1<!-- $Id: build.xml,v 12.4 2008/02/08 22:10:16 mark Exp $ -->
2<project name="clover" default="build" basedir=".">
4  <property name="db" location="../../.."/>
5  <property name="src" location="${db}/java/src"/>
6  <property name="test.src" location="${db}/test/scr024/src"/>
7  <property name="examples.src" location="${db}/examples_java/src"/>
8  <property name="testserialdir" value="testserial"/>
9  <property name="clover.initstring" location="reports/clover.db"/>
10  <property name="clover.excludes" value="**/test/** collections/** db/** com/sleepycat/db/**"/>
11  <!--
12  <property name="build.compiler"
13            value="org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.CloverCompilerAdapter"/>
14  -->
16  <target name="all" depends="clean,test,report"/>
18  <target name="clean">
19    <delete dir="classes"/>
20    <delete dir="tmp"/>
21    <delete dir="reports"/>
22  </target>
24  <target name="init">
25    <mkdir dir="classes"/>
26    <mkdir dir="tmp"/>
27    <mkdir dir="reports"/>
28  </target>
30  <path id="clover.classpath">
31    <pathelement location="clover.jar"/>
32    <pathelement location="velocity.jar"/>
33  </path>
35  <path id="classpath">
36    <pathelement location="classes"/>
37    <path refid="clover.classpath"/>
38  </path>
40  <target name="build" depends="init">
41    <javac destdir="classes" debug="on" source="1.5" target="1.5">
42      <src path="${src}"/>
43      <src path="${test.src}"/>
44      <src path="${examples.src}"/>
45      <exclude name="com/sleepycat/**/release/**"/>
46      <exclude name="com/sleepycat/xa/**"/>
47    </javac>
48    <!-- Compile original version of TestSerial.java.original. -->
49    <property name="testserialpath"
50              value="com/sleepycat/collections/test/serial/TestSerial"/>
51    <copy file="${test.src}/${testserialpath}.java.original"
52          tofile="${testserialdir}/${testserialpath}.java"/>
53    <javac destdir="${testserialdir}" debug="on" source="1.5" target="1.5"
54           includeAntRuntime="true" srcdir="${testserialdir}">
55      <include name="${testserialpath}.java"/>
56    </javac>
57    <!-- Compile original version of EvolveClasses. -->
58    <copy file=
59      "${test.src}/com/sleepycat/persist/test/EvolveClasses.java.original"
60          tofile=
61      "testevolvedir/com/sleepycat/persist/test/EvolveClasses.java"/>
62    <copy file=
63      "${test.src}/com/sleepycat/persist/test/EvolveCase.java"
64          tofile=
65      "testevolvedir/com/sleepycat/persist/test/EvolveCase.java"/>
66    <copy file=
67      "${test.src}/com/sleepycat/persist/test/PersistTestUtils.java"
68          tofile=
69      "testevolvedir/com/sleepycat/persist/test/PersistTestUtils.java"/>
70    <javac debug="on" source="1.5" target="1.5" classpath="classes">
71      <src path="testevolvedir"/>
72    </javac>
73  </target>
75  <target name="test" depends="build">
77    <!-- Determine which tests to run. -->
78    <condition property="dotestserial">
79      <or>
80        <not><isset property="testcase"/></not>
81        <equals arg1="${testcase}" arg2=
82         "com.sleepycat.collections.test.serial.StoredClassCatalogTest"/>
83      </or>
84    </condition>
85    <condition property="dotestevolve">
86      <or>
87        <not><isset property="testcase"/></not>
88        <equals arg1="${testcase}"
89                arg2="com.sleepycat.persist.test.EvolveTest"/>
90      </or>
91    </condition>
93    <!-- Performs initialization needed before StoredClassCatalogTest. -->
94    <junit fork="yes" dir="." printsummary="on" haltonfailure="on"
95           showoutput="on">
96      <jvmarg value="-ea"/>
97      <classpath path="${testserialdir}"/> <!-- Must be first -->
98      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
99      <sysproperty key="testdestdir" value="/tmp"/>
100      <sysproperty key="longtest" value="${longtest}"/>
101      <formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
102      <formatter type="xml"/>
103      <test name=
104            "com.sleepycat.collections.test.serial.StoredClassCatalogTestInit"
105            todir="reports" if="dotestserial"/>
106    </junit>
108    <!-- Performs initialization needed before persist EvolveTest. -->
109    <junit fork="yes" dir="." printsummary="on" haltonfailure="on"
110           showoutput="on">
111      <jvmarg value="-ea"/>
112      <classpath path="testevolvedir"/>
113      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
114      <sysproperty key="testdestdir" value="/tmp"/>
115      <sysproperty key="longtest" value="${longtest}"/>
116      <formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
117      <formatter type="xml"/>
118      <test name="com.sleepycat.persist.test.EvolveTestInit"
119            todir="reports" if="dotestevolve"/>
120    </junit>
122    <!-- Performs testcase if set, or batch tests. -->
123    <junit fork="yes" dir="." printsummary="on" haltonfailure="on"
124           showoutput="on">
125      <jvmarg value="-ea"/>
126      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
127      <sysproperty key="testdestdir" value="/tmp"/>
128      <sysproperty key="longtest" value="${longtest}"/>
129      <formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
130      <formatter type="xml"/>
131      <test name="${testcase}" todir="reports" if="testcase"/>
132      <batchtest todir="reports" unless="testcase">
133        <fileset dir="classes" includes="**/*Test.class"/>
134      </batchtest>
135    </junit>
136  </target>
138  <target name="testevolve" depends="build">
139  </target>
141  <target name="examples" depends="build">
142    <echo message="=== HelloDatabaseWorld ==="/>
143    <java dir="." fork="yes" classpathref="classpath"
144         classname="collections.hello.HelloDatabaseWorld"/>
145    <echo message=""/>
146    <antcall target="one_shipment_example">
147      <param name="param_name" value="basic"/>
148    </antcall>
149    <antcall target="one_shipment_example">
150      <param name="param_name" value="index"/>
151    </antcall>
152    <antcall target="one_shipment_example">
153      <param name="param_name" value="entity"/>
154    </antcall>
155    <antcall target="one_shipment_example">
156      <param name="param_name" value="tuple"/>
157    </antcall>
158    <antcall target="one_shipment_example">
159      <param name="param_name" value="sentity"/>
160    </antcall>
161    <antcall target="one_shipment_example">
162      <param name="param_name" value="marshal"/>
163    </antcall>
164    <antcall target="one_shipment_example">
165      <param name="param_name" value="factory"/>
166    </antcall>
167    <antcall target="one_persist_example">
168      <param name="param_name" value="CustomKeyOrderExample"/>
169    </antcall>
170    <antcall target="one_persist_example">
171      <param name="param_name" value="EventExample"/>
172    </antcall>
173    <antcall target="one_persist_example">
174      <param name="param_name" value="EventExampleDPL"/>
175    </antcall>
176    <antcall target="one_persist_example">
177      <param name="param_name" value="PersonExample"/>
178    </antcall>
179    <antcall target="DplDump">
180      <param name="home" value="tmp"/>
181      <param name="store" value="PersonStore"/>
182    </antcall>
183  </target>
185  <target name="one_shipment_example">
186    <echo message="=== ${param_name} ==="/>
187    <delete dir="tmp"/>
188    <mkdir dir="tmp"/>
189    <java dir="." fork="yes" classpathref="classpath"
190     classname="collections.ship.${param_name}.Sample"/>
191  </target>
193  <target name="one_persist_example">
194    <echo message="=== ${param_name} ==="/>
195    <delete dir="tmp"/>
196    <mkdir dir="tmp"/>
197    <java fork="yes" dir="." classname="persist.${param_name}">
198      <jvmarg value="-ea"/>
199      <arg line="-h tmp"/>
200      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
201    </java>
202  </target>
204  <target name="DplDump">
205    <echo message="=== DplDump ${home} ${store} ==="/>
206    <java fork="yes" dir="." classname="persist.DplDump">
207      <jvmarg value="-ea"/>
208      <arg line="-h ${home} -s ${store}"/>
209      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
210    </java>
211  </target>
213    <!-- Using fork="yes" does not work for AccessExample, apparently because
214         it is interactive and the input stream of the forked process isn't
215         functional; therefore this sample writes to the base directory.
216    -->
217  <target name="access_example" depends="build">
218    <echo message="=== AccessExample ==="/>
219    <java classpathref="classpath"
220          classname="collections.access.AccessExample">
221    </java>
222  </target>
224  <target name="report">
225    <java classname="com.cortexeb.tools.clover.reporters.html.HtmlReporter"
226          fork="true">
227       <arg line="--outputdir reports --showSrc --initstring ${clover.initstring} --title 'Berkeley DB Java BDB API'"/>
228       <classpath refid="clover.classpath"/>
229    </java>
230  </target>