1echo [ -neE ] [ arg ... ]
2       Write each arg on the standard output, with a  space  separating
3       each one.  If the -n flag is not present, print a newline at the
4       end.  echo recognizes the following escape sequences:
6       \a     bell character
7       \b     backspace
8       \c     suppress final newline
9       \e     escape
10       \f     form feed
11       \n     linefeed (newline)
12       \r     carriage return
13       \t     horizontal tab
14       \v     vertical tab
15       \\     backslash
16       \0NNN  character code in octal
17       \xNN   character code in hexadecimal
18       \uNNNN unicode character code in hexadecimal
19       \UNNNNNNNN
20              unicode character code in hexadecimal
22       The -E flag, or the BSD ECHO option,  can  be  used  to  disable
23                              -
24       these escape sequences.  In the latter case, -e flag can be used
25       to enable them.