1popd [ [-q] {+|-}n ]
2       Remove an entry from the directory stack, and perform  a  cd  to
3       the  new top directory.  With no argument, the current top entry
4       is removed.  An argument of the form  `+n'  identifies  a  stack
5       entry  by  counting  from the left of the list shown by the dirs
6       command, starting with zero.  An argument of the form -n  counts
7       from  the right.  If the PUSHD MINUS option is set, the meanings
8                                     -
9       of `+' and `-' in this context are swapped.
11       If the -q (quiet) option is specified, the hook  function  chpwd
12       and  the functions in the array $chpwd functions are not called,
13                                             -
14       and the new directory stack is not printed.  This is useful  for
15       calls  to  popd  that  do  not change the environment seen by an
16       interactive user.