1fc [ -e ename ] [ -m match ] [ old=new ... ] [ first [ last ] ]
2fc -l [ -nrdfEiD ] [ -t timefmt ] [ -m match ]
3      [ old=new ... ] [ first [ last ] ]
4fc -p [ -a ] [ filename [ histsize [ savehistsize ] ] ]
5fc -P
6fc -ARWI [ filename ]
7       Select a range of commands from first to last from  the  history
8       list.  The arguments first and last may be specified as a number
9       or as a string.  A negative number is used as an offset  to  the
10       current  history  event  number.   A  string  specifies the most
11       recent event beginning with the given string.  All substitutions
12       old=new, if any, are then performed on the commands.
14       If  the  -l  flag is given, the resulting commands are listed on
15       standard output.  If the -m flag is also given the  first  argu-
16       ment  is taken as a pattern (should be quoted) and only the his-
17       tory events matching this pattern will be shown.  Otherwise  the
18       editor  program ename is invoked on a file containing these his-
19       tory events.  If ename is not given, the value of the  parameter
20       FCEDIT  is  used;  if that is not set the value of the parameter
21       EDITOR is used; if that is not set a  builtin  default,  usually
22       `vi'  is  used.   If  ename  is `-', no editor is invoked.  When
23       editing is complete, the edited command is executed.
25       If first is not specified, it will be set to -1 (the most recent
26       event), or to -16 if the -l flag is given.  If last is not spec-
27       ified, it will be set to first, or to  -1  if  the  -l  flag  is
28       given.
30       The  flag  -r reverses the order of the commands and the flag -n
31       suppresses command numbers when listing.
33       Also when listing,
34       -d     prints timestamps for each command
35       -f     prints full time-date stamps in the US  `MM/DD/YY  hh:mm'
36              format
37       -E     prints  full time-date stamps in the European `dd.mm.yyyy
38              hh:mm' format
39       -i     prints  full  time-date  stamps  in  ISO8601  `yyyy-mm-dd
40              hh:mm' format
41       -t fmt prints  time  and date stamps in the given format; fmt is
42              formatted with the strftime function with the zsh  exten-
43              sions  described  for the %D{string} prompt format in the
44              section EXPANSION OF PROMPT SEQUENCES in zshmisc(1).  The
45              resulting formatted string must be no more than 256 char-
46              acters or will not be printed.
47       -D     prints elapsed times; may be combined  with  one  of  the
48              options above.
50       `fc  -p'  pushes  the  current  history  list  onto  a stack and
51       switches to a new history list.  If the -a option is also speci-
52       fied,  this  history  list will be automatically popped when the
53       current function scope is exited, which is a much  better  solu-
54       tion than creating a trap function to call `fc -P' manually.  If
55       no arguments are specified, the  history  list  is  left  empty,
56       $HISTFILE  is  unset, and $HISTSIZE & $SAVEHIST are set to their
57       default values.  If one argument is given, $HISTFILE is  set  to
58       that filename, $HISTSIZE & $SAVEHIST are left unchanged, and the
59       history file is read in (if it exists)  to  initialize  the  new
60       list.   If a second argument is specified, $HISTSIZE & $SAVEHIST
61       are instead set to the single specified numeric value.  Finally,
62       if a third argument is specified, $SAVEHIST is set to a separate
63       value from $HISTSIZE.  You are free to change these  environment
64       values  for  the new history list however you desire in order to
65       manipulate the new history list.
67       `fc -P' pops the history list back to an older list saved by `fc
68       -p'.   The  current  list is saved to its $HISTFILE before it is
69       destroyed (assuming that $HISTFILE and $SAVEHIST are set  appro-
70       priately,  of  course).  The values of $HISTFILE, $HISTSIZE, and
71       $SAVEHIST are restored to the values they had when `fc  -p'  was
72       called.   Note  that  this  restoration can conflict with making
73       these variables "local", so your best bet is to avoid local dec-
74       larations  for  these  variables  in functions that use `fc -p'.
75       The one other guaranteed-safe  combination  is  declaring  these
76       variables  to be local at the top of your function and using the
77       automatic option (-a) with `fc -p'.  Finally, note  that  it  is
78       legal to manually pop a push marked for automatic popping if you
79       need to do so before the function exits.
81       `fc -R' reads the history from the given file,  `fc  -W'  writes
82       the  history out to the given file, and `fc -A' appends the his-
83       tory out to the given file.  If no filename  is  specified,  the
84       $HISTFILE  is  assumed.   If  the -I option is added to -R, only
85       those events that are not already contained within the  internal
86       history  list are added.  If the -I option is added to -A or -W,
87       only  those  events  that  are  new   since   last   incremental
88       append/write  to  the history file are appended/written.  In any
89       case, the created file will have no more than $SAVEHIST entries.
92       Same as fc -l.
94r      Same as fc -e -.