1hash [ -Ldfmrv ] [ name[=value] ] ...
2       hash  can be used to directly modify the contents of the command
3       hash table, and the named directory hash  table.   Normally  one
4       would  modify these tables by modifying one's PATH (for the com-
5       mand hash table) or by  creating  appropriate  shell  parameters
6       (for  the named directory hash table).  The choice of hash table
7       to work on is determined by the -d option;  without  the  option
8       the  command  hash  table is used, and with the option the named
9       directory hash table is used.
11       Given no arguments, and  neither  the  -r  or  -f  options,  the
12       selected hash table will be listed in full.
14       The  -r option causes the selected hash table to be emptied.  It
15       will be subsequently rebuilt in  the  normal  fashion.   The  -f
16       option  causes the selected hash table to be fully rebuilt imme-
17       diately.  For the command hash table this hashes all  the  abso-
18       lute  directories  in the PATH, and for the named directory hash
19       table this adds all users' home directories.  These two  options
20       cannot be used with any arguments.
22       The  -m  option  causes  the  arguments  to be taken as patterns
23       (which should be quoted) and the  elements  of  the  hash  table
24       matching  those  patterns  are printed.  This is the only way to
25       display a limited selection of hash table elements.
27       For each name with a corresponding  value,  put  `name'  in  the
28       selected  hash  table, associating it with the pathname `value'.
29       In the command hash table, this means that  whenever  `name'  is
30       used  as  a  command argument, the shell will try to execute the
31       file given by `value'.  In the named directory hash table,  this
32       means that `value' may be referred to as `~name'.
34       For  each  name with no corresponding value, attempt to add name
35       to the hash table, checking what the appropriate value is in the
36       normal  manner  for  that  hash  table.  If an appropriate value
37       can't be found, then the hash table will be unchanged.
39       The -v option causes hash table entries to be listed as they are
40       added  by explicit specification.  If has no effect if used with
41       -f.
43       If the -L flag is present, then each hash table entry is printed
44       in the form of a call to hash.
46rehash Same as hash -r.