1enable [ -afmprs ] name ...
2       Enable the named hash table elements, presumably  disabled  ear-
3       lier  with  disable.  The default is to enable builtin commands.
4       The -a option causes enable to act on regular or global aliases.
5       The  -s  option  causes enable to act on suffix aliases.  The -f
6       option causes enable to act on shell functions.  The  -r  option
7       causes  enable  to act on reserved words.  Without arguments all
8       enabled hash table elements from the  corresponding  hash  table
9       are  printed.   With the -m flag the arguments are taken as pat-
10       terns (should be quoted) and all hash table  elements  from  the
11       corresponding  hash  table  matching these patterns are enabled.
12       Enabled objects can be disabled with the  disable  builtin  com-
13       mand.
15       enable  -p  reenables  patterns  disabled with disable -p.  Note
16       that it does not override globbing options; for example, `enable
17       -p  "~"'  does  not  cause  the pattern character ~ to be active
18       unless the EXTENDED GLOB option is also set.  To enable all pos-
19                          -
20       sible  patterns  (so  that  they may be invidually disabled with
21       disable -p), use `setopt EXTENDED GLOB KSH GLOB NO SH GLOB'.
22                                        -        -       -  -