1typeset [ {+|-}AEFHUafghklprtuxmz ] [ -LRZi [ n ]] [ name[=value] ... ]
2typeset -T [ {+|-}Urux ] [ -LRZ [ n ]] SCALAR[=value] array [ sep ]
3       Set or display attributes and values for shell parameters.
5       A parameter is created for each name that does not already refer
6       to one.  When inside a function, a new parameter is created  for
7       every  name  (even those that already exist), and is unset again
8       when the function completes.  See  `Local  Parameters'  in  zsh-
9       param(1).   The  same  rules  apply to special shell parameters,
10       which retain their special attributes when made local.
12       For each name=value assignment, the parameter  name  is  set  to
13       value.  Note that arrays currently cannot be assigned in typeset
14       expressions, only  scalars  and  integers.   Unless  the  option
15       KSH TYPESET  is  set, normal expansion rules apply to assignment
16          -
17       arguments, so value may be split into  separate  words;  if  the
18       option  is  set, assignments which can be recognised when expan-
19       sion is performed are treated as single words.  For example  the
20       command  typeset  vbl=$(echo  one  two) is treated as having one
21       argument if KSH TYPESET is set, but otherwise is treated as hav-
22                      -
23       ing the two arguments vbl=one and two.
25       If  the shell option TYPESET SILENT is not set, for each remain-
26                                   -
27       ing name that refers to a parameter that is set,  the  name  and
28       value of the parameter are printed in the form of an assignment.
29       Nothing is printed for newly-created  parameters,  or  when  any
30       attribute  flags  listed  below  are  given along with the name.
31       Using `+' instead of minus to introduce an  attribute  turns  it
32       off.
34       If  the -p option is given, parameters and values are printed in
35       the form of a typeset command and an assignment (which  will  be
36       printed  separately  for arrays and associative arrays), regard-
37       less of other flags and options.   Note  that  the  -h  flag  on
38       parameters is respected; no value will be shown for these param-
39       eters.
41       If the -T option is  given,  two  or  three  arguments  must  be
42       present (an exception is that zero arguments are allowed to show
43       the list of parameters created in this fashion).  The first  two
44       are  the name of a scalar and an array parameter (in that order)
45       that will be tied together in the manner  of  $PATH  and  $path.
46       The  optional  third  argument  is  a single-character separator
47       which will be used to join the elements of the array to form the
48       scalar;  if  absent,  a  colon is used, as with $PATH.  Only the
49       first character of the separator is significant;  any  remaining
50       characters  are  ignored.   Only  the  scalar  parameter  may be
51       assigned an initial value.  Both the scalar and  the  array  may
52       otherwise  be manipulated as normal.  If one is unset, the other
53       will automatically be unset too.  There is no way of untying the
54       variables  without unsetting them, or converting the type of one
55       of them with another typeset command; +T does not work,  assign-
56       ing  an  array  to SCALAR is an error, and assigning a scalar to
57       array sets it to be a  single-element  array.   Note  that  both
58       `typeset  -xT ...' and `export -T ...' work, but only the scalar
59       will be marked for export.  Setting the value using  the  scalar
60       version  causes  a  split  on  all  separators  (which cannot be
61       quoted).  It is possible to use the same two tied variables with
62       a  different  separator  character  in  which case the variables
63       remain joined as before but the separator is changed.  This flag
64       has a different meaning when used with -f; see below.
66       The  -g  (global)  flag  is treated specially: it means that any
67       resulting parameter will not be restricted to local scope.  Note
68       that  this  does not necessarily mean that the parameter will be
69       global, as the flag will apply to any existing  parameter  (even
70       if unset) from an enclosing function.  This flag does not affect
71       the parameter after creation, hence it has no effect when  list-
72       ing  existing  parameters,  nor does the flag +g have any effect
73       except in combination with -m (see below).
75       If no name is present, the names and values  of  all  parameters
76       are printed.  In this case the attribute flags restrict the dis-
77       play  to  only  those  parameters  that   have   the   specified
78       attributes,  and using `+' rather than `-' to introduce the flag
79       suppresses printing of the values of parameters when there is no
80       parameter  name.  Also, if the last option is the word `+', then
81       names are printed but values are not.
83       If the -m flag is given the name arguments are taken as patterns
84       (which  should be quoted).  With no attribute flags, all parame-
85       ters (or functions with the -f flag)  with  matching  names  are
86       printed  (the  shell  option  TYPESET SILENT is not used in this
87                                            -
88       case).  Note that -m is ignored if no patterns  are  given.   If
89       the  +g  flag is combined with -m, a new local parameter is cre-
90       ated for every matching parameter that  is  not  already  local.
91       Otherwise  -m  applies  all  other  flags  or assignments to the
92       existing parameters.  Except  when  assignments  are  made  with
93       name=value,  using  +m  forces  the  matching  parameters  to be
94       printed, even inside a function.
96       If no attribute flags are given and either no -m flag is present
97       or the +m form was used, each parameter name printed is preceded
98       by a list of the attributes of that parameter  (array,  associa-
99       tion,   exported,  integer,  readonly).   If  +m  is  used  with
100       attribute flags, and all those flags are introduced with +,  the
101       matching parameter names are printed but their values are not.
103       Attribute  flags that transform the final value (-L, -R, -Z, -l,
104       u) are only applied to the expanded value  at  the  point  of  a
105       parameter  expansion expression using `$'.  They are not applied
106       when a parameter is retrieved internally by the  shell  for  any
107       purpose.
109       The following attribute flags may be specified:
111       -A     The  names  refer  to  associative  array parameters; see
112              `Array Parameters' in zshparam(1).
114       -L     Left justify and remove leading blanks from value.  If  n
115              is  nonzero,  it defines the width of the field.  If n is
116              zero, the width is determined by the width of  the  value
117              of  the first assignment.  In the case of numeric parame-
118              ters, the length of the complete value  assigned  to  the
119              parameter  is  used to determine the width, not the value
120              that would be output.
122              The width is the count of characters, which may be multi-
123              byte  characters  if  the  MULTIBYTE option is in effect.
124              Note that the screen width of the character is not  taken
125              into  account;  if  this  is  required,  use padding with
126              parameter expansion flags ${(ml...)...} as  described  in
127              `Parameter Expansion Flags' in zshexpn(1).
129              When the parameter is expanded, it is filled on the right
130              with blanks or truncated if necessary to fit  the  field.
131              Note  truncation  can  lead  to  unexpected  results with
132              numeric parameters.  Leading zeros are removed if the  -Z
133              flag is also set.
135       -R     Similar  to  -L, except that right justification is used;
136              when the parameter is expanded, the field is left  filled
137              with  blanks  or truncated from the end.  May not be com-
138              bined with the -Z flag.
140       -U     For arrays (but not for associative  arrays),  keep  only
141              the  first occurrence of each duplicated value.  This may
142              also be set for colon-separated special  parameters  like
143              PATH  or FIGNORE, etc.  This flag has a different meaning
144              when used with -f; see below.
146       -Z     Specially handled if set along with the -L flag.   Other-
147              wise,  similar  to -R, except that leading zeros are used
148              for padding instead of  blanks  if  the  first  non-blank
149              character  is  a digit.  Numeric parameters are specially
150              handled:  they  are  always  eligible  for  padding  with
151              zeroes,  and  the  zeroes  are inserted at an appropriate
152              place in the output.
154       -a     The names refer to array parameters.  An array  parameter
155              may be created this way, but it may not be assigned to in
156              the typeset statement.  When displaying, both normal  and
157              associative arrays are shown.
159       -f     The  names refer to functions rather than parameters.  No
160              assignments can be made, and the only other  valid  flags
161              are -t, -T, -k, -u, -U and -z.  The flag -t turns on exe-
162              cution tracing for this function; the flag  -T  does  the
163              same,  but  turns off tracing on any function called from
164              the present one, unless that function also has the -t  or
165              -T  flag.   The  -u and -U flags cause the function to be
166              marked for autoloading; -U also causes alias expansion to
167              be  suppressed  when  the  function is loaded.  The fpath
168              parameter will be searched to find the  function  defini-
169              tion  when the function is first referenced; see the sec-
170              tion `Functions'. The -k and -z flags make  the  function
171              be   loaded  using  ksh-style  or  zsh-style  autoloading
172              respectively. If neither is given,  the  setting  of  the
173              KSH AUTOLOAD   option  determines  how  the  function  is
174                 -
175              loaded.
177       -h     Hide: only useful for special  parameters  (those  marked
178              `<S>' in the table in zshparam(1)), and for local parame-
179              ters with the same name as a  special  parameter,  though
180              harmless  for  others.   A  special  parameter  with this
181              attribute will not retain its special  effect  when  made
182              local.  Thus after `typeset -h PATH', a function contain-
183              ing `typeset PATH' will create an ordinary local  parame-
184              ter  without the usual behaviour of PATH.  Alternatively,
185              the local parameter may itself be given  this  attribute;
186              hence  inside  a  function  `typeset  -h PATH' creates an
187              ordinary local parameter and the special  PATH  parameter
188              is not altered in any way.  It is also possible to create
189              a local parameter using `typeset +h special',  where  the
190              local  copy of special will retain its special properties
191              regardless of having the -h  attribute.   Global  special
192              parameters  loaded from shell modules (currently those in
193              zsh/mapfile and zsh/parameter)  are  automatically  given
194              the -h attribute to avoid name clashes.
196       -H     Hide  value:  specifies that typeset will not display the
197              value of the parameter when listing parameters; the  dis-
198              play for such parameters is always as if the `+' flag had
199              been given.  Use of the parameter is  in  other  respects
200              normal, and the option does not apply if the parameter is
201              specified by name, or by  pattern  with  the  -m  option.
202              This   is  on  by  default  for  the  parameters  in  the
203              zsh/parameter and zsh/mapfile  modules.   Note,  however,
204              that  unlike the -h flag this is also useful for non-spe-
205              cial parameters.
207       -i     Use an internal integer representation.  If n is  nonzero
208              it  defines  the  output arithmetic base, otherwise it is
209              determined by the first assignment.  Bases from 2  to  36
210              inclusive are allowed.
212       -E     Use an internal double-precision floating point represen-
213              tation.  On output the variable will be converted to sci-
214              entific  notation.  If n is nonzero it defines the number
215              of significant figures to display; the default is ten.
217       -F     Use an internal double-precision floating point represen-
218              tation.   On  output  the  variable  will be converted to
219              fixed-point decimal notation.  If n is nonzero it defines
220              the  number of digits to display after the decimal point;
221              the default is ten.
223       -l     Convert the result to lower case whenever  the  parameter
224              is expanded.  The value is not converted when assigned.
226       -r     The  given  names are marked readonly.  Note that if name
227              is a special parameter, the  readonly  attribute  can  be
228              turned on, but cannot then be turned off.
230       -t     Tags  the named parameters.  Tags have no special meaning
231              to the shell.  This flag has  a  different  meaning  when
232              used with -f; see above.
234       -u     Convert  the  result to upper case whenever the parameter
235              is expanded.  The value is not converted  when  assigned.
236              This  flag has a different meaning when used with -f; see
237              above.
239       -x     Mark for automatic export to the  environment  of  subse-
240              quently  executed  commands.  If the option GLOBAL EXPORT
241                                                                -
242              is set, this implies the option -g,  unless  +g  is  also
243              explicitly  given;  in  other  words the parameter is not
244              made local to the enclosing function.  This is  for  com-
245              patibility with previous versions of zsh.
248       Same as typeset.
250float [ {+|-}EFHghlprtux ] [ -LRZ [ n ]] [ name[=value] ... ]
251       Equivalent  to  typeset  -E,  except  that options irrelevant to
252       floating point numbers are not permitted.
254integer [ {+|-}Hghilprtux ] [ -LRZ [ n ]] [ name[=value] ... ]
255       Equivalent  to  typeset  -i,  except  that options irrelevant to
256       integers are not permitted.
258local [ {+|-}AEFHUahlprtux ] [ -LRZi [ n ]] [ name[=value] ] ...
259       Same as typeset, except that the options -g, and -f are not per-
260       mitted.  In this case the -x option does not force  the  use  of
261       -g, i.e. exported variables will be local to functions.
264       Same as typeset -r.