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. .Dd August 22, 2007 .Dt POSIX_SPAWNATTR_SETFLAGS 3 .Os "Mac OS X" .Sh NAME .Nm posix_spawnattr_setflags .Nm posix_spawnattr_getflags .Nd get or set flags on a .Em posix_spawnattr_t .Sh SYNOPSIS .Fd #include <spawn.h> .Ft int .Fo posix_spawnattr_setflags .Fa "posix_spawnattr_t *attr" .Fa "short flags" .Fc .Ft int .Fo posix_spawnattr_getflags .Fa "const posix_spawnattr_t *restrict attr" .Fa "short *restrict flags" .Fc .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Fn posix_spawnattr_setflags function sets the .Fa flags on the attributes object referenced by .Fa attr .

p The .Fn posix_spawnattr_getflags function retrieves the .Fa flags on the attributes object referenced by .Fa attr .

p The argument .Fa flags is either 0 or a logical OR of one or more of the following flags: l -tag -width POSIX_SPAWN_START_SUSPENDED t Dv POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS If the set group bit is set on the process image being spawned, this bit has no effect; otherwise, if not set, the child process will inherit the effective group ID of the parent process, and if set, the child process will inherit the real group ID of the parent process. t Dv POSIX_SPAWN_SETPGROUP If this bit is not set, then the child process inherits the parent process group; if set, then the child process shall behave as if the .Xr setpgid 2 function had been called with a .Fa pid parameter of 0 and a .Fa pgid parameter equal to the value of the spawn-pgroup value of the .Em posix_spawnattr_t , as set by .Xr posix_spawnattr_setpgroup 3 t Dv POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGDEF Signals set to to either be caught or to the default action in the parent process will also be set to the default action in the child process. Signals set to be ignored in the parent process will be ignored in the child. However, if this bit is set, then signals in the .Em spawn-sigdefault value of the .Em posix_spawnattr_t , as set by .Xr posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault 3 which are caught or ignored in the parent will instead be reset to their default actions in the child. t Dv POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGMASK If this bit is set, then the initial signal mask of the child process will be set to the .Em spawn-sigmask value of the .Em posix_spawnattr_t , as set by .Xr posix_spawnattr_setsigmask 3 . t Dv POSIX_SPAWN_SETEXEC .Em Apple Extension : If this bit is set, rather than returning to the caller, .Xr posix_spawn 2 and .Xr posix_spawnp 2 will behave as a more featureful .Xr execve 2 . t Dv POSIX_SPAWN_START_SUSPENDED .Em Apple Extension : If this bit is set, then the child process will be created with its task suspended, permitting debuggers, profilers, and other programs to manipulate the process before it begins execution in user space. This permits, for example, obtaining exact instruction counts, or debugging very early in .Xr dyld 1 . .El .Sh RETURN VALUES On success, these functions return 0; on failure they return an error number from n errno.h . The .Fn posix_spawnattr_getflags additionally, upon successful completion, modifies the value pointed to be the .Fa attr argument by making it equal to the .Em spawn-flags attribute of the .Em posix_spawnattr_t . .Sh ERRORS These functions may fail if: l -tag -width Er ==========
t Bq Er EINVAL The value specified by .Fa attr is invalid. ==========
t Bq Er EINVAL The value of .Fa attr is invalid. .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr posix_spawn 2 , .Xr posix_spawnp 2 , .Xr posix_spawnattr_init 3 , .Xr posix_spawnattr_destroy 3 , .Xr posix_spawnattr_setpgroup 3 , .Xr posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault 3 , .Xr posix_spawnattr_setsigmask 3 , .Xr setpgid 2 , .Xr execve 2 , .Xr dyld 1 .Sh STANDARDS .St -susv3 [SPN] .Sh HISTORY The .Fn posix_spawnattr_setflags and .Fn posix_spawnattr_getflags function calls appeared in .St -susv3 [SPN] .