorageRetainNode(node);
272	if (node != NULL && shouldFreeze) __CFStorageFreezeNode(node);
273	resultArray[i] = node;
274    }
277#pragma mark Storage cache handling
280/* Sets the cache to point at the specified node. loc and len are in terms of values, not bytes. To clear the cache set these two to 0.
281 At least one of node or memory should be non-NULL. memory is consulted first when using the cache.
282 */
283CF_INLINE void __CFStorageSetCache(CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex locInBytes) {
284    if (node) {
285	ASSERT(node->isLeaf);
286	node->info.leaf.cachedRange = __CFStorageConvertBytesToValueRange(storage, locInBytes, node->numBytes);
287    }
288    storage->cacheNode = node;
291/* Gets the location for the specified absolute loc from the cached info.
292 Returns NULL if the location is not in the cache.
293 */
294CF_INLINE uint8_t *__CFStorageGetFromCache(CFStorageRef storage, CFIndex loc, CFRange * restrict validConsecutiveValueRange, bool requireUnfrozenNode) {
295    CFStorageNode * const cachedNode = storage->cacheNode; /* It's important we read from this field no more than once, for thread safety with other concurrent reads; that is why the field is marked volatile. */
296    if (! cachedNode) return NULL; /* No cache */
298    /* We only allow caching leaf nodes. */
299    ASSERT(cachedNode->isLeaf);
301    /* If the node is frozen, and we require an unfrozen node, then return NULL */
302    if (requireUnfrozenNode && cachedNode->isFrozen) return NULL;
304    /* If there's no memory allocated yet, then allocate it now*/
305    if (! cachedNode->info.leaf.memory) {
306	__CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(CFGetAllocator(storage), storage, cachedNode, cachedNode->numBytes, false);
307    }
309    /* If the node's range starts after loc, or ends before or at loc, return NULL */
310    CFIndex nodeOffset = cachedNode->info.leaf.cachedRange.location;
311    CFIndex nodeLength = cachedNode->info.leaf.cachedRange.length;
312    if (loc < nodeOffset || loc >= nodeOffset + nodeLength) {
313	return NULL;
314    }
316    /* The cache is valid, so return it */
317    validConsecutiveValueRange->location = nodeOffset;
318    validConsecutiveValueRange->length = nodeLength;
319    uint8_t *result = cachedNode->info.leaf.memory + __CFStorageConvertValueToByte(storage, loc - nodeOffset);
320    return result;
324/* Returns the number of the child containing the desired value and the relative index of the value in that child.
325 forInsertion = true means that we are looking for the child in which to insert or delete; this changes the behavior when the index is at the end of a child
326 relativeByteNum (not optional, for performance reasons) returns the relative byte number of the specified byte in the child.
327 Don't call with leaf nodes!
328 */
329CF_INLINE CFStorageNode *__CFStorageFindChild(const CFStorageNode * restrict node, CFIndex byteNum, bool forInsertionOrDeletion, CFIndex * restrict childNum, CFIndex * restrict relativeByteNum) {
330    if (forInsertionOrDeletion) byteNum--;	/* If for insertion, we do <= checks, not <, so this accomplishes the same thing */
331    CFStorageNode *result;
332    result = node->info.notLeaf.child[0];
333    if (byteNum < result->numBytes) *childNum = 0;
334    else {
335	byteNum -= result->numBytes;
336	result = node->info.notLeaf.child[1];
337        if (byteNum < result->numBytes) *childNum = 1;
338        else {
339            byteNum -= result->numBytes;
340            *childNum = 2;
341	    result = node->info.notLeaf.child[2];
342        }
343    }
344    if (forInsertionOrDeletion) byteNum++;
345    *relativeByteNum = byteNum;
346    return result;
349static CFStorageNode *__CFStorageCopyNode(CFStorageRef storage, const CFStorageNode *node);
351/* Finds the location where the specified byte is stored. If validConsecutiveByteRange is not NULL, returns
352 the range of bytes that are consecutive with this one.
353 !!! Assumes the byteNum is within the range of this node.
354 */
355static void *__CFStorageFindByte(CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex byteNum, CFIndex absoluteByteOffsetOfNode, CFStorageNode **resultNode, CFRange *validConsecutiveByteRange, bool requireUnfreezing) {
356    if (node->isLeaf) {
357        *validConsecutiveByteRange = CFRangeMake(absoluteByteOffsetOfNode, node->numBytes);
358	*resultNode = node;
359        __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(CFGetAllocator(storage), storage, node, node->numBytes, false);
360        return node->info.leaf.memory + byteNum;
361    } else {
362        CFIndex childNum;
363        CFIndex relativeByteNum;
364        CFStorageNode *child = __CFStorageFindChild(node, byteNum, false, &childNum, &relativeByteNum);
365	if (requireUnfreezing && child->isFrozen && ! __CFStorageThawNodeDuringMutation(storage, child)) {
366	    /* Replace the child with an unfrozen variant */
367	    CFStorageNode *unfrozenReplacement = __CFStorageCopyNode(storage, child);
368	    /* Release the old node, set the new one */
369	    __CFStorageSetChild(node, childNum, unfrozenReplacement);
370	    __CFStorageReleaseNode(storage, child);
371	    child = unfrozenReplacement;
372	}
373        return __CFStorageFindByte(storage, child, relativeByteNum, absoluteByteOffsetOfNode + (byteNum - relativeByteNum), resultNode, validConsecutiveByteRange, requireUnfreezing);
374    }
377/* Guts of CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(); note that validConsecutiveValueRange is not optional.
378 Consults and updates cache.
379 */
380CF_INLINE void *__CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(CFStorageRef storage, CFIndex idx, CFRange *validConsecutiveValueRange, bool requireUnfreezing) {
381    uint8_t *result;
382    if (!(result = __CFStorageGetFromCache(storage, idx, validConsecutiveValueRange, requireUnfreezing))) {
383	CFStorageNode *resultNode;
384	CFRange rangeInBytes;
385	result = (uint8_t *)__CFStorageFindByte(storage, &storage->rootNode, __CFStorageConvertValueToByte(storage, idx), 0, &resultNode, &rangeInBytes, requireUnfreezing);
386        __CFStorageSetCache(storage, resultNode, rangeInBytes.location);
387	*validConsecutiveValueRange = __CFStorageConvertBytesToValueRange(storage, rangeInBytes.location, rangeInBytes.length);
388    }
389    return result;
392/* Copies data in the range srcRange from srcLeaf to index dstLocation in dstLeaf.  Both srcLeaf and dstLeaf must be leaf nodes, and dstLeaf must not be frozen.  If srcRange has a nonzero length, then both must have their memory properly allocated.  This does not modify the numBytes of srcLeaf or dstLeaf.
393 */
394static void __CFLeafCopyRangeToOffset(const CFStorageNode *srcLeaf, CFRange srcRange, CFStorageNode *dstLeaf, CFIndex dstLocation) {
395    ASSERT(srcLeaf->isLeaf);
396    ASSERT(dstLeaf->isLeaf);
397    if (srcRange.length > 0) {
398	ASSERT(srcLeaf->info.leaf.memory != NULL);
399	ASSERT(dstLeaf->info.leaf.memory != NULL);
400	ASSERT(srcRange.location + srcRange.length <= srcLeaf->numBytes);
401	ASSERT(dstLocation + srcRange.length <= dstLeaf->info.leaf.capacityInBytes);
402	COPYMEM(srcLeaf->info.leaf.memory + srcRange.location, dstLeaf->info.leaf.memory + dstLocation, srcRange.length);
403    }
406#pragma mark Node creation and destruction
408// returns a node with a refCount of 1, and an auto_zone_retain() under GC
409static CFStorageNode *__CFStorageCreateNode(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, bool isLeaf, CFIndex numBytes) {
410    CFStorageNode *newNode = (CFStorageNode *)CFAllocatorAllocate(allocator, sizeof(CFStorageNode), __kCFAllocatorGCScannedMemory);
411    if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(newNode, "CFStorage (node)");
412    if (CF_IS_COLLECTABLE_ALLOCATOR(allocator)) {
413	auto_zone_release(objc_collectableZone(), newNode); //remove the implicit retain so we can be collected
414    }
415    newNode->refCount = 1;
416    newNode->isFrozen = storage->alwaysFrozen;
417    newNode->isLeaf = isLeaf;
418    newNode->numBytes = numBytes;
419    if (isLeaf) {
420        newNode->info.leaf.capacityInBytes = 0;
421        newNode->info.leaf.memory = NULL;
422    } else {
423        newNode->info.notLeaf.child[0] = newNode->info.notLeaf.child[1] = newNode->info.notLeaf.child[2] = NULL;
424    }
425    return newNode;
428/* Creates an (unfrozen) copy of the given node.  This is shallow in the sense that it shares children for branches, but deep in that it copies memory for leaves.  */
429static CFStorageNode *__CFStorageCopyNode(CFStorageRef storage, const CFStorageNode *node) {
430    CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(storage);
431    CFStorageNode *result = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, storage, node->isLeaf, node->numBytes);
432    if (node->isLeaf) {
433	if (node->info.leaf.memory != NULL) {
434	    __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, result, result->numBytes, false);
435	    COPYMEM(node->info.leaf.memory, result->info.leaf.memory, result->numBytes);
436	}
437    }
438    else {
439	CFStorageNode *child = node->info.notLeaf.child[0];
440	__CFStorageSetChild(result, 0, __CFStorageRetainNode(child));
441	if ((child = node->info.notLeaf.child[1])) __CFStorageSetChild(result, 1, __CFStorageRetainNode(child));
442	if ((child = node->info.notLeaf.child[2])) __CFStorageSetChild(result, 2, __CFStorageRetainNode(child));
444	/* If we are copying children from a frozen node to an unfrozen node, we need to freeze the children */
445	if (node->isFrozen) {
446	    __CFStorageFreezeNode(result->info.notLeaf.child[0]);
447	    if ((child = result->info.notLeaf.child[1])) __CFStorageFreezeNode(child);
448	    if ((child = result->info.notLeaf.child[2])) __CFStorageFreezeNode(child);
449	}
450    }
451    return result;
455static void __CFStorageDeallocateNode(CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node);
458#pragma mark Insertion and Deletion prototypes
459/* Prototypes for deletion and insertion.  The *Frozen and *Unfrozen variants should only be called for nodes that we know are frozen or unfrozen.  Frozen nodes may only have frozen children, so it makes sense for the Frozen functions to call other Frozen functions.  Unfrozen nodes may have frozen or unfrozen children, so they should call the non-suffixed variants (which dispatch on whether the node is frozen or not).
461 The only acceptable time to directly call the Unfrozen variant is for the root node of a CFStorage, because root nodes may never be frozen.  The isRootNode parameter determines whether we are in this case.
463 The Insertion functions return two nodes.  As an awful performance hack, if the first node returned from __CFStorageInsert* is the same as the node passed in, that node is *not* retained, so should not be relased.  If it is a different node, it is retained.
464 */
465static CFStorageDoubleNodeReturn __CFStorageInsert(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex byteNum, CFIndex size, CFIndex absoluteByteNum);
466static CFStorageNode *__CFStorageDelete(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFRange range, bool compact);
468static CFStorageDoubleNodeReturn __CFStorageInsertFrozen(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, const CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex byteNum, CFIndex size, CFIndex absoluteByteNum);
469static CFStorageNode *__CFStorageDeleteFrozen(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, const CFStorageNode *node, CFRange range);
471static CFStorageDoubleNodeReturn __CFStorageInsertUnfrozen(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex byteNum, CFIndex size, CFIndex absoluteByteNum);
472static CFStorageNode *__CFStorageDeleteUnfrozen(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFRange range, bool compact, bool isRootNode);
474#pragma mark Frozen Deletion
476static CFStorageNode *__CFStorageDeleteLeafFrozen(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, const CFStorageNode *node, CFRange range) {
477    ASSERT(node->isLeaf);
478    const CFIndex rangeToDeleteEnd = range.location + range.length;
479    ASSERT(rangeToDeleteEnd <= node->numBytes);
480    CFIndex remainingBytes = node->numBytes - range.length;
481    if (remainingBytes == 0) {
482	/* The range to delete encompasses our entire range of bytes.  Return NULL to indicate that we should be deleted. */
483	return NULL;
484    }
485    else {
486	/* Need to create a new node */
487	CFStorageNode *newNode = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, storage, true, remainingBytes);
488	if (node->info.leaf.memory) {
489	    /* Our node had memory allocated, so copy in the non-deleted portion */
490	    CFRange nonDeletedPrefix = CFRangeMake(0, range.location);
491	    CFRange nonDeletedSuffix = CFRangeMake(rangeToDeleteEnd, node->numBytes - rangeToDeleteEnd);
492	    ASSERT(nonDeletedPrefix.length + nonDeletedSuffix.length == remainingBytes);
493	    __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, newNode, remainingBytes, false);  // no point in compacting since we're freshly allocated
494	    __CFLeafCopyRangeToOffset(node, nonDeletedPrefix, newNode, 0);
495	    __CFLeafCopyRangeToOffset(node, nonDeletedSuffix, newNode, nonDeletedPrefix.length);
496	}
497	return newNode;
498    }
501/* Helper function for both frozen and unfrozen branch deletion.  Walks the children of the node, calling __CFStorageDelete (or __CFStorageDeleteFrozen if childrenAreDefinitelyFrozen is YES), and assigning the results back to newChildren.  Returns the number of new children.  The newChildren nodes all acquire a reference count!
502 */
503static inline CFIndex __CFStoragePopulateBranchChildrenAfterDeletion(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, const CFStorageNode *node, CFRange range, CFStorageNode *newChildren[3], bool childrenAreDefinitelyFrozen, bool compact) {
504    CFIndex newChildIndex = 0;
505    CFIndex childByteOffset = 0; //will track the current start byte of this child
506    for (CFIndex existingChildIndex = 0; existingChildIndex < 3; existingChildIndex++) {
507	CFStorageNode *existingChild = node->info.notLeaf.child[existingChildIndex];
508	if (! existingChild) break; //no more children
509	const CFIndex existingChildLength = existingChild->numBytes;
510	/* The child's range is {byteOffset, existingChildLength}.  Figure out what part of the range to delete is intersected by this child's range */
511	CFRange deletionRangeIntersectedByChild = intersectionRange(range, CFRangeMake(childByteOffset, existingChildLength));
512	if (! deletionRangeIntersectedByChild.length) {
513	    /* The range to delete does not overlap this child's range, so preserve the child */
514	    newChildren[newChildIndex++] = __CFStorageRetainNode(existingChild); //bump the refcount like we promised we would
515	    if (childrenAreDefinitelyFrozen) {
516		/* Because we are about to add this child from a frozen node to a possibly unfrozen node, mark the child as frozen */
517		__CFStorageFreezeNode(existingChild);
518	    }
519	}
520	else {
521	    /* We have something from this child to delete */
522	    CFRange rangeOfChildToDelete = CFRangeMake(deletionRangeIntersectedByChild.location - childByteOffset, deletionRangeIntersectedByChild.length);
523	    CFStorageNode *newChild;
524	    if (childrenAreDefinitelyFrozen) {
525		newChild = __CFStorageDeleteFrozen(allocator, storage, existingChild, rangeOfChildToDelete);
526	    }
527	    else {
528		newChild = __CFStorageDelete(allocator, storage, existingChild, rangeOfChildToDelete, compact);
529	    }
530	    /* We may get null back if we deleted the entire child */
531	    if (newChild != NULL) {
532		newChildren[newChildIndex++] = newChild; // Transfers the reference count
533	    }
535	    if (rangeOfChildToDelete.length == existingChildLength) {
536		ASSERT(newChild == NULL); //should have deleted everything
537	    }
538	    else {
539		ASSERT(newChild != NULL);
540		ASSERT(newChild->numBytes == existingChildLength - rangeOfChildToDelete.length);
541	    }
542	}
543	childByteOffset += existingChildLength;
544    }
545    return newChildIndex;
548static CFStorageNode *__CFStorageDeleteBranchFrozen(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, const CFStorageNode *node, CFRange range) {
549    ASSERT(! node->isLeaf);
550    ASSERT(range.location + range.length <= node->numBytes);
551    if (range.length == node->numBytes) {
552	/* They're deleting everything, so return NULL to indicate that this node should be deleted. */
553	return NULL;
554    }
556    /* Construct our new children in this array. */
557    CFStorageNode *newChildren[3];
558    CFIndex newChildIndex = __CFStoragePopulateBranchChildrenAfterDeletion(allocator, storage, node, range, newChildren, true/*childrenAreDefinitelyFrozen*/, false/*compact*/);
560    /* We do not have to freeze anything in newChildren.  __CFStoragePopulateBranchChildrenAfterDeletion() will properly freeze any existing children, and new children we get should not be marked frozen. */
562    /* Now we have the children of the new node in newChildren.  We expect to have at least one child (if we got no children, we should have returned NULL up above because they deleted everything. */
563    ASSERT(newChildIndex >= 1);
564    if (newChildIndex == 1) {
565	/* Only one child, so just return it, transferring its retain count */
566	return newChildren[0];
567    }
568    else {
569	CFStorageNode *result = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, storage, false, 0);
570	while (newChildIndex--) {
571	    __CFStorageSetChild(result, newChildIndex, newChildren[newChildIndex]); //transfers the reference count
572	}
573	result->numBytes = node->numBytes - range.length;
574	return result;
575    }
578/* Returns a new node, or NULL if the entire thing was deleted.
579 */
580static CFStorageNode *__CFStorageDeleteFrozen(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, const CFStorageNode *node, CFRange range) {
581    if (node->isLeaf) {
582	return __CFStorageDeleteLeafFrozen(allocator, storage, node, range);
583    }
584    else {
585	return __CFStorageDeleteBranchFrozen(allocator, storage, node, range);
586    }
589#pragma mark Unfrozen Deletion
591/* The boolean compact indicates whether leaf nodes that get smaller should be realloced.
592 */
593static CFStorageNode *__CFStorageDeleteUnfrozen(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFRange range, bool compact, bool isRootNode) {
594    ASSERT(! node->isFrozen);
595    ASSERT(range.location + range.length <= node->numBytes);
598    if (range.length == node->numBytes) {
599	/* We are deleting everything, so return NULL */
600	return NULL;
601    }
603    if (node->isLeaf) {
604	node->numBytes -= range.length;
605	// If this node had memory allocated, readjust the bytes...
606	if (node->info.leaf.memory) {
607	    COPYMEM(node->info.leaf.memory + range.location + range.length, node->info.leaf.memory + range.location, node->numBytes - range.location);
608	    if (compact) __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, node, node->numBytes, true);
609	}
611	return __CFStorageRetainNodeThreadUnsafe(node); //we can use the ThreadUnsafe calls because this is the Unfrozen variant, so we are not shared
612    } else {
613	CFStorageNode *newChildren[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
614	CFIndex newChildIndex = __CFStoragePopulateBranchChildrenAfterDeletion(allocator, storage, node, range, newChildren, false/*childrenAreDefinitelyFrozen*/, compact);
615	node->numBytes -= range.length;
616	ASSERT(newChildIndex >= 1); //we expect to have at least one child; else we would have deleted everything up above
618	/* Release all of our existing children.  Either we are about to return a new child in place of us; or we are about to set our children to the new ones */
619	__CFStorageReleaseNode(storage, node->info.notLeaf.child[0]);
620	__CFStorageReleaseNodeWithNullCheck(storage, node->info.notLeaf.child[1]);
621	__CFStorageReleaseNodeWithNullCheck(storage, node->info.notLeaf.child[2]);
622	node->info.notLeaf.child[0] = node->info.notLeaf.child[1] = node->info.notLeaf.child[2] = NULL;
624	if (newChildIndex == 1) {
625	    /* We have only one child, so return it, transferring the refcount that __CFStoragePopulate gives it */
626	    return newChildren[0];
627	}
628	else {
629	    CFIndex i;
630	    for (i=0; i < 3; i++) {
631		__CFStorageSetChild(node, i, newChildren[i]); //set the new child, transferring the refcount to us (or set NULL)
632	    }
634	    return __CFStorageRetainNodeThreadUnsafe(node);
635	}
636    }
639#pragma mark Frozen Insertion
641/* Insertion into an frozen leaf.  We return two nodes, either of which may be 'node', or possibly two new nodes.  This always sets the cache. */
642static CFStorageDoubleNodeReturn __CFStorageInsertLeafFrozen(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, const CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex byteNum, CFIndex size, CFIndex absoluteByteNum) {
643    /* Inserting into a frozen leaf.  If we can fit the new data along with our existing data into a single node, then do so (i.e. if we can return one node, do it).  Otherwise, all of the data would have to fit into a second node (we are never called with more data than storage->maxLeafCapacity) so just make a new node with the data and return that. */
644    CFStorageNode *leftResult, *rightResult;
646    ASSERT(byteNum <= node->numBytes);
647    CFIndex newTotalSize = size + node->numBytes;
648    if (newTotalSize <= storage->maxLeafCapacity) {
649	/* We can fit into a single node */
650	rightResult = NULL;
651	leftResult = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, storage, true, newTotalSize);
652	if (node->info.leaf.memory != NULL) { // Beware lazy memory allocation
653	    __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, leftResult, newTotalSize, false);
654	    COPYMEM(node->info.leaf.memory, leftResult->info.leaf.memory, byteNum); //copy first byteNum bytes from existing node
655	    //middle we don't touch
656	    COPYMEM(node->info.leaf.memory + byteNum, leftResult->info.leaf.memory + byteNum + size, node->numBytes - byteNum); //copy last part from existing node
657	}
658	__CFStorageSetCache(storage, leftResult, absoluteByteNum - byteNum);
659    }
660    else {
661	/* We cannot fit into a single node.  See if we can preserve self (i.e. we're inserting at beginning or end). */
662	if (byteNum == node->numBytes) {
663	    /* Inserting at end, so left is our existing node and right is the new node.   Do not retain left node, because it is the same as the given node */
664	    leftResult = (CFStorageNode *)node;
665	    rightResult = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, storage, true, size);
666	    __CFStorageSetCache(storage, rightResult, absoluteByteNum);
667	}
668	else if (byteNum == 0) {
669	    /* Inserting at beginning, so right is our existing node and left is the new node.  Do retain left node, because it is different than the given node. */
670	    rightResult = __CFStorageRetainNode((CFStorageNode *)node);
671	    leftResult = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, storage, true, size);
672	    __CFStorageSetCache(storage, leftResult, absoluteByteNum);
673	}
674	else {
675	    /* Inserting in middle.  We will need to create two nodes because we overflow one.  We could be lazy and only allocate up to byteNum, but since it's likely that they're about to insert into us and we'd have to reallocate, just allocate everything requested up front. */
676	    CFIndex leftAmount = storage->maxLeafCapacity, rightAmount = newTotalSize - storage->maxLeafCapacity;
677	    leftResult = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, storage, true, leftAmount);
678	    rightResult = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, storage, true, rightAmount);
679	    __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, leftResult, leftAmount, false);
680	    __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, rightResult, rightAmount, false);
681	    ASSERT(node->info.leaf.capacityInBytes >= node->numBytes);
683	    /* The existing node has length node->numBytes, so it has the following range: {0, node->numBytes}
685             We are inserting (garbage) data of length 'size' into offset 'byteNum'.  Therefore we end up with the following two logical ranges, expressed as {start, length}:
686             {0, byteNum}, {byteNum + size, node->numBytes - byteNum}
688             We need to divide these among our new nodes with the following logical ranges:
689             {0, leftAmount}, {leftAmount, rightAmount}
691             The first range must be fit entirely within the left  node (byteNum <= leftAmount).  The second range may or may be divided between the left and right nodes.
692	     */
694	    ASSERT(byteNum <= leftAmount);
695	    COPYMEM(node->info.leaf.memory, leftResult->info.leaf.memory, byteNum);
697	    const CFRange leftNodeRange = {0, leftAmount}, rightNodeRange = {leftAmount, rightAmount};
698	    const CFRange preservedData = {byteNum + size, node->numBytes - byteNum};
699	    CFRange overlap;
700	    if ((overlap = intersectionRange(leftNodeRange, preservedData)).length > 0) COPYMEM(node->info.leaf.memory + overlap.location - size, leftResult->info.leaf.memory + overlap.location, overlap.length);
701	    if ((overlap = intersectionRange(rightNodeRange, preservedData)).length > 0) COPYMEM(node->info.leaf.memory + overlap.location - size, rightResult->info.leaf.memory + overlap.location - leftAmount, overlap.length);
702	    __CFStorageSetCache(storage, leftResult, absoluteByteNum - byteNum);
703	}
704    }
705    return CFStorageDoubleNodeReturnMake(leftResult, rightResult);
708static CFStorageDoubleNodeReturn __CFStorageInsertBranchFrozen(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, const CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex byteNum, CFIndex size, CFIndex absoluteByteNum) {
709    /* Inserting into a frozen branch.  We definitely will need to make a new copy of us, so make that up front.  We may or may not need to make a new sibling.  Note that in some cases, we may be able to get away with not creating a new copy of us, e.g. inserting at the very end of the tree.  In that case, we could preserve us and make a sibling containing exactly one node.  However, we do not really want to have branches with exactly one child; because then why not just return the child?  And then the whole tree can become unbalanced.  So then instead, always distribute the children equally among our nodes. */
711    CFStorageNode *copyOfMe = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, storage, false, 0);
712    CFStorageNode *siblingOfMe = NULL;
713    CFIndex relativeByteNum;
714    CFIndex childNum;
715    CFStorageNode *child = __CFStorageFindChild(node, byteNum, true, &childNum, &relativeByteNum);
716    ASSERT(childNum >= 0 && childNum <= 2);
717    CFStorageDoubleNodeReturn childReturn = __CFStorageInsertFrozen(allocator, storage, child, relativeByteNum, size, absoluteByteNum);
718    ASSERT(childReturn.child); //we always get at least one back
720    /* Make a local array of all new children (retained).  We'll then move them to the new nodes. */
721    CFStorageNode *newChildren[4] = {NULL};
722    __CFStorageGetChildren(node, newChildren, true/*retain*/, true/*freeze*/);
723    if (newChildren[childNum] != childReturn.child) {
724	__CFStorageReleaseNode(storage, newChildren[childNum]);
725	newChildren[childNum] = childReturn.child; // Transfers the retain
726    }
727    if (childReturn.sibling != NULL) {
728	if (childNum < 2) newChildren[3] = newChildren[2];
729	if (childNum < 1) newChildren[2] = newChildren[1];
730	newChildren[childNum + 1] = childReturn.sibling; // Transfers the retain
731    }
733    /* First two always go to our clone */
734    __CFStorageSetChild(copyOfMe, 0, newChildren[0]);
735    __CFStorageSetChild(copyOfMe, 1, newChildren[1]);
736    if (newChildren[3] == NULL) {
737	/* We have three or fewer children to distribute, i.e. we don't need a sibling.  Put them all into copy of me.  Our clone's byte count is larger than our own by 'size'. */
738	__CFStorageSetChild(copyOfMe, 2, newChildren[2]);
739	copyOfMe->numBytes = node->numBytes + size;
740    }
741    else {
742	/* We have four children to distribute.  The first two go to us, the last two go to our new sibling.  */
743	siblingOfMe = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, storage, false, 0);
744	__CFStorageSetChild(siblingOfMe, 0, newChildren[2]);
745	__CFStorageSetChild(siblingOfMe, 1, newChildren[3]);
746	copyOfMe->numBytes = newChildren[0]->numBytes + newChildren[1]->numBytes;
747	siblingOfMe->numBytes = newChildren[2]->numBytes + newChildren[3]->numBytes;
748    }
751    if (siblingOfMe) CHECK_NODE_INTEGRITY(siblingOfMe);
752    return CFStorageDoubleNodeReturnMake(copyOfMe, siblingOfMe);
755static CFStorageDoubleNodeReturn __CFStorageInsertFrozen(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, const CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex byteNum, CFIndex size, CFIndex absoluteByteNum) {
756    if (node->isLeaf) {
757	return __CFStorageInsertLeafFrozen(allocator, storage, node, byteNum, size, absoluteByteNum);
758    }
759    else {
760	return __CFStorageInsertBranchFrozen(allocator, storage, node, byteNum, size, absoluteByteNum);
761    }
765#pragma mark Unfrozen Insertion
767/* Insertion into an unfrozen leaf.  We return two nodes, one of which is 'node'.  This always sets the cache. */
768static CFStorageDoubleNodeReturn __CFStorageInsertLeafUnfrozen(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex byteNum, CFIndex size, CFIndex absoluteByteNum) {
769    if (size + node->numBytes > storage->maxLeafCapacity) {	// Need to create more child nodes
770	CFStorageNode *newNode;
771	if (byteNum == node->numBytes) {	// Inserting at end; easy...
772	    newNode = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, storage, true, size);
773	    __CFStorageSetCache(storage, newNode, absoluteByteNum);
774	} else if (byteNum == 0) {	// Inserting at front; also easy, but we need to swap node and newNode
775	    newNode = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, storage, true, 0);
777	    /* Transfer our memory to the new node */
778	    newNode->numBytes = node->numBytes;
779	    newNode->info.leaf.capacityInBytes = node->info.leaf.capacityInBytes;
780	    __CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)&newNode->info.leaf.memory, node->info.leaf.memory);
782	    /* Stomp on our existing node */
783	    node->numBytes = size;
784	    node->info.leaf.capacityInBytes = 0;
785	    node->info.leaf.memory = NULL;
787	    /* Cache our existing node */
788	    __CFStorageSetCache(storage, node, absoluteByteNum);
789	} else if (byteNum + size <= storage->maxLeafCapacity) {	// Inserting at middle; inserted region will fit into existing child
790	    // Create new node to hold the overflow
791	    newNode = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, storage, true, node->numBytes - byteNum);
792	    if (node->info.leaf.memory) {	// We allocate memory lazily...
793		__CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, newNode, node->numBytes - byteNum, false);
794		COPYMEM(node->info.leaf.memory + byteNum, newNode->info.leaf.memory, node->numBytes - byteNum);
795		__CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, node, byteNum + size, false);
796	    }
797	    node->numBytes = byteNum + size;
798	    __CFStorageSetCache(storage, node, absoluteByteNum - byteNum);
799	} else {	// Inserting some of new into one node, rest into another; remember that the assumption is size <= storage->maxLeafCapacity
800	    newNode = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, storage, true, node->numBytes + size - storage->maxLeafCapacity);	// New stuff
801	    if (node->info.leaf.memory) {	// We allocate memory lazily...
802		__CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, newNode, node->numBytes + size - storage->maxLeafCapacity, false);
803		COPYMEM(node->info.leaf.memory + byteNum, newNode->info.leaf.memory + byteNum + size - storage->maxLeafCapacity, node->numBytes - byteNum);
804		__CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, node, storage->maxLeafCapacity, false);
805	    }
806	    __CFStorageSetCache(storage, node, absoluteByteNum - byteNum);
807	    node->numBytes = storage->maxLeafCapacity;
808	}
809	return CFStorageDoubleNodeReturnMake(node, newNode); // We do not retain 'node' because it is the given node.
810    } else {	// No need to create new nodes!
811	if (node->info.leaf.memory) {
812	    __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, node, node->numBytes + size, false);
813	    COPYMEM(node->info.leaf.memory + byteNum, node->info.leaf.memory + byteNum + size, node->numBytes - byteNum);
814	}
815	node->numBytes += size;
816	__CFStorageSetCache(storage, node, absoluteByteNum - byteNum);
817	return CFStorageDoubleNodeReturnMake(node, NULL); //return the existing node, meaning the parent does not have to do anything.  Do not retain it because it is the given node.
818    }
821static CFStorageDoubleNodeReturn __CFStorageInsertBranchUnfrozen(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex byteNum, CFIndex size, CFIndex absoluteByteNum) {
822    CFIndex relativeByteNum;
823    CFIndex childNum; // we will insert after childNum, i.e. if childNum is 0, any new node becomes index 1.  This can have value 0, 1, or 2.
824    CFStorageNode *childNode = __CFStorageFindChild(node, byteNum, true, &childNum, &relativeByteNum);
825    CFStorageDoubleNodeReturn newNodes = __CFStorageInsert(allocator, storage, childNode, relativeByteNum, size, absoluteByteNum);
826    CFStorageDoubleNodeReturn result = {node, NULL}; // the default return value meaning we did all of the work ourselves and our parent does not need to do anything
827    ASSERT(childNode != NULL);
828    ASSERT(newNodes.child != NULL);
830    if (newNodes.child != childNode) {
831	/* We got back a replacement for the current child, so replace it. */
832	__CFStorageReleaseNode(storage, childNode);
833	__CFStorageSetChild(node, childNum, newNodes.child);
834    }
836    if (newNodes.sibling == NULL) {
837	/* The insertion happened successfully without requiring us to add any new nodes. */
838	node->numBytes += size;
839    } else {
840	/* We got back an additional node to insert. */
841	CFStorageNode *newChild = newNodes.sibling;
842	if (node->info.notLeaf.child[2] == NULL) {	// There's an empty slot for the new node, cool
843	    if (childNum == 0) __CFStorageSetChild(node, 2, node->info.notLeaf.child[1]); // Make room
844	    __CFStorageSetChild(node, childNum+1, newChild);
845	    node->numBytes += size;
846	} else {
847	    CFStorageNode *anotherNode = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, storage, false, 0);	// Create another node
848	    if (childNum == 0) {	// Last two children go to new node
849		__CFStorageSetChild(anotherNode, 0, node->info.notLeaf.child[1]);
850		__CFStorageSetChild(anotherNode, 1, node->info.notLeaf.child[2]);
851		__CFStorageSetChild(node, 1, newChild);
852		node->info.notLeaf.child[2] = NULL;
853	    } else if (childNum == 1) {	// Last child goes to new node
854		__CFStorageSetChild(anotherNode, 0, newChild);
855		__CFStorageSetChild(anotherNode, 1, node->info.notLeaf.child[2]);
856		node->info.notLeaf.child[2] = NULL;
857	    } else {	// New node contains the new comers...
858		__CFStorageSetChild(anotherNode, 0, node->info.notLeaf.child[2]);
859		__CFStorageSetChild(anotherNode, 1, newChild);
860		node->info.notLeaf.child[2] = NULL;
861	    }
862	    node->numBytes = node->info.notLeaf.child[0]->numBytes + node->info.notLeaf.child[1]->numBytes;
863	    anotherNode->numBytes = anotherNode->info.notLeaf.child[0]->numBytes + anotherNode->info.notLeaf.child[1]->numBytes;
864	    /* node should not be retained because it is the passed in node.  anotherNode was created so we transfer its retain count */
865	    result.sibling = anotherNode;
866	}
867    }
868    return result;
873/* Returns NULL or additional node to come after this node
874 Assumption: size is never > storage->maxLeafCapacity
875 */
876static CFStorageDoubleNodeReturn __CFStorageInsertUnfrozen(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex byteNum, CFIndex size, CFIndex absoluteByteNum) {
877    ASSERT(! node->isFrozen);
878    if (node->isLeaf) {
879	return __CFStorageInsertLeafUnfrozen(allocator, storage, node, byteNum, size, absoluteByteNum);
880    } else {
881	return __CFStorageInsertBranchUnfrozen(allocator, storage, node, byteNum, size, absoluteByteNum);
882    }
885#pragma mark Frozen or Unfrozen Dispatch Functions
887static CFStorageDoubleNodeReturn __CFStorageInsert(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex byteNum, CFIndex size, CFIndex absoluteByteNum) {
888    if (node->isFrozen && ! __CFStorageThawNodeDuringMutation(storage, node)) {
889	return __CFStorageInsertFrozen(allocator, storage, node, byteNum, size, absoluteByteNum);
890    }
891    else {
892	return __CFStorageInsertUnfrozen(allocator, storage, node, byteNum, size, absoluteByteNum);
893    }
896static CFStorageNode *__CFStorageDelete(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFRange range, bool compact) {
897    if (node->isFrozen && ! __CFStorageThawNodeDuringMutation(storage, node)) {
898	return __CFStorageDeleteFrozen(allocator, storage, node, range);
899    }
900    else {
901	return __CFStorageDeleteUnfrozen(allocator, storage, node, range, compact, false/*isRootNode*/);
902    }
906#pragma mark Utility functions
908CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFStorageGetCount(CFStorageRef storage) {
909    return __CFStorageConvertByteToValue(storage, storage->rootNode.numBytes);
912static Boolean __CFStorageEqual(CFTypeRef cf1, CFTypeRef cf2) {
913    CFStorageRef storage1 = (CFStorageRef)cf1;
914    CFStorageRef storage2 = (CFStorageRef)cf2;
915    CFIndex loc, count, valueSize;
916    CFRange range1, range2;
917    uint8_t *ptr1, *ptr2;
919    count = __CFStorageGetCount(storage1);
920    if (count != __CFStorageGetCount(storage2)) return false;
922    valueSize = __CFStorageGetValueSize(storage1);
923    if (valueSize != __CFStorageGetValueSize(storage2)) return false;
925    loc = range1.location = range1.length = range2.location = range2.length = 0;
926    ptr1 = ptr2 = NULL;
928    while (loc < count) {
929	CFIndex cntThisTime;
930	if (loc >= range1.location + range1.length) ptr1 = (uint8_t *)CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(storage1, loc, &range1);
931	if (loc >= range2.location + range2.length) ptr2 = (uint8_t *)CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(storage2, loc, &range2);
932	cntThisTime = range1.location + range1.length;
933	if (range2.location + range2.length < cntThisTime) cntThisTime = range2.location + range2.length;
934	cntThisTime -= loc;
935	if (memcmp(ptr1, ptr2, valueSize * cntThisTime) != 0) return false;
936	ptr1 += valueSize * cntThisTime;
937	ptr2 += valueSize * cntThisTime;
938	loc += cntThisTime;
939    }
940    return true;
943static CFHashCode __CFStorageHash(CFTypeRef cf) {
944    CFStorageRef Storage = (CFStorageRef)cf;
945    return __CFStorageGetCount(Storage);
948static void __CFStorageDescribeNode(CFStorageNode *node, CFMutableStringRef str, CFIndex level) {
949    int cnt;
950    for (cnt = 0; cnt < level; cnt++) CFStringAppendCString(str, "  ", CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
952    if (node->isLeaf) {
953        CFStringAppendFormat(str, NULL, CFSTR("Leaf %ld/%ld (%p) refcount: %u frozen: %s\n"), node->numBytes, node->info.leaf.capacityInBytes, node, node->refCount, node->isFrozen ? "yes" : "no");
954    } else {
955        CFStringAppendFormat(str, NULL, CFSTR("Node %ld (%p) refcount: %u frozen: %s\n"), node->numBytes, node, node->refCount, node->isFrozen ? "yes" : "no");
956        for (cnt = 0; cnt < 3; cnt++) if (node->info.notLeaf.child[cnt]) __CFStorageDescribeNode(node->info.notLeaf.child[cnt], str, level+1);
957    }
960static CFIndex __CFStorageGetNodeCapacity(CFStorageNode *node) {
961    if (!node) return 0;
962    if (node->isLeaf) return node->info.leaf.capacityInBytes;
963    return __CFStorageGetNodeCapacity(node->info.notLeaf.child[0]) + __CFStorageGetNodeCapacity(node->info.notLeaf.child[1]) + __CFStorageGetNodeCapacity(node->info.notLeaf.child[2]);
966CFIndex __CFStorageGetCapacity(CFStorageRef storage) {
967    return __CFStorageConvertByteToValue(storage, __CFStorageGetNodeCapacity(&storage->rootNode));
970CFIndex __CFStorageGetValueSize(CFStorageRef storage) {
971    return storage->valueSize;
974static CFStringRef __CFStorageCopyDescription(CFTypeRef cf) {
975    CFStorageRef storage = (CFStorageRef)cf;
976    CFMutableStringRef result;
977    CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(storage);
978    result = CFStringCreateMutable(allocator, 0);
979    CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("<CFStorage %p [%p]>[count = %lu, capacity = %lu]\n"), storage, allocator, (unsigned long)__CFStorageGetCount(storage), (unsigned long)__CFStorageGetCapacity(storage));
980    __CFStorageDescribeNode(&storage->rootNode, result, 0);
981    return result;
984/* Returns true if enumeration should stop, false if it should continue. */
985static bool __CFStorageEnumerateNodesInByteRangeWithBlock(CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, CFIndex globalOffsetOfNode, CFRange range, CFIndex concurrencyToken, CFStorageApplierBlock applier) {
986    bool stop = false;
987    if (node->isLeaf) {
988	CFIndex start = range.location;
989	CFIndex length = __CFMin(range.length, node->numBytes - start);
990	if (! node->info.leaf.memory) {
991	    __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(CFGetAllocator(storage), storage, node, node->numBytes, false);
992	}
993	applier(node->info.leaf.memory + start, __CFStorageConvertBytesToValueRange(storage, globalOffsetOfNode + start, length), &stop);
994    }
995    else {
996	CFStorageNode *children[3] = {node->info.notLeaf.child[0], node->info.notLeaf.child[1], node->info.notLeaf.child[2]};
997	const CFIndex lengths[3] = {children[0]->numBytes, children[1] ? children[1]->numBytes : 0, children[2] ? children[2]->numBytes : 0};
998	const CFIndex offsets[3] = {0, lengths[0], lengths[0] + lengths[1]};
999	const CFRange overlaps[3] = {intersectionRange(CFRangeMake(offsets[0], lengths[0]), range), intersectionRange(CFRangeMake(offsets[1], lengths[1]), range), intersectionRange(CFRangeMake(offsets[2], lengths[2]), range)};
1000	CFIndex numOverlappingChildren = (!! overlaps[0].length + !! overlaps[1].length + !! overlaps[2].length);
1001	if (numOverlappingChildren > 1) concurrencyToken--;
1003	if (concurrencyToken >= 0 && numOverlappingChildren > 1) {
1004	    CFIndex numChildren = 1 + !!children[1] + !!children[2];
1005	    const CFRange * overlapsPtr = overlaps; //blocks don't let us reference arrays :(
1006	    const CFIndex * offsetsPtr = offsets;
1007	    CFStorageNode ** childrenPtr = children;
1009	    __block bool blockStop = false;
1010	    dispatch_apply(numChildren, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^(size_t ind) {
1011		if (! blockStop && overlapsPtr[ind].length > 0) {
1012		    if (__CFStorageEnumerateNodesInByteRangeWithBlock(storage, childrenPtr[ind], globalOffsetOfNode + offsetsPtr[ind], CFRangeMake(overlapsPtr[ind].location - offsetsPtr[ind], overlapsPtr[ind].length), concurrencyToken, applier)) {
1013			blockStop = true;
1014		    }
1015		}
1016	    });
1017	    stop = blockStop;
1019        for (CFIndex ind = 0; ind < numChildren; ind++) {
1020            if (overlapsPtr[ind].length > 0) {
1021                if (__CFStorageEnumerateNodesInByteRangeWithBlock(storage, childrenPtr[ind], globalOffsetOfNode + offsetsPtr[ind], CFRangeMake(overlapsPtr[ind].location - offsetsPtr[ind], overlapsPtr[ind].length), concurrencyToken, applier)) {
1022                    stop = true;
1023                    break;
1024		        }
1025		    }
1026	    }
1028	} else {
1029	    if (overlaps[0].length > 0) {
1030		stop = stop || __CFStorageEnumerateNodesInByteRangeWithBlock(storage, children[0], globalOffsetOfNode + offsets[0], CFRangeMake(overlaps[0].location - offsets[0], overlaps[0].length), concurrencyToken, applier);
1031	    }
1032	    if (overlaps[1].length > 0) {
1033		stop = stop || __CFStorageEnumerateNodesInByteRangeWithBlock(storage, children[1], globalOffsetOfNode + offsets[1], CFRangeMake(overlaps[1].location - offsets[1], overlaps[1].length), concurrencyToken, applier);
1034	    }
1035	    if (overlaps[2].length > 0) {
1036		stop = stop || __CFStorageEnumerateNodesInByteRangeWithBlock(storage, children[2], globalOffsetOfNode + offsets[2], CFRangeMake(overlaps[2].location - offsets[2], overlaps[2].length), concurrencyToken, applier);
1037	    }
1038	}
1039    }
1040    return stop;
1043static CFStorageNode *_CFStorageFindNodeContainingByteRange(ConstCFStorageRef storage, const CFStorageNode *node, CFRange nodeRange, CFIndex globalOffsetOfNode, CFRange *outGlobalByteRangeOfResult) {
1044    if (! node->isLeaf) {
1045	/* See how many children are overlapped by this range.  If it's only 1, call us recursively on that node; otherwise we're it! */
1046	CFStorageNode *children[3] = {node->info.notLeaf.child[0], node->info.notLeaf.child[1], node->info.notLeaf.child[2]};
1047	const CFIndex lengths[3] = {children[0]->numBytes, children[1] ? children[1]->numBytes : 0, children[2] ? children[2]->numBytes : 0};
1048	const CFIndex offsets[3] = {0, lengths[0], lengths[0] + lengths[1]};
1049	const CFRange overlaps[3] = {intersectionRange(CFRangeMake(offsets[0], lengths[0]), nodeRange), intersectionRange(CFRangeMake(offsets[1], lengths[1]), nodeRange), intersectionRange(CFRangeMake(offsets[2], lengths[2]), nodeRange)};
1050	CFIndex numOverlappingChildren = (!! overlaps[0].length + !! overlaps[1].length + !! overlaps[2].length);
1051	ASSERT(numOverlappingChildren > 0);
1052	if (numOverlappingChildren == 1) {
1053	    CFIndex overlappingChild = (overlaps[0].length ? 0 : (overlaps[1].length ? 1 : 2));
1054	    return _CFStorageFindNodeContainingByteRange(storage, children[overlappingChild], CFRangeMake(nodeRange.location - offsets[overlappingChild], nodeRange.length), globalOffsetOfNode + offsets[overlappingChild], outGlobalByteRangeOfResult);
1055	}
1056    }
1058    /* Either we are a leaf, in which case we contain the range, or we are a branch with multiple overlapping children.  Either way, we are the minimum node containing the range in question. */
1059    *outGlobalByteRangeOfResult = CFRangeMake(globalOffsetOfNode, node->numBytes);
1060    return (CFStorageNode *)node;
1065/* Frees all memory associated with the root node, effectively emptying the CFStorage */
1066static void __CFStorageClearRootNode(CFStorageRef storage) {
1067    CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(storage);
1068    /* Have to release our children if we are a branch, or free our memory if we are a leaf */
1069    if (storage->rootNode.isLeaf) {
1070	_CFAllocatorDeallocateGC(allocator, storage->rootNode.info.leaf.memory);
1071    }
1072    else {
1073	__CFStorageReleaseNodeWithNullCheck(storage, storage->rootNode.info.notLeaf.child[0]);
1074	__CFStorageReleaseNodeWithNullCheck(storage, storage->rootNode.info.notLeaf.child[1]);
1075	__CFStorageReleaseNodeWithNullCheck(storage, storage->rootNode.info.notLeaf.child[2]);
1076    }
1077    storage->rootNode.isLeaf = true;
1078    storage->rootNode.numBytes = 0;
1079    storage->rootNode.info.leaf.capacityInBytes = 0;
1080    storage->rootNode.info.leaf.memory = NULL;
1083static void __CFStorageDeallocate(CFTypeRef cf) {
1084    /* CFStorage is used in CFArray.  Under GC, CFArray references us strongly, but not retained.  Thus we may be finalized before the array.  When the array itself is finalized, it will call any custom deallocate callback on all of its contents, which means it has to walk the array.  Thus CFStorage must be careful to not perturb its structure in Deallocate under GC.
1086     CFStorage nodes have a reference count, and if a node has a reference count of one, and we are in a mutating function, we conclude that this CFStorage has exclusive ownership of the node, and we can treat it as mutable even if it's marked as frozen (see __CFStorageThawNodeDuringMutation).  Therefore it would be nice if we could decrement our nodes' refcounts in Deallocate.  However, if we did so, then another CFStorage might treat a node that we reference as mutable and modify it, which must not happen, because we must not perturb the structure of a CFStorage in Deallocate.  Thus we just "leak" a reference count under GC.  Of course, these reference counts don't actually keep the memory alive in GC, so it's not a real leak.
1087     */
1088    CFStorageRef storage = (CFStorageRef)cf;
1089    if (! CF_IS_COLLECTABLE_ALLOCATOR(CFGetAllocator(storage))) {
1090        __CFStorageClearRootNode(storage);
1091    }
1094static CFTypeID __kCFStorageTypeID = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID;
1096static const CFRuntimeClass __CFStorageClass = {
1097    _kCFRuntimeScannedObject,
1098    "CFStorage",
1099    NULL,	// init
1100    NULL,	// copy
1101    __CFStorageDeallocate,
1102    __CFStorageEqual,
1103    __CFStorageHash,
1104    NULL,	//
1105    __CFStorageCopyDescription
1108CF_PRIVATE void __CFStorageInitialize(void) {
1109    __kCFStorageTypeID = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(&__CFStorageClass);
1112/*** Public API ***/
1114CFStorageRef CFStorageCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFIndex valueSize) {
1115    CFStorageRef storage;
1116    CFIndex size = sizeof(struct __CFStorage) - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase);
1117    storage = (CFStorageRef)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance(allocator, __kCFStorageTypeID, size, NULL);
1118    if (NULL == storage) {
1119	return NULL;
1120    }
1121    storage->valueSize = valueSize;
1122    /* if valueSize is a power of 2, then set the shifter to the log base 2 of valueSize.  Otherwise set it to NO_SHIFTER */
1123    if (valueSize > 0 && !(valueSize & (valueSize - 1))) {
1125	storage->byteToValueShifter = __builtin_ctzl(valueSize);
1127	CFIndex tempSize = valueSize;
1128	storage->byteToValueShifter = 0;
1129	while (tempSize > 1) {
1130	    storage->byteToValueShifter++;
1131	    tempSize >>= 1;
1132	}
1134    }
1135    else {
1136	storage->byteToValueShifter = NO_SHIFTER;
1137    }
1139    CF_SPINLOCK_INIT_FOR_STRUCTS(storage->cacheReaderMemoryAllocationLock);
1140    storage->maxLeafCapacity = __CFStorageMaxLeafCapacity;
1141    if (valueSize && ((storage->maxLeafCapacity % valueSize) != 0)) {
1142        storage->maxLeafCapacity = (storage->maxLeafCapacity / valueSize) * valueSize;	// Make it fit perfectly (3406853)
1143    }
1144    memset(&(storage->rootNode), 0, sizeof(CFStorageNode));
1145    storage->rootNode.isLeaf = true;
1146    storage->rootNode.refCount = 0;
1147    if (valueSize >= sizeof(void *)) {
1148	storage->nodeHint = __kCFAllocatorGCScannedMemory;
1149    }
1150    else {
1151	// Don't scan nodes if the value size is smaller than a pointer (8198596)
1152	storage->nodeHint = 0;
1153    }
1154    if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(storage, "CFStorage");
1155    return storage;
1158CFStorageRef CFStorageCreateWithSubrange(CFStorageRef mutStorage, CFRange range) {
1159    const ConstCFStorageRef storage = mutStorage; //we expect this to never modify the storage, so use a const variable to help enforce that
1160    CFStorageRef result = CFStorageCreate(CFGetAllocator(storage), storage->valueSize);
1162    if (range.length > 0) {
1163	/* Start by finding the node that contains the entire range.  Bump the reference count of its children and add them to the root of our new copy. */
1164	const CFRange byteRange = __CFStorageConvertValuesToByteRange(storage, range.location, range.length);
1165	CFRange byteRangeOfContainingNode;
1166	CFStorageNode *nodeContainingEntireRange = _CFStorageFindNodeContainingByteRange(storage, &storage->rootNode, byteRange, 0, &byteRangeOfContainingNode);
1167	ASSERT(nodeContainingEntireRange != NULL);
1169	/* If the result is a leaf, insert the portion we care about */
1170	if (nodeContainingEntireRange->isLeaf) {
1171	    CFStorageInsertValues(result, CFRangeMake(0, range.length));
1172	    if (nodeContainingEntireRange->info.leaf.memory) {
1173		CFIndex offsetIntoNode = byteRange.location - byteRangeOfContainingNode.location;
1174		ASSERT(offsetIntoNode >= 0);
1175		CFStorageReplaceValues(result, CFRangeMake(0, range.length), nodeContainingEntireRange->info.leaf.memory + offsetIntoNode);
1176	    }
1177	}
1178	else {
1179	    /* The result is not a leaf.  Insert all of its children into our root. */
1180	    ASSERT(byteRangeOfContainingNode.length == nodeContainingEntireRange->numBytes);
1181	    result->rootNode.isLeaf = false;
1182	    result->rootNode.numBytes = byteRangeOfContainingNode.length;
1183	    result->rootNode.info.notLeaf.child[0] = result->rootNode.info.notLeaf.child[1] = result->rootNode.info.notLeaf.child[2] = NULL;
1184	    for (CFIndex i=0; i < 3; i++) {
1185		CFStorageNode *newNode = nodeContainingEntireRange->info.notLeaf.child[i];
1186		if (! newNode) break;
1187		__CFStorageFreezeNode(newNode);
1188		__CFStorageSetChild(&result->rootNode, i, __CFStorageRetainNode(newNode));
1189	    }
1191	    /* Now delete from the beginning or end to trim this to the right size */
1192	    CFRange rangeOfContainingNode = __CFStorageConvertBytesToValueRange(result, byteRangeOfContainingNode.location, byteRangeOfContainingNode.length);
1193	    CFIndex prefixToTrim = range.location - rangeOfContainingNode.location;
1194	    CFIndex suffixToTrim = (rangeOfContainingNode.location + rangeOfContainingNode.length) - (range.location + range.length);
1195	    ASSERT(prefixToTrim >= 0);
1196	    ASSERT(suffixToTrim >= 0);
1197	    ASSERT(CFStorageGetCount(result) == rangeOfContainingNode.length);
1198	    if (suffixToTrim > 0) CFStorageDeleteValues(result, CFRangeMake(rangeOfContainingNode.length - suffixToTrim, suffixToTrim));
1199	    if (prefixToTrim > 0) CFStorageDeleteValues(result, CFRangeMake(0, prefixToTrim));
1200	}
1201    }
1203    ASSERT(CFStorageGetCount(result) == range.length);
1204    return result;
1207CFTypeID CFStorageGetTypeID(void) {
1208    return __kCFStorageTypeID;
1211CFIndex CFStorageGetCount(CFStorageRef storage) {
1212    return __CFStorageGetCount(storage);
1215/* Returns pointer to the specified value
1216 index and validConsecutiveValueRange are in terms of values
1217 */
1218void *CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(CFStorageRef storage, CFIndex idx, CFRange *validConsecutiveValueRange) {
1219    CFRange dummy;
1220    return __CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(storage, idx, validConsecutiveValueRange ? validConsecutiveValueRange : &dummy, true/*requireUnfreezing*/);
1223const void *CFStorageGetConstValueAtIndex(CFStorageRef storage, CFIndex idx, CFRange *validConsecutiveValueRange) {
1224    CFRange dummy;
1225    return __CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(storage, idx, validConsecutiveValueRange ? validConsecutiveValueRange : &dummy, false/*requireUnfreezing*/);
1229/* Makes space for range.length values at location range.location
1230 This function deepens the tree if necessary...
1231 */
1232void CFStorageInsertValues(CFStorageRef storage, CFRange range) {
1233    CFIndex numBytesToInsert = __CFStorageConvertValueToByte(storage, range.length);
1234    CFIndex byteNum = __CFStorageConvertValueToByte(storage, range.location);
1235    const CFIndex expectedByteCount = storage->rootNode.numBytes + numBytesToInsert;
1236    const CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(storage);
1237    const CFIndex insertionChunkSize = storage->maxLeafCapacity;
1238    while (numBytesToInsert > 0) {
1240        const CFIndex insertThisTime = __CFMin(numBytesToInsert, insertionChunkSize);
1241        CFStorageDoubleNodeReturn newNodes = __CFStorageInsertUnfrozen(allocator, storage, &storage->rootNode, byteNum, insertThisTime, byteNum); //we don't have to call the frozen variant because the root node is never frozen
1242	ASSERT(newNodes.child == &storage->rootNode);// unfrozen variant should always give us our node back.  We may have another node to insert in newNodes.sibling
1243        if (newNodes.sibling != NULL) {
1244	    CFStorageNode *newNode = newNodes.sibling;
1245	    /* Need to create a new root node.  Copy our existing root node's contents to a new heap node. */
1246	    CFStorageNode *heapRoot = __CFStorageCreateNode(allocator, storage, storage->rootNode.isLeaf, storage->rootNode.numBytes);	// Will copy the (static) rootNode over to this
1247	    objc_memmove_collectable(&heapRoot->info, &storage->rootNode.info, sizeof heapRoot->info);
1249	    /* Our root is about to become a branch.  If our root node is currently a leaf, we need to clear the cache, because if the cache points at the root then the cache is about to start pointing at a branch node (which is not allowed) */
1250	    if (storage->rootNode.isLeaf) {
1251		__CFStorageSetCache(storage, NULL, 0);
1252		storage->rootNode.isLeaf = false;
1253	    }
1255	    /* Set the new children in our root.  Note that it's important that we overwrite the root node's info, because we wanted to transfer the refcounts of our children (or our allocated memory, if we are a leaf) to the new heap root */
1256	    __CFStorageSetChild(&storage->rootNode, 0, heapRoot);
1257	    __CFStorageSetChild(&storage->rootNode, 1, newNode);
1258            storage->rootNode.info.notLeaf.child[2] = NULL;
1259            storage->rootNode.numBytes = heapRoot->numBytes + newNode->numBytes;
1260	}
1261        numBytesToInsert -= insertThisTime;
1262        byteNum += insertThisTime;
1263	ASSERT(storage->rootNode.numBytes + numBytesToInsert == expectedByteCount);
1264    }
1265    ASSERT(expectedByteCount == storage->rootNode.numBytes);
1269/* Deletes the values in the specified range
1270 This function gets rid of levels if necessary...
1271 */
1272void CFStorageDeleteValues(CFStorageRef storage, CFRange range) {
1274    CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(storage);
1275    CFRange byteRange = __CFStorageConvertValuesToByteRange(storage, range.location, range.length);
1276    const CFIndex expectedByteCount = storage->rootNode.numBytes - byteRange.length;
1278    /* We don't try to mantain the cache across deletion */
1279    __CFStorageSetCache(storage, NULL, 0);
1281    /* The root node can never be frozen, so it's always OK to modify it */
1282    ASSERT(! storage->rootNode.isFrozen);
1283    CFStorageNode *newRoot = __CFStorageDeleteUnfrozen(allocator, storage, &storage->rootNode, byteRange, true/*compact*/, true/*isRootNode*/);
1285    /* There are three return values we can get:
1286     NULL -> everything was deleted
1287     the root node -> something was deleted, but no nodes became empty, so we don't have to replace any children
1288     a different node -> represents the new root
1289     */
1290    if (newRoot == NULL) {
1291	__CFStorageClearRootNode(storage);
1292    }
1293    else if (newRoot == &storage->rootNode) {
1294	/* No need to replace any children, nothing to do for this case */
1295    }
1296    else {
1297	/* Got a legitimately new root back.  If it is unfrozen, we can just acquire its guts.  If it is frozen, we have more work to do.  Note that we do not have to worry about releasing any existing children of the root, beacuse __CFStorageDeleteUnfrozen already did that.  Also note that if we got a legitimately new root back, we must be a branch node, because if we were a leaf node, we would have been unfrozen and gotten ourself back. */
1298	storage->rootNode.numBytes = newRoot->numBytes;
1299	storage->rootNode.isLeaf = newRoot->isLeaf;
1300	bzero(&storage->rootNode.info, sizeof storage->rootNode.info); //be a little paranoid here
1301	if (newRoot->isLeaf) {
1302	    if (! newRoot->isFrozen) {
1303		/* If the leaf is not frozen, we can just steal its memory (if any)!  If it is frozen, we must copy it. */
1304		__CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)&storage->rootNode.info.leaf.memory, newRoot->info.leaf.memory);
1305		/* Clear out the old node, because we stole its memory and we don't want it to deallocate it when teh node is destroyed below. */
1306		bzero(&newRoot->info, sizeof newRoot->info);
1307	    }
1308	    else {
1309		/* The leaf is frozen, so we have to copy its memory.   */
1310		if (newRoot->info.leaf.memory) {
1311		    __CFStorageAllocLeafNodeMemory(allocator, storage, &storage->rootNode, storage->rootNode.numBytes, false);
1312		    COPYMEM(newRoot->info.leaf.memory, storage->rootNode.info.leaf.memory, newRoot->numBytes);
1313		}
1314	    }
1315	} else {
1316	    /* New root is a branch. */
1317	    ASSERT(newRoot->info.notLeaf.child[0] && newRoot->info.notLeaf.child[1]); //never expect to get back a node with only one child
1318	    __CFStorageSetChild(&storage->rootNode, 0, __CFStorageRetainNode(newRoot->info.notLeaf.child[0]));
1319	    __CFStorageSetChild(&storage->rootNode, 1, __CFStorageRetainNode(newRoot->info.notLeaf.child[1]));
1320	    if (newRoot->info.notLeaf.child[2]) __CFStorageSetChild(&storage->rootNode, 2, __CFStorageRetainNode(newRoot->info.notLeaf.child[2]));
1321	}
1322    }
1323    __CFStorageReleaseNodeWithNullCheck(storage, newRoot); //balance the retain from __CFStorageDeleteUnfrozen
1324    ASSERT(expectedByteCount == storage->rootNode.numBytes);
1328void CFStorageGetValues(CFStorageRef storage, CFRange range, void *values) {
1330    while (range.length > 0) {
1331        CFRange leafRange;
1332        void *storagePtr = __CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(storage, range.location, &leafRange, false/*requireUnfreezing*/);
1333        CFIndex cntThisTime = __CFMin(range.length, leafRange.length - (range.location - leafRange.location));
1334	CFIndex byteCntThisTime = __CFStorageConvertValueToByte(storage, cntThisTime);
1335        COPYMEM(storagePtr, values, byteCntThisTime);
1336        values = (uint8_t *)values + byteCntThisTime;
1337        range.location += cntThisTime;
1338        range.length -= cntThisTime;
1339    }
1342unsigned long _CFStorageFastEnumeration(CFStorageRef storage, struct __objcFastEnumerationStateEquivalent *state, void *stackbuffer, unsigned long count) {
1343    // without trying to understand the data structure, each time through search for block containing index
1344    CFRange leafRange;
1345    if (state->state == 0) { /* first time, get length */
1346        state->extra[0] = __CFStorageGetCount(storage);
1347    }
1348    if (state->state >= state->extra[0]) return 0;
1349    state->itemsPtr = (unsigned long *)CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(storage, state->state, &leafRange);
1350    state->state += leafRange.length;
1351    return leafRange.length;
1354void CFStorageApplyFunction(CFStorageRef storage, CFRange range, CFStorageApplierFunction applier, void *context) {
1356    CFIndex valueSize = storage->valueSize;
1357    CFStorageApplyBlock(storage, range, 0, ^(const void *storagePtr, CFRange subrange, bool *stop){
1358	while (subrange.length--) {
1359	    applier(storagePtr, context);
1360	    storagePtr = valueSize + (const char *)storagePtr;
1361	}
1362    });
1365void CFStorageApplyBlock(CFStorageRef storage, CFRange range, CFStorageEnumerationOptionFlags options, CFStorageApplierBlock applier) {
1366    if (! range.length) return;
1367    CFRange byteRange = __CFStorageConvertValuesToByteRange(storage, range.location, range.length);
1368    /* As we descend the tree, if we find we need to go down two or more children, and the concurrency token is not zero, then we decrement the concurrency token and do it concurrently.  Since we have 3 children, a concurrency token of 3 yields up to 3**3 == 27 threads, which is a lot!  Concurrency benefits start to kick in around one million elements */
1369    CFIndex concurrencyToken = 0;
1370    if ((options & kCFStorageEnumerationConcurrent) && (range.length >= 1024 * 1024)) {
1371	concurrencyToken = 3;
1372    }
1373    __CFStorageEnumerateNodesInByteRangeWithBlock(storage, &storage->rootNode, 0/*globalOffsetOfNode*/, byteRange, concurrencyToken, applier);
1376void CFStorageReplaceValues(CFStorageRef storage, CFRange range, const void *values) {
1378    while (range.length > 0) {
1379        CFRange leafRange;
1380        void *storagePtr = __CFStorageGetValueAtIndex(storage, range.location, &leafRange, true/*requireUnfreezing*/);
1381	ASSERT(range.location >= leafRange.location);
1382	ASSERT(range.location < leafRange.location + leafRange.length);
1383        CFIndex cntThisTime = __CFMin(range.length, leafRange.length - (range.location - leafRange.location));
1384	CFIndex byteCntThisTime = __CFStorageConvertValueToByte(storage, cntThisTime);
1385        COPYMEM(values, storagePtr, byteCntThisTime);
1386	values = (const uint8_t *)values + byteCntThisTime;
1387        range.location += cntThisTime;
1388        range.length -= cntThisTime;
1389    }
1392static void __CFStorageApplyNodeBlockInterior(CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node, void (^block)(CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node)) {
1393    block(storage, node);
1394    if (! node->isLeaf) {
1395	CFStorageNode *childNode;
1396	if ((childNode = node->info.notLeaf.child[0])) __CFStorageApplyNodeBlockInterior(storage, childNode, block);
1397	if ((childNode = node->info.notLeaf.child[1])) __CFStorageApplyNodeBlockInterior(storage, childNode, block);
1398	if ((childNode = node->info.notLeaf.child[2])) __CFStorageApplyNodeBlockInterior(storage, childNode, block);
1399    }
1402static void __CFStorageApplyNodeBlock(CFStorageRef storage, void (^block)(CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node)) {
1403    __CFStorageApplyNodeBlockInterior(storage, &storage->rootNode, block);
1406static CFIndex __CFStorageEstimateTotalAllocatedSize(CFStorageRef storage) __attribute__((unused));
1407static CFIndex __CFStorageEstimateTotalAllocatedSize(CFStorageRef storage) {
1408    __block CFIndex nodeResult = 0;
1409    __block CFIndex contentsResult = 0;
1410    __CFStorageApplyNodeBlock(storage, ^(CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node) {
1411	if (node != &storage->rootNode) {
1412	    nodeResult += malloc_size(node);
1413	    if (node->isLeaf && node->info.leaf.memory != NULL) {
1414		contentsResult += malloc_size(node->info.leaf.memory);
1415	    }
1416	}
1417    });
1418    return nodeResult + contentsResult;
1421void __CFStorageSetAlwaysFrozen(CFStorageRef storage, bool alwaysFrozen) {
1422    storage->alwaysFrozen = alwaysFrozen;
1425static CFIndex __CFStorageCheckNodeCachedLengthIntegrity(ConstCFStorageRef storage, const CFStorageNode *node) {
1426    if (node->isLeaf) {
1427	ASSERT(node->numBytes > 0 || node == &storage->rootNode);
1428	return node->numBytes;
1429    } else {
1430	/* Branch */
1431	CFStorageNode *childNode;
1432	CFIndex expectedResult = __CFStorageCheckNodeCachedLengthIntegrity(storage, node->info.notLeaf.child[0]);
1433	if ((childNode = node->info.notLeaf.child[1])) {
1434	    expectedResult += __CFStorageCheckNodeCachedLengthIntegrity(storage, childNode);
1435	    if ((childNode = node->info.notLeaf.child[2])) {
1436		expectedResult += __CFStorageCheckNodeCachedLengthIntegrity(storage, childNode);
1437	    }
1438	}
1439	ASSERT(expectedResult == node->numBytes);
1440	return expectedResult;
1441    }
1444static void __CFStorageCheckNodeIntegrity(ConstCFStorageRef storage, const CFStorageNode *node) {
1445    ASSERT(node->isFrozen == 0 || node->isFrozen == 1);
1447    __CFStorageCheckNodeCachedLengthIntegrity(storage, node);
1448    /* If we are a branch, make sure that we have at least one child, and that there is not a non-NULL child after a NULL child */
1449    if (! node->isLeaf) {
1450	ASSERT(node->info.notLeaf.child[0] != NULL);
1451	if (node->info.notLeaf.child[1] == NULL) ASSERT(node->info.notLeaf.child[2] == NULL);
1452    }
1455static void __CFStorageCheckIntegrity(CFStorageRef storage) {
1456    __CFStorageApplyNodeBlock(storage, ^(CFStorageRef storage, CFStorageNode *node) {
1457	__CFStorageCheckNodeIntegrity(storage, node);
1458    });
1461/* Used by CFArray.c */
1463static void __CFStorageNodeSetUnscanned(CFStorageNode *node, auto_zone_t *zone) {
1464    if (node->isLeaf) {
1465        auto_zone_set_unscanned(zone, node->info.leaf.memory);
1466    } else {
1467        CFStorageNode **children = node->info.notLeaf.child;
1468        if (children[0]) __CFStorageNodeSetUnscanned(children[0], zone);
1469        if (children[1]) __CFStorageNodeSetUnscanned(children[1], zone);
1470        if (children[2]) __CFStorageNodeSetUnscanned(children[2], zone);
1471    }
1474CF_PRIVATE void _CFStorageSetWeak(CFStorageRef storage) {
1475    storage->nodeHint = 0;
1476    __CFStorageNodeSetUnscanned(&storage->rootNode, (auto_zone_t *)objc_collectableZone());
1479#undef COPYMEM
1480#undef PAGE_LIMIT