1setopt [ {+|-}options | {+|-}o option name ] [ name ... ]
2                                     -
3       Set the options for the shell.   All  options  specified  either
4       with flags or by name are set.
6       If no arguments are supplied, the names of all options currently
7       set are printed.  The form is chosen so as to minimize the  dif-
8       ferences from the default options for the current emulation (the
9       default emulation being native  zsh,  shown  as  <Z>  in  zshop-
10       tions(1)).  Options that are on by default for the emulation are
11       shown with the prefix no only  if  they  are  off,  while  other
12       options are shown without the prefix no and only if they are on.
13       In addition to options changed from the  default  state  by  the
14       user,  any  options  activated  automatically  by the shell (for
15       example, SHIN STDIN or INTERACTIVE) will be shown in  the  list.
16                    -
17       The  format  is further modified by the option KSH OPTION PRINT,
18                                                         -      -
19       however the rationale for choosing options with or  without  the
20       no prefix remains the same in this case.
22       If  the  -m  flag  is  given the arguments are taken as patterns
23       (which should be quoted to protect  them  from  filename  expan-
24       sion),  and  all  options with names matching these patterns are
25       set.
27       Note that a bad option name does not cause execution  of  subse-
28       quent  shell  code to be aborted; this is behaviour is different
29       from that of `set -o'.  This is because set  is  regarded  as  a
30       special builtin by the POSIX standard, but setopt is not.