1trap [ arg ] [ sig ... ]
2       arg is a series of commands (usually quoted to protect  it  from
3       immediate  evaluation by the shell) to be read and executed when
4       the shell receives any of the signals specified by one  or  more
5       sig  args.  Each sig can be given as a number, or as the name of
6       a signal either with or without the string SIG in front (e.g. 1,
7       HUP, and SIGHUP are all the same signal).
9       If  arg  is  `-',  then the specified signals are reset to their
10       defaults, or, if no sig args are present, all traps are reset.
12       If arg is an  empty  string,  then  the  specified  signals  are
13       ignored by the shell (and by the commands it invokes).
15       If  arg  is  omitted but one or more sig args are provided (i.e.
16       the first argument is a valid signal number or name), the effect
17       is the same as if arg had been specified as `-'.
19       The  trap  command  with  no arguments prints a list of commands
20       associated with each signal.
22       If sig is ZERR then arg will be executed after each command with
23       a nonzero exit status.  ERR is an alias for ZERR on systems that
24       have no SIGERR signal (this is the usual case).
26       If sig is DEBUG then arg will be executed before each command if
27       the  option  DEBUG BEFORE CMD is set (as it is by default), else
28                         -      -
29       after each command.  Here, a `command' is what is described as a
30       `sublist'  in the shell grammar, see the section SIMPLE COMMANDS
31       & PIPELINES in zshmisc(1).  If DEBUG BEFORE CMD is  set  various
32                                           -      -
33       additional  features  are  available.   First, it is possible to
34       skip the next command by setting the option  ERR EXIT;  see  the
35                                                       -
36       description  of the ERR EXIT option in zshoptions(1).  Also, the
37                              -
38       shell parameter ZSH DEBUG CMD is set to the string corresponding
39                          -     -
40       to  the  command  to  be executed following the trap.  Note that
41       this string is reconstructed from the internal  format  and  may
42       not be formatted the same way as the original text.  The parame-
43       ter is unset after the trap is executed.
45       If sig is 0 or EXIT and the trap statement  is  executed  inside
46       the  body  of a function, then the command arg is executed after
47       the function completes.  The value of $? at the start of  execu-
48       tion is the exit status of the shell or the return status of the
49       function exiting.  If sig is 0 or EXIT and the trap statement is
50       not executed inside the body of a function, then the command arg
51       is executed when the shell terminates; the trap runs before  any
52       zshexit hook functions.
54       ZERR, DEBUG, and EXIT traps are not executed inside other traps.
55       ZERR and DEBUG traps are  kept  within  subshells,  while  other
56       traps are reset.
58       Note  that traps defined with the trap builtin are slightly dif-
59       ferent from those defined as `TRAPNAL () { ... }', as the latter
60       have  their  own function environment (line numbers, local vari-
61       ables, etc.) while the former use the environment of the command
62       in which they were called.  For example,
64              trap 'print $LINENO' DEBUG
66       will  print  the  line number of a command executed after it has
67       run, while
69              TRAPDEBUG() { print $LINENO; }
71       will always print the number zero.
73       Alternative signal names are allowed  as  described  under  kill
74       above.   Defining a trap under either name causes any trap under
75       an alternative name to be removed.  However, it  is  recommended
76       that  for  consistency  users  stick  exclusively to one name or
77       another.